Remove Debuff completely. - Proposals & Suggestions - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Remove Debuff completely.

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#1 JordanX


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 04:32 AM

I request the mage debuff to be deleted from the game, this because all i see in TG right now is 3 mages debuffing 1 clan.
What's the point of this debuff anyway, all it is used for is to anoy other players.
What's the fun of warring others, if they just send in a couple of mages to debuff the enemy, making it really easy to beat the others.

Edited by Zurn, 18 December 2011 - 11:41 AM.
Removed Human Anatomy from the post.

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#2 Zurn


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 11:44 AM

please refrain from using certain things like what you had in your post Jordan, the point was made without it.
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#3 KingArthur


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 12:00 PM

i still keep wondering about his gf though :)
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#4 JordanX


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 01:12 PM

Doesn't NEED to be removed, would be nice if you just couldn't use it in places like Training Grounds and Union War.
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#5 Feuer


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 01:16 PM

Then stop relyign on your buffs to win, and learn some tactical advantages, or carry a mage with you to debuff them, simple.

It's the same in WoW, you dont rush a group solo, if you can the game mechanics are broken, debuff equals this out,
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#6 TruPain


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 02:48 PM

I request the mage debuff to be deleted from the game, this because all i see in TG right now is 3 mages debuffing 1 clan.
What's the point of this debuff anyway, all it is used for is to anoy other players.
What's the fun of warring others, if they just send in a couple of mages to debuff the enemy, making it really easy to beat the others.

Posted Image
Here you go... have some cheese and crackers to go with that...

If you want debuffs taken out of game, then might as well get rid of buffs as well... or are you just looking to have the best of both worlds for yourself???

debuffs make the game interesting... if you can't win because of debuffs... then don't pvp... or learn to kill those mages and rebuff...
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#7 DoubleRose


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 04:44 PM

It clearly isn't meant for pvm and also is op, get rid of debuff
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#8 twitch


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 05:19 PM

Then stop relyign on your buffs to win, and learn some tactical advantages, or carry a mage with you to debuff them, simple.

It's the same in WoW, you dont rush a group solo, if you can the game mechanics are broken, debuff equals this out,

Stop relying on your buffs to win? Full buffed person Vs unbuffed person, yeah. Don't rely on your buffs to win, so what if i have 35% more ap/35% def/80% aspd/40% dodge/35%hp then you? Don't rely on your buffs.

Posted Image
Here you go... have some cheese and crackers to go with that...

If you want debuffs taken out of game, then might as well get rid of buffs as well... or are you just looking to have the best of both worlds for yourself???

debuffs make the game interesting... if you can't win because of debuffs... then don't pvp... or learn to kill those mages and rebuff...

Lmfao, you try beating someone with no buffs when there fullbuffed.
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#9 Feuer


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 11:15 PM

Stop relying on your buffs to win? Full buffed person Vs unbuffed person, yeah. Don't rely on your buffs to win, so what if i have 35% more ap/35% def/80% aspd/40% dodge/35%hp then you? Don't rely on your buffs.

Lmfao, you try beating someone with no buffs when there fullbuffed.

Clearly didn't get my point, learn to move as a group, if they have a mage debuffing you, stun them, mute them, bring a mage to debuff them, or bring a cleric to heal and buff you. theres dozens of ways to counter an ability, learn to utilize your teams and skills. My champ at 149 could take on 2-3 champs my level, and could take on 17x's 1v1 and win. because i built and utilized my skills to a tactical advantage. If you want to just faceroll your keyboard and win pvp then might i suggest something else then ROSE or any other MMO
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#10 twitch


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Posted 19 December 2011 - 08:45 AM

Clearly didn't get my point, learn to move as a group, if they have a mage debuffing you, stun them, mute them, bring a mage to debuff them, or bring a cleric to heal and buff you. theres dozens of ways to counter an ability, learn to utilize your teams and skills. My champ at 149 could take on 2-3 champs my level, and could take on 17x's 1v1 and win. because i built and utilized my skills to a tactical advantage. If you want to just faceroll your keyboard and win pvp then might i suggest something else then ROSE or any other MMO

First off, 220 and 149 is a whole different ballgame. Second off, a stun only lasts 2seconds after the stun runs off they can just debuff you then (if there killed during those stuns, they'll respawn come back and do it again). If your going to mute the mage, battles don't lasts for 10seconds that still does not take away from the fact the mage will debuff you, mage's debuff is a range skill (aside from fierce cudgeling), you'll end up getting debuffed before you can mute anyways. Ofcourse you can bring a cleric to heal and buff you, but like i said 220 and 149 is a different ball game, that cleric can't buff you, keep everyone alive, keep him/herself alive at the same time. Another thing you have to take into consideration is that if that cleric pulls those things off then even then, its not in normal high int gear, and is in some type of union gear. If your going to buff into mid battle, your not going to have time to do buffsets, which means your going to be alot weaker.
I surely don't want to just "faceroll" my keyboard and win pvps. But keep in mind what your dealing against, in a war situation without buffs, your going to drop dead in seconds.

Edited by twitch, 19 December 2011 - 08:46 AM.

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#11 Feuer


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Posted 19 December 2011 - 12:06 PM

You also don't understand what I'm pointing out, and I'm not trying to make this an argument of any kind, bring a mage and debuff them. It's the most effective way. I'd be willing to bet real cash that I could take out a mage on any character type in-game. It's about knowing your enemy and how to take advantage of weaknesses. Battle Arti, Scout, Raiders etc can all beat a mage if you know what you're doing. The fact of the matter is in the BASE build of a mage, they only have a few buffs they can self cast, they're utilizing their cleric in the group for buffs, if you debuff them, and don't have a cleric to buff them, they're much squishier then you would be if you were any class with a good amount of self buffs. The strategy of group movement is rarely utilized during a war because everyone wants to be a solo killer. and that's not the mages fault for being more tactical then you.
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#12 Phish


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Posted 19 December 2011 - 12:22 PM

Feuer, I think you are basing your arguments too heavily on theory rather than actual real gameplay.

The reason why this skill is so controversial is because it is by far the most 'game breaking' skill in pvp. No other skill from other classes can determine the outcome of the fight if the skill hits as much as Anti Magic Shell (and Fierce Cudgeling) are successful (and by fight I don't elusively mean self buff tg pvp, I just mean player vs player in general). A person with full buffs will not lose to a person with no buffs assuming their gear is not significantly worse (ie refine 7's against full 15).

And what might be acceptable in one game (WoW) isn't always relevant in another game (Rose).

Buffs play such a huge roll in the game for this skill to be considered 'fair'. Yes attacking in a group rather than fighting 1 on 1 you will less likely to be debuffed, but is the 'ganging' argument actually a legit reason for everything?

Person A: "Champs are overpowered."

Person B: "No they aren't just gang them."

Developer: "Oh look at that, no need to balance anything."

Edited by Phish, 19 December 2011 - 12:23 PM.

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#13 OneBadMofo


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Posted 19 December 2011 - 01:11 PM

Whats your plan to compensate mages for removing their debuffs skills. Come up with a good way to balance it out and maybe your arguement will be listened to other then just saying remove this skill its not fair.
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#14 Phish


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Posted 19 December 2011 - 03:19 PM

Again, it's monotonous cycle that will never go anywhere if we never get any balance updates. I know the mage class is at the moment underpowered, but giving them an overpowered skill in pvp (useless in pvm) does not actual solve anything.
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#15 OneBadMofo


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Posted 19 December 2011 - 05:31 PM

Again, it's monotonous cycle that will never go anywhere if we never get any balance updates. I know the mage class is at the moment underpowered, but giving them an overpowered skill in pvp (useless in pvm) does not actual solve anything.

It solves a lot actually. It makes us feel a little better inside when we can debuff 1 out of the 15 champs that rush us the instant they see a mage running around in UW. Just knowing that one person our debuff goes off on will be dead shortly makes it almost worth queing up for UW still.
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#16 Feuer


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Posted 20 December 2011 - 01:13 PM

What about raiders?

Before there was the de-cloak game balance people were flaming that cloaking was too overpowered? Raider could stealth, get close, attack, burn/poisen, stun then cloak and let the dot's take HP away and then attack again. However it was useless against knights and bourge's back then. now that almost all classes can de-cloak it's useless unless in PvE.

So If a raider loses a PvP advantage, but keeps a PvE advantage, why can't the mages keep a PvP advantage and not have a PvE advantage? They still have to spend points for the skill thats only good in PvP, and lose points for PvE in doing so. Sure at max level it'd be useless to have a PvE skill build unless you're farming, but it's the same point. Some skills are built for PvP and others for PvE.
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#17 Phish


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Posted 20 December 2011 - 01:27 PM

Cloaking is an advantage in pvp as it is, it just isn't a broken advantage. Yes you have decloakds (but not all classes have one), and you need to invest skill points into it at the same time. If you mis time it and the raider is out of range, you will have to wait until the cooldown is up to be able to attack them (yeah I know the cooldown is short), if you get stunned while decloaking, you'll be vulnerable for the few seconds of the cooldown also.
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#18 floptop


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Posted 20 December 2011 - 01:53 PM

Fuer your arguments are :P, the debuff skill is :blaugh: too.
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#19 Feuer


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Posted 20 December 2011 - 02:31 PM

My honest opinion is the wouldn't be as broken as it is if people stopped complaining about it, it's the entire reason the game went from good to bad to now worse, over several years nothing but complaints about the class skills. So I'll just leave this topic and let what happens happen. After all it's not my job to determine if the proposal is right, nor is it my obligation to concern myself with other views.
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#20 Lynchd


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Posted 20 December 2011 - 02:38 PM

My honest opinion is the wouldn't be as broken as it is if people stopped complaining about it, it's the entire reason the game went from good to bad to now worse, over several years nothing but complaints about the class skills. So I'll just leave this topic and let what happens happen. After all it's not my job to determine if the proposal is right, nor is it my obligation to concern myself with other views.

That made me lol so hard
I guess people should stop complaining that children in Africa don't have enough food, problem solved.
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#21 Feuer


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Posted 20 December 2011 - 04:49 PM

You're prone to posting irrelevant thing's aren't you. Those starving children in africa
A. Are in no way comparable to this post
B. Wouldn't be starving if their economy wasn't wiped out by Diamond and Oil tycoons paying their parents under the cost of living.
[AKA someone complaining and messing it up for them because the cost of Diamonds and Oil are too high "overpowered"]
C. America has just as much, if not more starving, homeless children/people if not more then Africa.

But thank you for sucking me into posting again you troll, you're ignorant bait was too enticing for me to ignore. When ROSE started, they built the game balanced with a few small quirks like any game, and people complained...and complained until they tried to fix them.

And jusst like everyone here who has ever complained about patches only causing more bugs, it's the same thing with balancing, it fixes one thing, but throws several other things out of balance. But go ahead. bring up some more etheopian or african starving children and try to compare it to the mechanics of a virtual game. Honestly, I don't play a mage, or either type of dealer because I don't like the play style of them. So it can get nurfed/removed but itll just give Mage's something to complain about because they lost a very efficient skill. And give Dealers, Muses and some Hawkers something to complain about be cause we all know "Champs are OP". Have a blast trolling~
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#22 Dutchpwntje


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Posted 08 January 2012 - 02:42 PM

Yep, get ride of it, destroys the game, find something else for the mages, or dont let them use it in any pvp area! POINT.
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#23 Phish


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Posted 08 January 2012 - 08:58 PM

I don't see anyone actually playing mages anymore. All I see are trolls that run around tg debuffing people.
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#24 Oerba


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Posted 08 January 2012 - 09:38 PM

Agreeing with Phish, a majority of players (except a the few handful) just make a mage just so they tend to only debuff other players.

Fierce Cudgelling was fine being the only de-buffing skill at 25% and also close range.

As of present it's happened a lot more frequently than normal, perhaps an alternation of the skill might be more appropriate?

Changing Anti-Magic Shell to something like a Critical Status Down might be an idea.
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#25 Casanovovic


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Posted 08 January 2012 - 10:10 PM

best thing to do is just make sure mages wont be able to debuff in TG, everyone is happy then.
because debuffing sucks

Edited by Casanovovic, 08 January 2012 - 10:13 PM.

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