Real Talk Here! The Sorc Botting is becoming a Problem - Ragnarok Online Community Chat - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Real Talk Here! The Sorc Botting is becoming a Problem

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#1 Darkxealot


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Posted 08 January 2024 - 11:23 AM

Seriously find a zone in which there are not Sorc's Botting and they are straight up botting its warp Psychic Storm warp and nothing else they pick up nothing they don't react to chat the KS constantly and aren't discriminate about their targeting its literally cast on self, they are often warping and casting and warping so fast they are nearly impossible to catch the name of to interact with but are catchable.  I feel like I send in reports on these people and nothing ever happens I quite literally had the same sorc botting in Ein Dungeon 03 and now Botting in Niff Dungeon 01.

Anyone else experiencing this problem please post here tell us the zone if ya can get pics of the name report them they wont let us put the names on here but we need to address and warp staff need to explain to me how it is I have seen the same bot in different zones after reporting the issue.  There has to be some accountability warp portal is more than happy to take our money but they don't appear to care about this game or its community in the slightest.  They push out gear and costumes at unfathomable speeds but updates and actual maintenance of the game is lacking.  Botters are rampant, crashes are frequent, disconnects are just as frequent.

I want to keep playing, I have a long history of loving this game but it is slowly dying, I am losing interest I am becoming more and more frustrated with crashes and disconnects, and I am tired to death of Botting with seemingly no consequence if you aren't going to start banning these accounts then just take botting off your things not allowed and watch the game become nothing but bots.

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#2 Alaska


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Posted 08 January 2024 - 11:46 AM

yes it's frustrating. comet warlocks are worse because they're not even on screen half the time.

i'm leveling an elemental master right now which isn't so bad because they usually can't ks me in time, but it was infuriating when i was leveling with cart cannon. :(

Edited by Alaska, 08 January 2024 - 11:47 AM.

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#3 pao0


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Posted 08 January 2024 - 11:59 AM

you'll get the generic bs from wp like "pls report" but then nothing will happen to that

also, "we're aware of it, we're doing something", yeah probably something like this


if you can't beat them, join them. lol

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#4 2680230508215702307


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Posted 08 January 2024 - 04:49 PM

And If I do what they do, I will probably soon get punished, but they will not. Everyone, who is able, should start making a comet arch mage to start one shotting normal monsters to see how suddenly they will care about kill stealing again.

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#5 gaurus


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Posted 08 January 2024 - 10:12 PM

Yep that sorc is dick. Can confirm seen before in Ein bench dungeon with his multiple char leeching off him.
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#6 JittersSilverpaw


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Posted 09 January 2024 - 11:02 AM

Yeah saw him before yep.

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#7 ChakriGuard



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Posted 09 January 2024 - 12:14 PM

Macro AoE randomly throughout the map, heck yeah lol
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#8 Sewasan


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Posted 16 January 2024 - 09:12 AM

Seriously find a zone in which there are not Sorc's Botting and they are straight up botting its warp Psychic Storm warp and nothing else they pick up nothing they don't react to chat the KS constantly and aren't discriminate about their targeting its literally cast on self, they are often warping and casting and warping so fast they are nearly impossible to catch the name of to interact with but are catchable.  I feel like I send in reports on these people and nothing ever happens I quite literally had the same sorc botting in Ein Dungeon 03 and now Botting in Niff Dungeon 01.

Anyone else experiencing this problem please post here tell us the zone if ya can get pics of the name report them they wont let us put the names on here but we need to address and warp staff need to explain to me how it is I have seen the same bot in different zones after reporting the issue.  There has to be some accountability warp portal is more than happy to take our money but they don't appear to care about this game or its community in the slightest.  They push out gear and costumes at unfathomable speeds but updates and actual maintenance of the game is lacking.  Botters are rampant, crashes are frequent, disconnects are just as frequent.

I want to keep playing, I have a long history of loving this game but it is slowly dying, I am losing interest I am becoming more and more frustrated with crashes and disconnects, and I am tired to death of Botting with seemingly no consequence if you aren't going to start banning these accounts then just take botting off your things not allowed and watch the game become nothing but bots.


Is not only EM but they are really annoying (even i actually play mostly EM and AM) i think the botting problem dont really have any solution, and is pretty much any class, and as any class can one shot anything right now, is bad. I see RKs obviously botting (as spamming the same skill on the same place for like 10 mins straight, i even record it) EM wich PW and wing, AM who comet and wing (tho those cant be just people being trolls) IG using spamming ED and winging, after KS you, even biolos CC and winging, i guess is just any class at this point, they dont answer to chats, actually most of the time they block pms, and they just dont care.


Could be also that most people think everyone else is a bot so they just ks them, is not that they are going to complain anyway.


Actually once a bot character answer, it was bizarre, im telling you, they dont care anymore because there are no follow up to this problem, also unless is pretty obvious, like that RK spamming wind cutter on Turtle Dungeon, is very difficult to prove anything.

Edited by Sewasan, 16 January 2024 - 09:13 AM.

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#9 Boyeteers


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Posted 16 January 2024 - 09:39 AM

Ppls becomin smarter at configuring them macros. Even chars start walking then CC mobs, using tiger cannon then zen teleport.
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#10 Nagaame


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Posted 16 January 2024 - 09:49 AM

I think I've seen some macro play where the player is just monitoring but not actively playing except when dying or to kill the MVP if they find it. It's the same annoying behavior but with the caveat that it doesn't break any rules since they can respond if a GM would theoretically ever check on them. 

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#11 gaurus


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Posted 16 January 2024 - 09:51 AM

When you have enough gear join them. If wild west over here already. There literally no point to play normally.
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#12 pao0


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Posted 16 January 2024 - 11:01 AM


Actually once a bot character answer, it was bizarre, im telling you, they dont care anymore because there are no follow up to this problem, also unless is pretty obvious, like that RK spamming wind cutter on Turtle Dungeon, is very difficult to prove anything.

well, gms doesnt care, so why would they?  :heh:

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Posted 16 January 2024 - 11:13 AM

When you have enough gear join them. If wild west over here already. There literally no point to play normally.


Agreed, everyone should just start botting, heck the game should offer the option itself so we dont need to download shady third party software, if you cant win against them for sure join them. Why would we care, warp portal staff obviously does not give a F.

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#14 ChakriGuard



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Posted 16 January 2024 - 02:05 PM

Make air time again. Where are the time cards?
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#15 Remiechan


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Posted 23 January 2024 - 01:54 AM

If we're gonna talk about bots, Magma Dun 2 is basically a bot paradise, I don't think GMs care about bots, and compared to these bots I'd say the old openkore bots are at least preferrable lol

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#16 gaurus


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Posted 23 January 2024 - 02:33 AM

Respectfully no...-_- bot would make this 100% worse. It won't get rid of macro-er and just add more bots into the game.
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Posted 23 January 2024 - 04:13 AM

I think disabling the teleport in the offending maps will hamper the bots even if it will be a inconvenience for players as welll. I seriously suggest disabling the ability to teleport in magma dun 2 and amicitia 1 and 2, also in Einbech Dungeon 3.


It is disgusting to see bots farming for days straight ether dust in amicita, they also teleport on sight preventing anyone from properly getting their names.

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#18 Darkxealot


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Posted 24 January 2024 - 04:32 PM

Okay ya know what botting and macroing a single character is disgusting enough but multibox botting and macro is UNACCEPTABLE, and this we cant call them out on the forums is no good <snip> literally nearly the same name different classes is warping around the Amicitia01 map and KSing everyone...this is ridiculous like when does Warp Portal staff do something...I swear if this gets removed or censored I am seriously done with this game STOP making policies that protect bad manner players...WARP PORTAL do something, take all those characters into a tiny room and watch them warp around drop a few enemies in the room and watch the Wizard and Sorc go absolutely ham COME ON.


Edited by VModIceCreamCake - If you have evidence of specific players botting please give it to the GMs as like you noted the forum is not an appropriate place for it.

Edited by VModIceCreamCake, 25 January 2024 - 09:45 AM.

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#19 LouisLu


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Posted 25 January 2024 - 12:28 AM

look at the buckler events

they been there 4 years now

send them video tape every months does not help

honestly they cant catch them all.

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#20 Remiechan


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Posted 25 January 2024 - 10:40 AM

I think disabling the teleport in the offending maps will hamper the bots even if it will be a inconvenience for players as welll. I seriously suggest disabling the ability to teleport in magma dun 2 and amicitia 1 and 2, also in Einbech Dungeon 3.

It is disgusting to see bots farming for days straight ether dust in amicita, they also teleport on sight preventing anyone from properly getting their names.

I wouldn't like the teleport feature to be off, too inconvenient. But having to screen capture to report is also too inefficient. Enable a "view all players on map" tool with the ability to mass report for botting, which maybe send the activity log for the past hour or so of that specific player to GM.
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#21 Remiechan


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Posted 25 January 2024 - 10:41 AM

Respectfully no...-_- bot would make this 100% worse. It won't get rid of macro-er and just add more bots into the game.

I would agree, I am simply remarking how I at least found those less annoying than these new ones
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#22 Darkxealot


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Posted 25 January 2024 - 10:51 AM

Anyone else think we should be allowed to post names of botting ksers instead of warp portal protecting these people...instead they censor out the names and allow the botters to keep botting.  Absolute madness, we are expected to police their game and we have no good tools to do so.  We cant even expose names of players who do this crap so that others can support the report...the idea of being allowed to see a list of all players on a map is an excellent idea and would end botting straight up...and put the report functions in the game itself this using forums and tickets is ridiculous we make tickets see no change.  If multiple accounts flag the same player you could do a quick investigation of the player immediately if they are just jerks they get a warning, if they are a bot they get banned forever goodbye.  You could even just use a time out function where a player flagged by X number of accounts is put in a "Jail" where their character stays for 24 hours...Jerk or Bot it impedes their ability to keep doing this.  The dwindling community that is left is tired to death of sending in tickets and seeing this still happening all the time, in almost all relevant zones.  If we are expected to police this game for you and we obviously are, then we need to:

A. Be given adequate tools to process offending players.

B. Be rewarded for our efforts should an account be found botting.

C.  And Finally allow complete transparency in Investigations, tell us the result of our efforts.  This was a stupid policy that needs to be rectified immediately.

If this is not able to be implemented, then I agree with the suggestion to completely remove all warping in dungeons.  Open field keep warps, dungeons nope, everyone walks, improve the dungeon monster spawn timings and density to avoid overlap(not that you have that many actual players, almost entirely pront/eden vending, and bots).  This is a measure that already exists in the game.  If multibox botters, and ksers are present they will not be able to just do whatever they want at the expense of your player base because they wont be able to simply warp away at speeds measured in milliseconds.  Players would be able to get Screenshots and Records without all the frustration of trying to place your cursor on their name and hit screenshot fast enough to capture the names.  Warp Portal you have solutions presented to you, i think it is time for a Mod/Warp Portal employee to respond and tell us what you are planning to do to combat a serious issue that is plaguing this game and causing frustration to the point of causing players to stop playing.

Edited by Darkxealot, 25 January 2024 - 11:29 AM.

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#23 mic9010


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Posted 25 January 2024 - 02:02 PM

Anyone else think we should be allowed to post names of botting ksers instead of warp portal protecting these people...instead they censor out the names and allow the botters to keep botting.  Absolute madness, we are expected to police their game and we have no good tools to do so.  We cant even expose names of players who do this crap so that others can support the report...the idea of being allowed to see a list of all players on a map is an excellent idea and would end botting straight up...and put the report functions in the game itself this using forums and tickets is ridiculous we make tickets see no change.  If multiple accounts flag the same player you could do a quick investigation of the player immediately if they are just jerks they get a warning, if they are a bot they get banned forever goodbye.  You could even just use a time out function where a player flagged by X number of accounts is put in a "Jail" where their character stays for 24 hours...Jerk or Bot it impedes their ability to keep doing this.  The dwindling community that is left is tired to death of sending in tickets and seeing this still happening all the time, in almost all relevant zones.  If we are expected to police this game for you and we obviously are, then we need to:

A. Be given adequate tools to process offending players.

B. Be rewarded for our efforts should an account be found botting.

C.  And Finally allow complete transparency in Investigations, tell us the result of our efforts.  This was a stupid policy that needs to be rectified immediately.

If this is not able to be implemented, then I agree with the suggestion to completely remove all warping in dungeons.  Open field keep warps, dungeons nope, everyone walks, improve the dungeon monster spawn timings and density to avoid overlap(not that you have that many actual players, almost entirely pront/eden vending, and bots).  This is a measure that already exists in the game.  If multibox botters, and ksers are present they will not be able to just do whatever they want at the expense of your player base because they wont be able to simply warp away at speeds measured in milliseconds.  Players would be able to get Screenshots and Records without all the frustration of trying to place your cursor on their name and hit screenshot fast enough to capture the names.  Warp Portal you have solutions presented to you, i think it is time for a Mod/Warp Portal employee to respond and tell us what you are planning to do to combat a serious issue that is plaguing this game and causing frustration to the point of causing players to stop playing.

Not relevant to botting, but I still remember when our dearest Vmod removed posts about dupers even though the name was not explicitly mentioned at all :)


And take it easy, if WP doesn't care about its own game, then why should us care and police the game?

Edited by mic9010, 25 January 2024 - 02:05 PM.

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#24 ChakriGuard



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Posted 25 January 2024 - 02:55 PM

We just need more Kachues and OCPs
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#25 Artemie31


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Posted 25 January 2024 - 11:19 PM

Even when you want to report them, you can't :/ they teleport too fast to check their character name.

(i remember getting dm from GM asking if i was a bot when hunting, maybe they do check for bots even if it's just a little)

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