Make 90% damage resistance cap TE only & leave WoE1&2 + PvM untouched - Ragnarok Online Community Chat - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Make 90% damage resistance cap TE only & leave WoE1&2 + PvM untouched

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#1 YuuiL


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 02:12 AM



1. The person crying about it only plays WoE TE consistently. What is the motif and justification of applying this damage resistance cap to the whole server?

  • What about interviewing players in the community that do play WoE 1 & 2 or PvM before you assume this damage resistance cap is necessary to all scenes?
  • To a player: "WoE 2 is dead so idc"--good logic. Go kiss your bestie more as you are basically saying he's the only life purpose: without him everything is not worth caring.


2. The max damage you can deal using transcendent/3rd/4th jobs differs greatly. At least do some math to see if your damage resistance cap is realistic at all--even 99% isn't enough if you really play the game (you don't, I know), that's why players are building differently with different classes to maximize teamplay in WoE.

  • The Orc Successor Helm is from twRO. Sure, iRO doesn't need to copy other servers, but even now they are still having that 100% miss in WoE. They know the damage is too OP, while iRO gets even more OP gears than twRO.
  • Applying a damage cap as kRO is nice. Sure, again, iRO doesn't necessarily have to copy other servers, but doesn't kRO have different types of damage resistance cap (like in WoE Herosria)? AGAIN, they know the damage is too OP, while iRO gets even more OP gears than kRO.


3. 100% demi is game breaking in WoE TE, but it is not as big an issue as in WoE 1&2. Do you even know what is game-breaking at this point? 100% class/size/long-range/reflection--you really think they are as game-breaking as 100% demi? 

  • It is totally fine if you aren't aware--maybe come visit us during WoE times (WoE 1 & 2, not TE) and we'll let the guildie that's famous for being a GM killer test the damage, just as how you always test stuffs before releasing OCP I assume, right?
  • Tell me how you get a recaller to recall in a proper GvG scene now, since the recaller being an inquisitor class most likely will just die to everything--unless they recall in an empty castle, or do you mean people should always just do that hide-and-seek/rat-chasing game now thanks to your 90% damage resis cap
  • If you keep it like this, you are basically saying teamplay/strategic planning is unnecessary for WoE (as is said, damage is already too OP and it's only the 100% demi in TE that's being too broken) and that everyone playing melee or magic should carefully calculate their damage to be not too much or too less so they don't die to reflection--is that how you incentivize players to spend $$$ and go for the optimal build? Now it's no more, because whatever you do you'll just die to Severe Rainstorm spam so why not just get 100 POW or 100 CON and stay at the entrance 1 shot everyone and die to everything 1 shot too?
  • Oh Sarah Card? Sure it's nice, but what about all the multihit/spammable skills from 3rd and 4th jobs thanks to all the OCPs we get from other servers?





Make 90% damage resistance cap TE only and leave WoE 1&2 and PvM untouched.


And if you really wanna test something out, come visit us during WoE times and we can show you if you really like the WoE scene.


For PvM, there are tons of players in iRO that only do PvM content (farming/partying/socializing). Go ask them if they "like" this thing that's supposed to be for TE only too instead of basing your decision upon one single player's cry about something that's being too broken in only the content he's been playing.

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#2 Laxus555


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 02:45 AM

Keep the 90% damage resistance to TE itself please.
Also, what is the point of implementing something which is half broken, you guys implemented 90% damage resistance, but the GTB and prestige effect still works, so how is it fair for magic users??
Implement it correctly making it fair for all the classes or Implement it for TE itself.

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#3 YuuiL


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 02:59 AM

Keep the 90% damage resistance to TE itself please.
Also, what is the point of implementing something which is half broken, you guys implemented 90% damage resistance, but the GTB and prestige effect still works, so how is it fair for magic users??
Implement it correctly making it fair for all the classes or Implement it for TE itself.


Good point I almost forgot Prestige and GTB still work.


Yes make them 90% too so that everything is fair to their liking lmao

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#4 ChakriGuard



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Posted 15 August 2024 - 02:59 AM

Before WoE 1 today ...




After WoE 1 today ... we have this thread.


Anyway, everyone has the right to request and/or cry. Current GM team is very professional and if you provide good valid points, they listen. Moreover, man ... this is like a mini karma. The situation we're all in now wasnt a result of my QQ thread alone.


Few idiots abused the duped stones in WoE TE + Chakri found out + GM's professionalism = 90% cap server wide. If no one abuse the 100% player resist, I probably would've not made my thread and we all wouldnt be in this awesome situation lol


To be fair, I just wanted the player resist cap only in WoE TE because some apes couldnt play it fairly. The whole server got affected by it was out of my calculation. Anyway, good luck. God speed ~ Justice.


PS. Prestige dodges magic. It doesnt give resists. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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#5 1974200328013057913


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 04:03 AM





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Please reconsider you action for the application of 90% resistance limit from the last maintenance. I'm mostly a PvP player and can't speak for any PvM players. But whatever claimed as a "bug fix" ruined my PvP experience during WoE TE and WoE1/2.


TE isn't the one that got hurt the most. But 90% is way too little that almost all classes still got 1 shot by skills like psychic-wave from a normal geared Super Novice or Bowling Bash from well geared Lord Knight or Jupitel Thunder from a High Wizard, or... you name it. This makes tank classes or support classes super fragile during the TE (unless half of guild play Paladin to sacrifice).

A typical support Scholar with VIT 99 would have like 10k+ HP assuming not wearing a armor with Tao Gunka Card, how is it possible for it to survive in a team fight for more than 2 secs with just 90% player/elemental resistance? There are so many skills can deal 100k+ damage! No one wants to play a game that get 1 shot instantly! There's NO game experience at all!


Things even get worse in WoE1/2! 90% has the same effect as 0%. The 3rd & 4th class skills can deal damage in scale of ten/hundred Millions with normal gear. Guess which class has can stack HP to 1 Million? NONE!  The only class survives under such resistance limit is Imperial Guard! It counters ranged damage with Defending Aura, counters melee damage with Shield Reflect, and, guess what, it even counters Magic damage without needing a Golden Thief Bug Card! Prestige can totally makes yourself immune to any magic damage with INT + LUCK stacked to 380!

Please do some WoE1/2 research if you really want to save it! 


Here are my 2 cents:

1. Raise the resistance limit in TE to somewhere between 97-99%, or apply overall damage cap

2. Raise the resistance limit in WoE 1/2 to 100%, and apply over damage cap, so that people CAN play


Increasing the resistance limit in TE & Keep the 100% resistance limit in WoE1/2 and apply damage cap that every class CAN play:

Encourages divers builds and playstyles. It allow players to experiment with different gears, abilities and tactics and every class can have its own position! Many players feel forced to prioritize offense over defense due to the low limit, since there's no position for tank class!

Balances offense and defense. A slightly increase the resistance limit would help balance offense & defense, allowing for more strategic depth in TE. Players would have the opportunity to tailor their characters to better suit their preferred playstyle, whether that's thanking, support or hybrid roles.

Adapts to the evolving meta. As new contents, OCPs, Kachuas, are released, the game's meta inevitably shifts. Increasing the resistance limit could help keep the game balanced and ensure that defensive strategies remain competitive. This adjustment would encourage continuous engagement and prevent certain playstypes from becoming obsolete.

Edited by 1974200328013057913, 15 August 2024 - 04:24 AM.

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#6 1974200328013057913


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 04:16 AM



Before WoE 1 today ...




After WoE 1 today ... we have this thread.


Of course, there's no point to complain or suggest without trying it yourself. Isn't it? I wouldn't suggest anything for PvM.




Current GM team is very professional and if you provide good valid points, they listen.

For sure! Not only professional, but they are also passionate for the Ragnarok Online community! That's why they took the reaction within one week of your post, as many beloved players shared ideas there objectively!




Few idiots abused the duped stones in WoE TE + Chakri found out + GM's professionalism = 90% cap server wide. 

Curious how you found out and how you test it! I don't even know existences of those items. If you could share in the forum, more players could supervise the item abuse and I bet we could find out much sooner.



To be fair, I just wanted the player resist cap only in WoE TE because some apes couldnt play it fairly. The whole server got affected by it was out of my calculation. Anyway, good luck. God speed ~ Justice.

100%. But it would help more if you could separate it in another post, rather mixing things altogether, which alleviate workload for our beloved GM/CMs.

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#7 Volbeast


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 04:35 AM

All that needs to change is to make the resistance cap not apply to PVM. Maybe the cap should be 95%, I thought that 90% was a bit low. But it’s nice that there are finally reasons to play classes that aren’t Inquisitor or Abyss Chaser, and that’s a good thing. Class diversity was terrible in WoE 1/2 before and definitely feels a lot healthier now. I was a little bit skeptical before, but now I favor having a resistance cap and I firmly think that Warpportal made the right call here.
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#8 YuuiL


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 04:53 AM

Before WoE 1 today ...




After WoE 1 today ... we have this thread.


Anyway, everyone has the right to request and/or cry. Current GM team is very professional and if you provide good valid points, they listen. Moreover, man ... this is like a mini karma. The situation we're all in now wasnt a result of my QQ thread alone.


Few idiots abused the duped stones in WoE TE + Chakri found out + GM's professionalism = 90% cap server wide. If no one abuse the 100% player resist, I probably would've not made my thread and we all wouldnt be in this awesome situation lol


To be fair, I just wanted the player resist cap only in WoE TE because some apes couldnt play it fairly. The whole server got affected by it was out of my calculation. Anyway, good luck. God speed ~ Justice.


PS. Prestige dodges magic. It doesnt give resists. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Don't be that self-centered man we aren't taking you into consideration now. I am just questioning GMs for their justification.


Also I didn't do WoE 1 today so this thread doesn't have anything to do with my WoE 1 experience. I mean it's envisionable already, but maybe it's not the case for GMs because they don't play it.


And karma? lol this affects your own guildies nice that you call it karma. Sure, call everything you say "good" and "valid" and everything others complain about "karma". Nice logic as always.


Again I am questioning GM's justification of doing so instead of blaming you for all of it. It's nice that you report bugs but it's how they handled it that's really runining the whole WoE. Don't act like it's you that's causing the whole problem so that you get the attention.



Yes Prestiage is about dodge, but at this point for sure it's unfair when one class is 100% immune to magic without GTB : )

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#9 YuuiL


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 04:56 AM

Some people be like wow more diversity now, but then it's really just that maybe you should improve on your own class : )


Like start thinking about what you are building first instead of spamming a skill on someone that's destined to miss. Your Imperial Guard wasn't killing me, but my own dear guildie who's a pro Imperial Guard player is able to kill me every time. 


Why? Skill issue.


Plus besides killing disabling plays a more significant role, but ofc someone isn't able to recognize it because--


skill issue sir.

Edited by YuuiL, 15 August 2024 - 05:01 AM.

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#10 LilVip88


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 04:56 AM

Just change the resistance cap for PVM, please!! The issue (100% resistance) was about WoE, so change it back to normal!!

If GM can also change the resist to 95% would be good, I think.


Edited by LilVip88, 15 August 2024 - 05:00 AM.

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#11 ChakriGuard



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Posted 15 August 2024 - 05:05 AM

For sure! Not only professional, but they are also passionate for the Ragnarok Online community! That's why they took the reaction within one week of your post, as many beloved players shared ideas there objectively!


Curious how you found out and how you test it! I don't even know existences of those items. If you could share in the forum, more players could supervise the item abuse and I bet we could find out much sooner.


100%. But it would help more if you could separate it in another post, rather mixing things altogether, which alleviate workload for our beloved GM/CMs.



I just knew about the abuse too and that's why I instantly made the thread about it last week. Since this thread doesnt aim to reverse WoE TE back to 100%, I dont want to derail it.


My friends actually love this WoE 1 tonight. Apparently they killed a lot of people now and they even broke castles that they never dreamed out. But eh, if they dont voice their opinions. That's up to them. WoE 1/2 can go back to where it was, but damn ... after hearing so many good things about new WoE 1/2 and how more classes can play now. I am just about to try WoE 2 again myself. Before the cap, I was like, bull-_-! 100% redux. What was I supposed to hit? Good that GM put the cap.


Actually about WoE 2, I have a good idea. Disable OCPs and Kachues and MvPs. There you go.

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#12 YuuiL


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 05:20 AM

I just knew about the abuse too and that's why I instantly made the thread about it last week. Since this thread doesnt aim to reverse WoE TE back to 100%, I dont want to derail it.


My friends actually love this WoE 1 tonight. Apparently they killed a lot of people now and they even broke castles that they never dreamed out. But eh, if they dont voice their opinions. That's up to them. WoE 1/2 can go back to where it was, but damn ... after hearing so many good things about new WoE 1/2 and how more classes can play now. I am just about to try WoE 2 again myself. Before the cap, I was like, bull-_-! 100% redux. What was I supposed to hit? Good that GM put the cap.


Actually about WoE 2, I have a good idea. Disable OCPs and Kachues and MvPs. There you go.


Sure welcome to WoE 2 : ) And glad that more people are coming. I hope they don't quit after GMs keep "balancing" it.


And yes disabling those would be nice too. That way can just do Herosria can't wait to see those people that accept all challenges xD

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#13 ChakriGuard



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Posted 15 August 2024 - 05:21 AM

Don't be that self-centered man we aren't taking you into consideration now. I am just questioning GMs for their justification.


Also I didn't do WoE 1 today so this thread doesn't have anything to do with my WoE 1 experience. I mean it's envisionable already, but maybe it's not the case for GMs because they don't play it.


And karma? lol this affects your own guildies nice that you call it karma. Sure, call everything you say "good" and "valid" and everything others complain about "karma". Nice logic as always.


Again I am questioning GM's justification of doing so instead of blaming you for all of it. It's nice that you report bugs but it's how they handled it that's really runining the whole WoE. Don't act like it's you that's causing the whole problem so that you get the attention.



Yes Prestiage is about dodge, but at this point for sure it's unfair when one class is 100% immune to magic without GTB : )


No where in my previous post did I say its me in your original post. Relax. I only said that before WoE 1, your guild was happy with the update. I wonder what happened during WoE 2 that could change their mind so fast. Interesting.


No one in our guild ever had 100% player resist in WoE TE. And sure if this 90% cap affects our guild, good. We will gladly accept it because we know none of our 20 people ever used any abuse in WoE TE. If you believe none of your guildmates ever abused the 100% player resist in WoE TE, this 90% cap would not even affect you. Wait, we still have to disable Golem stone and Frost Giant Blood. QQ'ers cant play fairly ... smfh. This is why we cant have a good thing. You should blame your guildmates who abused the bug then as I will also blame anyone in our guild who abused the bug too.


I think a sniper solo a guild of well geared people was a "valid" point enough to show GM and kRO HQ how 100% player resist literally F'ed up WoE TE. I bet kRO HQ freaked out what the actual F. Maybe you can make a video of how bad WoE 2 is but so far I hear many good things. Pretty sure there will be a video from our side that can easily navigate and play WoE 2 just fine. But eh, we dont mind if WoE 2 has 100% cap. There are always counters, yo. Dont mistake it to 100% resist in WoE TE where first, its done by an abuse and second, and second, there was no counter, to WoE 1/2.


Prestige doesnt give resist, so obviously it doesnt get affected. The skill works as intended. Bro, Masq has high % success. Need to cap it to 10% too. Wait, Dispel has 100% chance. Cap it asap. Unfair. How dare skills work as intended, even they have counters. Note: Dispel removes Prestige. Here is another way to counter a "100% magic dodge" RG, an easiest way .... physically beating him to death. You're welcome. You need to gear a strong IB DK now. Trust me.



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#14 neal2008


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 05:31 AM

100% demihuman should be capped in all pvp, battlegrounds, and WoE environments. Only 3 classes can handle this strategy(namely the sura, SC, and the cat class). Teamplay? How is it fair for every class excluding the three to have to stall one 100% demihuman redux char until the needed class to arrive. We are not even sure if the needed class can guarantee the kill. You are saying a guild needs to group together to counter 1 guy but are ok with 1 guy steamrolling through a guild.
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#15 ChakriGuard



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Posted 15 August 2024 - 05:32 AM

All that needs to change is to make the resistance cap not apply to PVM. Maybe the cap should be 95%, I thought that 90% was a bit low. But it’s nice that there are finally reasons to play classes that aren’t Inquisitor or Abyss Chaser, and that’s a good thing. Class diversity was terrible in WoE 1/2 before and definitely feels a lot healthier now. I was a little bit skeptical before, but now I favor having a resistance cap and I firmly think that Warpportal made the right call here.


Your honest inputs are greatly appreciated. I've talked to my friends on many guilds (they're shy and they dont like posting on forums). They're all happy with this cap in WoE 2. I think the problem is PvM. PvM shouldnt be affected. However i believe WP cant do it. Its a server wide. Thus I think a good solution is 95% - 99% is a good range.

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#16 1974200328013057913


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 05:52 AM

I just knew about the abuse too and that's why I instantly made the thread about it last week. Since this thread doesnt aim to reverse WoE TE back to 100%, I dont want to derail it.


My friends actually love this WoE 1 tonight. Apparently they killed a lot of people now and they even broke castles that they never dreamed out. But eh, if they dont voice their opinions. That's up to them. WoE 1/2 can go back to where it was, but damn ... after hearing so many good things about new WoE 1/2 and how more classes can play now. I am just about to try WoE 2 again myself. Before the cap, I was like, bull-_-! 100% redux. What was I supposed to hit? Good that GM put the cap.



It smells when the explanation starts with "I just knew..". I came back to RO 1yrs ago so lots of players like me would like to know & supervise item abuse, that's why I ask. And we want our voices to be heard.


Anyway, we are on the same boat that we both want more WoE1/2 is playable for more classes. But at least with a resist limit as low as 90%, I can't figure out how to play Shadow Cross. Instantly killed without teamplay isn't something I'd enjoy.

Or perhaps I should just join the IG army.




Actually about WoE 2, I have a good idea. Disable OCPs and Kachues and MvPs. There you go.


Sure thing if you play and care about WoE2, but make another post seriously.

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#17 ChakriGuard



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Posted 15 August 2024 - 05:59 AM

It smells when the explanation starts with "I just knew..". I came back to RO 1yrs ago so lots of players like me would like to know & supervise item abuse, that's why I ask. And we want our voices to be heard.


Anyway, we are on the same boat that we both want more WoE1/2 is playable for more classes. But at least with a resist limit as low as 90%, I can't figure out how to play Shadow Cross. Instantly killed without teamplay isn't something I'd enjoy.

Or perhaps I should just join the IG army.



Sure thing if you play and care about WoE2, but make another post seriously.


Sarah card is a must unfortunately. And i'm serious. If you disable OCPs, Kachues, and MvP cards in WoE 1/2. Most skills should not hit that hard esp if you use WoE set too. Tons of redux. I aint even trolling ...


And yes, IG ... good choice. You have Guard (block 30%), Shield reflect (40% to reflect), Reflect damage (50% to reduce incoming reflect damage), Defender (up to 80% range reduc), Inspiration (To fight Masq.), and more. Yes IG has a lot to offer but everything here has counters to it. Hope you enjoy a better WoE.


Edited by ChakriGuard, 15 August 2024 - 06:02 AM.

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#18 1974200328013057913


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 06:18 AM

Sarah card is a must unfortunately. And i'm serious. If you disable OCPs, Kachues, and MvP cards in WoE 1/2. Most skills should not hit that hard esp if you use WoE set too. Tons of redux. I aint even trolling ...


And yes, IG ... good choice. You have Guard (block 30%), Shield reflect (40% to reflect), Reflect damage (50% to reduce incoming reflect damage), Defender (up to 80% range reduc), Inspiration (To fight Masq.), and more. Yes IG has a lot to offer but everything here has counters to it. Hope you enjoy a better WoE.


First of all, please don't steer away from the topic of the OP. I'm sure there are a tons of way the WoE1/2 /TE could be made more balanced, but you can't put an elephant in a refrigerator in a single step. And again, make your own post for any proposal outside scope of this OP.


I'm discussing whether or not we should have 100% or 90 ish% resistance limit in WoE1/2. Likewise to many of your friends from different guilds, me and my friends would like to see more classes in addition to IG having their own stages in WoE, so that more people would come & play. But not in a way that the "must" is a super rare/expensive MVP card (sarah card). 

At least with Orc Successor and its combo, every class would have a chance and I can foresee a lot of playstyles are being articulated. But the server wide limit just ruined it.

Edited by 1974200328013057913, 15 August 2024 - 06:24 AM.

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#19 YuuiL


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 07:10 AM

No where in my previous post did I say its me in your original post. Relax. I only said that before WoE 1, your guild was happy with the update. I wonder what happened during WoE 2 that could change their mind so fast. Interesting.


No one in our guild ever had 100% player resist in WoE TE. And sure if this 90% cap affects our guild, good. We will gladly accept it because we know none of our 20 people ever used any abuse in WoE TE. If you believe none of your guildmates ever abused the 100% player resist in WoE TE, this 90% cap would not even affect you. Wait, we still have to disable Golem stone and Frost Giant Blood. QQ'ers cant play fairly ... smfh. This is why we cant have a good thing. You should blame your guildmates who abused the bug then as I will also blame anyone in our guild who abused the bug too.


I think a sniper solo a guild of well geared people was a "valid" point enough to show GM and kRO HQ how 100% player resist literally F'ed up WoE TE. I bet kRO HQ freaked out what the actual F. Maybe you can make a video of how bad WoE 2 is but so far I hear many good things. Pretty sure there will be a video from our side that can easily navigate and play WoE 2 just fine. But eh, we dont mind if WoE 2 has 100% cap. There are always counters, yo. Dont mistake it to 100% resist in WoE TE where first, its done by an abuse and second, and second, there was no counter, to WoE 1/2.


Prestige doesnt give resist, so obviously it doesnt get affected. The skill works as intended. Bro, Masq has high % success. Need to cap it to 10% too. Wait, Dispel has 100% chance. Cap it asap. Unfair. How dare skills work as intended, even they have counters. Note: Dispel removes Prestige. Here is another way to counter a "100% magic dodge" RG, an easiest way .... physically beating him to death. You're welcome. You need to gear a strong IB DK now. Trust me.


It's funny that you read that as "happy with the update" lollllllllllllll We don't feel happy just because you say we are 


And I'm not even talking about TE bro. Don't stray the topic to your focus

Edited by YuuiL, 15 August 2024 - 07:14 AM.

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#20 YuuiL


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 07:21 AM

100% demihuman should be capped in all pvp, battlegrounds, and WoE environments. Only 3 classes can handle this strategy(namely the sura, SC, and the cat class). Teamplay? How is it fair for every class excluding the three to have to stall one 100% demihuman redux char until the needed class to arrive. We are not even sure if the needed class can guarantee the kill. You are saying a guild needs to group together to counter 1 guy but are ok with 1 guy steamrolling through a guild.


Bro, are you even updated with 4th jobs?


I mean even 3rd jobs work, including Sorc/Warlocks/rangers/RK/GX/maestro or wandy etc. etc.


Gitgud bro.


But yeah since you don't know you most likey are just going to call people that know how to counter/play around it abusing bugs I guess.

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#21 SweetKarly


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 08:26 AM

WarpPortal did it good this time, 90 damage red cap is just perfect, nobody made a request to fix something about Orc Succesor in PvM though.

Anyways I would be complaining too if my goal was to keep up alliances with other guilds to divide the WoE 1/2 Castles half and half without fighting and thus kill the main objective of WoE, and of course some people like to kill but not being killed, that's the main reason why this started cause some people couldn't handle with the idea of poor players in WoE TE could get 100 reduc.

Also I haven't seen you in the last WoE TE not even in the last WoE 1 so not all your complains have foundations. 

WP thanks for this update.


Edited by SweetKarly, 15 August 2024 - 10:36 AM.

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Posted 15 August 2024 - 08:48 AM

WOE 1 & 2:

100% resist should be capped in all pvp, battlegrounds, and WoEenvironments.

Not at 90% obviously, at 97% demi resist players still get one shotted by almost all 3rd classes skills. Maybe at 99% with the current amount of damage.

For a 90% resist cap the damage should be reduced by A LOT in pvp/woe.

Resist cap makes woe more balanced and all classes useful again.



90% is a good cap I THINK.

3rd classes skills from cards/gears should be banned.




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#23 neal2008


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 09:15 AM

Bro, are you even updated with 4th jobs?

I mean even 3rd jobs work, including Sorc/Warlocks/rangers/RK/GX/maestro or wandy etc. etc.

Gitgud bro.

But yeah since you don't know you most likey are just going to call people that know how to counter/play around it abusing bugs I guess.

I have been playing WoE consistently for years. I have spent more hours in WoE than you have. So i know that a Damage Reduction cap is necessary and healthy for the game. As for bugs, no i have never used any bugs in WoE and when i do hear about bugs i build to counter it immediately. Some worked and some didn't. I mostly reference 3rd jobs out of habit. Havent gotten used to the terminology of the 4th jobs yet.

Edited by neal2008, 15 August 2024 - 09:16 AM.

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#24 mlmf


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 09:24 AM

Bro, are you even updated with 4th jobs?

I mean even 3rd jobs work, including Sorc/Warlocks/rangers/RK/GX/maestro or wandy etc. etc.

Gitgud bro.

But yeah since you don't know you most likey are just going to call people that know how to counter/play around it abusing bugs I guess.

Please share us your knowledge of how every class can beat 100% resist without needing those 3 specific classes come and save the day. Id love to hear it.(for real i want to know) Might also help your case in bringing back 100% resist

Edited by mlmf, 15 August 2024 - 09:29 AM.

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#25 sylwen


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Posted 15 August 2024 - 12:02 PM

90% cap is exciting, its like a new game mode, cant wait to try out new builds and strategies, those that enjoy woe will adapt, learn, and grow. i think its way to soon to make any judgement calls, give it like 3-6 months of this lets see what new play styles the community comes up with. see you all at woe :D

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