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Reforming ROSE standards.

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#51 Feuer


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Posted 13 November 2012 - 02:12 PM

I don't appreciate your intentional disrespect of me, this thread, or others' ideas to improve the game, please take your disrespect somewhere else. Thank you.

Edited by Feuer, 13 November 2012 - 02:12 PM.

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#52 JustinHaze


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Posted 13 November 2012 - 02:21 PM

Intentional disrespect looks different..

That's stuff the IM development team would love. Then the people that balance the finances would love that too since the game's profit will go up. Giving more money to spend time developing new content and making adjustments to the game the players will actually enjoy. Levels, maps, monsters, items, etc.

.....Like developing things for max level players to do other than dungeons and crystal defenders, helping new players catch up with the established players... Giving established players something to do besides stand around, and watch the game they fell in love with, be taken apart.

"You want Union War? What you want to leech uw? Pay me 15 dollars a month, (per account)" Makes complete sense from a business perspective.
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#53 Feuer


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Posted 13 November 2012 - 02:51 PM

hmm i dunno if its from my troll post, or feuer's, but gg adam.

You said it not me. "from my troll post"

Don't troll in this thread please.
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#54 Wintersoul


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Posted 13 November 2012 - 03:05 PM

These are all really excellent ideas. Most of them would be pretty simple to implement as well.

Be careful with the quests, I don't want to just do repeat quests all day either. It's a bit of a reference to Cabal I suppose, but better, would be quests that involve Dungeons that one can ONLY enter during these quests, and said quests would only be available under certain circumstances. They could have incredibly good exp within (lots of bosses or something, not gain 5 levels every run), potential for great item drops ect, but you can only do them so often. Maybe require a full party, can only be entered every "x" hours relative to your level, and so on. Toying with the idea of PvP inside, but if you're party got rolled over by another party of more powerful players you'd be out of a chance... Anyway, Quests. This whole dungeon thing could really help develop the story too.

The new weapon classes are a glorious idea. A Mage with a death scythe? How BA would that be! I seem to remember Champions being able to Dual-Wield at one time, but that would have been years go if ever and I also could just be crazy. Lances, Rapiers and Two-Handed crossbows sort of seem useless to me, but I do like the creativity. Now a Two-Handed Tome for Caster classes is another one I would love to see. As a die-hard Fire Emblem fan, I can see it. Holding your Tome in one arm while casting with your other hand or something. Even have some skill animations of reading over the open text for complex-looking spells or something? Party buffs, Res or AoE I suppose, something that wouldn't be too hampered by a longer casting animation.

As for flying mounts with XYZ freedom would be great. Z-axis flight being the key there. I spent some time in FlyFF, and you never get tired of flying. With this, you could even have some areas ONLY accessible by using flying mounts! Could add weaker, non-item mall grade flyers to some higher level quests or boss drops. El Verloon from Zant again :3

Professions is an interesting thought as well. Self-refining, repairing ect would be very nice. Using metals to upgrade your items could be very cool. (Idea engine lights up) What if "Smithing" (call it whatever) your equipment added small hard coded stat gains? Or not, have them be just like Appraised stats. That way even a store bought weapon could have two lines of useful stats. Not Int+20 mind you, but something small. Metals could be like a "Sharpening" effect, adding a small amount of attack power, the amount of which could be based on the Material Grade of the metal used (X amount of Rusted Iron adds +1ap, X amount of Damascus adds +10ap). Just the same, Otherworldy Metals could add a different stat. Other materials too. Using Leather or Cloth with a piece of Armor would theoretically improve the fit or comfort I suppose, not sure what stat that would add, or polish it to add Charm it could be anything. The Elemental Stones/Ores/Sprituals ect could be used to enchant with Main stats, such as Fire Ores being used to add strength or something. Again, nothing huge. I'm not saying a new character can add 10 Str and 40AP or something ridiculous to his wooden sword, but you get the idea.

Now I don't know much about the Pegasus server (I just started browsing the section a minute ago) but it looks like your'e experimenting with Elements now? Maybe a profession like the aforementioned "Enchanting" could be used to add elemental damage/attributes. Now obviously that's in testing but what I mean could be related to my Ore suggestion in the Smithing paragraph, where maybe Enchanting with Water could add Max MP, Intelligence, MP Recovery, Magic Defense, any combination of two of those. Using them as a secondary stat not a hard coded stat would mean you could even do this with Uniques or Epics if you got one without extra stats. Or equipment from chests in the Prison. Store items! Could even add an option of new types of ores/stones ect. An enchant for 1% bonus exp is possible to do... 1% bonus exp on each piece of equipment without a Gem in it for your new characters! Demon Skull Breaker does sound pretty smexy.

With this one could mix and match any two lines of stats they want. [I like this better ----->] Or, have each type of Enchant/Smith add a set two lines like Dex and Dodge, Str and Defense, Str and Crit, ect. There are tons of existing and new opportunities to be harnessed by something like that. The gains could be set based on the materials used, or be based on maybe the proficiency of the skill as well. This would still open huge doors for a ton of new stats builds on equipment.

Feuer you have some really excellent ideas here. Kind of makes you realize how much potential Rose still has. Kudos to the development team for all their hard work thus far these past years and congrats because it looks like you won't be out of a job anytime soon!

Edited by Wintersoul, 13 November 2012 - 03:08 PM.

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#55 Phish


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Posted 13 November 2012 - 03:09 PM

I don't appreciate your intentional disrespect of me, this thread, or others' ideas to improve the game, please take your disrespect somewhere else. Thank you.

Don't worry, I was referring to Justin, and he wasn't even serious either. I don't have anything against your suggestions.

There were some plans on a job system similar to what you suggested, I don't know what the status is or if it is ever going to happen though.
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#56 EccentricAna


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Posted 13 November 2012 - 03:14 PM

Tigh is my arti. xD Were you one of the people I crafted a nub weap for? lol
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#57 JustinHaze


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Posted 13 November 2012 - 04:20 PM

Hmm. I guess constructive criticism isn't allowed?

I mean if they are going to browse your post for idea's why can't other people use it as a chance for theirs, or to even disprove, ask, or even debate your idea's? (Truthfully they aren't all bad, but where are they going to get the money to pay people to develop this?)
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#58 Feuer


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Posted 13 November 2012 - 04:30 PM

If you're referring to me yeap, you crafted my 129 Enchanted Ikaness Staff to pvm with. I need your services again! PM me in-game when you get a chance.

As for the topic, WinterSoul has grasped the concept perfectly, there's plenty of room for expansion and improvement in ROSE. But it's up to the community to speak for themselves on what they want [even if they don't think its going to happen] and then have the staff review it and do what they can.
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#59 KingsBane


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 01:46 AM

as said the community has spoken endlessly and never do we get what we ask for. Nobody said there is not room for expansion my god its supposed to be 7 worlds it was planned or 3rd and 4th jobs and u are asking for new ideas. Does this mean you think the devs have no ideas of their own. Do you think they are capable of making new content. Now if the answer is yes why the post in first place. If the answer is no then u can suggest till hell freezes and nothing will happen.
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#60 Feuer


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:14 AM

I'm perfectly sure they're able to develope new things for ROSE on their own, it doesn't mean the majority of the community will find them fun.

And of course constructive criticism is allowed here, as well as discussions and trouble shooting proposed ideas, but you openly stated your post was a trolling post, so I simply asked that trolling not be done in this thread. You as a person are more then welcome here Justin, I'd just appreciate it if the very well known drama and trolling didn't come in -that goes for others as well please-
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#61 Feuer


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Posted 16 November 2012 - 02:26 AM

Updated: Mechanical Steam Battle Royale!

Keep the creative ideas goin, surely the team will get some inspiration from mine, yours and collectively our ideas.
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#62 Feuer


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 06:20 AM

Updated with 3 new ideas, and expanded on the enchanting portion of the original post~ The "HONEY, I'm HOME" is a huge post, but it's AWESOME.

Edited by Feuer, 29 November 2012 - 06:55 AM.

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