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Full DPS Crit Monk [Introduction, Stats, and Guide]

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#51 Tastey


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Posted 15 May 2013 - 02:16 PM

I must say Havish is right with the fact, that as a DPS Steel Body is wasted if u really go for dps. Its ok for Solo and maybe if u consider beeng tank/offtank, but not for a dps monk. U dont even get agi on gear, why would u want to cut another 10% of your dmg? whats the point of beeing a dps than, if u cut ur own dmg and maybe steal aggro from mobs, which u are not supposed to tank or offtank? Protection Ki and Iron Skin makes up for ur defence, other dd dont really have much or any defense skills and as a monk u mostly get enough life even without steel body to be tankier than other dd classes. So survivieng wont be ur problem. DPS monk problem lies in dmg, dmg , dmg
So if u want to be DPS dont waste ur potential of high base dmg, u get from cards, gear, and runes.

so dont blame him for thinking about logical usage of his skills rather than discussing if Steel body is useful or not. Fact is it is useful, but not for a dps.
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#52 pollenpetal


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Posted 15 May 2013 - 05:02 PM

Without Steel Body, monks are very useless. And this is a DPS monk thread. Oh I forgot to remind you guys again, this is a DPS CRIT MONK GUIDE. Being a monk that can handle tanking and damage dealing, we can say this build is hybrid. On my end, i wont sacrificed +200% defense and 35%+ more HP for just -10% reduce attack power considering that I can always Crit a lot with this build. DPS monks is not all about just doing damage, I am a Monk, and i want to survive any kind of damages, with Steel Body, I strive a lot of kind and damage and I can just carelessly laugh at them. But I will still consider your build Mr.Hivash. Thank you for giving us your compliments.
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#53 Hivash


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Posted 15 May 2013 - 11:02 PM

What should i say to this thing.

Thx Tastey.

I dont care about 35% HP and 200% Defence this are good stats for a tank and if we dont lose 10% AP and get 300% Threat then maybe was Steel body fine for a DD but not with this -_- Stats u must all the Time Stop to dealing dmg because you get Threat more then the Tank and this is not good! Steal the Tank his Aggro the Boss hits Randomly to you if he does Cleave he hit all of Groupmembers! Thats wrong in all Points!

I think you never played a MMORPG before this and never played a usefull DD all the time! You must compare your low defence with high awareness to avoid all voidzones etc if you can handle this you can say i'm a real DD! And Yes then you Deal Damage like all other DD Classes. And i can say i have experience in MMORPGs i have played many DD's and also Maintanks and i know i can life with only Protection Ki and Iron Skin! I can also life with only 3 Points in Iron Skin and full Points in Lightning Walk but i dont need this CD reduction on Lightning Walk that much!

Last words on this Post i'm a Damage Dealer and you are a Off Tank not more.
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#54 Rebirth


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Posted 15 May 2013 - 11:50 PM

And you must be very high to think threat meter is a dps meter lold

And where exactly did I say that kid?

There's a fine line between dps monks and monks that are wanted in raids.
Joining a Raid as a DPS monk is the same thing as joining a raid as a DPS priest.

Are they both viable? Yes. Do they do good damage? Probably. Can they be replaced by higher dps classes? Yes. Are they wanted? No. People would rather take classes that can dish out significantly dps than monks like Rangers or Assassins. What can you do damage wise that they can't? Other than being a wannabe DPS based class. Specific classes have specific roles. And as stated before, you must be high as hell to think you'll be wanted in a raid as a DPS role when Sins/Rogues/Rangers do a better job at doing what? DPS

Unless you plan on soloing, Building to semi support is as most realistically as "high" of dps are you're going to get.

Edited by Rebirth, 15 May 2013 - 11:55 PM.

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#55 Skyton


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 12:02 AM

There is two build...i think Hivash is right in what he said about the DD and steel body.

In my opinion i would advice to play this :

- tanking and solo bosses : http://ro2base.com/b...3.1.1/ or http://ro2base.com/b...3.1.1/

- damage dealing and pvp : http://ro2base.com/b...3.1.1/

As Hawkpeft said :

Lightning Crush does pitiful damage and too much threat generation to be a viable option

And i prefer to max lightning walk for the cd reduction (usefull in colosseum/avoid kite)

Edited by Skyton, 16 May 2013 - 12:26 AM.

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#56 Raidius


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 12:21 AM

wanted or not thats not the discussion, there dps priest that took raid bosses, so yeah anyone can even a less popular class, as title on thread is how to go FULL DPS, thread isnt called "is it good to go dps with monk?". already many of you gave the answer to that, successful or not there are ppl that want to enjoy the game in other ways
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#57 Hivash


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 04:25 AM

Have no one sources ? You all say as Monk you cant dps like a rogue or ranger or assa but no one show sources ? Oo thats normal the easy way to show all thats monk is not viable vs other classes but you only say he isnt!
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#58 Tastey


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 04:55 AM

Have no one sources ? You all say as Monk you cant dps like a rogue or ranger or assa but no one show sources ? Oo thats normal the easy way to show all thats monk is not viable vs other classes but you only say he isnt!

Guess its about stats & skills. So they think about how often u ,land ur crits and whats your base dmg. Than u compare this with other classes skills and stats and it mostly tells u this, but i never saw someone make an list to show us the Skill Rotation with the dmg sorce.

Edited by Tastey, 16 May 2013 - 06:06 AM.

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#59 Rebirth


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 11:41 AM

Have no one sources ? You all say as Monk you cant dps like a rogue or ranger or assa but no one show sources ? Oo thats normal the easy way to show all thats monk is not viable vs other classes but you only say he isnt!

That's one big ass fallacy.

First off, do you know what DPS even means?
It stands for Damage Per second. Now use it in a sentence kid.

You all say as Monk you cant DAMAGE PER SECOND like a rogue or ranger or assa

DPS is a noun, not a verb.

Second of all, if you're the one claiming they CAN deal similar DPS as rogue/sin/ranger, then YOU provide the proof.
If you claim the sky is falling YOU provide the proof the sky is falling, not the other way around.

It's already well known Monks aren't a high DPS class as rogues/sins/rangers. It's already a general consensus. I really don't know why you're so fixated on bull-_-ting that they are

Nice try kid, but you can try again some other time.
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#60 Hivash


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 02:55 PM

maybe you should not call me kid i think im older then YOU if you on the picture you looks like 15 or max 16 years! And i dont care about english grama Oo. You say its overall known that Monks cant deal the same DPS like a Rogue etc btw you dont show me any sources Kid. Ok and i say it again this is a DPS Thread how we can improve something.

I have never said i can beat them but i can try my best at all to do this.
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#61 Rebirth


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 04:47 PM

maybe you should not call me kid i think im older then YOU if you on the picture you looks like 15 or max 16 years! And i dont care about english grama Oo. You say its overall known that Monks cant deal the same DPS like a Rogue etc btw you dont show me any sources Kid. Ok and i say it again this is a DPS Thread how we can improve something.

I have never said i can beat them but i can try my best at all to do this.

Lol look at this mad kid. I liked how you went my profile to stalk me. Someone's mad I'm 19 and can look young or something. Lol

Monks cannot outdps rogues/etc with similar gear funding. Get that in your head skid.
You say that they can but you don't show any proof LOL.

Kids can try and to be a wanna be high dps class but wannabe kids will be wannabes

Improvement? LOLD.

So you're saying:
Drop points from essential survival skills in raids to boost your measly dps by a little and not get accepted by raids because Rogues/etc still have significantly higher dps than

LOL try again kid

Oh wait, a plethora of people are already telling you bad and wrong you are, but then again you can keep trying and make a fool of yourself

Edited by Rebirth, 16 May 2013 - 04:57 PM.

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#62 Raidius


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 05:23 PM

you act like a kid O_o

even if you are right about monk being low dps compared to others (yes you are right about it), not everything is black and white and not everyone acts on that elitist way. you enjoy the game that way, good. that doesnt mean someone else would enjoy the game on another way.
again the thread is about how to play and improve monk on a full dps build, everyone already knows monk isnt the best at it, but some enjoy things even they arent the best @_@

@hivash monk dps is low, you can check on database for all the gear and you can compare with others, monk gets lower atk from weapons that any other class, also its gear gives less atk even with str+int than most, also no agi=no crit. monk skills ahve about the same atk% dmg than others classes, gfist has higher % but also way higher cd, and still atk power is lower than other classes.
in the future supposedly(i cant say it for sure) will get agi which means more dps but still the weapons and atk from gear is lower.
fury has good dmg increase but isnt permanent as assassin for example, and it might be unpopular because doesnt give any buff to raid. without utility its unwanted, since in a raid its more important raid dps than individual dps.
still go ahead play monk dps if you enjoy the game that way, even if wont be as easy to get a spot in a group as a ranger im sure eventually you will get one.

hope this game gets more balanced and ppl less elitist x.x
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#63 Rebirth


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 06:10 PM

you act like a kid O_o

even if you are right about monk being low dps compared to others (yes you are right about it), not everything is black and white and not everyone acts on that elitist way. you enjoy the game that way, good. that doesnt mean someone else would enjoy the game on another way.
again the thread is about how to play and improve monk on a full dps build, everyone already knows monk isnt the best at it, but some enjoy things even they arent the best @_@

@hivash monk dps is low, you can check on database for all the gear and you can compare with others, monk gets lower atk from weapons that any other class, also its gear gives less atk even with str+int than most, also no agi=no crit. monk skills ahve about the same atk% dmg than others classes, gfist has higher % but also way higher cd, and still atk power is lower than other classes.
in the future supposedly(i cant say it for sure) will get agi which means more dps but still the weapons and atk from gear is lower.
fury has good dmg increase but isnt permanent as assassin for example, and it might be unpopular because doesnt give any buff to raid. without utility its unwanted, since in a raid its more important raid dps than individual dps.
still go ahead play monk dps if you enjoy the game that way, even if wont be as easy to get a spot in a group as a ranger im sure eventually you will get one.

hope this game gets more balanced and ppl less elitist x.x

Woah, hold you horses skid. I never told anyone what they have to become. I was posting on how Monks are deal low DPS. The other skid was arguing at how Maximizing dps oriented monks have similar dps as rogues/etc and will be gladly welcomed in raids.
I don't know where you're pulling the other shi.t from, but ok, feel free to quote me and tell me where I was forcing people to play a certain way.

Edited by Rebirth, 16 May 2013 - 06:10 PM.

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#64 HawkPeft


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 07:48 PM

The only problem with monk dps is the poorly planned out stats on gear. Theirs give as much or more str/int as other classes give str or int, and with the bonus from cards and titles, their close to the same attack power, or would be if it wasn't for the horrible attack power on weapons.

They do have gear that gives haste/vigor instead of dodge/parry so they are intended to be dps, tank or hybrid. Skill damage wise they are on par with damage dealers, at least. With Throw Spirit Spheres +10% damage, which should be up 100%, and fury explosion+(level 4) summon spirit sphere they can get +30% damage 3 minutes out of every 5 minutes, which is about +18% damage overall, which is pretty good. They also benefit from swordsman and wizard party buffs, along with every other one.

They don't provide any party buffs or utilities besides an emergency tank for a few seconds to get a res off on a dead tank., which could be more easily provided by a dps knight or warrior.

What they need is either agi on their gear, which is lame, everyone else gears for agi, so monks should focus on raw power and increase the str/int on gear and the attack power on their weapons. I'm not a mathmetician and theres not much info on the actual dps of any classes so I can't say how much it should be increased by, but at least 25% I'd say. But a well played pure dps monk should do enough damage to not gimp a regular group of people, so I'd say just play the way you want and eventually when monk is adjusted and their dps is increased you'll already have your foot in the door.

*As a side note* Rebirth: I've seen you use the word skid twice (out of context I believe is the way smart people put it). Is that just a typo or does it mean something? If so, whatd it mean?

Edited by HawkPeft, 16 May 2013 - 07:51 PM.

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#65 Rebirth


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 08:22 PM

The only problem with monk dps is the poorly planned out stats on gear. Theirs give as much or more str/int as other classes give str or int, and with the bonus from cards and titles, their close to the same attack power, or would be if it wasn't for the horrible attack power on weapons.

They do have gear that gives haste/vigor instead of dodge/parry so they are intended to be dps, tank or hybrid. Skill damage wise they are on par with damage dealers, at least. With Throw Spirit Spheres +10% damage, which should be up 100%, and fury explosion+(level 4) summon spirit sphere they can get +30% damage 3 minutes out of every 5 minutes, which is about +18% damage overall, which is pretty good. They also benefit from swordsman and wizard party buffs, along with every other one.

They don't provide any party buffs or utilities besides an emergency tank for a few seconds to get a res off on a dead tank., which could be more easily provided by a dps knight or warrior.

What they need is either agi on their gear, which is lame, everyone else gears for agi, so monks should focus on raw power and increase the str/int on gear and the attack power on their weapons. I'm not a mathmetician and theres not much info on the actual dps of any classes so I can't say how much it should be increased by, but at least 25% I'd say. But a well played pure dps monk should do enough damage to not gimp a regular group of people, so I'd say just play the way you want and eventually when monk is adjusted and their dps is increased you'll already have your foot in the door.

*As a side note* Rebirth: I've seen you use the word skid twice (out of context I believe is the way smart people put it). Is that just a typo or does it mean something? If so, whatd it mean?

Easiest way i can explain it is:
a skid is a skid, especially dumb skids who think Monks have on par DPS as rogues and sins just by dropping points off essential raid survival skills just to boost their measly dps (compared to aforementioned high dps classes) EVEN THOUGH people were already telling a certain dumb skid that monks have low dps when compared to those classes.
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#66 JustGabe


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 09:05 PM

Just to add something i recently found. According to some, an AGI based Monk (or Crit Monk) is supposed to deal as much damage as a STR/INT based Monk under the idea that the critical rate will make up for the low damage.

And good news, apparently it does:

If you have a FULL set of AoD, you will get a total of:
STR - 339
AGI - 0
INT - 339

Along with a full set of Accesories:
STR - 23
AGI - 0
INT - 23

With 5 Miyaong cards:
STR - 12 X 5 = 60
AGI - 0
INT - 12 X 5 = 60

A Wandering Title (which I think is the easiest title to get):
STR - 24
AGI - 24
INT - 24

A full set of +5 Runes:
STR/INT = 60

And finally a distribution of status like this:
STR - 41
AGI - 1
INT - 41

That would be a total of:
STR - 524
AGI - 25
INT - 464

You would end up with a status like this:
ATK PWR = (524 + 464) x 2 = 1976
Crit Rate = (25 x 0.0916) = 2.29%

Now let's imagine you do 100 Crushing Blows which deal a constant damage of 25% your Atk Pwr to an enemy with 0 Def, after 100 hits you would have dealt:
Dmg = (1976 x 0.25) x (100 + 2.29) = 50,531 dmg

And now, for a full AGI Monk, all you have to do is change the card set:
5 Poisona Cards
STR - 0
AGI - 12 x 5 = 60
INT - 12 x 5 = 60

A full set of AGI Runes:
AGI - 60

And finally distribute your stat like this:
STR - 19
AGI - 50
INT - 19

That would give you a status total of:
STR - 382
AGI - 194
INT - 442

And with that your final status would look like this:
ATK PWR = (382+ 442) x 2 = 1648
Crit Rate = (194 x 0.0916) = 17.77%

Following the same example that you do 100 Crushing Blows which deal a constant damage of 25% your Atk Pwr to an enemy with 0 Def, after 100 hits you would have dealt:
Dmg = (1648 x 0.25) x (100 + 17.77) = 48,531 dmg

That means 2k of dmg less, which may sound a lot, but it really represents only a 4% less damage given. So, apparently an AGI Monk is viable :P

Regarding if a DPS Monk can deal as much damage as a Rouge, why don't YOU give the proof that such thing is possible? and you'd better use a little bit of math if you want to really convice people here.
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#67 Raidius


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 09:45 PM

being able to land 3 finisher on ten actions, doesnt make the monk ahead than some classes on that in a normal rotation? not abotu dps total but like %of atk done in dmg on 10 seconds, not taking big burst skills on it
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#68 Skyton


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 11:44 PM

@justgabe : can we consider a 19/50/19 can be better than a 41/41 for tanking due to the dodge ability ?
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#69 JustGabe


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Posted 17 May 2013 - 11:16 AM

@justgabe : can we consider a 19/50/19 can be better than a 41/41 for tanking due to the dodge ability ?

Actually a full AGI Monk is better for Tanking due to higher Dodge rate, while a full STR/INT is also good for Tanking but deals a little bit more damage. The differences are really small.
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#70 Tastey


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Posted 17 May 2013 - 02:46 PM

also u won't need to waste zeny for stat reset, when monk gear gets some agi stats later on.
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#71 pollenpetal


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Posted 17 May 2013 - 06:18 PM

1 UP FOR #61 post. :D
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#72 Skyton


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 03:11 AM

yeah, thanks for your work :) <3
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#73 Tastey


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 03:13 AM

maybe this theard should get a sticky?
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#74 Riyk


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 09:17 AM

Seeing as this is a DPS Monk discussion, I figured I would post this here.

Someone mind commenting on this build I threw together?
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#75 HawkPeft


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 10:01 AM

Seeing as this is a DPS Monk discussion, I figured I would post this here.

Someone mind commenting on this build I threw together?

It's good, you should take a point out of Summon Spirit Sphere and put it into either Throw Spirit Sphere or Crushing Blow. You only need level 4 to get the most Fury Explosions for dps. You could put it into Intimidation if you want to try hybrid, I'm not sure if it's necessary to tank though, since I don't tank in RO2. Stats are nice and even, if the rumors are true and monks will get agi on their gear thats the best stat build for most damage I believe.
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