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HELP - Best Gears for end game WL for PVM

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#26 redrum1987


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Posted 23 May 2022 - 10:07 AM

The best card options for your celine ribbon are Kathryne Keyron card (if you need more variable cast reduction) or Lichtern Red, Blue, Green or Yellow if you need to boost any elemental skill damage.


If you can't affort the Floating ball for now switch to Mob Scarf + Sunglasses, gives you more Magic attack also a good card for your Celine Dress could be the Sweet Nightmare Card so your casting cannot be interrupted.


And Fixed Casting Reduction stacks at least what I believe, tho thats a ambiguous topic to be honest but do your testings with and without the survivor orb and celine brooch.


The other lvl options you have are Bio 4 and illusion of turtle but you wont be able to survive there so stick with Big Bells.

Hi just another quick update. So I got to level 170 with Big Bells (and got my 2nd costume FINALLY). I am currently 171 and actually got a Pazuzu Ring. The difference is night and day. I can easily mob Illusion of Turtle map 1.


Any other alternatives to level? I saw Nogg Road 3 somewhere but I believe I need to be level 175 to get there.


I am kind of hesitate to go Bio 4 at the moment lol.

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#27 HolyxD


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Posted 23 May 2022 - 03:02 PM

Hi just another quick update. So I got to level 170 with Big Bells (and got my 2nd costume FINALLY). I am currently 171 and actually got a Pazuzu Ring. The difference is night and day. I can easily mob Illusion of Turtle map 1.


Any other alternatives to level? I saw Nogg Road 3 somewhere but I believe I need to be level 175 to get there.


I am kind of hesitate to go Bio 4 at the moment lol.

Congrats on the Pazuzu  :no1: and i think it will be faster if you keep doing big bells because you will be able to do 4-6 Big Bell bounties per bmx3 now that you got your pazuzu, thats how i leveled my wl to 175 in a few hours.


To reach nogg lv 3 you need to be 175 and the entrance is located in nogg 2 in the south-east part of the map.

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#28 redrum1987


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Posted 30 May 2022 - 10:20 AM

Congrats on the Pazuzu  :no1: and i think it will be faster if you keep doing big bells because you will be able to do 4-6 Big Bell bounties per bmx3 now that you got your pazuzu, thats how i leveled my wl to 175 in a few hours.


To reach nogg lv 3 you need to be 175 and the entrance is located in nogg 2 in the south-east part of the map.

Another update and another question XD


So...I got another Pazuzu and also got a Phantom Ear. My current cast skill delay is -105%. My question is:


I am currently using +27 Reload set but I am consider replacing the shield with Crimson Shadow Shield long with Warlock Shadow weapon because of the magic defense bypass (exclude players but I am mainly PVM). I also have magic defense bypass from Survivor set. Would this be a good choice? Currently I am using the OLD SCHOOL Magic Shadow set (weap, pendant, earrings).


If I use the Warlock weapon /Crimson shield shadow set, my cast skill delay will be down to -96% (only using Reload shadow armor and shoe) but I will have 100%+ Magic defense bypass.

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#29 Apiong


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Posted 30 May 2022 - 05:43 PM

Another update and another question XD


So...I got another Pazuzu and also got a Phantom Ear. My current cast skill delay is -105%. My question is:


I am currently using +27 Reload set but I am consider replacing the shield with Crimson Shadow Shield long with Warlock Shadow weapon because of the magic defense bypass (exclude players but I am mainly PVM). I also have magic defense bypass from Survivor set. Would this be a good choice? Currently I am using the OLD SCHOOL Magic Shadow set (weap, pendant, earrings).


If I use the Warlock weapon /Crimson shield shadow set, my cast skill delay will be down to -96% (only using Reload shadow armor and shoe) but I will have 100%+ Magic defense bypass.


How did you get the pazuzu rings? 


How is your cast skill delay -105%? 



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#30 redrum1987


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Posted 30 May 2022 - 06:33 PM

How did you get the pazuzu rings? 


How is your cast skill delay -105%? 



Bought them from other players.


Pazuzu x2 = 60%

+12 Celine Dress = 15%

+27 Reload Shadow set = 15%

Phantom Ears = 15%

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#31 Apiong


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Posted 31 May 2022 - 04:27 AM

Bought them from other players.


Pazuzu x2 = 60%

+12 Celine Dress = 15%

+27 Reload Shadow set = 15%

Phantom Ears = 15%


Ohh how much did you buy them for? 


Can I know the rest of your equips? Stats? Skills? Thanks 


I'm trying to play warlock but the high cost of items is a real barrier for me. Just want to know what its like. 

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#32 redrum1987


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Posted 31 May 2022 - 05:47 AM

Ohh how much did you buy them for? 


Can I know the rest of your equips? Stats? Skills? Thanks 


I'm trying to play warlock but the high cost of items is a real barrier for me. Just want to know what its like. 

Pazuzu is between 2.3b to 2.8b I think. If you are lucky you might get it for 2b? Market price might drop for this item since boxter is out for the OCP that Pazuzu was in so.....Supply is UP.


My current equipment are in my previous posts with exception to now I am using two Pazuzu Rings. I got a Kirin Horn recently just for the Increase Agi level 6. Really useful.


I am not an expert myself since I came back 2 weeks ago from a 5 year absent lol. The skills I focus on LoV and CL (spam without delay).


Other than the Pazuzu Rings my other equips arent too expensive. You should be able to buy them through vendors 

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#33 HolyxD


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Posted 01 June 2022 - 10:29 PM

Another update and another question XD


So...I got another Pazuzu and also got a Phantom Ear. My current cast skill delay is -105%. My question is:


I am currently using +27 Reload set but I am consider replacing the shield with Crimson Shadow Shield long with Warlock Shadow weapon because of the magic defense bypass (exclude players but I am mainly PVM). I also have magic defense bypass from Survivor set. Would this be a good choice? Currently I am using the OLD SCHOOL Magic Shadow set (weap, pendant, earrings).


If I use the Warlock weapon /Crimson shield shadow set, my cast skill delay will be down to -96% (only using Reload shadow armor and shoe) but I will have 100%+ Magic defense bypass.

Do a testing on that and see if your damage change.

It should be noticeable, try with different monsters specially the ones with high mdef.

Edited by HolyxD, 01 June 2022 - 10:30 PM.

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#34 redrum1987


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Posted 02 June 2022 - 06:29 AM

Do a testing on that and see if your damage change.

It should be noticeable, try with different monsters specially the ones with high mdef.

I do notice a slight change from not using the full Reload Shadow set.


Damage wise the Warlock Shadow Weapon really increase the damage of Drain Life. In the Illusion Turtle dungeon 1, I am doing 30K more damage.


With the Crimson Shadow Shield and Warlock Shadow Weapon combo, my LoV will one-shot everything there.


I am now level 176 and I am mobbing in Nogg Road 3. Basically JF then LoV will do the job. 


Thanks for all your reply HolyxD. I guess now I just have to grind until I am level 185 and save Zeny for specific equipment to farm MVPs lol.

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#35 redrum1987


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Posted 02 June 2022 - 10:29 AM

I can keep going on this topic.


So I should have all the gears needed to get to level 185. But what is next? Can someone provide some suggestions for the following:


1) MVP that WL should consider farming for cards?

2) Instances for me to do to acquire other gears useful for WL in farming specific MVP? (This depends on Q1 on what MVP to farm)

3) Zeny since I am broke from purchasing the 2 Pazuzu XD.


Currently I am already doing the following daily instances (solo):


1) Geffen Magic Tournament (for Fenrir card XD). Havent even gotten the weaken version yet lol.

2) Old Ghast Heim. I have not tried the advanced version yet. Not sure if I can solo it yet.

3) Room of Consciousness

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#36 HolyxD


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Posted 02 June 2022 - 10:55 AM

I can keep going on this topic.


So I should have all the gears needed to get to level 185. But what is next? Can someone provide some suggestions for the following:


1) MVP that WL should consider farming for cards?

2) Instances for me to do to acquire other gears useful for WL in farming specific MVP? (This depends on Q1 on what MVP to farm)

3) Zeny since I am broke from purchasing the 2 Pazuzu XD.


Currently I am already doing the following daily instances (solo):


1) Geffen Magic Tournament (for Fenrir card XD). Havent even gotten the weaken version yet lol.

2) Old Ghast Heim. I have not tried the advanced version yet. Not sure if I can solo it yet.

3) Room of Consciousness

Now you've reached the point of farm cards for exchange for zeny or other useful cards.


Try ET until Valky because you will have a hard moment trying to beat that mvp. tho is doable.


Try Central Lab. Is a intance located in verus where you get to fight 3 random mvp's with guild dungeons mvp's included, that means you will have a change to get that sneaky Gioia card you want to much.


Trust me, you will want that card.  :gg:


Keep doing geffen tourney and other instances like you are doing right now so keep farming, this is where the fun start. :no1:

Edited by HolyxD, 02 June 2022 - 11:19 AM.

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#37 redrum1987


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Posted 02 June 2022 - 12:11 PM

Now you've reached the point of farm cards for exchange for zeny or other useful cards.


Try ET until Valky because you will have a hard moment trying to beat that mvp. tho is doable.


Try Central Lab. Is a intance located in verus where you get to fight 3 random mvp's with guild dungeons mvp's included, that means you will have a change to get that sneaky Gioia card you want to much.


Trust me, you will want that card.  :gg:


Keep doing geffen tourney and other instances like you are doing right now so keep farming, this is where the fun start. :no1:

Oh I did not know about the Central Lab instance. I will take a look at this from the wiki.


Since I am low on budget currently, and I know for specific MVP I will need specific gears/cards but do you have a list of generic gears/cards that are mostly used for farming MVP (Boss focused effects). I assume I need the following:


1) Alice card. but what is the "best" generic shield for it?

2)........I dont know anything else XD


3) On a side note, I was doing Hazy Forest one day and for some reason I got one-shotted by the Lost Purple Dragon. It was not Earthquake but something else. Is it Hell's Judgement? If so, how do I survive that with my WL? Safety Wall?


I think I used to farm Hazy Forest with my GX but I just evades all of the Dragon's attacks.

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#38 HolyxD


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Posted 02 June 2022 - 12:38 PM

Oh I did not know about the Central Lab instance. I will take a look at this from the wiki.


Since I am low on budget currently, and I know for specific MVP I will need specific gears/cards but do you have a list of generic gears/cards that are mostly used for farming MVP (Boss focused effects). I assume I need the following:


1) Alice card. but what is the "best" generic shield for it?

2)........I dont know anything else XD


3) On a side note, I was doing Hazy Forest one day and for some reason I got one-shotted by the Lost Purple Dragon. It was not Earthquake but something else. Is it Hell's Judgement? If so, how do I survive that with my WL? Safety Wall?


I think I used to farm Hazy Forest with my GX but I just evades all of the Dragon's attacks.

Purple drag cast magic mirror and reflect magic damage for 30 seconds tho it has a 2 minutes delay between cast and is hard to know when he use that since theres no animation or special effects for that skill.


For that Alice Card put it on a valky shield.


For gears you are already set for that but try to get cards that boost your elemental damage, like two elvira cards, Firm Lava Golem, maybe a lichtern red, blue, green, yellow for your headgear depending on which element you need a boost.

Edited by HolyxD, 02 June 2022 - 01:03 PM.

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#39 redrum1987


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Posted 06 June 2022 - 05:55 PM

Now you've reached the point of farm cards for exchange for zeny or other useful cards.


Try ET until Valky because you will have a hard moment trying to beat that mvp. tho is doable.


Try Central Lab. Is a intance located in verus where you get to fight 3 random mvp's with guild dungeons mvp's included, that means you will have a change to get that sneaky Gioia card you want to much.


Trust me, you will want that card.  :gg:


Keep doing geffen tourney and other instances like you are doing right now so keep farming, this is where the fun start. :no1:

Just tried Central Lab, was not too bad. Just had Eddga, Kublin (no idea what this is lol), and Turtle General.


For ET, I got to floor 80 but could not beat FBH. Any tips on this MVP since I cannot 1 shot him lol. Level 183 now but too lazy to get the last 2 levels haha.

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#40 HolyxD


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Posted 06 June 2022 - 10:16 PM

Just tried Central Lab, was not too bad. Just had Eddga, Kublin (no idea what this is lol), and Turtle General.


For ET, I got to floor 80 but could not beat FBH. Any tips on this MVP since I cannot 1 shot him lol. Level 183 now but too lazy to get the last 2 levels haha.

Use reading spellbook and store and many LoV you can then shoot them all to FBH in the face and hope he dies.


The only element hes weak is holy and he takes only 75% from everything else but is doable also use the same strategy for beelzebub.


For valky use gravitational field because is neutral. She takes no damage from other elements than shadow(hell inferno: does no damage -_-)  and neutral. 


So gravitational field ftw  :thumb:


PD: carry tokens lol 

Edited by HolyxD, 06 June 2022 - 10:24 PM.

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#41 redrum1987


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Posted 12 June 2022 - 02:06 PM

Hi again,


I have been trying to farm in bio5 (to enchant the headgear) and need some advice. I have sufficient damage but I need more survivability. I am currently using the following:


Head (top): +13 Spell Circuit (KK)

Head (Mid): Phantom ears

Head (low): Survivor Orb

Armor: +12 Celine (Sweet Nightmare)

Weapon: +12 Survivor DEX rod (clean)

Shield: +9 Valk Shield (Thara Frog)

Garment: +12 Survivor Mantle (Raydric)

Shoes: +9 Survivor Shoes

Accessories: X2 Pazuzu ring (Elvira)


All I can think of is maybe getting a Alice card for my shield? But that's only 10% more compared to Thara Frog right? Since all mobs in bio5 are demi-human. 


My current strategy is just safety wall and spam CL / Hell Fire. Any strategy recommendation would be nice too!

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#42 Ashuckel


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Posted 12 June 2022 - 02:25 PM

Not everything is demi-human. Chen, Seyren, Gertie and Eremes are Demon race. You might also want to look at a Deviling card, just be careful of the few elemental skills there are.

Might want to check your LoV damage there, and use Read>Release LoV for killing, instead of sitting there spamming CL. You have to use Hell inferno to deal with the holy mobs regardless.

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#43 redrum1987


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Posted 12 June 2022 - 06:09 PM

Not everything is demi-human. Chen, Seyren, Gertie and Eremes are Demon race. You might also want to look at a Deviling card, just be careful of the few elemental skills there are.

Might want to check your LoV damage there, and use Read>Release LoV for killing, instead of sitting there spamming CL. You have to use Hell inferno to deal with the holy mobs regardless.

Oh ok so Alice will definitely be better than Thara Frog.


Would Deviling be better than my +12 Immuned Survivor Mantle? I think I have 56% neutral reduc with it now (20% from Raydric and 36% from the mantle). I think Deviling would have a minus effect on Survivor Mantle if I slotted in it.


I currently have a Deviling card in my +9FAW SP18


Ok I will try LoV to see if its faster.

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#44 belld1711


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Posted 20 January 2023 - 07:43 PM

Sorry if this is a necro, but can we get this stickied? It's a good discussion about gears and different situations, and is newer than the 2011 and 2012 pinned threads.

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#45 VModIceCreamCake


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Posted 21 January 2023 - 02:28 AM

Sorry if this is a necro, but can we get this stickied? It's a good discussion about gears and different situations, and is newer than the 2011 and 2012 pinned threads.


Good suggestion on the pin and I unpinned the other guide as it was painfully out of date.

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