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Real Talk Here! The Sorc Botting is becoming a Problem

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#26 Remiechan


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Posted 25 January 2024 - 11:32 PM

Even when you want to report them, you can't :/ they teleport too fast to check their character name.
(i remember getting dm from GM asking if i was a bot when hunting, maybe they do check for bots even if it's just a little)

seriously, there are maps where the GM can just sit 10-15 mins a time and they will catch multiple bots.

Maybe some programs they use have an "avoid GM" sort of crap but they probably could as easily sit with a non-GM sprite character then PM them using the GM spirited characters
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#27 iriisss


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Posted 26 January 2024 - 08:56 AM

Why is my post removed? Are we not allowed to talk about ill mannered behavior now? If you guys have so much time to censor forum posts, why don’t you spend some on catching bots in nogg2, they’ve been there for years.
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#28 pao0


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Posted 26 January 2024 - 10:43 AM

look at the buckler events

they been there 4 years now

send them video tape every months does not help

honestly they cant catch them all.


they can't because they don't (i.e., no effort at all)


much better if everyone would just join them  :ani_slur:  :heh:

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#29 Darkxealot


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Posted 28 January 2024 - 02:12 PM

Bad News Bears, if you want confirmation that Warp Portal staff do literally nothing when they Supposedly "Investigate" go to Abandoned Lab Amicitia 01 and watch the same bots flying around the map, while a certain multibox warper kills with a Wizard and a Sorc, the name of the person starts with a D, that's all I am going to say and when they inevitably ks you and warp away at blinding speeds and you see the other bots in there who literally do nothing but warp NOTHING BUT WRAP so fast the damn names don't even spawn.  You can come back here with your own proof and confirmation of what i say.  Warp Portal doesn't do anything they don't investigate they send a nonsense automated response and continue to allow this game disrupting behavior to carry on 

Seriously if they aren't even going to try to enforce their rules why should anyone follow any of them, sounds to me like botting is fine, Kill Stealing is good, Zone dumping good to go, so do whatever ya want yall, without any fear of any kind punishment, as for the forum moderator I am convinced at this point that half the bots are WP employees why would you protect these people when they are name dropped...seriously why do you censor the names of the jerks that are KS bot killing unless you are protecting them for some reason, what do you get out of removing their name when they get rightfully name dropped.  Same IGN is warping around Amicitia that was there when i started this thread, so that should tell you everything you need to know about WP and their lack of enforcement.  WP if these actions aren't fine I think you need to clarify what is good and what isn't.  I am confused now what are the rules cause we all know that RMT happen all the time with all the MVP cards and stuff, nothing appears to be done about this, and I have physically witnessed that you guys do not stop Automation of your game via Macros or Botting so what exactly are we as a community suppose to take away from this??. This is genuinely confusing please offer some clarity.


Edited by Darkxealot, 28 January 2024 - 02:31 PM.

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#30 CKDD


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Posted 28 January 2024 - 08:25 PM

yeah, a lot of killstealers there like:




rune knight

and (this is the latest i found) even job like trouvere (party with cute name something) also KS there


need GM intervention here


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#31 mic9010


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Posted 29 January 2024 - 03:16 PM

WP even doesn’t care about the dupers, why bother with bots xD?
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#32 pao0


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Posted 31 January 2024 - 04:54 AM

yeah, a lot of killstealers there like:




rune knight

and (this is the latest i found) even job like trouvere (party with cute name something) also KS there


need GM intervention here

easily configurable with self- or ground-targeted skills




oh yeah, i would really just suggest everyone to do the same.. they don't care now, highly improbable they will care in the future

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Posted 31 January 2024 - 07:39 AM

I will do a 360 here and suggest for automated farming and looting to be integrated into the client, so a bot is not required,  and the game be balanced around that fact. Maybe attach it to the VIP feature.


Lets be clear here, you can fight against bots, but its a lost battle, you can NOT win. You can temporary minimize its effect with signatures, certificates and encryption, heck even try captcha, but in the end it will all be for naught.


I have reported a bunch of them, they are still doing the same untouched, heck if you PM a bot, the owner can receive the PM through the bot interface, then they can easily logoff the bot and login normally and play pretend.


In my case it is a matter of principles, I play for fun and there is no fun in using bots therefore I dont use them. But thats just me and I am old school anyway.



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#34 aTID2


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Posted 02 February 2024 - 07:16 AM

yes, its time.


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#35 tlc9711LOgo


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Posted 02 February 2024 - 04:21 PM

Probably community not going to like it xD

Question: How sorcerer,warlock,rune knight and trouvere do instant cast and tele with no delay?

Answer: OCP



Warportal: Ignore xD

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#36 6773131031232342973


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Posted 02 February 2024 - 04:53 PM

Just make a new server with no OCP and P2P with monthly subscription that way whales can be happy too as well, they being imbeciles by paying like pigs and real RO players  by playing in a semi descent server, it's a win-win.

Edited by 6773131031232342973, 02 February 2024 - 04:53 PM.

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#37 ChakriGuard



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Posted 02 February 2024 - 07:52 PM

Make all loots and items character bound :3

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#38 Darkxealot


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Posted 04 February 2024 - 05:11 PM

Well sad news, ya it is 100% confirmed that botting is now acceptable on IRO, we know this because the bot that I have repeatedly reported is still there, we are now almost a month later so when they tell you will they are "investigating" that is a lie.  Straight up they dumpster the report and don't bother they are too busy making predatory loot boxes.  Never believe them it is an automated response.  I have lost all faith in the GM Team.  Honestly for how obscenely grindy this games late levels are you might as well.  No response from anyone up top, nothing they have offered zero in the way of why this bot player is still allowed to keep doing this and its constant thing, it makes zone unplayable, sure screw it allow disruptive behaviors to keep going...GG

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#39 tlc9711LOgo


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Posted 07 February 2024 - 07:52 PM

Meow, this map (thanatos tower)  is so good, spammy monster spawn rate, small map, multiple floor level, good card but most important no teleportation! The result is less macro bot but more human player! I suggest all 200 above map should have disable teleportation or maybe update teleport by adding delay from KRO macro bot dealing patch xD.

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