But it is more then simply the software being unable to stay in sync with our computers. Since there can be other factors that attribute to this cause. Such as a slow internet connection or server latency or overworked hardware. (Which can also possibly be from insufficient processing power.)
In overall essence, Lag is simply the failure to transmit any data at an optimal performance speed. Regardless of the reason, the tolerance for lag depends heavily upon the type of game. For instance, any slower paced game will be less demanding then a game that requires a faster pace. In order for an individual to experience satisfying game-play.
There are a few methods however, to improve this. If you would like to learn more, then please refer to the links below:
(Notice: I cannot offer any help or technical support for any of the possible proposed resolutions. These options were simply gathered together solely to create a collective of information. Please, make sure you research and read thoroughly! Especially, if you are unsure of how these changes will react with your computer. Before even attempting to make any critical modifications on your own. And remember, always back up your computer!: http://www.wikihow.c...k-up-a-Computer )
Services that help to decrease latency:
Information about Lag:
Cable vs DSL:
Can you run it?: (Note: Ragnarok is not in CYRI's listings.)
DNS & PC Modification:
TCP Delay & Message Queuing:
Test your Computer:
Wifi Optimization & Debugging:
Virus Protection & Support:
Thanks and Happy Gaming!
PS: If you have any suggestions, feedback, or information, which would improve upon this topic --- Then, feel free to leave a reply.
(4-17-13: For those who have failed to read the footnote, I've highlighted it. The OP is a resource not a repair, thank you. If you require further help, seek out technical support.)
Edited by eerie, 17 April 2013 - 01:12 AM.