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Convex Mirrors. (abuse,or another fraud?)

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#1 1370211011125108670


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Posted 04 February 2023 - 10:20 AM

Good afternoon, dear community, simple WoE players, PvM or just ordinary people of the forum. Today I decided to dedicate my topic to the numerous uses of Conxex Mirrors, as well as their abuse and destruction (ruins of gameplay).


So if you go back 3-4 years, as the old players told me, there were some kind of items in the game in limited quantities that have already disappeared from circulation for a very long time - some players have a certain amount of these things left and they use them within reasonable limits.https://www.divine-p...2/convex-mirror


The problem started a week ago - when a very famous player, he has his own youtube channel and many people know him, began to come and abuse his advantage against ordinary players, if this had happened for a week and not every day, such behavior could still be explained somehow, but the "Bandit" did not stop - moreover, now he began to distribute these mirrors to his friends and acquaintances, who in turn have the audacity to come and openly "harass, mock ordinary players.".. Do you think this is how you show your skill? I will disappoint you - you are just "doing one-button movements" why do you need to know the map if the object does it for you....or something worse than that! As already stated, by the head of their "gang: life is a series of defeats - lose(with my advantage items) - accept it! So: I do not know if you have at least a drop of conscience left, how dare you call yourself a "MVP hunter" and a person who plays by default without everything! You're an impudent liar!


The lyrics are over now, let's get down to business: the problem became serious after another group of people began using these mirrors at all MVP locations, in particular, it seems to me that it all comes from one person - he supplies his "henchmen" with these things and they openly abuse them. I have a suggestion to you, hand over your toys - and I also have a big request from the moderators, CM, that they convey my message to the team and take these things from these players.


And now I'm turning to the community - updates and changes are waiting for us soon, do you want to not see new MVPs at all? no, then support my proposal, fight and only together we can give this problem serious priority!


And for those who want to tell them everything personally - as I did, only I will warn you right away (they are very aggressive and arrogant, they don't care about your problems). They will do anything to humiliate or offend you. for those who want to try - the rights gates (prontera) they are played by GX class - one of them is an Assassin - with a dragon helmet on his head (looks like an angel - but a fallen angel!!) His other character is all in gold (with a golden helmet on his head+blame scarf) - a GX too, a geneticist - with a Moon suit on his back. Well, the leader of this group is a magician! (very dangerous). I can't provide nicknames, cuz it's forum policy.


I still think that sooner or later you will stop - deceiving our community is first of all a lie to yourself!


p.s To sumup my post - if you can't pick up these items, then give us these Convex Mirrors too, we all deserve to have equal opportunities.


In conclusion, I just want to say - I will do everything possible to make you play honestly - and from me a personal message to ("your fun group" Learn the map, timings and above all respect and appreciate the time of other players! You are not playing on a private server.


also: moderators please deliver this mail to our WP team, and understand us as simple players we fighting as we can do! This topic is emergency action.

Edited by 1370211011125108670, 04 February 2023 - 02:51 PM.

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#2 TommyWin


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Posted 04 February 2023 - 10:41 AM

I am actually very amazed people still actually have convex mirrors.

This was implemented years ago; by now the supply should almost be nonexistent or little to none. Unless something suspicious happened.

I had a huge supply of over 100+ MVP hunting boxes on chaos and no one at that time knew they would of taken the convex mirrors out unless inside information is leaked to them to stock up that much.

No normal player should have any convex mirrors at this point.
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#3 Boyeteers


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Posted 04 February 2023 - 10:48 AM

Lol I thought I've seen 1 video here 1 ppls using it. Lookin more like a program where it gives red indication on the minimap. Guess ppls gotta learn how to use grf edits and sh*# if you wanna have it coz that player ain't sharin it.

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#4 EnergiX


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Posted 04 February 2023 - 02:00 PM

I think that there should be equality for all, I support the idea that convex mirrors be eliminated from all accounts or released by cash shop for all.
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#5 belld1711


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Posted 04 February 2023 - 04:05 PM

Convex mirrors should never have come to iRO. But the damage is done. People paid real money for them, and you cannot take them away. If there are any left, they should stay with the owner(s) until they're used up. They're not cheating, just using an item given out by the GMs.


But I also don't want to see them in the cash shop again. The same thing would happen. So, I say no to taking them away, and also no to selling them in the cash shop. Just let dead dogs lie. 

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#6 redred


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Posted 04 February 2023 - 10:00 PM

WP already remove convex mirror from cash item, only from hoarder.  I dont know which player you mention, the player probably buy convex mirror from hoarder which around 900-1b per box. I dont see any problem share the item with friends.


Your complain want equal,and ask pity from ppl, sounds like loser who cant  compete , if u win u didnt say anything if lose complain in here and discord. Player pay for convex mirror, either you can buy ( which 100% u refused coz expensive) or just do ET, Central Lab or instance which you can monopolize.


Anyway wait until convex mirror completely gone from game  or player getting bored tired hunting and get the card. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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#7 TommyWin


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Posted 05 February 2023 - 09:04 AM

Oh I have three convex mirror box in chaos left since I haven’t play there for years. I’ll give it to OP for free just dm me your in game name.
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#8 SweetKarly


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Posted 05 February 2023 - 09:29 AM

LOL I cannot believe this is a real topic, I don't understand why people are crying until today if convex mirrors have been around for several years even though if those weren't in the cash shop, just lately like 2-3 players have been crying on discord servers and now this shows up in forums, I guess are the same players complaining about the same. I just want to say this:

1) People Invested Kafra Points to get Convex Mirror boxes, so it's not fair these items are removed/deleted just cause 2 playeres are crying about it. It's like if you guys 
nowadays buy a bunch of  Kachua boxes(Carnium, Bradium, Enriched, etc.) then you store them for years and one day you decide to take them out of your storage to sell them overpriced to other players and these players complain about you are abusing something to make a profit with something that they can't get any more and request that these items be deleted, it would clearly be unfair. 

2) Other Players have been selling Convex Mirror Boxes for several years, aren't that common but if you make a good offer many players are willing to sell them, I have friends who gifted me some boxes, but before met them I was buying each box for around 1b, and If I spend all my mirrors I'm willing to buy more even if they are expensive, cause to me worth. So if u guys aren't willing to buy it from other players cause you don't have zeny in game or for you it's not worth it or any other reason, thats other thing, you can have access to this item, if u cannot afford it just don't cry, It's like crying cause u can't have access to the same gears as the players who have end game equipment and do more damage than you, are you also going to ask them to remove their equipment cause they have things that you can't have cause you don't want to buy them from others players? cause I mean this provokes them can win the MvP even if u found it first.



I think that there should be equality for all, I support the idea that convex mirrors be eliminated from all accounts or released by cash shop for all.

Let's assume GMs say yes to this request, then I kindly request GMs to delete/remove all items that we cannot get anymore even if we can buy them from other players, remove Amistr Bag, Leaf Cat Hat, since we have no more Mad Bunny Event and seems like it's not gonna come back remove for everyone Mad Bunny Shield please, Shadow Enhancement Box, Status Shadow Item Combiner Box, etc. since we don't know if many of these items will be available in the cash shop again just remove them from all the accounts. It's unfair that players can get some advantage from these items that we can't get any other way than buying them from someone else, right?

The last thing I have to say guys is: thank your god or whatever deity you believe in that I have not gone to compete for those MvPs, cause using Convex Mirror or not probably I would still win them, really pvm is like this, even if there is no convex mirror, nobody assures you that you have a greater chance to win the MvP, don't cry, improve your gears and continue farming, if you want mvp only for yourselves and you can't tolerate the frustration of competing and losing, give up and go do individual instances, I assure there you have a better chance of success, unless you're not able to kill the green aura MvP.

Regards ~ 

Edited by SweetKarly, 05 February 2023 - 10:54 AM.

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#9 forthrallwow1


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Posted 05 February 2023 - 05:42 PM

The problem is, I don't think GMs can catch duplicated items any more.

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#10 xiaoChu


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Posted 05 February 2023 - 05:57 PM

I am pretty sure even you arrive first, they will still out damage you easily and pick up the loots in front of your face. Don't bother, just farm your pwm card and be a good boy.

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#11 mic9010


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Posted 05 February 2023 - 06:06 PM

I am also not a fan of convex mirror, but again, please don’t behave like a salty sore loser. If u talking about the spider queen MVP, yes, there seems to be a lot of competition from what I heard, but those convex mirror owners paid to get advantage. No one is stopping u getting the mirrors too, if u don’t wanna pay, why u think others should do the same? U crying here because that MVP card seems very strong, why don’t u cry u cannot see nogg 3 MVP? It’s so funny that u think u r the owner of the MVP, again MVP is FFA, it’s not ur private property
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#12 EnergiX


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Posted 05 February 2023 - 10:40 PM

How intolerant can they be with the opinion of others? We all have the right to express our opinion about something that we consider is not right or should continue as it is. If you think that the opinion of the other is nothing more than crying (same argument always) and that deep down you don't care, why should your opinion matter to me if you don't care about mine? Let the GM make his decision on this issue, it is not necessary to belittle the other to be heard. I support the creator of this post because for new players who did not obtain a convex mirror years ago, the competition is not the same, (in my case I arrived in 2021, running out of access to those items from the sale of convex mirror by cash shop ) and it seems to me that we should all have the same possibilities of competition and if the option is given I am willing to spend in industrial amounts in cash shop for that to happen, since I am not interested in spending on hack and those disgusting things that stain the game..

Edited by EnergiX, 05 February 2023 - 11:19 PM.

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#13 mic9010


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Posted 06 February 2023 - 12:27 AM

How intolerant can they be with the opinion of others? We all have the right to express our opinion about something that we consider is not right or should continue as it is. If you think that the opinion of the other is nothing more than crying (same argument always) and that deep down you don't care, why should your opinion matter to me if you don't care about mine? Let the GM make his decision on this issue, it is not necessary to belittle the other to be heard. I support the creator of this post because for new players who did not obtain a convex mirror years ago, the competition is not the same, (in my case I arrived in 2021, running out of access to those items from the sale of convex mirror by cash shop ) and it seems to me that we should all have the same possibilities of competition and if the option is given I am willing to spend in industrial amounts in cash shop for that to happen, since I am not interested in spending on hack and those disgusting things that stain the game..

Buy the creator some convex mirror boxes in game to show ur real support, not only verbally please. Old player has played longer, and that should be an advantage already. U and the creator propose the game should have absolute fairness for MVP competition, then I propose GM to give everyone a full set of MVP cards in game, then there will be no competition and crying, sounds good enough?
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#14 iriisss


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Posted 06 February 2023 - 02:38 AM

First of all, it's not fair to ask GMs to remove the current convex mirrors from all players. Players invested real money on them when they were in cash shop, why would GMs deleting them to be 'fair'? Only sound like a selfish request for people who don't want to spend/cannot afford these items. Rare items in game are expensive. If you joined late and unfortunately missed them, you could buy from players instead of asking GMs to delete them from others to be 'fair'.
Remember MVP is free for all, even if you spot it first, and other players can still out damage you.  The MVP and looting mechanism tells you who's dealing more damage. I'm pretty sure you had times that you found the MVP before others but they still got the MVP and the loot. If all of the 'group', or random multiple players whatever, can easily out damage you when hunting the MVP, stop crying and get better gears. 
I'm a bit tired of reading these cryings and complaints in discord and forums these days.You need to admit that there are people who are better at MVP hunting than you do. Like you said you're not playing on a private server, if you want to monopoly the whole  map, or all the field MVPs, make your own P server xD 
We ALL have the right to discuss in forums, not only the topic creator and his friends :) 

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#15 Kuurus


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Posted 06 February 2023 - 10:18 AM

How intolerant can they be with the opinion of others? We all have the right to express our opinion about something that we consider is not right or should continue as it is. If you think that the opinion of the other is nothing more than crying (same argument always) and that deep down you don't care, why should your opinion matter to me if you don't care about mine? Let the GM make his decision on this issue, it is not necessary to belittle the other to be heard. I support the creator of this post because for new players who did not obtain a convex mirror years ago, the competition is not the same, (in my case I arrived in 2021, running out of access to those items from the sale of convex mirror by cash shop ) and it seems to me that we should all have the same possibilities of competition and if the option is given I am willing to spend in industrial amounts in cash shop for that to happen, since I am not interested in spending on hack and those disgusting things that stain the game..

You should spend industrial amounts in game and sell the KP and ocp items you open. There is a better chance for you to sell items and buy the card you want from someone instead of hunting it. Even with convex mirror you can still be beaten at the mvp. If you are really willing to spend money that seems to be your best route. Yes finding the card might possibly be cheaper in the short term with luck. But the kp and ocp selling is a sure way.

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#16 Kuurus


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Posted 06 February 2023 - 10:25 AM

The whole take this from older players so new players have a chance argument is an old one. People have said wipe the server of mvps and god items for a long time now. I cannot understand that argument. Players start at different times during the life of the server. Some people who have played years and years may not be as rich in zeny and assets as some who have played less than them. Times change through the course on what makes money and what doesn't. If a player has an issue with money making I would suggest find an established group/guild and join them. Show them what you bring to the table and what you can contribute. Making money together is easier starting out than making it solo and not being lucky.

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#17 TommyWin


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Posted 06 February 2023 - 11:35 AM

This is the reason why I started on Freya. On Chaos you will need to compete with 15+ years of old items and gears.


Someone is always going to have the advantage no matter what. I have an edge because I spend alot of hard cold cash; if I would of played on Chaos I could of gotten nearly every single MVP card with the amount I spend.


I am still waiting for OP to DM me with his name. I have 3 convex mirror box only for the OP.



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#18 Boyeteers


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Posted 06 February 2023 - 11:53 AM

AFAIK this is not about convex mirror but ppls usin cheats to track down mvps lol. Guessin it’s the same as ppls using cheats to detect cloak/hiding at woe te.
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#19 therevengeofnico


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Posted 06 February 2023 - 01:12 PM

Just like in real life, nothing is ever fair. There will always be someone who is ahead of you. 


Its like coming in on your first day of work straight out if highschool complaining you want equal pay as the guy who has been working there for 10 years and went through college to get his bachelors and masters degrees to land the job.


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#20 HolyxD


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Posted 06 February 2023 - 02:20 PM

Well, I'm not against the use of the convex mirrors since is a tool provided to help others in their hunt but what i find dumb is pay 1b for a box  :heh:  


I know there's people who make a life of this game, and they do the impossible to be effective and one shot almost every mvp because if they don't, there's no dinner tonight, but i think i would spend that 1b in idk 150 bb instead.


I even beat some of those guys who use convex mirrors before and let me tell you that they get ANGRY like really ANGRY because you're stealing their money. :heh:  

What I'm trying to say is you dont need a convex mirror to beat those so called "end game players." If you don't have good gears atm to compete with them just chill and farm another instances.


Once you get to a end game level in terms of gears and damage you should try to hunt again if you like or just buy some bb and hunt yourself.


Trust me is the best option and with more chances of get a card without even bother in those guys, thou stealing their dinner and watch then rage and throw everything at you is fun to watch. :heh:


Edited by HolyxD, 06 February 2023 - 02:27 PM.

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#21 ChakriGuard



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Posted 06 February 2023 - 09:49 PM

iRO was dumb enough to put Convex mirrors but not MvP in cash shop. Backward server ... ngl. See why kRO doesnt even care about meme iRO server.


iRO has removed Convex mirrors long time ago. I'm sure that even another decade, the mirrors still will be around in iRO. The competition in iRO is a joke. Not really a competition when cheats and hacks are involved. iRO should put all MvPs in a private instance as an exclusive VIP service. Remove field MvPs. Increase VIP price. So you get people to buy VIP at a premium price. Win-win situation.


Note, if this is about the Spider Queen card. When someone drops the card, just offers 500b or 1000b. Easy. This method also allows you to go out and have a life, to do whatever you want, to make money, to do hobbies, etc. I never farmed MvPs, but I used that method to have my RG MvP card, Sarah, or whatever card I wanted instantly. Now they're all sitting and correcting dust in my storage though  :Emo_13:  :Emo_17:  :Emo_23: 

Edited by ChakriGuard, 06 February 2023 - 10:23 PM.

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#22 TommyWin


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Posted 07 February 2023 - 11:04 AM

You know what’s funny; I have a spider queen card on freya and only killed her killed her like 20 times. Lmao it’s just all luck.

Edited by TommyWin, 07 February 2023 - 11:08 AM.

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#23 Icyquartz


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Posted 07 February 2023 - 11:04 AM

This is the reason why I started on Freya. On Chaos you will need to compete with 15+ years of old items and gears.

Someone is always going to have the advantage no matter what. I have an edge because I spend alot of hard cold cash; if I would of played on Chaos I could of gotten nearly every single MVP card with the amount I spend.

I am still waiting for OP to DM me with his name. I have 3 convex mirror box only for the OP.

Not OP, but will gladly take 1 x Convex Mirror box to try it out.

I know duping could potentially be an issue. I am all for GMs to take a good look at the current Convex Mirror boxes in existence and wiping out duped ones.

However, I don’t think ALL Convex Mirror boxes should go away just because it gives older players an advantage. They used their hard earned money back in the day to invest in those versus other things.

The claim that the person is giving out Convex Mirrors to his friends adds nothing to the conversation. I would too if I had hoarded mirrors and wanted my specific friend group to get MVP cards. It’s entirely up to him what he does with his stockpile of goods.
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#24 Casher


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Posted 08 February 2023 - 12:53 PM

Here the problem that the players make their collisions, the GMs should reimburse the KP they spent and remove that mirror, the players who have obtained benefits for their friends are the ones who defend this idea. My question, what reputation does Iro Chaos have now? They think this will attract new players. This server is dying more and more. If you are reading this, GM should put 2 options: Eliminate those mirrors, returning your kafra points and now if it is competitive since it seems that someone warned that those mirrors would be removed from the Cash Shop... or Second Put it back to the sale..

So that everyone has it and now if it is competitive
im a returned player, but its time to leave again , hahahhaaha.



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#25 Kuurus


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Posted 08 February 2023 - 02:35 PM

Here the problem that the players make their collisions, the GMs should reimburse the KP they spent and remove that mirror, the players who have obtained benefits for their friends are the ones who defend this idea. My question, what reputation does Iro Chaos have now? They think this will attract new players. This server is dying more and more. If you are reading this, GM should put 2 options: Eliminate those mirrors, returning your kafra points and now if it is competitive since it seems that someone warned that those mirrors would be removed from the Cash Shop... or Second Put it back to the sale..

So that everyone has it and now if it is competitive
im a returned player, but its time to leave again , hahahhaaha.

Pretty sure they do not have a database entry on who bought them years ago. So how are you going to refund KP if you do not know who bought them? You just gonna give KP to people with them on their account?

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