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Giant Skill Balancing/Adjusting Thread.

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#26 Lybis


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Posted 09 July 2011 - 04:46 AM

If I saw this in the patch notes I would be over the moon! The suggestions you have done phish is definitely what we need to see! :)
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#27 Phish


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Posted 10 July 2011 - 12:12 PM

ye give scouts def down!

I like the sneaky bump. Added 20% defense down to debilitating shot as alot of scouts ask for this. Since the cooldown is long on it, (60 seconds) they can't always rely on it, but it can give them some needed damage output against a stronger enemy.

And I appreciate the positive feedback guys, but yeah Kaizy you are probably right.
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#28 Lybis


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Posted 22 July 2011 - 10:16 AM

Why hasn't this made the patch yet! :waddle:
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#29 Phish


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Posted 22 July 2011 - 01:45 PM

Because class and skill balancing is never a priority no matter how many years go by, and threads people make desiring it!!
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#30 Kaizy


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Posted 22 July 2011 - 01:50 PM

Item mall is the only priority. :waddle:

Except when a new patch is making everyone quit.
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#31 Phish


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Posted 22 July 2011 - 01:57 PM

It's ironic though. When people have more options to choose from after a balancing update, they will be inclined to try different builds, and guess what; that promotes skill reset sales.

Take an underpowered class like battle clerics or an uncommonly played class like dual raiders. If these classes are more appealing to play people will want to refine gear for them, and there you go, it promotes plutorune and venarune sales.
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#32 Kaizy


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Posted 22 July 2011 - 02:08 PM

It's ironic though. When people have more options to choose from after a balancing update, they will be inclined to try different builds, and guess what; that promotes skill reset sales.

Take an underpowered class like battle clerics or an uncommonly played class like dual raiders. If these classes are more appealing to play people will want to refine gear for them, and there you go, it promotes plutorune and venarune sales.

But that actually requires foresight...
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#33 Lybis


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Posted 23 July 2011 - 02:42 AM

I don't think people are all there in the head at gravity tbh. Things they can do to make players happy which would even increase the item mall sales... they do the complete opposite! :waddle:
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#34 Xenania


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Posted 02 August 2011 - 10:26 AM

To be honest, I say get rid of concussion explosives. I think only Launcher Bourgs should get an AoE Stun. AoE Sleep is fine since you can recover right after a hit.

Replace Concussion Explosives with a 3 second Mute Bomb. This allows them to use Concussion grenades for a stun and a "Mute" bomb to mute, almost disabling an opponent.

Swap Freezing Bullet from Artis with Summonable Land mines from Bourgs, the Freezing Bullet is better for a gunbourg and craftable Land Mines for Artis. Common they're artisans, they should be making stuff and planting bombs in the back, not charging head first in the front. GunBourgs should be the bullet users.

This will even out the stun/mute ratio between the two classes. Artisians will have a 2 second stun and 3 second mute(and 5 sec AoE Sleep). GunBourgs will have a 3 second stun(Zulie Stun + Grenade) and 2 second mute(Freezing Bullet).

Really sad to see a Gun Bourg that supposed to be pvp'er become so weak atm..And an artisan who supposed to be a crafter became so OP. :mellow:
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#35 Lybis


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Posted 05 August 2011 - 12:16 PM

Be nice for Zepp to comment on this and see what he thinks or if he has took it to dev's to get there feedback and see what they have to say or what there going to do about it.........

I can dream.

Edited by Lybis, 05 August 2011 - 12:18 PM.

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#36 Zandorf


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Posted 05 August 2011 - 01:05 PM

Give more AoE and stun skill to knight, the champ is quite overpowered in skills compared to knights, do it like iRose, knight with lightning crasher and 3 AoEs at least.
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#37 Phish


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Posted 05 August 2011 - 01:07 PM

Then that makes knights the new champs. They really don't need more stuns at all, and making the game a stun fest isn't fun for anyone.
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#38 AlisiaMT


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Posted 09 August 2011 - 06:04 PM

**New Skill**
Landmine: (summon)
40 summon gauge
Description: Tactically plant a mine on the battlefield that will explode when an unwary foe comes near.
Reliable Weapon Attack
Max level: 5
Skill Power: 300 at level 1, increased by 220 per level maxing at 1180 power at level 5.
Range: 10m aoe radius,
Status effect: 10% movement speed down at level 1, increased by 8% per level resulting in 42% mspeed down at level 5.
Duration: 10 seconds
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Success rate: 100%
MP use: 400
Prerequisite: Top Gunner level 18, Mercenary Employment level 1

In order for the landmine to detonate, an enemy (be it player or monster) must step with 10m radius of it. On impact it will explode causing aoe damage and movement speed down. Once the landmine is removed (be it the player dieing, leaving the map or it exploding) they will be able to plant another one.
The landmines will detonate with damage based off the castors stats when they set it. Also, they will appear invisible on enemies screens, however decloaking within range will reveal the landmine, but not detonate it.


#1 love it. I was actually going to put something almost identicle to this in my 3rd job thread and was thinking about it right before i read it. Great minds think alike eh? :P

Since my main character is a FS cleric I will only comment on some things that I noticed with what you did for the cleric skill trees (which honestly anyone paying attention could point out) My comments will be bolded in your quote.








Other than that your skills look great. I wouldn't mind playing any of the classes (and i know xbow knights would be happy) if the skills were updated to what you suggested.

I want to get this noticed by the devs so I will be placing it in my signature until a Gravity Employee comments on it. I encourage others to do the same <_<
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#39 Phish


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Posted 09 August 2011 - 06:17 PM

*Wand control was an overlook, corrected it.

*For the decloak, the sleep is excessive, (even though you'd wake up should you get hit, so you wouldn't actually die if you decloak). The point was to make it detrimental for a support cleric to get it.

EDIT: removed the sleep status from unconscious vision.

Edited by Phish, 10 August 2011 - 02:48 PM.

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#40 Lucis


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Posted 10 August 2011 - 05:15 AM

--I love these suggestions, and I vote Phish for Senator!
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#41 Bendersmom


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Posted 10 August 2011 - 08:18 AM

Great post Adam. With the suggestions and tweaks by others that posted here the developers should be happy that you made their job easier. I think they said somewhere that they are working on balancing again. If they take away Buff sets, as they said they would, it would be nice to see additional ways to make characters different. Your changes/additions would make people have to get the skills that fit their game play better. Between new/adjusted skills and the different gear in game people would be different based on how they play. Also, any way to make more characters different (full support cleric, battle cleric, hybrid of the two, etc) would be a bonus.
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#42 Lybis


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Posted 10 August 2011 - 11:01 AM

Might actually see this happen when Phish gets made senate <_< Can't wait! :P
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#43 SageOfSilence


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Posted 21 August 2011 - 10:09 AM

Mage: Open Portals/Rifts to different maps and the mages party can use those portals they can make them anywhere and they select which map to go to as a pop up when they click the skill. But the mages have to be on that planet to go to that map
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#44 Okibi


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Posted 14 September 2011 - 09:26 AM

Quick Tweak/Suggestions/questions about your proposals:

Landmine: Most summons (such as campfires) die when the caster gets out of range, would these be static where the artisan can run like crazy away from a person attacking them or do they have to stay in place as bait?
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#45 Farq


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Posted 25 September 2011 - 08:07 PM

Looks good: balanced skills, and more interesting, too.

I would like to see a more open format for selecting skills, such as less prerequisites, to make it easier to customize your characters and explore different builds. When I play with my raider, I feel straight-jacketed by the skill tree. Even if the weapon requirements are removed, you have to put points into dual weapon mastery (which I'd never use) to learn mirror phantasm. And a dual sword wielder has to put points into katar mastery (which he or she would not use) to learn camoflauge.
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#46 ScarletDragon


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 05:22 PM

i like ur idea but i think u should help a bit the dual raider class and... dont u think it could be a good idea that each weapon class has a special finisher skill but one that has a big cooldown so it cant be used repeatedly and it can be unique, i think this would be more fun
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#47 Phish


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 05:28 PM

Thanks. Well as I have it each class has one but it isn't weapon specific. The Lethal Blow skill could be used both with katars and duals.
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#48 ScarletDragon


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 07:13 PM

Thanks. Well as I have it each class has one but it isn't weapon specific. The Lethal Blow skill could be used both with katars and duals.

but with a big cooldown? so it can make it special and unique or maybe tey could be a rare drop unique book
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#49 KingsBane


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Posted 29 July 2012 - 05:02 AM

One year later they are about to destroy int for clerics its only taken then 7 years to discover charm I want to go back in time it just gets worse the longer you play
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#50 PigGoesQuack


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Posted 07 August 2012 - 07:45 PM

I'm going to comment on this just because Adam deserves it for the hard work, and because he is the hero of time, and his voice will save us all....

-Link scream-
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