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Suggestion list -complilation of forums suggestions

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#1 Blitzkrieg


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Posted 26 January 2011 - 09:38 PM

After the bug list was posted in the COMMUNITY CHAT area i thought about posting a list of MOST DISCUSSED SUGGESTIONS
this is just a compilation of those suggestions i have been reading recently,that got a lot of limelight or i found interesting

i am giving every suggestion a priority number .....higher it is more is its importance(0-5) ( suggestion - priority number and link if it is a big one)
( as my personal views aint always superior the ratings can be a bit controversial.....if u have other views dont hesitate to add them)



reduction in casting animation - 4
currently active mages suggest that it is very difficult to pull off a combination of skills in UW due to long attack animation
so a skill casting reduction is in demand
mages dont seem to have a problem with PVP or PVM what so ever


mystic knife dodge down reliability buff up -4
mystic knife dodge down reliability was nerfed along with sleep effect
it is about 45% now (i guess ) which makes its probability of debuff pretty low
sleep is fine concerns have been raised only about the dodge down debuff

Dual Raider AOE cooldown independance -5
the dual raider AOE is pretty ineffective as such...might be most inferior
it isn't used in PVP or there doesnt seem to be reason to not remove their dependence on each other
it could help them pretty much in farming purposes in SOLO

Evasive guard duration increase - 4
evasive guard is a dual raiders signature skill with only 30 secs duration
after it dies out the raider is left without a dodge buff making him VERY VERY vulnerable
with battles now lasting long and even longer on use of pots(some times 5mins+)
the duration surely needs to be increased to meet the changing trends

movespeed passive -5
the raider is undoubtedly supposed to be the fastest running class
unfortunately a champ can run at 80% and knight with 55%+
as compared to a raider who runs at 50%
even if champ MS is nerfed by 25%(elaborated later)...both still run faster than a raider
so raiders can have sprint made into a passive that gives 10% ms at lvl making raider run faster than knight with spear passive(ignoring that fact that he gets more ms as he can use 1-h precious wep)

Burn nerf - 4
this has been a talking point for quite some time
many raiders may disagree but if the above buff ups are suggested so should this
katars have access to 3 burns which can be reduced to 2 (dont touch pheonix slash which is common)
although i would suggest the loss of such a skill be compensated by a skill good enough


Quickstep removal - 5
champs have insane movespeed which is completely contrasting to an idea of a champ
also..they already have really good projectile MSPD down skills,CHARGE and good enough MSPD without quick step itself
so remove the skill...i hope no 1 wants to argue about this

Mute removed - 3
a really controversial topic...but mages and clerics say that mute leaves them defenseless against a champ
i dont have any comments on it but as the topic has been raised it has landed up here

Stamina assist buff up - 3
its clear that stamina assist (which is inferior to pots and cleric buffs)
is not worth 9 points for a skill
although it clearly can be made better
its is not really very necessary and who doesnt have bad skills


Buffs scaling with int - 5
currently buffs % show almost no changes with higher INT
it makes absolutely no sense for a FS cleric to have high INT unless a guy wants to make a statement
cleric buffs are out done by buff pots
this is a topic people really support (i dont think any1 has said no to it)
buffs should scale progressively with higher int such that
buff pots are better than cleric buffs until their int is around 800 after which cleric buffs get better
for more read here - http://forums.warppo...ffect-on-buffs/


base stat buff up -5
another topic everyone seems to agree with
gems like garnets/rubies have gone dead for a long while
also a stat build holds pretty less significance
as stats are an integral part of rose or any other MMORPG
why not give them some significance
read more here - http://forums.warppo...stion-to-stats/

we dont expect any of these changes next patch/next to next patch or even a month later
we have learnt to be patient and wait (thanks to you people :angry:)
but at the same time we need some active participation from the DEVS to show that they aprrove or dissaprove of the topics
DEVS claim to be here i have made it much easier for them
i m expecting that at least once we are informed that the community values our suggestions
and we shall continue to contribute to the game

feel free to comment on debate on any topic you might disagree with
NEW SUGGESTIONS (or even old 1ns ) are appreciated

Edited by Blitzkrieg, 27 January 2011 - 03:55 AM.

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#2 DoubleRose


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Posted 27 January 2011 - 01:15 PM

dual raider skills should all have a slightly shorter cooldown, mages should be a very slightly faster animation. I agree, GET RID OF QUICKSTEP and give all champs their sp back.
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