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HELP - Best Gears for end game WL for PVM

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#1 redrum1987


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Posted 09 May 2022 - 02:25 PM

I am curious what are the end game gears for a WL nowadays for "PVM". I currently have a level 149 WL but I left the game 5 - 6 years ago hence my gears are out of date.


Not considering build (or would gladly hear some suggestions) but I am curious what I should buy for my WL. I have around 2b and I am currently using:


Head (upper): +9 Skull Cap

Head (mid): Black Frame Glasses of Telekinesis

Head (lower): Handkercheif in Mouth

Body: +9 Ghostring WOE Robe ( Lol I never had a good armor to begin with before for PVM)

Weapon: +12 Thorn Staff of Darkness (Spell 4 and Spell 5)

Shield: +9 Resistant Valkyrja's Shield

Garment: +9 Deviant Fallen Angel Angel

Boots: +7 Temporal Dex Boots (Lucky day and Spell5)

Accessories: Psychic Chambered RWC x2


Are my current gear near end game? If so, are my gears even worth anything anymore? 


I also have some PVP gears. Are these worth anything?


+12 Red Pom Band of Caster

Salvage Cape

+10 Glorious Destruction Staff


My build was focused on Soul Expansion.


Lastly, where should I be considering to level at level 149 WL?


Thanks in advance for any reply!


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#2 redrum1987


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Posted 09 May 2022 - 02:26 PM

Oh I guess I should also include that I am looking for maximum damage per second. So any gears that shorten both variable and fixed cast time and skill delays. Thanks!

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#3 mlmf


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Posted 09 May 2022 - 09:40 PM

Pazuzu Rings. Get 2 and with the right gears you can go over 5m damage with Lord of Vermillion
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#4 redrum1987


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Posted 10 May 2022 - 06:42 PM

Any suggestions other gears? Weapon? Armor? Headgear? Foots?


I assume for max LoV damage and also max variable and fixed cast reduction?

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#5 HolyxD


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Posted 10 May 2022 - 10:25 PM

Headgear= gate of the netherworld, celine ribbon

Middle= floating ball, sunglasses(if you use mob scarf)

Lower, mob scarf, fortunetelling sealed, survivor orb

Armor= celine dress, illusion armor type B (with the right enchants), flattery robe

Weapon= survivor rod

Shield= excelion shield

Garment= temporal int manteau, survivor manteau, fallen angel wings 

Feet= survivor shoes, illusion leg type B (with the right enchants), temporal int boots

Accessories= celine brooch type k, celine brooch, two pazuzu rings


You need to know that some gears can be very verrryyy expensive to the point of cost billions.

All depends on what you can affor, theres always a variety and cheaper gears.

Edited by HolyxD, 10 May 2022 - 10:27 PM.

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#6 mlmf


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Posted 10 May 2022 - 10:49 PM

Any suggestions other gears? Weapon? Armor? Headgear? Foots?

I assume for max LoV damage and also max variable and fixed cast reduction?

Yes, you can get 0 variable cast time and 5m damage with a few buffs and shadows. For FCT, not so sure.
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#7 redrum1987


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Posted 11 May 2022 - 06:40 AM

Thank you for the replies!


So it seems like Survivor rod / Survivor orb / Survivor shoe combo and Celine ribbon / Celine brooch type k, Celine brooch combo would be the most affordable.


Does it matter on which Survivor rod? Int or Dex?


The two Pazuzu rings (2-3b each?) options I assume is an expensive build for LoV? Maybe I will try my luck on the OCP since I read that the XXXI OCP have some profitable items in there along with Pazuzu ring of course.

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#8 redrum1987


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Posted 11 May 2022 - 06:47 AM

Just another curious questions/confirmation.


Is it safe to assume that there is no point for me to try and sell my old gears? Are these still in demand? If so, what are the value of these items? I am most curious about the +12 TSOD (S4 and S5) and the the +12 Red Rom Band of Caster (KK). I dont even see search results from the shopper board in town (Prontera).


Head (upper): +9 Skull Cap

Head (mid): Black Frame Glasses of Telekinesis

Head (lower): Handkercheif in Mouth

Body: +9 Ghostring WOE Robe ( Lol I never had a good armor to begin with before for PVM)

Weapon: +12 Thorn Staff of Darkness (Spell 4 and Spell 5)

Shield: +9 Resistant Valkyrja's Shield

Boots: +7 Temporal Dex Boots (Lucky day and Spell5)

+12 Red Pom Band of Caster

Salvage Cape


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#9 HolyxD


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Posted 11 May 2022 - 02:14 PM

Thank you for the replies!


So it seems like Survivor rod / Survivor orb / Survivor shoe combo and Celine ribbon / Celine brooch type k, Celine brooch combo would be the most affordable.


Does it matter on which Survivor rod? Int or Dex?


The two Pazuzu rings (2-3b each?) options I assume is an expensive build for LoV? Maybe I will try my luck on the OCP since I read that the XXXI OCP have some profitable items in there along with Pazuzu ring of course.

People use the most the survivor Dex rod. Maybe personal preference or maybe that rod is a easy drop idk but you can always find that rod upgraded to +15 and cheap, it is very nice.

Pazuzu rings are super expensive since the drop rate is very low but if you want to open some ocp I wish you luck. :go:  :no1:

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#10 HolyxD


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Posted 11 May 2022 - 02:20 PM

Just another curious questions/confirmation.


Is it safe to assume that there is no point for me to try and sell my old gears? Are these still in demand? If so, what are the value of these items? I am most curious about the +12 TSOD (S4 and S5) and the the +12 Red Rom Band of Caster (KK). I dont even see search results from the shopper board in town (Prontera).


Head (upper): +9 Skull Cap

Head (mid): Black Frame Glasses of Telekinesis

Head (lower): Handkercheif in Mouth

Body: +9 Ghostring WOE Robe ( Lol I never had a good armor to begin with before for PVM)

Weapon: +12 Thorn Staff of Darkness (Spell 4 and Spell 5)

Shield: +9 Resistant Valkyrja's Shield

Boots: +7 Temporal Dex Boots (Lucky day and Spell5)

+12 Red Pom Band of Caster

Salvage Cape

There's always market for those gears tho there's no demand.

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#11 redrum1987


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Posted 11 May 2022 - 04:51 PM

Headgear= gate of the netherworld, celine ribbon

Middle= floating ball, sunglasses(if you use mob scarf)

Lower, mob scarf, fortunetelling sealed, survivor orb

Armor= celine dress, illusion armor type B (with the right enchants), flattery robe

Weapon= survivor rod

Shield= excelion shield

Garment= temporal int manteau, survivor manteau, fallen angel wings 

Feet= survivor shoes, illusion leg type B (with the right enchants), temporal int boots

Accessories= celine brooch type k, celine brooch, two pazuzu rings


You need to know that some gears can be very verrryyy expensive to the point of cost billions.

All depends on what you can affor, theres always a variety and cheaper gears.


Just a follow up question to your suggestion. I notice these gears and combination of these gears focuses on FCT reduction / DMG / and Skill delay reduction.


How about variable cast time? When I looked at it, I can see around 30% - 40% variable cast time reduction.

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#12 HolyxD


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Posted 11 May 2022 - 09:39 PM

Just a follow up question to your suggestion. I notice these gears and combination of these gears focuses on FCT reduction / DMG / and Skill delay reduction.


How about variable cast time? When I looked at it, I can see around 30% - 40% variable cast time reduction.

Dex+Int affects the variable casting and some items provide reduction to variable casting.

Also you can always use a KK card, Intensification(warlock skill), variable casting stone for your costume and a miyabi doll pet if you need more reduction for your variable cast.

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#13 redrum1987


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Posted 13 May 2022 - 07:28 AM

Dex+Int affects the variable casting and some items provide reduction to variable casting.

Also you can always use a KK card, Intensification(warlock skill), variable casting stone for your costume and a miyabi doll pet if you need more reduction for your variable cast.

Got it. Thanks! I also realized that Celine Ribbon have spell enchant too so that helps with 10% VCT reduction (max).


About the Celine Dress set effect, I read the description and noticed that Celine Dress have set effect with:


Celine Ribbon

Celine Brooch Type K


So does Celine Dress NOT have a set effect with Celine Brooch?


I am debating using the following:


Headgear= Celine Ribbon

Lower = Survivor orb

Armor= Celine dress

Weapon= Survivor rod (dex)

Garment= Fallen angel wings 

Feet= Survivor shoes

Accessories= Celine brooch and one Pazuzu rings


But if Celine Brooch does not have set effect with Celine Dress, is it better if I use Celine Brooch Type K instead?




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#14 HolyxD


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Posted 13 May 2022 - 10:14 AM

Got it. Thanks! I also realized that Celine Ribbon have spell enchant too so that helps with 10% VCT reduction (max).


About the Celine Dress set effect, I read the description and noticed that Celine Dress have set effect with:


Celine Ribbon

Celine Brooch Type K


So does Celine Dress NOT have a set effect with Celine Brooch?


I am debating using the following:


Headgear= Celine Ribbon

Lower = Survivor orb

Armor= Celine dress

Weapon= Survivor rod (dex)

Garment= Fallen angel wings 

Feet= Survivor shoes

Accessories= Celine brooch and one Pazuzu rings


But if Celine Brooch does not have set effect with Celine Dress, is it better if I use Celine Brooch Type K instead?

If you are planning on use the Celine Dress use the Celine brooch type K instead to get the best of it. Also try to get the floating ball is you dont have a equipment for your middle headgear slot.

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#15 DarkDan


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Posted 17 May 2022 - 04:07 PM

I think cheapest option is just get full survivor set and eventually get 2 Pazuzu Rings. The full survivor set reduces the cool down on LoV by a good bit. I never used the Celine gear so I am not sure which is actually better. Someone else maybe can post which is better for leveling with LoV? All you need to do is get max Jack Frost/LoV with that setup and you will have the easiest class to max level in the game. If you can get a Icefall Dress and Abyss Dress those will help also. From 150 do Big Bells with Icefall Dress to 175. Very easy. From 175 to 185 do Magma 3 with Abyss Dress. Just freeze everything and one shot with LoV. I used this setup to destroy everything. You can't spam LoV over and over but usually you can freeze/LoV rinse and repeat.  I actually used my Warlock to leech my Sura and Genetic to max. 


Endgame gear is pricey. Need almost everything HolyxD listed. If you are going to MvP you need different gear combos. A lot of things are immune to wind damage. 

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#16 redrum1987


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Posted 17 May 2022 - 04:58 PM

If you are planning on use the Celine Dress use the Celine brooch type K instead to get the best of it. Also try to get the floating ball is you dont have a equipment for your middle headgear slot.


Just an update.


So I am currently using the following:


Head(upper): +12 Celine Ribbon clean (sp3 / Vit+2) - Any card suggestions?

Head(mid): I cannot afford Floating Ball at the moment XD

Head(lower): Survivor's Orb

Weapon: +12 Survivor Rod (DEX)

Shield: +9 Resist Valk Shield

Weapon:+12 Celine Dress clean - Any card suggestions?

Garment: +9 Immune Survivor Mantle

Foot: +9 Survivor Boots

Accessory 1: Celine Brooch Type K (for the set bonus). Also since Survivor set already have FCT 50% reduc, Celine Brooch Type K FCT is 0.3 sec so they stack. I believe Celine Brooch and Ribbon set effect is FCT 50% reduc so this does not stack with Survivor set effect.

Accessory 2: PWC accessory with sp4 x 2 - Cannot afford Pazuzu at the moment.


Another questions haha. What are some gears that I should start saving for if I want to MVP with my WL? Does it require MVP cards? Oh to be specific, I want to farm Fenris Fenrir. Any other MVP that I could focus as someone who wants to main WL?


Also, I am currently level at NCT and its fairly easy mobbing Big Bell and doing the bounty quest on repeat. There are any other alternatives if I get bored of Big Bell lol? So that I can switch back and forth.

Edited by redrum1987, 17 May 2022 - 05:09 PM.

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#17 redrum1987


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Posted 17 May 2022 - 05:01 PM

I think cheapest option is just get full survivor set and eventually get 2 Pazuzu Rings. The full survivor set reduces the cool down on LoV by a good bit. I never used the Celine gear so I am not sure which is actually better. Someone else maybe can post which is better for leveling with LoV? All you need to do is get max Jack Frost/LoV with that setup and you will have the easiest class to max level in the game. If you can get a Icefall Dress and Abyss Dress those will help also. From 150 do Big Bells with Icefall Dress to 175. Very easy. From 175 to 185 do Magma 3 with Abyss Dress. Just freeze everything and one shot with LoV. I used this setup to destroy everything. You can't spam LoV over and over but usually you can freeze/LoV rinse and repeat.  I actually used my Warlock to leech my Sura and Genetic to max. 


Endgame gear is pricey. Need almost everything HolyxD listed. If you are going to MvP you need different gear combos. A lot of things are immune to wind damage. 


You actually beat me to my question about leveling XD.


I am leveling now farming Big Bell now at lvl 150. Hoping to get to 170 so I get change my outfit lol. Any other recommendation from 150 to 170 other than farming Big Bell?


Ya lol. I cannot afford the 2 most expensive items that HolyxD mentioned. Those 2b+ items.....

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Posted 17 May 2022 - 05:35 PM

You actually beat me to my question about leveling XD.


I am leveling now farming Big Bell now at lvl 150. Hoping to get to 170 so I get change my outfit lol. Any other recommendation from 150 to 170 other than farming Big Bell?


Ya lol. I cannot afford the 2 most expensive items that HolyxD mentioned. Those 2b+ items.....


illusion of turtle is a good spot to level.


The monsters give 4 times the exp of big bell while also having about 4 times more hp depends your killing speed.


Illusion of Abyss Turtle Island - iRO Wiki

Edited by FBKFBKFBK, 17 May 2022 - 05:35 PM.

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#19 redrum1987


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Posted 17 May 2022 - 06:35 PM

illusion of turtle is a good spot to level.


The monsters give 4 times the exp of big bell while also having about 4 times more hp depends your killing speed.


Illusion of Abyss Turtle Island - iRO Wiki

Wow good recommendation! I just tried it and you were not kidding about 4 times the exp BUT also more tanky monsters.


Definitely a good alt to Big Bell but I cannot mob in this map since the monsters there DO NOT FREEZE. JF is useless there. All I can do is fire wall and spam CL. I can take on 3 max at a time lol.


I will come back here again when I get bored of Big Bell though. Thanks!


Oh a follow up question. Is there bounty board turn-in for monsters in this map? Or only the quests from the links you provided?

Edited by redrum1987, 17 May 2022 - 06:36 PM.

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Posted 17 May 2022 - 07:11 PM

Wow good recommendation! I just tried it and you were not kidding about 4 times the exp BUT also more tanky monsters.


Definitely a good alt to Big Bell but I cannot mob in this map since the monsters there DO NOT FREEZE. JF is useless there. All I can do is fire wall and spam CL. I can take on 3 max at a time lol.


I will come back here again when I get bored of Big Bell though. Thanks!


Oh a follow up question. Is there bounty board turn-in for monsters in this map? Or only the quests from the links you provided?


There is no bounty board people just kill fast with Item - Battle Manual X3

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#21 HolyxD


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Posted 19 May 2022 - 01:05 PM

Just an update.


So I am currently using the following:


Head(upper): +12 Celine Ribbon clean (sp3 / Vit+2) - Any card suggestions?

Head(mid): I cannot afford Floating Ball at the moment XD

Head(lower): Survivor's Orb

Weapon: +12 Survivor Rod (DEX)

Shield: +9 Resist Valk Shield

Weapon:+12 Celine Dress clean - Any card suggestions?

Garment: +9 Immune Survivor Mantle

Foot: +9 Survivor Boots

Accessory 1: Celine Brooch Type K (for the set bonus). Also since Survivor set already have FCT 50% reduc, Celine Brooch Type K FCT is 0.3 sec so they stack. I believe Celine Brooch and Ribbon set effect is FCT 50% reduc so this does not stack with Survivor set effect.

Accessory 2: PWC accessory with sp4 x 2 - Cannot afford Pazuzu at the moment.


Another questions haha. What are some gears that I should start saving for if I want to MVP with my WL? Does it require MVP cards? Oh to be specific, I want to farm Fenris Fenrir. Any other MVP that I could focus as someone who wants to main WL?


Also, I am currently level at NCT and its fairly easy mobbing Big Bell and doing the bounty quest on repeat. There are any other alternatives if I get bored of Big Bell lol? So that I can switch back and forth.

The best card options for your celine ribbon are Kathryne Keyron card (if you need more variable cast reduction) or Lichtern Red, Blue, Green or Yellow if you need to boost any elemental skill damage.


If you can't affort the Floating ball for now switch to Mob Scarf + Sunglasses, gives you more Magic attack also a good card for your Celine Dress could be the Sweet Nightmare Card so your casting cannot be interrupted.


And Fixed Casting Reduction stacks at least what I believe, tho thats a ambiguous topic to be honest but do your testings with and without the survivor orb and celine brooch.


The other lvl options you have are Bio 4 and illusion of turtle but you wont be able to survive there so stick with Big Bells.

Edited by HolyxD, 19 May 2022 - 01:10 PM.

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#22 redrum1987


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Posted 19 May 2022 - 02:18 PM

The best card options for your celine ribbon are Kathryne Keyron card (if you need more variable cast reduction) or Lichtern Red, Blue, Green or Yellow if you need to boost any elemental skill damage.


If you can't affort the Floating ball for now switch to Mob Scarf + Sunglasses, gives you more Magic attack also a good card for your Celine Dress could be the Sweet Nightmare Card so your casting cannot be interrupted.


And Fixed Casting Reduction stacks at least what I believe, tho thats a ambiguous topic to be honest but do your testings with and without the survivor orb and celine brooch.


The other lvl options you have are Bio 4 and illusion of turtle but you wont be able to survive there so stick with Big Bells.

Good point on the Sweet Nightmare card on the Celine Dress since I am still using the Spellflow Shadow set for that lol.


If I do go with the Sweet Night card, I was looking to replace the Spellflow Shadow set with Reload set. Is that a good option? If so, any suggestion for the weapon and accessory slots? PVM focused.

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#23 HolyxD


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Posted 19 May 2022 - 03:07 PM

Good point on the Sweet Nightmare card on the Celine Dress since I am still using the Spellflow Shadow set for that lol.


If I do go with the Sweet Night card, I was looking to replace the Spellflow Shadow set with Reload set. Is that a good option? If so, any suggestion for the weapon and accessory slots? PVM focused.

It's good if you need delay reduction and the other pieces you can use the tempest shadows 

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#24 redrum1987


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Posted 21 May 2022 - 09:48 AM

Outside of the main topic. Any guide on how I can solo Old Glast Helm instance?


What would I need to deal with the MVPs? What do people usually use as a healing potion? Survivability and damage gears? Would my current gear be sufficient? 


I am looking to see if I can farm a slotted Temporal Dex boots (FCT redec) with Spell and Runeaway Magic. 


Note: I never MVP before so any information on how I can MVP with my WL would be nice. I am aware that MVP WL is not the most ideal compared to other classes lol.

Edited by redrum1987, 21 May 2022 - 09:52 AM.

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#25 HolyxD


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Posted 21 May 2022 - 01:26 PM

Outside of the main topic. Any guide on how I can solo Old Glast Helm instance?


What would I need to deal with the MVPs? What do people usually use as a healing potion? Survivability and damage gears? Would my current gear be sufficient? 


I am looking to see if I can farm a slotted Temporal Dex boots (FCT redec) with Spell and Runeaway Magic. 


Note: I never MVP before so any information on how I can MVP with my WL would be nice. I am aware that MVP WL is not the most ideal compared to other classes lol.

Well for that i recommend you to watch a video in youtube because is better for you to see how is the instance and how a warlock managed to get that done.

I'll leave you this. part 1 part 2


That guy seems to use a gear identical of the one you are using currently so watch it and at the same time you will know how to deal with the bosses in that instance.

Edited by HolyxD, 21 May 2022 - 01:26 PM.

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