Edited by WorldBosh, 07 September 2012 - 01:51 PM.

The Warrior's Unstoppabuild :D
Posted 29 July 2012 - 11:16 AM
Posted 29 July 2012 - 11:37 AM
Posted 29 July 2012 - 11:44 AM
Nice guide! Like I suggested in our whispers - Add a screenshot of the skill tree. A picture is worth a thousand words. As far as stats go - Just to debate a little. Is there a reason you choose 2 vit 1agi over 2agi 1vit. A lot of the gear you will get should have +hp on it. I think increasing your physical dodge and critical would be superior to that 1vit(which is about 25hp lower lvl and 100 hp higher level)
Hm...You think so? As a warrior, you really shouldn't be relying on physical dodge, but the criticals would actually stack nicely with the proper setup.
Also, most non-set gear comes with +defense at most, so stacking on the vit would actually be a smarter decision IMO.
I should write a disclaimer stating that my build actually works best if you run the DD Stat setup

Edited by WorldBosh, 29 July 2012 - 11:53 AM.
Posted 30 July 2012 - 03:37 AM
You have branched out into both trees which have different weapon requirements and you didn't list which skills require which weapon. Yes, I realize you can Alt+R to quick change your weapon - but you honestly think that is a viable strategy in anything?
This is a 2hander guide, not for anyone using a shield. If you have a shield and don't have the +10% block rate bonus, you have failed.
Edited by Apollon, 30 July 2012 - 03:38 AM.
Posted 30 July 2012 - 04:37 AM
Horrible guide.
You have branched out into both trees which have different weapon requirements and you didn't list which skills require which weapon. Yes, I realize you can Alt+R to quick change your weapon - but you honestly think that is a viable strategy in anything?
This is a 2hander guide, not for anyone using a shield. If you have a shield and don't have the +10% block rate bonus, you have failed.
You, sir, apparently haven't played a warrior at all, so your opinion at the moment is invalid.
ALL the skills, excluding protection shield/bloody shield/shocking blow/counterattack, can be used by both a 1h and 2h. The passives aren't that much of a game changer if you gear yourself right and chain your skills properly. The shield, if you didn't understand, was for a boost in defense when you're backed into a corner or just want to play it safe during fights.Your main weapon will, of course, be a 2h, but it doesn't change the fact that you can still benefit from a good boost in your defenses whenever you may need it.
You can specialize in you berserker or knight trees and get kited/CCed all day, or you can rid yourself of those weaknesses for the a small cost in terms of damage and survivability in exchange for effectiveness.
Thanks for the suggestion though, I'll specify which skills are weapon specific.
Edited by WorldBosh, 30 July 2012 - 04:43 AM.
Posted 30 July 2012 - 05:08 AM
You, sir, apparently haven't played a warrior at all, so your opinion at the moment is invalid.
ALL the skills, excluding protection shield/bloody shield/shocking blow/counterattack, can be used by both a 1h and 2h. The passives aren't that much of a game changer if you gear yourself right and chain your skills properly. The shield, if you didn't understand, was for a boost in defense when you're backed into a corner or just want to play it safe during fights.Your main weapon will, of course, be a 2h, but it doesn't change the fact that you can still benefit from a good boost in your defenses whenever you may need it.
You can specialize in you berserker or knight trees and get kited/CCed all day, or you can rid yourself of those weaknesses for the a small cost in terms of damage and survivability in exchange for effectiveness.
Thanks for the suggestion though, I'll specify which skills are weapon specific.
Right, it's not like I have a level 46 warrior (2 days from lvl 30 - 46) and it's not like I've read all the skills. Oh, and did I mention I've died a grand total of ONE time in PvP? For those counting that's a roughly 30:1 k/d ratio.
How exactly do you use protective shield when you are wielding a 2h (can't use a shield)? That's a specific requirement for protective shield.
Bloody shield is a level 59 skill that requires a block to use. Where is your block rate passive? You don't have it. Enjoy your 8% proc rate.
Shocking Blow is a 2H only skill which means if you are a primary shield, you wasted several points to get to it. I don't find that worth it.
Shield defense boost is a JOKE - it's about block rate. Defense alone will not save you. Iron Wall level 1 will provide more damage mitigation than one unbuffed shield. Yeah 10% block rate increase, 25% increase in HP, and 25% increase in magic defense. Totally sucks.
And you have the gall to talk about build effectiveness. Shocking. Where is the maestone build? You've sacrificed any effectiveness by trying to mitigate the whole point of the sub-class builds. Will a 1h/shield have less ability to kill? Absolutely. Will a 2H have less defense? Obviously.
The point is that your build is good at nothing. You have zero place in a PvP team, and it's designed primarily for dueling. Last time I checked, dueling did nothing for your guild or faction. I'd rather see a 2H ready to dive in and do some major damage or have a tank charge a line and soak damage from 5+ DDs.
I'm a 1H/shield spec. Does that mean I can get kited? Absolutely. However, as long as Im taking damage - I'm alright with this. Every point of damage on me is designed to be wasted.
Edited by Apollon, 30 July 2012 - 05:15 AM.
Posted 30 July 2012 - 07:14 AM
Right, it's not like I have a level 46 warrior (2 days from lvl 30 - 46) and it's not like I've read all the skills. Oh, and did I mention I've died a grand total of ONE time in PvP? For those counting that's a roughly 30:1 k/d ratio.
Grats, but RvR is a bad indicator of skill in my opinion with the way things are at the moment.
How exactly do you use protective shield when you are wielding a 2h (can't use a shield)? That's a specific requirement for protective shield.
Its a requirement. If I could, I'd skip ALL the knight skills and just go for Iron Wall, Cry of the Iron Wall, and Charge of Anger.
Bloody shield is a level 59 skill that requires a block to use. Where is your block rate passive? You don't have it. Enjoy your 8% proc rate.
1. I didn't include it in my build.
2. When cap is increased, I'm planning on skipping those skills.
Shocking Blow is a 2H only skill which means if you are a primary shield, you wasted several points to get to it. I don't find that worth it.
Shield isn't the primary.
Shield defense boost is a JOKE - it's about block rate. Defense alone will not save you. Iron Wall level 1 will provide more damage mitigation than one unbuffed shield. Yeah 10% block rate increase, 25% increase in HP, and 25% increase in magic defense. Totally sucks.
Don't know what shields you use, but the ones I have give me a decent boost in defense.
And you have the gall to talk about build effectiveness. Shocking. Where is the maestone build? You've sacrificed any effectiveness by trying to mitigate the whole point of the sub-class builds. Will a 1h/shield have less ability to kill? Absolutely. Will a 2H have less defense? Obviously.
I don't know all the maestones that're available and what it takes to activate them so I won't be adding one at the moment. I've sacrificed survivability (ignoring the passives due to a lack of points) for more control skills. If you're telling me that charging in and getting kited by your target while you get blasted away by the DDs is effective, by all means do it. The point of my build is to cover for the 2h's obvious lack of defense through skills you can use to remain mobile and keep your target within slashing distance at all times and so you don't need to take as many hits as you normally would.
With a Pure Zerk build, you'd run something along these lines in terms of a combo:
Charge > DPS > Shocking Blow > DPS > Slow > Get slowed, get kited and die.
The point is that your build is good at nothing. You have zero place in a PvP team, and it's designed primarily for dueling. Last time I checked, dueling did nothing for your guild or faction. I'd rather see a 2H ready to dive in and do some major damage or have a tank charge a line and soak damage from 5+ DDs.
And I'd rather see a 2h ready to dive in and stay in instead of going berserk and dropping in two seconds, hence wasting a party spot.
I'm a 1H/shield spec. Does that mean I can get kited? Absolutely. However, as long as Im taking damage - I'm alright with this. Every point of damage on me is designed to be wasted.
I've faced tankers in better gear with an incomplete version of this build and decimated them. Please, try again.
Posted 30 July 2012 - 07:26 AM
Do you know if you CAN skip those skills? I sure don't and if the tree continues to follow the trend starting a level 40+ you are going to have to spec into each skill to unlock the next set. I doubt there will be many one-off skills that require no prerequisites since the tree is clearly designed into sub-classes. You are going to be vastly far behind with as much hybrid as you build.
The whole point of a 2H warrior is to get in and 1-3 hit the target. There's no time for running and kiting with that much damage. Don't tell me it's not possible, I've seen a 2H berserker outright one hit a ranger. If you need to build survivability to get kills - your damage just isn't high enough and you are just making matters worse by adding so much survivability.
I've never seen a warrior decimate anything with your build. I've seen them decimate everything with a full on damage build. I even have trouble tanking all that.
Building control with a damager is just a joke. That isn't your job. Now, if you were saying that you built survivability to be able to tank the hits required for passive maestone procs - ok, I can dig that with the proper set of stones. However, you aren't and I doubt you've even considered that as a factor.
My build is designed to control and tank. I'm stacked with on-hit debuffs like 4 second silence, with a large HP pool, huge defense, and a good block rate. I gaurentee that I control a battle far better than you, but I will grant you the fact that you clearly have the edge on damage. You either rely on procs (ie. tanking) or you rely on outright damage. You'll be extremely ineffective if you try both.
I'll also admit that I may have gone too far to the tanky side. I've noticed that people just stop hitting me in PvP. That's when I need to take advantage of some of AoE's to group debuff. I haven't looked into that too much since I want to be conservative with my point spend so that I'm not caught off guard when the new skills are released.
I'm warning anyone that uses this build that they will need to re-skill at cap raise unless the tree grows in a completely unexpected way.
Edited by Apollon, 30 July 2012 - 07:30 AM.
Posted 30 July 2012 - 07:57 AM
Have you honestly tested the difference in physical defense? The bonus you get from a shield (~1000 at higher levels) - it just doesn't do much. At all. It doesn't take a math major to realize that a 18%+ chance of total damage negation is far better than the relative return you get for adding a shield. Besides, I get far more better defense bonus from my defensive aura (which can't stack with the attack aura) than any shield gives. That doesn't even get into time wasted on gcd and animation for swapping.
It doesn't make that much of a difference for you, since you're loaded with vit, but since there aren't any passives on my build the shield adds a nice boost to survivability.
Do you know if you CAN skip those skills? I sure don't and if the tree continues to follow the trend starting a level 40+ you are going to have to spec into each skill to unlock the next set. I doubt there will be many one-off skills that require no prerequisites since the tree is clearly designed into sub-classes. You are going to be vastly far behind with as much hybrid as you build.
I can't skip them, which is why I included them in my build. I understand that I won't be able to get all the skills, but the in combat charge is too good to pass up, which is why I can't ignore it.
The whole point of a 2H warrior is to get in and 1-3 hit the target. There's no time for running and kiting with that much damage. Don't tell me it's not possible, I've seen a 2H berserker outright one hit a ranger. If you need to build survivability to get kills - your damage just isn't high enough and you are just making matters worse by adding so much survivability.
I have no damage issues. At 57 with decent gear, I rock 1.2k Phys Atk and 100% Damage Amp. I have CC issues. Don't tell me you can CC better than a mage, ranger, or cleric because that would be pure bull.
I've never seen a warrior decimate anything with your build. I've seen them decimate everything with a full on damage build. I even have trouble tanking all that.
Don't even try that bull lmao. This game is a week old (unless you came from the EU servers), so you probably haven't seen anything besides the usual tank or berserker.
Building control with a damager is just a joke. That isn't your job. Now, if you were saying that you built survivability to be able to tank the hits required for passive maestone procs - ok, I can dig that with the proper set of stones. However, you aren't and I doubt you've even considered that as a factor.
Mages are damagers with enough CCs to keep you locked down permanently. You're boned 90% of the time if the mage gets the first hit in with a pure zerk build, regardless of how paper thin they are VS your physical attack. As for maestones, I'm leaning towards Phys Attack +, Attack Speed +, Mag Def +, and (if its possible) Crit Damage +.
My build is designed to control and tank. I'm stacked with on-hit debuffs like 4 second silence, with a large HP pool, huge defense, and a good block rate. I gaurentee that I control a battle far better than you, but I will grant you the fact that you clearly have the edge on damage. You either rely on procs (ie. tanking) or you rely on outright damage. You'll be extremely ineffective if you try both.
You control the battle with what skills? Stormy Blow? Dude, I've never played a full tank but I know for a fact you can't control ANYTHING. Charging in and trying to attract attention doesn't count as control and once people get a gist of how bad your damage is, they'll begin to ignore you completely and take care of your DD friends who're trying to sneak in a couple of kills while you're performing for the enemy.
I'll also admit that I may have gone too far to the tanky side. I've noticed that people just stop hitting me in PvP. That's when I need to take advantage of some of AoE's to group debuff. I haven't looked into that too much since I want to be conservative with my point spend so that I'm not caught off guard when the new skills are released.
So you're not even a meat shield. Just a piece of meat lol. No one is willing to hit you so you're just a waste of space on the battlefield. Tell me now, whos the waste? The guy who can keep moving, regardless of debuffs, get a few kills or the piece of meat? You're nothing but a PvE tank and you know it, so please don't try talking my build down when it gets the kill in most situations instead of the usual build that works only half the time.
I'm warning anyone that uses this build that they will need to re-skill at cap raise unless the tree grows in a completely unexpected way.
Alright. Please duel me when your capped and we'll see how long you last.
Posted 30 July 2012 - 10:08 AM
1) It doesn't make much difference to a 2H either. Think about, even without building VIT you still have the 2nd highest HP in the game just from your gear and natural growth progression. Furthermore, test the actual difference between a shield and no shield. You'll notice it's not huge. Let me put it this way. You can wear a shield or get 5% higher VIT. The higher VIT definitely adds far more survivability (assuming you have at least 20k hp, which you should). You have to think in terms of mitigation AND damage soak. Especially considering a shield is heavily skewed towards physical mitigation, VIT is definitely more effective if you are solely concerned about surviving.
2) Which is all well and good, but you can no longer pass your build as efficient. It's vastly inefficient, which is your single largest problem which will become far more apparant later.
3) Those stats are pretty weak. It doesn't look like you buffed up your crit damage passive, which is a HUGE DPS bonus if you set your maestones properly. If anything, this will help you far more in damage while you tilt your stat distribution to more VIT so you have better survivability. Big miss on not buffing that passive.
4) I didn't say I could control better than a mage or cleric. I said I could control better than you, which is absolutely true.
5) I'm not even sure what is considered "usual". All I know is that I saw a berserker flat out one hit a ranger who was relatively close to him in level. I've done some theory crafting that shows his critical modifiers are sky high, which makes the build incredibly inconsistent but utterly deadly. I also have a friend on the other faction that helps me test various builds. The fact that you just assume I don't know what I'm talking about tells me you are relying on praise from other noobs that don't really understand the game.
6) Mages are enormously strong in 1v1, I really only expect a cleric to stand any kind of chance. Balance is, once again, tilted towards larger scale battles. Trying to come up with a build that works well against a good mage in a duel is a losing battle. Focus on your role in the group, not trying to counter one of the most ridiculous CC/Dmg combo classes I've seen in years.
7) You can't do much at all until level 59, that much is true. The tank is definitely underpowered, but I have some friends who do play the EU version so I know a few things about how the class progresses. It gets way, way better (assuming Warp Portal doesn't make large changes, which is totally possible). It's mostly about getting the most maestone procs as possible while being a massive distraction. However, a tank spec warrior has an AoE attack speed debuff, damage debuff, two stuns, and a slow. Not to mention a defensive aura which can make a big difference. The idea is to simply not die while having just enough damage to make it a justifiable system to try to take you out. The biggest difference you can make is simply stunning the enemy cleric. That alone can wipe the enemy.
8) Yep, that is a problem currently. However, the cap is low and I have an idea as to what is coming. I think long term, always will.
9) You are awful concerned about 1v1, especially when a mage or cleric is going to wreck you ANYWAY regardless of your build at this level. The point is, do you have a purpose in RvR? I say no, your build is too spread to say that you have any defined purpose. I don't care about 1v1, that's such a small part of the game that ultimately - it's irrelevant.
Posted 30 July 2012 - 10:58 AM
For someone who shows a shocking lack of in-game mechanics, you sure like accusing me of BS. Let me take your response one by one.
1) It doesn't make much difference to a 2H either. Think about, even without building VIT you still have the 2nd highest HP in the game just from your gear and natural growth progression. Furthermore, test the actual difference between a shield and no shield. You'll notice it's not huge. Let me put it this way. You can wear a shield or get 5% higher VIT. The higher VIT definitely adds far more survivability (assuming you have at least 20k hp, which you should). You have to think in terms of mitigation AND damage soak. Especially considering a shield is heavily skewed towards physical mitigation, VIT is definitely more effective if you are solely concerned about surviving.
I have thought about it.. It helps in terms of tanking because most of the shields I carry boost my HP by an additional 1k HP. and also because the shield stun has a CD 20 seconds while the 2h stun has a CD of 30 seconds, making it alot easier to chain with song of the undead.
2) Which is all well and good, but you can no longer pass your build as efficient. It's vastly inefficient, which is your single largest problem which will become far more apparant later.
In my opinion (and from experience), I've been able to win many more fights thanks to the in combat charge. Other warriors aren't a problem to deal with because of stormy blow, surprise attack, iron bar, and wedge. Rangers can't kite me and I kill them in a mere 1-3 non-crits.
3) Those stats are pretty weak. It doesn't look like you buffed up your crit damage passive, which is a HUGE DPS bonus if you set your maestones properly. If anything, this will help you far more in damage while you tilt your stat distribution to more VIT so you have better survivability. Big miss on not buffing that passive.
Find a berserker with similar attack with the gear I'm wearing and then say that because I sure haven't been able to find such a person. I understand that the crit passive + crit maestone would really help in terms of critting, but because of my lack of AGI, my crit rate is low therefore making any effort to focus on crits would be a waste. I understand berserkers are supposed to be about high normal hits and even higher crits, but I prefer to control my damage AND the pace of the battle. The only status effects that can actually shut me down with this build are fear and stun.
4) I didn't say I could control better than a mage or cleric. I said I could control better than you, which is absolutely true.
We both have stormy blow. We both have protection shield. We both have charge. We both have surprise attack. Tell me how you can control better than me.
5) I'm not even sure what is considered "usual". All I know is that I saw a berserker flat out one hit a ranger who was relatively close to him in level. I've done some theory crafting that shows his critical modifiers are sky high, which makes the build incredibly inconsistent but utterly deadly. I also have a friend on the other faction that helps me test various builds. The fact that you just assume I don't know what I'm talking about tells me you are relying on praise from other noobs that don't really understand the game.
I don't even worry about people who rely on crits. Their chances of winning VS an equally skilled/geared player is low unless they can really PILE on the crit rate.
6) Mages are enormously strong in 1v1, I really only expect a cleric to stand any kind of chance. Balance is, once again, tilted towards larger scale battles. Trying to come up with a build that works well against a good mage in a duel is a losing battle. Focus on your role in the group, not trying to counter one of the most ridiculous CC/Dmg combo classes I've seen in years.
Mages are putty with this build so.....Because of the mobility my build allows, you never need to stay in one place for too long, thus allowing a skilled player to excel in large scale PvP because the only way they would be stopped is if they're ganked by a group of 3-4+ players CCing the crap out of them.
7) You can't do much at all until level 59, that much is true. The tank is definitely underpowered, but I have some friends who do play the EU version so I know a few things about how the class progresses. It gets way, way better (assuming Warp Portal doesn't make large changes, which is totally possible). It's mostly about getting the most maestone procs as possible while being a massive distraction. However, a tank spec warrior has an AoE attack speed debuff, damage debuff, two stuns, and a slow. Not to mention a defensive aura which can make a big difference. The idea is to simply not die while having just enough damage to make it a justifiable system to try to take you out. The biggest difference you can make is simply stunning the enemy cleric. That alone can wipe the enemy.
You want to compare CCs? Alright. Here they are:
Four stuns.
One AoE attack speed debuff.
One Single Target physical attack debuff.
One physical damage reflect.
Two slows.
Two charges.
And those are WITHOUT maestones. Who wins?
8) Yep, that is a problem currently. However, the cap is low and I have an idea as to what is coming. I think long term, always will.
Fair enough. Still doesn't give you grounds to bash me.
9) You are awful concerned about 1v1, especially when a mage or cleric is going to wreck you ANYWAY regardless of your build at this level. The point is, do you have a purpose in RvR? I say no, your build is too spread to say that you have any defined purpose. I don't care about 1v1, that's such a small part of the game that ultimately - it's irrelevant.
Concerned about 1v1? Everything a zerker does is 1v1 because they have no AoEs. In RvR, its still a 1v1 because the tools you have available are for killing one target and then moving on.
My purpose in RvR? Same as any other zerker, just with the added ability to stay in there longer and get more kills. When a zerker running the traditional build rushes into a group in RvR, what do you think his chances are in terms of surviving and getting the kill? I've seen many traditional zerkers charge in and get devoured while I was able to cop at least a kill before getting dropped like a rock. No mage has beat me in a 1v1 and I've only been beaten by one cleric so far, and that was with my incomplete build.
Edited by WorldBosh, 30 July 2012 - 11:00 AM.
Posted 30 July 2012 - 03:03 PM
So maybe Apollon should try WorldBosh's build and WorldBosh Apollon's build, and then you can argue about it, right?
Posted 30 July 2012 - 03:35 PM
I relly think that this discussion went out of hands, both of you have different points of view and opinions, so there's no point about arguing wich of your build is better, maybe Apollon's build is better for PVE and WorldBosh is a PVP focused build, my personal build have HP/DMG passive skill from serker tree and the rest on knight skills (well, im lv 26 xD) but I'm liking my build atm so if someone tells me that my build suck, I'll say to that person "Ok it suck, but maybe try it and you'll change your mind"
So maybe Apollon should try WorldBosh's build and WorldBosh Apollon's build, and then you can argue about it, right?
LoL fair enough. I might try Apollon's build, but I wanna master my own first

Posted 31 July 2012 - 06:04 AM
To not go with a single passive (particularly the +HP) - you will scale somewhere between 20-25% worse than any other warrior that specs them. Remember, those bonuses apply to equipment bonuses as well so it get progressively better as you get higher equipment. At some point, there has to be a clear tipping point - there are definitely benefits to a 25k unbuffed HP at level 4x. Furthermore, you are risking future skills by not doing any sort of min/max analysis on how you spend your skill points. You have to think about how things will progress, not simply maximizing your current skills.
Also, a general note - one maestone can give you more crit rate than a full AGI build. It isn't the "god stat" it's being made out to be - mostly because it doesn't enhance your accuracy (stat doesn't really exist outside of equipment bonuses).
Ultimately, I see two things to balance. The first is the number of your skills vs. total CD. Can you spam skills or not - is there a point in your rotation when you have to wait for something to cooldown? Do you reduce a skill's CD or add a skill? Tough question to answer without knowing exactly what new skills will be released. The second is how do your maestones interact with your build theory. If you want damage, you want a critical rate maestone - but then you'd also want to buff your crit hit damage % to maximize that proc.
Results are going to vary wildly if you don't have a coherant skill rotation and maestone strategy.
Edited by Apollon, 31 July 2012 - 06:06 AM.
Posted 31 July 2012 - 07:53 PM
i've been playing the tank role in almost all of my mmorpg but i cant seem to find a guide on this game about tanks...
also,is it a good idea to make a tank in this game?
Edited by BarneyStinson, 31 July 2012 - 07:55 PM.
Posted 31 July 2012 - 08:49 PM
@Apollon,Sir,i would be very grateful if you could post a guide or a build on a sword n shield tank.
i've been playing the tank role in almost all of my mmorpg but i cant seem to find a guide on this game about tanks...
also,is it a good idea to make a tank in this game?
Hi Barney!
I have a SnS warrior but I didn't like the "Tank" role in this game
just go like 3vit/1agi/1str or 4vit/1str, get the Hp passive skill from Berserker tree and the Knight skills and that should do the job.
Posted 31 July 2012 - 10:15 PM
would you be so kind to explain why is that you didnt like the tank role here?Hi Barney!
I have a SnS warrior but I didn't like the "Tank" role in this game
just go like 3vit/1agi/1str or 4vit/1str, get the Hp passive skill from Berserker tree and the Knight skills and that should do the job.
Posted 31 July 2012 - 11:00 PM
would you be so kind to explain why is that you didnt like the tank role here?
Sure, I just didn't like the way the "Defense" works in this game, no matter how many P.Def I had mobs hitted like a russian train, with my set (lv 23 purple 12str/vit/agi per piece) and without it the damage was the same, and I didn't like that.
Posted 01 August 2012 - 03:38 AM
Sure, I just didn't like the way the "Defense" works in this game, no matter how many P.Def I had mobs hitted like a russian train, with my set (lv 23 purple 12str/vit/agi per piece) and without it the damage was the same, and I didn't like that.
Easy reason, most mobs do magic damage. Once you hit level 44 and gain the defensive aura, you'll see a distinct difference on how much harder everyone else gets hit. Overall, it's a bit hard to notice since it takes you longer to kill mobs but your far larger HP pool makes up the difference. You could just look at the cash flow as well, while most people are burning gold to do the wyvern repeatable - I'm constantly gaining gold. I haven't gone cashflow negative the entire time I've been in Yotunheim. Some of that is careful mob picking (I don't dive straight into aggro hell), but some of that is probably from the fact that I have high HP and high defense. Pots are pretty darn ineffective too, they just keep me from dying if I take huge aggro pulls but for the most part I'm regen'ing through prayer.
In regards to a tank build, I'll think about starting a post once I'm satisfied with the results. I'm not yet. My damage blows and cleric heal spam still out tanks me. If and when I can full on tank a level 59 boss, I'll start writing a post. Until then, let's not hijack this thread.
Unfortunately, I missed a good chance to test last night because when I saw WorldBosh in RvR - my client was completely frozen. Note to self, adjust graphic settings before entering arena.
Edited by Apollon, 01 August 2012 - 03:42 AM.
Posted 01 August 2012 - 09:17 AM
Posted 01 August 2012 - 07:23 PM
Posted 02 August 2012 - 12:02 PM
You tell em Bosh!.. Btw where's the guide for Ranged Rangers?! Racism....tsk tsk
Never played an archer .-. ....
Posted 03 August 2012 - 05:18 AM

Posted 08 August 2012 - 01:08 PM
Posted 09 August 2012 - 05:49 PM
I am making a No-Hand INT Type warrior guide! Please be sure to check it out too ;D
Looking forward to it

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