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#51 yabusame


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Posted 25 August 2010 - 10:25 PM

Well honestly, I don't think that madskillz could have killed him before running out of MP anyways, unless every single one of his hits connected and he conserved MP from dashing less often too. Sometimes when you PvP, it's just so hopeless that it's not worth putting the effort; you know they don't play that well, but it's literally impossible for you to win or get a kill due to gear. On your list, SiCCnD and Ihavemagic are easier since you can just infinite lock them if you have no other choice. Xandiel, well... good luck with that? SiCCnD's def is pretty low anyways.

Well, you can't really judge someone's level in PvP by 1 match. Moods, thoughts, etc all affect how well you play in PvP. But I'd agree that video isn't one of his best PvP matches lol.

Actually, I can't see what you mean by recklessly rushing in after RPs. iirc he only dashed in twice after RPs, but wasn't punished for them lol.

Its not about killing them, its finding new ways to approach the opponent, or deal damage against that type of class. A good example from pvping with Sic, was that he didn't lag much, but rather it was the way he utilized lag dash, and skills that show animation in only one area(windmill) to confuse people, and taking that intiative to seemly warp behind you and catch you in a combo. From my experience after messing around in pvp, if you time your hide perfectly with lag dashes, It'll make it look like you've pulled off a DBZ teleport move where you show up at random places. After the Opponent goes off screen, you can dash away a little further, use windmill and sneak up on the other player which is what sic does alot.

I do however agree that you can't judge someones skill in pvp from watching one video.

From the way I view his movements, I would consider them reckless. Although thats entirely my own oppinion as everyone thinks differently. I'll give you an example, at around 2:12 secs into the video, right after RP, he rushs in with an ambush then gets crazy soul FD'd in the face. Instead of using ambush right off the bat, daggers/swift > ambush would have been a better choice. At least thats what I think.

Lastely, there is no true inf lock for HQ's, its all based on luck. The only inf lock that I know of thats definately inf, is if its used on another HQ, PF, Gren, or Myrm assuming you have enough aim to hit 100% of the time. Then again, if they're smart they can avoid it.

skills needed for inf combo:

lvl 5 cut down (can hit opponents mid air max level)
lvl 5 launch (can hit opponents mid air at max level)
lvl 1, or 2 ariel kick (harder to perform 3 or higher)
any lvl upper screw driver


1) upper screw driver
2) catch thier air tech with ariel kick
3) Perfectly time Launch before they touch the floor
4) Perfectly time Cut down before they touch the floor
5) air frenzy if your cooldown for upper screw driver/areial kick isn't finished
6) if you air frenzied, use ariel kick, if not use upper screw driver
7) ariel kick
8) repeat from step 3

my apologies to any HQ's that already knew the secrets described above but wanted to keep it low profile.

while I'm at it, I'll give away another pvp secret for any class to use just because I want to. ever wonder how the other player dissippears after you knock them down giving them invincibility status until they reappear?

It's because they were holding down the left, right, up, or down key while being hit in that one instance they were knocked down while they were dashing. in other words, to perform this pvp trick, simply hold down any directional button while in a dash while your getting knocked down. Doesn't work 100% of the time.

Just the heck of it as well, one more for any HQ out there to abuse.

Moonwalk doesn't give invincibility status during the first start up seconds, HOWEVER, if your knocked up into the air, you will fall down and not be hit by anything else, as you fall you lag on the other players screen then dissippear assuming you roll away, this gives you time to quickly dash in and get in a combo as invincibility status lasts for just about 1 more second after you roll away. for reference, refer to my pvp video with kimimaro, I'm sure I used it on him somewhere in that match.

Edited by yabusame, 25 August 2010 - 11:05 PM.

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#52 Kimimaro


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Posted 25 August 2010 - 10:27 PM

The few things I can think of that are "get away" skills in the arsenal of warmages is FS and maybe Bliz if the opponent is not capable.

Umm, I thought that warmages had Blink.

The CD on burrow is a limiting factor. But, I guess they can just hit it when they want a "neener" button. Lol.

Blink is a 1st class skill both bm/priest can get it.
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#53 Gangrian


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Posted 26 August 2010 - 03:06 AM

Blink is a 1st class skill both bm/priest can get it.


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#54 Kazra


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Posted 26 August 2010 - 04:42 AM

Lol uh, I don't understand how that infinite would work. It would break after you aerial frenzy, no? You can't land and AK/USD before they roll. And uh, if it works on those classes, why not mages? I guess there's more "infinites" but it's easily broken out by lag. Most reliable one postpatch would be just to get level 10 RP no? 95% stun rate, I'd think that's reliable enough to be called an infinite.

Didn't know about max launch/cutdown hitting mid-air though. I personally hate using Windmill to catch/confuse since everyone seems to just jump out after one or two hits. Figured out the Moonwalk "lag," but too bad it doesn't work on SD and skills like those. New moonwalk is pretty weird though, apparently you get a 1-2s invincibility after it's over. I guess people can't camp it with FD or Mist/Rocket anymore. I timed a gatling for it, but it didn't hit at all. The harle just walked through the gatling and FD'd. There wasn't even the "hit" effects on him.

Edited by Kazra, 26 August 2010 - 04:44 AM.

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#55 yabusame


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Posted 26 August 2010 - 09:18 AM

Lol uh, I don't understand how that infinite would work. It would break after you aerial frenzy, no? You can't land and AK/USD before they roll. And uh, if it works on those classes, why not mages?

I can't show you the inf, as I would need a skill reset to do so.

mages have that skill where they can make a meteor fall down, which is why I exclude them.

The concept behind the inf, is that you only get one air roll. If you use it wrong, then your screwed.

Edited by yabusame, 26 August 2010 - 09:21 AM.

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#56 to0n


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Posted 26 August 2010 - 10:28 AM

A good example from pvping with Sic, was that he didn't lag much, but rather it was the way he utilized lag dash, and skills that show animation in only one area(windmill) to confuse people, and taking that intiative to seemly warp behind you and catch you in a combo.

Lag dashing doesn't help him warp out of multiple launches. :/
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#57 Gangrian


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Posted 26 August 2010 - 02:13 PM

Lag dashing doesn't help him warp out of multiple launches. :/

But if you have a lag button. Then it does. Just jump right out of AAS. Sometimes even out of a launch. Having a lag button is key to avoiding begging locked by all the classes.
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#58 Slayze


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Posted 26 August 2010 - 03:34 PM

But if you have a lag button. Then it does. Just jump right out of AAS. Sometimes even out of a launch. Having a lag button is key to avoiding begging locked by all the classes.

You mean... Crazy Soul?

That's exactly what the harlequins are going to get in 4th job.
Well, less controlled, but yea. Same thing.

Edited by Slayze, 26 August 2010 - 03:34 PM.

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#59 Gangrian


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Posted 26 August 2010 - 03:59 PM

You mean... Crazy Soul?

That's exactly what the harlequins are going to get in 4th job.
Well, less controlled, but yea. Same thing.

No no. An actually lag button. that you hit, and you lag. Which allows you to walk right out of just about anything.
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#60 Slayze


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Posted 26 August 2010 - 10:15 PM

No no. An actually lag button. that you hit, and you lag. Which allows you to walk right out of just about anything.

That was slight sarcasm.
Because Crazy Soul really does let you walk out of anything except those skills that causes untechable knockdown.
Heck, they can even jump (air recover) out of AAS.

Heard the success rate was nerfed pretty bad in jDGN though.

Edited by Slayze, 26 August 2010 - 10:15 PM.

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#61 Gangrian


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 09:24 AM

That was slight sarcasm.
Because Crazy Soul really does let you walk out of anything except those skills that causes untechable knockdown.
Heck, they can even jump (air recover) out of AAS.

Heard the success rate was nerfed pretty bad in jDGN though.

No, no sarcasm. Like literally a button you hit so you can just lag out of everything. Ask just about anyone who PvPs with me. Lag button solves everything.

*Ok that last line is meant to be humorous*
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#62 xNinjalove


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 11:57 AM


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#63 to0n


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 12:12 PM

No, no sarcasm. Like literally a button you hit so you can just lag out of everything. Ask just about anyone who PvPs with me. Lag button solves everything.

*Ok that last line is meant to be humorous*

No no no no no its sarcasm! CRAZY SOUL!!

Edited by to0n, 27 August 2010 - 12:12 PM.

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#64 SiCCnD


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 12:21 PM

old video
lets rematch sometime Unown
My link

Edited by SiCCnD, 27 August 2010 - 12:22 PM.

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#65 BloodyRuby


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Posted 06 September 2010 - 07:07 AM

47 ninja vs 47 ninja


Great Job Hired, make Reflex proud xD
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#66 Aishi


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Posted 06 September 2010 - 03:34 PM

Doesn't latency effect US > FD? Unown has locked me with it before, FD does catch you in midair even if you tech, not sure how it works, but I think the game registers you on the ground already from the opponent's screen and it only takes 1 hit for you to go into untechable knockdown.

Harle's locking is at best 70% (RP/Provoke) into a 50/50 anyways. If stun fails you're looking at US into AK if they tech or FD if they don't. Maybe drop any followup and try for okizeme from the air tech. Feels more methodical, boring perhaps, but that's why I try to work Cossack between stuns and reset with Judgment once in a while to spice it up. Funfun.
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#67 yabusame


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Posted 06 September 2010 - 09:07 PM

old video
lets rematch sometime Unown
My link

added annotations to video to explain alot of your so called "lag" that everyone says you have. also added a list of descriptions in video info. maybe that will clear up alot of misleading stuff said about you in pvp.

Edited by yabusame, 06 September 2010 - 09:08 PM.

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#68 SiCCnD


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Posted 07 September 2010 - 01:49 PM

Cool thanks man. Getting excited for new content!
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#69 Coolsam


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Posted 07 September 2010 - 04:46 PM

I need to get a recorder and make some pvp vids. Show off my PF Mrpsycho.
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#70 to0n


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Posted 07 September 2010 - 08:58 PM

I need to get a recorder and make some pvp vids. Show off my PF Mrpsycho.

I'll pvp you.

I also think SiC still lags.

Edited by to0n, 07 September 2010 - 09:00 PM.

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#71 Coolsam


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Posted 08 September 2010 - 09:02 AM

When we can download it sure. Don't worry I don't spam the AAS
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#72 iceranger


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Posted 08 September 2010 - 09:14 AM

When we can download it sure. Don't worry I don't spam the AAS

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#73 Yuahoe


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Posted 08 September 2010 - 04:43 PM

But if you have a lag button. Then it does. Just jump right out of AAS. Sometimes even out of a launch. Having a lag button is key to avoiding begging locked by all the classes.

Is this true? If so, can you tell me where this lag button is?
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#74 Coolsam


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Posted 08 September 2010 - 04:51 PM

By lagg I am assuming when you launch they just run off and then poof right back instead of flying in the air and falling. I have had my opponents do that numerous times without F10.
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#75 LadiThePKK


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Posted 08 September 2010 - 06:14 PM

As requested.


That rage was understandable.
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