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Updated 3/31 Discussing the VIP settings that are coming up

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#201 Heimdallr


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 07:02 PM

Potentially Jayrad.
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#202 Heimdallr


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 07:04 PM

How about marriage? Can we get the option to pay with zeny on Valkyrie instead of oath of marriage?

Ohhh good question.

If you are "non-VIP" it is Oath of Marriage

If you are VIP then you have the option of either case.
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#203 Josh1821


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 07:04 PM

Ah this is great news, best of luck switching things around GM's

PS any word on the ranger patch at all?
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Posted 31 March 2011 - 07:07 PM

Potentially Jayrad.

what, youre gonna make people farm for it for months before you give a direct answer? that's evil
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#205 Beata


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 07:10 PM

My thoughts:
1. Allow up to 2 free accounts to be logged on instead of 1 for the multi-client restriction. (Cleard)
2. Default storage to be 600 on VIP server instead of 300. 900 if VIP account. Or simply, have no storage restriction for the VIP server (Ymir). (Cleard)
3. For the love of god, don't introduce rental gears and convex boxes into the VIP server kafra shop. ( ???? )

A lot better now, thanks so much for listening to the community. However point 3 needs some attention too.
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#206 RuneLightmage


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 08:10 PM

Interesting. Basically nothing meaningful got changed. People complained about lack of convenience, supported it with arguments that made their personal losses seem like they were widespread and would hurt the game as a whole.

Sad. I had hoped that there would be more people in the community who would have made suggestions that favored making RO a better game, and not 'better for themselves'.

I read the thread and found it hard to believe that there were people who actually seemed oblivious as to why Multiclienting was a problem. It was a herculean feat of willpower that kept me from immediately replying with something negative. I suppose there are people who have never played on Valk,
never played in an environment where botting has gotten out of hand, where the economy, or enjoyment of the game as a whole has been negatively impacted. And I suppose there are those who walk past the spam bots daily but are too blind to notice that they are all from multiple accounts (sharing similar names). And again, I imagine that there are those who simply don't care.

You- all of you, are entitled to be that way.

You're entitled to care more about your third, or fourth, or fifth back up, slave account and personal convenience more than the quality of the gaming experience. You're allowed to care more about temporary satisfaction over long term rewards. In fact, so many products are designed this way now (because people suggest changes or a lack of changes favoring this) that I shouldn't be surprised that this particular sampling of the playerbase has a mindset that is any different.

I, for one, will continue to make suggestions for legitimate improvement. I have yet to see more than a very few suggestions (from multiple threads on thus subject) that have anything to do with making the game better. Kudos to the three-five different people who actually brought up valid points and offered ideas that actually might help the game. I know someone suggested NPC's who could provide buffs.

I like that idea. It may not be the best one, but it's a step in the right direction. Limiting or preventing multi-clienting (or multiple characters logged in at once- for those of you who want to split hairs and talk about how the bots don't need to use the client- as though the real issue is the client and not having 9-20 different characters logged on spamming the chat and farming to kill the market and sell zenny...)means that there is more of an investment in a given account and on given characters. It doesn't mean you suddenly cannot play RO anymore or that you cannot warp anywhere or get a bless or endow or see a conversation take place. Believe it or not, I get warps from OTHER priests....on OTHER accounts....that aren't mine. And when I have conversations- they're not with my alt.....there is actually another person on another computer talking back to me. Seriously, I don't know if you all knew, but RO wasn't always a single player MMO.

Priests used to make money charging zenny for warps. Endowers would camp locations and make a profit by endowing. People played the characters they had. Strange, huhn? Now, don't get me wrong. Things change. Sometimes, old ideas aren't applicable. Just like old character builds and archetypes. But I think I have been clear, to an extent, in making my point- for those who are actually listening and not just ignoring or being argumentative.

I know this much, I have yet to read a single issue or concern (save for one) about multi-clienting and storage space, that cannot be resolved pretty decidedly with simple coding implementations (of course, code is never simple for some reason). There are at least, 3-5 different ways to handle the multi-clienting issue and the storage issue...each. And these are off the top of my head, without any brainstorming. Yet no one is discussing anything beyond simply 'give me more storage space' and 'I want the convenience. Gimme multi-client'. The closest, semi-useful suggestions were at least two clients. But is there a reason that no one wants to look into other ideas and then present them?

If these were honestly really big issues for you, then why aren't you suggesting really big fixes for them? If you like the game so much, why are you offering a band-aid for a gunshot wound? You are still gonna bleed and we all know that bandaid isn't really doing anything. It's kind of insulting.

I'll close by saying that it looks like RO has truly concerned itself more with keeping the players happy rather than adhering strongly to any idea or spirit that the game was based on. This is actually a very important point because when the original developer/creator guy was removed from the project many years ago, we lost out on a lot of wonderful things for the same of business. There is nothing wrong with business and making money or with keeping players happy. But it would be nice if the games needs were being addressed on nearly as high a level as the players wants. Because there are times when the game needs to take a back seat to the players and times when the players need to let the game they love grow to be more worthy of that love.

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#207 Exeter0


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 08:30 PM

I play in Valk, and I was surprised when I read about the 3 characters on one non-VIP account. I have 5 characters on my main account, what would happen to two of my characters?

P.S. 3 characters means you can only take the first 3 spots in the character selection screen. My characters in my account take up the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th and 9th spot (my main being in 8th, and the rest are alts.) I created my main on the 8th slot pre-renewal, so the number thingy that tells us what slot it is wasn't there yet. Does that mean I have to pay just to access my main character?
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#208 morphine


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 08:40 PM

I play in Valk, and I was surprised when I read about the 3 characters on one non-VIP account. I have 5 characters on my main account, what would happen to two of my characters?

P.S. 3 characters means you can only take the first 3 spots in the character selection screen. My characters in my account take up the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th and 9th spot (my main being in 8th, and the rest are alts.) I created my main on the 8th slot pre-renewal, so the number thingy that tells us what slot it is wasn't there yet. Does that mean I have to pay just to access my main character?

You only have to be on a sub to create new characters. The already made characters will remain available. From the WP blog post:

On all servers, any character can be played. So if you currently have 7 characters created, all 7 can be accessed, regardless of your VIP status. This will also be true for newly created characters, no matter what all, potential, 9 characters slots can be played if there is a character in them.
However, the ability to CREATE characters is tied to your VIP status, and which server you are logging in on VIP vs Open server.
On Open servers you can create 3 characters by default, the remaining 6 Character slots can have characters created in them if the account is currently a VIP account.
On our VIP server (Ymir) default creation number of characters to create is 0, and a VIP account will allow character creation in all 9 slots.

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#209 Kiehl


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 11:18 PM

Teleport: All servers 10sp
GTB : Ygg and Valk, no longer drop
Creamy/Vitata : Unrestrict
Ghost/Devling : Will not be in OCA/MCA on Open servers

Items like empty bottles will be dropped AND sold via NPCs.

Thank you very much for the clarification, very appreciated.
These settings sound good and reasonable to me.
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#210 brothersfree


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 01:40 AM

Teleport: All servers 10sp
GTB : Ygg and Valk, no longer drop
Creamy/Vitata : Unrestrict
Ghost/Devling : Will not be in OCA/MCA on Open servers

Items like empty bottles will be dropped AND sold via NPCs.

what about GTB that is already on the server? Dont tell me you are gonna remove it?! srsly
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#211 Akisame


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 02:34 AM

blahblahblah condescension

And what, pray tell, are these "suggestions for legitimate improvement" of yours? If you're dissatisfied with the solutions on hand and have these suggestions that can solve our problems, then speak up! Make us see your point instead of being a cryptic, holier-than-thou ass. Obviously not everyone thinks like you, but at least they're being specific about their griping. Your whole post was basically, "I'm better than all you lazy, selfish slobs because I just thought of the most brilliant solutions, but I refuse to tell you guys my ideas."

If these were honestly really big issues for you, then why aren't you suggesting really big fixes for them? If you like the game so much, why are you offering a band-aid for a gunshot wound? You are still gonna bleed and we all know that bandaid isn't really doing anything. It's kind of insulting.

Why aren't YOU, when you apparently have all the answers? Hypocrite.
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#212 dedinvegas


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 02:40 AM

Interesting. Basically nothing meaningful got changed. People complained about lack of convenience, supported it with arguments that made their personal losses seem like they were widespread and would hurt the game as a whole.

Sad. I had hoped that there would be more people in the community who would have made suggestions that favored making RO a better game, and not 'better for themselves'.

I read the thread and found it hard to believe that there were people who actually seemed oblivious as to why Multiclienting was a problem. It was a herculean feat of willpower that kept me from immediately replying with something negative. I suppose there are people who have never played on Valk,
never played in an environment where botting has gotten out of hand, where the economy, or enjoyment of the game as a whole has been negatively impacted. And I suppose there are those who walk past the spam bots daily but are too blind to notice that they are all from multiple accounts (sharing similar names). And again, I imagine that there are those who simply don't care.

You- all of you, are entitled to be that way.

You're entitled to care more about your third, or fourth, or fifth back up, slave account and personal convenience more than the quality of the gaming experience. You're allowed to care more about temporary satisfaction over long term rewards. In fact, so many products are designed this way now (because people suggest changes or a lack of changes favoring this) that I shouldn't be surprised that this particular sampling of the playerbase has a mindset that is any different.

I, for one, will continue to make suggestions for legitimate improvement. I have yet to see more than a very few suggestions (from multiple threads on thus subject) that have anything to do with making the game better. Kudos to the three-five different people who actually brought up valid points and offered ideas that actually might help the game. I know someone suggested NPC's who could provide buffs.

I like that idea. It may not be the best one, but it's a step in the right direction. Limiting or preventing multi-clienting (or multiple characters logged in at once- for those of you who want to split hairs and talk about how the bots don't need to use the client- as though the real issue is the client and not having 9-20 different characters logged on spamming the chat and farming to kill the market and sell zenny...)means that there is more of an investment in a given account and on given characters. It doesn't mean you suddenly cannot play RO anymore or that you cannot warp anywhere or get a bless or endow or see a conversation take place. Believe it or not, I get warps from OTHER priests....on OTHER accounts....that aren't mine. And when I have conversations- they're not with my alt.....there is actually another person on another computer talking back to me. Seriously, I don't know if you all knew, but RO wasn't always a single player MMO.

Priests used to make money charging zenny for warps. Endowers would camp locations and make a profit by endowing. People played the characters they had. Strange, huhn? Now, don't get me wrong. Things change. Sometimes, old ideas aren't applicable. Just like old character builds and archetypes. But I think I have been clear, to an extent, in making my point- for those who are actually listening and not just ignoring or being argumentative.

I know this much, I have yet to read a single issue or concern (save for one) about multi-clienting and storage space, that cannot be resolved pretty decidedly with simple coding implementations (of course, code is never simple for some reason). There are at least, 3-5 different ways to handle the multi-clienting issue and the storage issue...each. And these are off the top of my head, without any brainstorming. Yet no one is discussing anything beyond simply 'give me more storage space' and 'I want the convenience. Gimme multi-client'. The closest, semi-useful suggestions were at least two clients. But is there a reason that no one wants to look into other ideas and then present them?

If these were honestly really big issues for you, then why aren't you suggesting really big fixes for them? If you like the game so much, why are you offering a band-aid for a gunshot wound? You are still gonna bleed and we all know that bandaid isn't really doing anything. It's kind of insulting.

I'll close by saying that it looks like RO has truly concerned itself more with keeping the players happy rather than adhering strongly to any idea or spirit that the game was based on. This is actually a very important point because when the original developer/creator guy was removed from the project many years ago, we lost out on a lot of wonderful things for the same of business. There is nothing wrong with business and making money or with keeping players happy. But it would be nice if the games needs were being addressed on nearly as high a level as the players wants. Because there are times when the game needs to take a back seat to the players and times when the players need to let the game they love grow to be more worthy of that love.


Good points all. I'm afraid allowing multiple accounts bound to same IP and/or WP account will have Ygg looking like Valk in no time. Is there really a legitimate reason why a REAL player would need more than one account any way? Sure there are advantages, but the vast majority of people on this thread come off as whiners. I mean as far as I know, there was never going to be any restrictions to multiple accounts or storage space for paid subscribers (or VIP accounts) so if this is really a problem for people, I would suggest they either shell out some $ for a VIP account, or learn to deal with the changes.

The spam bots are a HUGE problem on Valk and I would like to report every one I see if 1. I had the time to do so, 2. I knew the proper procedure, and 3. I felt my efforts would even go noticed and get Gravity to do something about the situation.
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#213 firzen


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 02:48 AM

Although I can see the reasoning behind allowing 600 storage on Ymir, I detest it in parts, and here is why:

What incentive will there be for new players to join Valkyrie if it has the same aspects as Ymir but less storage space?
I also assume it will make a lot of old players want to stop playing Valkyrie as they can play for free across all servers.
My recommendation?

600 storage on all servers.

Hey, there's TONS more items nowadays than there was when 300 storage was originally implemented, and more to come. Doesn't take much to hit the cap.
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#214 IronFist


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 03:22 AM

Teleport: All servers 10sp
GTB : Ygg and Valk, no longer drop
Creamy/Vitata : Unrestrict
Ghost/Devling : Will not be in OCA/MCA on Open servers

Items like empty bottles will be dropped AND sold via NPCs.

Sorry, from what u said
Ghost no longer comes in MCA? but is still droped by GR?
Deviling is now going to be droped from devil??

That correct? or is GR still available in MCA and Deviling isnt available at all... ?

p.s. MADO are now harder to get, since u Warp to pvp-morroc-prontera >>
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#215 Dantemss


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 05:18 AM

Sigh... why not put GR and DR in OCA's? Would help boost the price of OCA's, as well as somewhat reduce the price of these (ridiculously expensive and soon to be ridiculously expensive) cards. Look at MP. Even dropping from normal OCA's, it still goes for several billion.
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#216 Drak231


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 06:22 AM

Interesting. Basically nothing meaningful got changed. People complained about lack of convenience, supported it with arguments that made their personal losses seem like they were widespread and would hurt the game as a whole.

Sad. I had hoped that there would be more people in the community who would have made suggestions that favored making RO a better game, and not 'better for themselves'.

I read the thread and found it hard to believe that there were people who actually seemed oblivious as to why Multiclienting was a problem. It was a herculean feat of willpower that kept me from immediately replying with something negative. I suppose there are people who have never played on Valk,
never played in an environment where botting has gotten out of hand, where the economy, or enjoyment of the game as a whole has been negatively impacted. And I suppose there are those who walk past the spam bots daily but are too blind to notice that they are all from multiple accounts (sharing similar names). And again, I imagine that there are those who simply don't care.

You- all of you, are entitled to be that way.

You're entitled to care more about your third, or fourth, or fifth back up, slave account and personal convenience more than the quality of the gaming experience. You're allowed to care more about temporary satisfaction over long term rewards. In fact, so many products are designed this way now (because people suggest changes or a lack of changes favoring this) that I shouldn't be surprised that this particular sampling of the playerbase has a mindset that is any different.

I, for one, will continue to make suggestions for legitimate improvement. I have yet to see more than a very few suggestions (from multiple threads on thus subject) that have anything to do with making the game better. Kudos to the three-five different people who actually brought up valid points and offered ideas that actually might help the game. I know someone suggested NPC's who could provide buffs.

I like that idea. It may not be the best one, but it's a step in the right direction. Limiting or preventing multi-clienting (or multiple characters logged in at once- for those of you who want to split hairs and talk about how the bots don't need to use the client- as though the real issue is the client and not having 9-20 different characters logged on spamming the chat and farming to kill the market and sell zenny...)means that there is more of an investment in a given account and on given characters. It doesn't mean you suddenly cannot play RO anymore or that you cannot warp anywhere or get a bless or endow or see a conversation take place. Believe it or not, I get warps from OTHER priests....on OTHER accounts....that aren't mine. And when I have conversations- they're not with my alt.....there is actually another person on another computer talking back to me. Seriously, I don't know if you all knew, but RO wasn't always a single player MMO.

Priests used to make money charging zenny for warps. Endowers would camp locations and make a profit by endowing. People played the characters they had. Strange, huhn? Now, don't get me wrong. Things change. Sometimes, old ideas aren't applicable. Just like old character builds and archetypes. But I think I have been clear, to an extent, in making my point- for those who are actually listening and not just ignoring or being argumentative.

I know this much, I have yet to read a single issue or concern (save for one) about multi-clienting and storage space, that cannot be resolved pretty decidedly with simple coding implementations (of course, code is never simple for some reason). There are at least, 3-5 different ways to handle the multi-clienting issue and the storage issue...each. And these are off the top of my head, without any brainstorming. Yet no one is discussing anything beyond simply 'give me more storage space' and 'I want the convenience. Gimme multi-client'. The closest, semi-useful suggestions were at least two clients. But is there a reason that no one wants to look into other ideas and then present them?

If these were honestly really big issues for you, then why aren't you suggesting really big fixes for them? If you like the game so much, why are you offering a band-aid for a gunshot wound? You are still gonna bleed and we all know that bandaid isn't really doing anything. It's kind of insulting.

I'll close by saying that it looks like RO has truly concerned itself more with keeping the players happy rather than adhering strongly to any idea or spirit that the game was based on. This is actually a very important point because when the original developer/creator guy was removed from the project many years ago, we lost out on a lot of wonderful things for the same of business. There is nothing wrong with business and making money or with keeping players happy. But it would be nice if the games needs were being addressed on nearly as high a level as the players wants. Because there are times when the game needs to take a back seat to the players and times when the players need to let the game they love grow to be more worthy of that love.


Totally agree with all of your points. Problem is, most of the people whom you refer to won't actually read your post... It will be tldr...

I also had a question about moving from ygg to ymir. If I plan on paying the VIP status, what's are the differences between staying and moving? I read the post and the blog and I'm not sure to get what is the difference?
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#217 soudou


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 06:45 AM

I also had a question about moving from ygg to ymir. If I plan on paying the VIP status, what's are the differences between staying and moving? I read the post and the blog and I'm not sure to get what is the difference?

Ygg may get an increase in bots due to becoming free/open like Valkyrie. Ymir will hopefully stay low on bots because of the paywall to enter ($7).
Also Ymir will have default storage 600 always (whether free or VIP).

If you plan to pay forever on either server then I think only bots is the main difference? Other differences mainly pertain to free accounts on Ygg vs free accounts on Ymir:
GTB : Ygg and Valk, no longer drop
Ghost/Devling : Will not be in OCA/MCA on Open servers

Thats all I can think of right now off the top of my head. Someone else may be able to elaborate further or correct me on some things.

Edited by soudou, 01 April 2011 - 06:48 AM.

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#218 PhenixFire


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 07:42 AM

You're entitled to care more about your third, or fourth, or fifth back up, slave account and personal convenience more than the quality of the gaming experience. You're allowed to care more about temporary satisfaction over long term rewards. In fact, so many products are designed this way now (because people suggest changes or a lack of changes favoring this) that I shouldn't be surprised that this particular sampling of the playerbase has a mindset that is any different.

I, for one, will continue to make suggestions for legitimate improvement. I have yet to see more than a very few suggestions (from multiple threads on thus subject) that have anything to do with making the game better. Kudos to the three-five different people who actually brought up valid points and offered ideas that actually might help the game. I know someone suggested NPC's who could provide buffs.

I can understand both sides of the fence on this one. You are an older player so you remember what it WAS like, that was yesterday and as you hold on to your love for the original game, there are people who don't share the same ideals or more importantly know what you're talking about. I plan to pay, I buy kafra items, and I normally participate in the events by purchasing boxes or head gears, because I understand this is a business. I have 2 accounts that couple with each other so I'm not affected by the multi-client thing. The storage thing is an issue simply because both my storage's are almost maxed and the simple idea of only being able to take things out would kill my ability to do stuff. As a paying customer do I feel entitled to anything? hmm probably not, I ask a question on the forums, don't get an answer, and I move on with my life.

In terms of suggesting new ideas, I think people want to deal with the suggestions that were thrown at them first before jumping on other ways to make V.I.P better. You seem to be upset about their lack of future ideas but its like asking them to think about tomorrow when they're strapped in the guillotine.

I personally appreciate your passion for wanting to make the game itself better, but in reality the only way to make it better is to understand both sides of the fence and come to terms with it. If i felt like my voice was heard I'm sure I'd participate more but it's not so cause and effect. But I do respect your post 100% I know exactly how you feel.
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#219 DamiaN469


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 07:50 AM

Long quote...

It's funny because these topics we are talking about, we started doing so because of the upcoming VIP changes and not because we disagreed with our current playstyle. I'll give you my point of view as I disagree with most of your ideas.

First of all, each one of us will play the game as one wants or, by circumstances, can. If one wants to play solo using no alts because it's too much of a pain for him to raise them or to play in a party because he can only play 15 minutes a day, it's his problem. If one wants to play in party because he thinks that's the way to play the game, that's his problem. If someone wants to play in party just because he likes doing so, no problem. If someone wants to solo and make his slaves to make his life happy, leave him alone.

Everyone here plays the game the way each one wants.

I'm a Valk player and play Stalker. I did some random parties with no Priest or good equip because I like doing so. When I want to solo, I do solo. When I want to have slaves to make my leveling more time-efficient because of my studies, heck, I do it because I can and I want. If the game didn't have multiclient, I'm not so sure about parties getting better. When I was a Rogue and there was the last Dragon Turnin Event before Renewal, I had a HARD time getting someone who would let me party with them, just because I was a Rogue. I had equip and knew how to use my char very well, aside from lag. And I did very well pulling nice mobs for my party, being an AGI Rogue. I wonder how multiclient had to do anything with it. Maybe because people in general thinks "Lord Knights or Trascendent Jobs are better mobbers and must have better equipment" and "a Rogue or non-Trascendent Jobs are noobs, they'll be a bother".

When we had the Titans Turnin Event. I made a party and took in a bunch of ungeared, newbies, random players with me and teached them what to do with very few and the party was very successful for what be had. Damn, I had to mob with a Wedding Veil and a Swordfish in a Jacket.

There are still random parties, there are still people charging Zeny for warping and such and things like Sages charging for Endows I haven't seen them yet, but surely someone will think of that one day to make profit.

Wait, NPC Buffs? What about asking a Priest for some?

People have been asking for fixes and tweaks all over the years.

About the bots... I wonder how you can't bot in several pservers (ugh) and you can do it here.

Want parties? Make it so partying is the best choice in the game, starting from the mechanics and skills that puts one on the need of others for leveling. I've just remembered those parties pulling and killing Alligators or Hodes for the turnins. Using main chars or leeching alts and using an alt to pull some mob :o

If this ruins Ymir's way of playing (because I think multiclienting there before VIP was a no-go because of the subs fee for each account) then it will be the players fault... and the broken new 3rd Jobs. Valk will be unaffected because its playerbase comes from pservers mostly (they are VERY used to use multiclienting) and new players that can't afford to pay a sub or VIP.

I don't think multiclienting is the main issue here, it's how each one plays the game or the way the game makes us play or want to play.
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#220 Fureedo


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 08:09 AM

I like that idea. It may not be the best one, but it's a step in the right direction. Limiting or preventing multi-clienting (or multiple characters logged in at once- for those of you who want to split hairs and talk about how the bots don't need to use the client- as though the real issue is the client and not having 9-20 different characters logged on spamming the chat and farming to kill the market and sell zenny...)

While it's true that allowing more than 1 or 2 clients would, I guess, help the community, It won't do anything against the bots. I know you won't understand, nobody who didn't dwelve enough in the dark and mystic arts of programming and reverse engineering will understand...but it would hinder the bots for, at most, a week. I said, this once, even if gravity required you to mail DNA sample to prove you're a person playing from a certain location on a certain computer and that nothing else but ro and windows run on it, it would still take barely a week to crack.

EDIT: beside that, I'm happy with the VIP setting. GTB still not being enabled, at least on valk, is a good thing.
On a sidenote though, I hope the VIP npc won't give AB and HP buffs =S
If that's the case i'm expecting every AB players to quit on the spot =x

Edited by Fureedo, 01 April 2011 - 08:13 AM.

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#221 mooMOOmoo


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 09:32 AM

How will the kafra teleport work on the open servers?
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#222 Triki


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 09:52 AM

so what your saying is, when f2p finally hits, ygg servers (existing) premium benefits get nerfed? sounds like a good way to make people happy
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#223 TheUraharaShop


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 10:25 AM

It's honestly sounding like they just should have Kept Iris/Loki/Chaos and did this from the beginning @_@.

Most of the new things added sound nice and give players something to look forward too in the future for both normal and VIP players.

But some of the arguments that are being used as a reason why or why not to implement a particular feature again comes down to balancing the game. Yes again balancing. If your argument starts as "I use (Expendable in Game Feature) so I can (Preform tasks) with (A class that isn't 3-1 or 3-2 or hasn't had decent gears or upgrades in forever) then instead of saying to keep the solutions that aren't solving the problems but only making their symptoms why not figure out a way to create LONGEVITY for the game instead of short term solutions which in 3 to 6 months will be over shadowed with new patches and stuff from jRO and kRO.

And for those pushing the whole Dual Client just so why can have more accounts so they can solo by them selves... that's a contradictory to what MMO (the acronym) stands for... That's kinda like how you get invited to your own surprise birthday party where you have to buy the food, drinks, your birthday cake, entertainment and even your own birthday gifts. It's really out there with it being a pretty backwards argument. This is a massive MULTI PLAYER online game which kinda means playing with people is how the game is suppose to be played.

Maybe we should be a bit more open to players both old and new alike instead of always downing everyone for anything every time we see them? Kinda like 8 people so far on this tread have said that's the reason why they dual client/multi client because people are friends... funny right, so funny that it's the 1 of 2 reasons why people have quit this game.
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#224 Sadalmelik


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 10:27 AM

Bottomline, this whole thing is just to make more money from players. All this restrictions, new ways and stuff. I won't be to improve the gaming. Just to improve profits. A lot of people will rather go to another MMORPGs than staying here if they are forced to pay, even thou that they pay for items, most people feel good about not paying a monthly fee. Being forced to pay a fee will make a lot of people to quit RO just because of the greed of this game.
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#225 Masterpiece


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 10:49 AM

Enough about valk let's talk about VIP Status!


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