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Homunculus S findings, post here.

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#1 meoryou2


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Posted 24 February 2012 - 10:22 AM

Post in this thread what you find your homunculus S does so others can decide what to get.

Eleanor ( vani base ):
ASPD: ASPD seems to me capped / maxed at 173, Mine hasn't gotten a single ASPD in 10 levels ( currently 110 ) after hitting 173 ASPD @ 100 - with 150 AGI at 97.

Sonic Claw @ 100: average damage is 6.5-7K, seems to have a size modifier, steel chon chons only take 2-4K (small size ) with full spheres. Can be instant cast with pretty much no noticeable re-use delay - seems to be about 190ish ASPD when the Homunculus has 173 ASPD. Sonic claw CAN miss and is governed by the 99% hit cap as well. Bloodlust from amistr DOES increase damage as thought. Sonic Claw is shield reflect-able. Your homunculus WILL take reflected damage from shield reflect when using sonic claw ( tested on Cornus ).

HP recovery: HP recovery ticks are one every second, restoring the amount of HP your stats allow.

SP recovery: one tick for every other HP recovery tick ( so SP recovery is every 2 seconds ) restoring the amount of SP your stats allow.

Tinder Breaker: This skill is mean..... really mean. tested it out on a 118ish shadow chaser in PvP, low damage but no movement time was 30-40 seconds+ - need a higher STR character to test on to see if the victims STR reduces the no movement time. Further testing: 150 mechanic VS 104 Eleanor - tinder breaker lasts approx. 5-6 seconds when the mechanic has ~120 total STR. Not sure if Tinder Breaker can miss or not, I have to find a super high flee character to test on since mine has 400+ HIT EDIT: Tinder Breaker can miss. This hit CAN be reflected back through shadow form.

C.B.C. ( continuous break combo): Combo SEEMS to do very little SP damage. BUT when testing it on my sorc it seems to have done ~10% HP damage every second or so ( the one time I got to test it. It didn't have any attack animations after C.B.C. was cast ) SO I'm assuming it is doing a fair bit of damage to HP repetitively. I need a separate test subject so I don't have to use my laptop at the same time. Second testing: 150 sura. Lost 10% SP and drained 40% HP over the period of immobility - probably would have been more on longer lasting targets. I.E. lower STR targets. If Tinder Breaker MISSES this skill cannot be cast since it would be considered a miss ( it seems to take the Tinder Breaker HIT probability as an absolute value so a hit = hit and miss = miss ). Since this is damage directly to HP / SP it CANNOT be reflected back though shadow form.

E.Q.C. ( Eternal Quick Combo) WOW. just WOW. Tested in PvP, not 100% stun against stun immune players :-(.... BUT, against a fully geared 150 Sura did 15.5K + the rest of the HP draining from C.B.C. almost killing him. E.Q.C. will cancel the close confine status of BOTH the homunculus and the target, HOWEVER the target will continue to receive the HP damage from C.B.C. for the entire duration that the target would have been immobilized.

Whole grappler combo chain: This does some serious damage. Both DoT + burst damages are quite good. DoT averages roughly 20K with an added ~20K burst damage ( 3-4K from Tinder Breaker + 13-18K from E.Q.C. ) equaling ~40K damage in a few seconds against a single target with a single combo ( you should be able to do 2 combos before you need more spheres if started from full ).

Silvervein Rush: Skill is useless in PvP, not very useful in PvM. I was hoping since it was part of the combo that the stun would bypass or at least have a chance to work on a 100+ VIT character but they remain stun immune. Against an Anubis the stun lasted several seconds when it would go off, the longest I have seen monsters stunned ( other than hell planted ) in quite a while. Damage wise it is not worth using during leveling except for the LuLz if you are bored... it is 30 SP for 750% damage VS 40 SP for 2000% damage with sonic claw ( 10 spheres = 10 hits @ 200% )

Style change: WIKI says the homunculus is always summoned in fighter mode. Not true, homunculus seems to remember what mode it was in - after testing Tinder breaker I map changed and vaporized / recalled several times but could not cast sonic claw until after changing back to fighter mode. While in grappler mode vani bolts CAN still be cast, as well as melee fighting. From resurrection she DOES seem to be re-summoned in fighter mode.

Spheres: In fighter mode it seems like pretty much ANY attack can gain her spheres. I've gotten spheres from vani bolts, from low spheres sonic claw casting and from normal melee hits. I haven't had the time to test grapple mode to see if you get spheres if you flee the mobs attempting to hit you. Any spheres you have when your homunculus dies changes maps / or gets vaporized are still there when you ressurect OR get to the new map / zone OR recall the homunculus unlike monk spheres.


ASPD: ( need live server max ASPDs please )

Needle of paralyze: current findings indicate Damage wise it does 5-8K on monsters. The paralyze effect chance seems to be extremely low or immune against high VIT / LUK characters in PvP. Costs 96 SP at max level. Can be cast interrupted. higher levels appear to cast faster than lower levels. [poison element]

Pain killer: Reductions are quite good. Can reduce melee damage far enough to miss. Skills do full damage ( from what dontleaveme said anyways ). Cast can be interrupted. Skill has two icons, one for endure status and one for the painkiller ASPD and damage reductions. Skill can be cast on NON-party members in PvM / PvP scenarios.

Poison Mist: Does semi-decent damage in a AoE ( need approx sizes / damage from live server please ) and works well to pull agro to the homunculus. Uninterruptable cast time reported [poison element]

Dieter ( bottle boy):

ASPD: ( need live server ASPD reports please )

Granatic Armor: reduces incoming damage by 10% for 60 seconds. Reduces ~30% of the owners HP ( need confirmation if it is 30% MAX or CURRENT ) Wiki says won't reduce below 1HP [needs testing]

Volcanic ASH: Debuff works against ALL players / monsters that step in it. Has an Icon? And yes ALL mean the owner too.

Lava slide: some reports say the skill is decent for AoE damage wise. - I saw it doing ~2K in OD2. Alchemists need to be careful with this skill because Homunculus KSing IS considered the player itself KSing whether they are AFK and the AI is doing it or casting it on purpose.

Pyroclastic: Does not seem to break naturally or carded unbreakable weapons on skill end. FCP / chem protect ( assuming because of FCP will work) will still make your weapon unbreakable.

Magma Flow: Seems to do decent damage - reports of 5-6K per proc, lise Lava Slide does NOT seem to be fire element damage.

From vani base
Lv 120 -> 126 (Current) with 150 Agi = 178 ASPD


Eraser Cutter



Overed Boost


(If you haven't noticed, so far [and I think overall,] Overed Boost is the best skill for Eira. >_> ;)


Xeno Slasher



When I get two levels, I'll comment specifically on Light of Regeneration. (At least what is the required Intimacy, and how low does it drop it.)
But IDK how long (or if I'll get bored of Homunc_S before) it'll take me to reach the Healing skill it learns.



Light of Regeneration


Edited by meoryou2, 23 April 2012 - 08:02 AM.

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#2 meoryou2


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 11:41 AM

Added extra Tinder Breaker and Style Change info.
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#3 meoryou2


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Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:22 PM

Edited and updated sonic claw, tinder breaker and spheres.
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#4 Uyuni


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Posted 28 February 2012 - 06:25 PM

Thanks for the info, I'll update when I get usable skills on my dieter.
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#5 dontleaveme


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Posted 28 February 2012 - 11:24 PM

I'll update when I get skills for my sera as well. Been working on leveling my genetic instead of my homun atm :x
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#6 Cubical


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 05:59 AM


Sonic Claw lv5 findings~

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gawd dayum

now my SP regain isnt nearly as good as a vanils. So i had to program her to use skills on whatever monster takes the longest to kill. Hopefully Azzy will give us some kind of support for Blood Lust.

edit: i actually changed Sonic Claw to be used Once; and use Level 1 for Zenorc, Archer, and Skel Orcs. Works great with full spheres inside OD2. Helps keeps her sp up.

Edited by Cubical, 29 February 2012 - 06:19 AM.

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#7 meoryou2


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 11:18 AM

Interesting about the bloodlust. I will put that in the top post. should be interesting to see what she does once you get your max ATK.
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#8 Cubical


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 01:02 PM

ill post 150 damage when i get there. Since renewal will add attack every 5 levels iirc. She was doing 750~620 a hit normally on OD2 monsters.

Edited by Cubical, 29 February 2012 - 01:02 PM.

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#9 dontleaveme


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 10:52 AM

Just got needle of paralyze on my sera.
For those of you that don't know it's 1200% atk and 65% chance to inflict paralyze effect. Costs 96 sp at level 5.

It DOES have an interruptible cast time D: although the cast time is only a second or two. It can generally be cast before it gets interruptible. Especially in OD2. I didn't even noticed it was interruptible for a good while.

Dmg in od2 is 5 - 8k.

Edited by dontleaveme, 02 March 2012 - 10:52 AM.

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#10 DrAzzy


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 11:23 AM

Just got needle of paralyze on my sera.
For those of you that don't know it's 1200% atk and 65% chance to inflict paralyze effect. Costs 96 sp at level 5.

It DOES have an interruptible cast time D: although the cast time is only a second or two. It can generally be cast before it gets interruptible. Especially in OD2. I didn't even noticed it was interruptible for a good while.

Dmg in od2 is 5 - 8k.

What's the delay like on it on the main server? Is it global delay or cooldown (hotkey that and some other homun skill, and watch the paw icons on skill bar)? I don't trust cooldown vs delay data from sak.
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#11 dontleaveme


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 11:39 AM

There is no cooldown or re-use delay. Paw icon never shows up.
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#12 DrAzzy


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 11:41 AM

There is no cooldown or re-use delay. Paw icon never shows up.

On needle?! Hmm - when i was testing, it had a ~2 second delay on sakray.
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#13 dontleaveme


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 12:15 PM

On needle?! Hmm - when i was testing, it had a ~2 second delay on sakray.

I 'm able to spam it very fast. Actually when I hotkey it and spam it, it will only show the cast time once and will show the dmg twice.
Would someone mind going to pvp with me for testing?
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#14 DrAzzy


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 12:20 PM

I 'm able to spam it very fast. Actually when I hotkey it and spam it, it will only show the cast time once and will show the dmg twice.
Would someone mind going to pvp with me for testing?

Hm, in my testing on sakray, i was able to pull off the double cast, but after one cast finished, there was a cooldown before I could use it again.
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#15 dontleaveme


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 12:46 PM

Only delay I've found is the delay from the skill animation since her skill animation takes forever compared to others. This is testing on OD2 mobs though. Have yet to go into pvp for further testing.

UPDATE: hmm couldn't spam it that well in pvp when manually casting, although there was no paw print on the icon. She just didn't want to cast the skill, she wanted to do reg attacks.
I was able to get off the double cast, and it can be cast several cells away. It's like clashing spiral, if the opponent walks away after it starts being cast it will still take effect as long as they are on screen.
Was testing on a high vit high luck AB and she seemed to be immune to paralyze. She had at least 100 vit and over 80 luck.

Edited by dontleaveme, 02 March 2012 - 01:06 PM.

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#16 Ludercrs


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 12:52 PM

Only delay I've found is the delay from the skill animation since her skill animation takes forever compared to others. This is testing on OD2 mobs though. Have yet to go into pvp for further testing.

i'd go test with you but don't want to lose my spot in OD2 lol
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#17 dontleaveme


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 01:05 PM

i'd go test with you but don't want to lose my spot in OD2 lol

omg, that's how I feel about everything these days.
someone asks me if I want to go mvp and I have to debate over mvping or losing my spot in OD2 XD

Also, anyone want to pop a BB and see if paralyze works on MVPs?

Edited by dontleaveme, 02 March 2012 - 01:11 PM.

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#18 Ludercrs


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 01:30 PM

i duno. i heard last week some1 popped a BB in OD2 and let it kill people, but the Fallen Bishop ended up dropping a card...

if i use a BB i want to kill it myself just in case :rolleyes:

Edited by Ludercrs, 02 March 2012 - 01:30 PM.

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#19 dontleaveme


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 02:33 PM

i duno. i heard last week some1 popped a BB in OD2 and let it kill people, but the Fallen Bishop ended up dropping a card...

if i use a BB i want to kill it myself just in case :rolleyes:

Omg, that sucks XD
I would just pop the BB on a small "private" map for testing and then let the owner of the BB kill whatever came out.
If only the summoner was still in so I could just summon up phree or orc lord. Testing on the low leveled MVPs would be a lot easier. Can test the higher leveled ones once I find out if it works or not.
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#20 Cubical


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Posted 03 March 2012 - 06:00 AM

my homun gained 2 more aspd on a level today meoryou2

and i got the excel sheet started for her stat growth.
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#21 meoryou2


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Posted 03 March 2012 - 08:38 AM

Let me know if it caps out at 173 like mine. And once it gets 173 if it gains one ASPD on every 10th level like 100, 110, 120.

I should maybe get to see if I gain an ASPD point today at 110...
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#22 dontleaveme


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Posted 03 March 2012 - 09:38 AM

Oh, I forgot to mention. Needle of Paralyze is poison property damage.
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#23 Cubical


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Posted 03 March 2012 - 12:31 PM

Let me know if it caps out at 173 like mine. And once it gets 173 if it gains one ASPD on every 10th level like 100, 110, 120.

I should maybe get to see if I gain an ASPD point today at 110...

no worries i'll post the whole excel file online when shes 150 so other people can compare their growth. About the ASPD i can keep you informed as she levels up. But judging on her growth atm, she should have 173 ASPD by like 110 if im counting right.

Heres to hoping yours gets an ASPD bonus, as a 193 ASPD lv150 Eleanor would be sexy

Edited by Cubical, 03 March 2012 - 12:31 PM.

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#24 meoryou2


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Posted 03 March 2012 - 12:41 PM

no worries i'll post the whole excel file online when shes 150 so other people can compare their growth. About the ASPD i can keep you informed as she levels up. But judging on her growth atm, she should have 173 ASPD by like 110 if im counting right.

Heres to hoping yours gets an ASPD bonus, as a 193 ASPD lv150 Eleanor would be sexy

193... I wish! From vids I saw of 150s on jRO it seems to be 176 max ASPD on Eleanor.
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#25 Oda



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Posted 03 March 2012 - 03:46 PM

The client has been updated on Sakray, and the homunculus S skills should be useable again, please report your findings. From the reports I've seen you will still get error'd out by the use of a ground targeted skill but it doesn't disconnect everyone around you. If you can verify this, I would appreciate it quite a bit.
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