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Remove Debuff completely.

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#26 ScoutSupport


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Posted 09 January 2012 - 02:50 AM

I request the mage debuff to be deleted from the game, this because all i see in TG right now is 3 mages debuffing 1 clan.
What's the point of this debuff anyway, all it is used for is to anoy other players.
What's the fun of warring others, if they just send in a couple of mages to debuff the enemy, making it really easy to beat the others.

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#27 TruPain


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Posted 09 January 2012 - 07:22 PM

Ok serious note...

ever think that maybe it was the deveolpers idea to give mages a reason to be in a pvp party? If not for the debuff... what would be the point of anyone wanting a mage in their group? I think each class should have a unique debuff or buff that makes them usefull in pvm and pvp just so they would be desired to have a mix of all classes in party... not just a buffing cleric and your strong characters...
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#28 Soda


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Posted 10 January 2012 - 01:43 AM

Make Anti Magic Shell an Aoe AP down (at least 40%), maybe 7-10 seconds duration and 25 seconds cooldown. (I myself still find the sleep aoe more OP than what im suggesting so go ahead and comment)
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#29 Dusk1PS


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Posted 10 January 2012 - 09:19 AM

Ok serious note...

ever think that maybe it was the deveolpers idea to give mages a reason to be in a pvp party? If not for the debuff... what would be the point of anyone wanting a mage in their group? I think each class should have a unique debuff or buff that makes them usefull in pvm and pvp just so they would be desired to have a mix of all classes in party... not just a buffing cleric and your strong characters...

Anti-magic shell was useable by all classes with a 100% success rate on it's initial release, so it was never developed for mages. It was eventually nerfed down to be for mages only.

The point of using a mage in PvP is for their HIGH magic damage, which crumples all soldier-based classes. They have a lot of great de-buffs from mspd down, dodge down, mutes, burns. These status effects are what mages should be needed for. Not to completely strip your opponent of buffs. Their problem is that they can't survive long enough if they get mobbed down and focus fired.

Their use in PVM is definitely to be an AoE fiend. De-buff is useless in PvM.

A squad(literally 8 mages) of mages to run around in TG to de-buff people, die, respawn, re-buff mspd up in full precious/sagi gears, and de-buff again is certainly not how I hope the developers want Mages to be played.

They need to improve it's survival abilities. Change de-buff to be a temporary status down effect. Not a permament one.

Edited by Dusk1PS, 10 January 2012 - 09:20 AM.

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#30 Graziano


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Posted 10 January 2012 - 02:33 PM

What about all status down for a xx% for a xx of time, solves the problem that u wont lose ur buffs and ppl who are boostered will get the effect as well. Usefull in pvp and pvm aswell
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#31 Dusk1PS


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Posted 10 January 2012 - 02:35 PM

I agree and suggested that in the class balancing thread.
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#32 shokwavez


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Posted 10 January 2012 - 04:17 PM

There is absolutely no point to this fail of a skill. When I was active on my mage I'll admit debuffing was fun, but the skill holds too much power. Developers
should have easily just tweaked the mages skills to have higher percentage stuns if balancing was the case for Anti-Magic Shell to be implemented.

Getting raped on your mage? Why don't you mage player's actually spend time and work on build's like the rest of us that might actually be decent in wars?
OR better yet, why don't you choose a different class. :P

It is sad however that mages are already scarce in the community, but you just can't rely on debuffs. The atmosphere in PVP areas has greatly changed, because players abuse this skill to the point where it's just not fun anymore.

Typical Scenario:

Bob: Yo man you wanna practice?

Jim: War?

Bob: Yea! Let's go!

Jim: Alright, I'll grab my cleric and let's buff

*Both enter PVP area*
*Instant debuff*

Bob and Jim: WTFUX?!

No-Life-Debuffer: GG

Bob: We'll war later..

SURE you can go somewhere else to war. But the point I'm trying to get to is that debuffing should just be removed.

It's new things like this that make me miss the old days in Rose even more. Back when everything was fair.


Not everybody can afford Item Mall. A lot of the younger crowd plays this game and most don't even have the "allowances" to pay for them. So subliminally, you're telling me
that if a new player that can't afford IM plays this game that:

-Works hard farming daily on his free time
-Buys his gears with hard earned zully
-Finally fully geared to war

Only then to later realize this game just got corrupted by the abuse of Anti-Magic-Shell, and that boosters is the only way? So you're telling him to spend money to have fun in this game? Smh.

I know, let's just do the next best thing and stay out of pvp areas for good. It's so much more fun checking shops like mindless zombies - looking to buy things that you don't need.

There's two one thing to this game that keeps it alive (Was gonna say quests but even now questing is horrible, e.g. Episode Quest). And that's PVP. You implement an OP skill and it ruins the entire pvp experience for mostly everyone.

Edited by shokwavez, 10 January 2012 - 08:36 PM.

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#33 Graziano


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Posted 10 January 2012 - 04:40 PM

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#34 tythemuss


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Posted 10 January 2012 - 08:09 PM


You seem a bit slow in the head... The point is de buff is a auto win in a war situation, not everyone can pay for boosters. Using capital letters to try and get your point across and try prove him wrong at the same time makes you look retarded.
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#35 Icrafttofu


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Posted 10 January 2012 - 08:39 PM

There is absolutely no point to this fail of a skill. When I was active on my mage I'll admit debuffing was fun, but the skill holds too much power. Developers
should have easily just tweaked the mages skills to have higher percentage stuns if balancing was the case for Anti-Magic Shell to be implemented.

Getting raped on your mage? Why don't you mage player's actually spend time and work on build's like the rest of us that might actually be decent in wars?
OR better yet, why don't you choose a different class. :P

It is sad however that mages are already scarce in the community, but you just can't rely on debuffs. The atmosphere in PVP areas has greatly changed, because players abuse this skill to the point where it's just not fun anymore.

Typical Scenario:

Bob: Yo man you wanna practice?

Jim: War?

Bob: Yea! Let's go!

Jim: Alright, I'll grab my cleric and let's buff

*Both enter PVP area*
*Instant debuff*

Bob and Jim: WTFUX?!

No-Life-Debuffer: GG

Bob: We'll war later..

SURE you can go somewhere else to war. But the point I'm trying to get to is that debuffing should just be removed.

It's new things like this that make me miss the old days in Rose even more. Back when everything was fair.

Not everybody can afford Item Mall. A lot of the younger crowd plays this game and most don't even have the "allowances" to pay for them. So subliminally, you're telling me
that if a new player that can't afford IM plays this game that:

-Works hard farming daily on his free time
-Buys his gears with hard earned zully
-Finally fully geared to war

Only then to later realize this game just got corrupted by the abuse of Anti-Magic-Shell, and that boosters is the only way? So you're telling him to spend money to have fun in this game? Smh.

I know, let's just do the next best thing and stay out of pvp areas for good. It's so much more fun checking shops like mindless zombies - looking to buy things that you don't need.

There's two one thing to this game that keeps it alive (Was gonna say quests but even now questing is horrible, e.g. Episode Quest). And that's PVP. You implement an OP skill and it ruins the entire pvp experience for mostly everyone.

I'm not sure what your complaining about, you used to always die, respawn (with spawn pro) and then try debuff and repeat all the time. Nutuporshutup. kthxbai

Edited by Icrafttofu, 10 January 2012 - 08:41 PM.

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#36 shokwavez


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Posted 10 January 2012 - 08:57 PM

I'm not sure what your complaining about, you used to always die, respawn (with spawn pro) and then try debuff and repeat all the time. Nutuporshutup. kthxbai

Cool story bro. Tell it again.

Do you not read? Did I say anything about supporting debuffing? I said I USED to do this. I'm sure everyone had a little fun with it, but I'm talking about the

Quit dwindling in the past cause because right now mostly everyone agrees that debuffing should nonetheless be removed.

Edited by shokwavez, 10 January 2012 - 09:04 PM.

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#37 ScoutSupport


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 06:33 AM

Not everybody can afford Item Mall. A lot of the younger crowd plays this game and most don't even have the "allowances" to pay for them.

HELLOOOOOOO! People can buy boosters with ZULIES. No need for the so called "allowance to pay for them". STOP CRYING PPL AND LEARN TO IMPROVISE a little.

You seem a bit slow in the head... The point is de buff is a auto win in a war situation, not everyone can pay for boosters. Using capital letters to try and get your point across and try prove him wrong at the same time makes you look retarded.


Edited by ScoutSupport, 11 January 2012 - 06:35 AM.

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#38 jerremy


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 07:56 AM

HELLOOOOOOO! People can buy boosters with ZULIES. No need for the so called "allowance to pay for them". STOP CRYING PPL AND LEARN TO IMPROVISE a little.


Seeing how you write things, you're the spoiled brat type of person who has the income to buy thousands of im and then try to keep your advantage up to others ( or you just abused something in the game to have more money ).
It's not cause you found a way to get the boosters that everyone can get them, as they are rather expensive
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#39 ZullyFace


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 08:02 AM


Edited by ZullyFace, 11 January 2012 - 08:12 AM.

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#40 ZullyFace


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 08:11 AM

Battle clerie: too powerful? Ok nerf them. Now hard to find BC.
Artisan: grenade stun too over power? Ok add cool down time. So many quit artisan.
Champ: Over power? Ok nerf them. So many quit champ.
Mage: Debuff too unfair? Ok remove debuff skill. No people play mage anymore.

Scout? suk...
Bourg? suk...
Knight? You tank we kill! Eh... No fun I quit!
Cleric? I on booster... Ok I leech UW...

Raider? Yeah you are the best! BUY FV+15 pm me. Buy Glo raptor set +15 pm me.

New player: "what ROSE stand for?"
All: "Raider own seven episode!"
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#41 shokwavez


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 08:45 AM

HELLOOOOOOO! People can buy boosters with ZULIES. No need for the so called "allowance to pay for them". STOP CRYING PPL AND LEARN TO IMPROVISE a little.


Such ignorance. Haha. Do you even know how much Item Mall sells for these days? Lets see:

-70 mil per 100 pts
-(15) boosters are 100pts

Thats about 4.6mil~ for each SINGLE booster.

May sound cheap for you. But I wanna say you really are one of those spoiled "gimme gimme" rich kids. Or some middle aged man that spends his life earnings on rose trying to be top dog. When in real life your just a sad lonely man.
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#42 Cloudius


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 08:47 AM

Battle clerie: too powerful? Ok nerf them. Now hard to find BC.
Artisan: grenade stun too over power? Ok add cool down time. So many quit artisan.
Champ: Over power? Ok nerf them. So many quit champ.
Mage: Debuff too unfair? Ok remove debuff skill. No people play mage anymore.

Scout? suk...
Bourg? suk...
Knight? You tank we kill! Eh... No fun I quit!
Cleric? I on booster... Ok I leech UW...

Raider? Yeah you are the best! BUY FV+15 pm me. Buy Glo raptor set +15 pm me.

New player: "what ROSE stand for?"
All: "Raider own seven episode!"

LOL +1

On topic, we should remember that the Anti-Magic shell has a 50-50 chance to succeed. Mages are built to kill through skills and not just simple pewpew normal attacks and being able to have this debuff skill is advantageous in war situations. Mages are really few these days. I understand that it is really hard to buff with different buff sets which is why they should remove it (referring to buff sets) OR create a way for players to buff easily.
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#43 Soda


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 08:48 AM

Its funny how people make it seem like Artis and Champ are totally nerf'd now.. Dont even get me started with champs as for Artis, its not even the nades that are making them "OP" its there high m-spd, a-spd and ap combined (Which is normal imo). I swear to you 100% Artis can kill any class faster than a raider (If that person controlling the arti knows what he is doing)
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#44 Dusk1PS


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 09:03 AM

LOL +1

On topic, we should remember that the Anti-Magic shell has a 50-50 chance to succeed. Mages are built to kill through skills and not just simple pewpew normal attacks and being able to have this debuff skill is advantageous in war situations. Mages are really few these days. I understand that it is really hard to buff with different buff sets which is why they should remove it (referring to buff sets) OR create a way for players to buff easily.

If a mage plays only to rely on a full debuff skill to spam a 50% and a 35% full removal of buffs to have the upper hand in a war situation, then you're a pretty fail mage from the start.

I agree Mages are far and few and need changes. I would rather they focus on that and change how Fierce Cudgel and Anti-Magic Shell work

Like I said in the balance patch, a change to Anti-Magic Shell and Fierce Cudgel to a temporary status down skill and while speeding up casting animation times of slower skills would be much better.

I wouldn't even mind Anti-Magic Shell being an AoE Status down move that reduces stats temporarily, so no changes to the skill tree is required.

Mages should be the crowd controllers and high single target burst in a war situation not the guy that rips your buffs up.
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#45 ScoutSupport


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Posted 12 January 2012 - 03:53 AM

Thats about 4.6mil~ for each SINGLE booster.

You didnt NOTICE, sooooo I WILL SAY IT>>> EVERYONE HAS ATLEAST 1B nowadays and "million" is SO YESTERDAY! SO technically buying booster is like BUYING buffpots. NUFF SAID! If YOU GUYS dont wanna BUY BOOSTERS to not get DEBUFFED its your OWN PROBLEM DONT CRY ABOUT IT!
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#46 jerremy


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Posted 12 January 2012 - 07:34 AM

You didnt NOTICE, sooooo I WILL SAY IT>>> EVERYONE HAS ATLEAST 1B nowadays and "million" is SO YESTERDAY! SO technically buying booster is like BUYING buffpots. NUFF SAID! If YOU GUYS dont wanna BUY BOOSTERS to not get DEBUFFED its your OWN PROBLEM DONT CRY ABOUT IT!

Every IM BUYER OR GAME ABUSER has atleast 1b nowadays, the million is not yesterday, as most items will still not have higher value than 1b, except for costumes and epics, just correcting your sentence~
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#47 shokwavez


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Posted 12 January 2012 - 09:55 AM

You didnt NOTICE, sooooo I WILL SAY IT>>> EVERYONE HAS ATLEAST 1B nowadays and "million" is SO YESTERDAY! SO technically buying booster is like BUYING buffpots. NUFF SAID! If YOU GUYS dont wanna BUY BOOSTERS to not get DEBUFFED its your OWN PROBLEM DONT CRY ABOUT IT!

Oh everyone has at least 1b nowadays? Please explain to me how they acquire this money?

How would you propose new players to make this amount of money without doing the following:

1. Maybe you buy gold?
2. Maybe your an IM seller?

Let's see buying gold will get you banned so #1 is obviously not an option. And well #2 is generally for people that can afford to spend real money on a game.
What about the other new players that want to play?

You're implying that they should just quit and find another game? Damn, you really are ignorant and self-centered. Proposals are supposed to give us hope into making
this game turn out for the better - especially for new players. Don't you want to see rose develop into a bigger community? Or do you just want to someday play with yourself with your boosters :bow:
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#48 ZullyFace


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Posted 12 January 2012 - 07:17 PM

Oh everyone has at least 1b nowadays? Please explain to me how they acquire this money?

How would you propose new players to make this amount of money without doing the following:

1. Maybe you buy gold?
2. Maybe your an IM seller?

Let's see buying gold will get you banned so #1 is obviously not an option. And well #2 is generally for people that can afford to spend real money on a game.
What about the other new players that want to play?

You're implying that they should just quit and find another game? Damn, you really are ignorant and self-centered. Proposals are supposed to give us hope into making
this game turn out for the better - especially for new players. Don't you want to see rose develop into a bigger community? Or do you just want to someday play with yourself with your boosters :bow:

People always like to ignore the truth, but the truth is always there.

"Can't afford to spend money? Then prepare to own by cash player. Don't want? Then sell your PC and go watch TV. No TV? Go library read story book"

If your boss never pay you, I'm 100% confirm you won't work for them. If players never spend money, I'm 100% confirm warp portal won't run a game server for you. If we spent cash for a game but still no priority, I'm 100% confirm we won't spend a cent on it.

Spend money if your time worth more than money, then you don't need to farm. Learn to farm if your time worth for nothing, then only you can make money. Medallion, magical jewel, dead shot jewel, gem box, epic weapon etc give you a lot of money. Why you still complain no money.. I wonder... :rofl:
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#49 Phish


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Posted 12 January 2012 - 07:35 PM

What kind of pathetic game would require you to buy a temporary advantage to win. Oh wait.
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#50 ZullyFace


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Posted 12 January 2012 - 07:50 PM

What kind of pathetic game would require you to buy a temporary advantage to win. Oh wait.

There are many and most of the online game belong to this "pathetic" group.
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