Has permission from original owner Tomato and his thread http://forums.warppo...r-construction/ to carry on & continue this guide.
Will be up soon =3
Cleaned up whole thread.
Finish editing layouts and 1.0 and 2.0.
Halfway working on 3.0+
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Stat Builds
3.0 Skill Explanation
4.0 Strategy & Skill Build
4.1 PvM
4.2 PvP/WoE
5.0 Equips
5.1 PvM
5.2 PvP/WoE
6.0 Leveling
7.0 PvP/WoE Videos
Tomato: Welcome! This is your guide to understanding the ins and outs of the exclusive class known as Sorcerer. We are a breed of inept scholars that have exceeded the bountiful knowledge of Ragnarok and have moved onto a plain of existence where we can fully control and master any of the four basic elements however we desire. Sorcerer is neither a warrior nor a priest of the arcane arts, but rather a compilation of the two. A Sorcerer should be considered the balancing class as they can either disable the enemy or support their allies in greater strifes than any other class.
Michael: But of course, trolls are always welcome >=D! Whether you like bashing people with you spell fist or wanting to get 193 attack speed with your Ledger of Death, this is the place that will teach you to play any kind of Sorcerer you want! Remember, you can't get the "perfect" Sorcerer build unless you play around and find what it most comfortable with you - especially when there are 50 different skills for you to choose from!
Nothing is exact. Why? Because preference is extremely important. When you level and get closer to 150, you'll learn what stats and skills you prefer - thus resetting your character at the end is a necessary step towards greatness. Sorcerers are one of the only class where you can choose stats and skills on what you prefer, compared to many other classes where they are stuck with 1 or 2 ways of playstyle.
You will want to read about Instant Cast first before continuing this section, especially the Stat Requirement to reach it: http://irowiki.org/w...kills#Cast_Time SPELL FIST PvM exclusive build. Expert with solo'ing MvPs (any that is low/mid Tier and does not cast Magnetic Earth). Requires moderate investment with a slight more difficulty than other builds. STR does not do much for a sorcerer in PvM except maximizing its Weight to carry more things. 80~100 AGI It is recommended to stay around ~186 ASPD without the need of Ventus in order to expel your Spell Fist fast enough but not too fast to be unable to "stop" attacking an enemy after your Spell Fist has finished (This issue will go away when the new Spell Fist Hat + Accessory Combo comes). Thus if you have good money in Food, buffs, or equipment, you can go low as 70 base AGI (requires a lot of investment). VIT is at 95 so with the job bonus it has 100 total VIT at all times - immune to Stun effects is important when MvP'ing. High INT is the source of your main damage for Spell Fist; MATK is multiplied heavily when you have the right combo. Having moderate or high DEX is optional for you. Spell Fist will hit no matter what (the Spell Fist portion will never "miss" unless they are immune to the element). Thus moderate DEX is used to cast faster for your regular AoE skills. You do not want instant or near instant cast for Spell Fist as you will not have a good reaction time to cast Spell Fist while a bolt is casted. This can be traded for higher INT or LUK. LUK is entirely optional, but when your base INT reaches high levels, it is more optimal as you get more MATK from LUK with your left over points. It "can" be traded for STR for Weight, but not as useful. PvM/PvP/WoE. Expert in dishing out AoE DPS along with complimentary debuffs. Requires moderate/high investment but is easier to play than other builds. Moderate STR is recommended if you plan to PvP/WoE, because it increases your Max Weight, which is essential for Sorcerers who carry lots of items and don't want to be ruined by Shadow Chasers in one second. It will not be necessary for PvM - you can be at 89% Weight constantly without any harsh punishment. High AGI are for those who can get instant cast + no delay easily without the need of stats - constant strings, Beelzebub Card, etc. If you play Instant Cast w/ no delay, then the only delay comes from cast animation, which is significantly reduced at ~70. This is a rare thing for most people to do, so 99% of you can just go 1 AGI. High INT is important for your damage output. 120 is for stat instant cast in most cases; 110 ~ 115 is enough for damage (should put the rest of the points in LUK for MATK). High DEX is extremely important for dishing out your skills as fast as possible. If you have an easy instant cast through equips purely, then Dex won't be needed at all (99% of you will not do this). Remember on how to be able to reach instant cast through stats - it could help you a lot. If you have enough left over points, LUK can give you MATK efficiently without needed to spend too much points. Can slightly help against Mandra Howl in WoE. HYBRID PvM/PvP/WoE. Want to support and damage in WoE/PvP? Want to still go ET with your friends? It's all here. Requires high investment and broader knowledge of class. Moderate STR for PvP/WoE. 95 VIT to get 100 Total VIT and be stun immune. INT is not needed as much here; you won't be the main killer, so low INT can still be enough as support damage. DEX will be needed higher here because you want to cast faster for the different skills you use. LUK for extra MATK and slightly helpful in WoE. DEFENSIVE PvP/WoE with some use in PvM. Chasers? Pft. Genes? Pft. Get them first! Requires high investment, easier but intensive play in WoE. Get STR for Max Weight. Try to carry more than enough items but keep your Max Weight % low - this is the best counter against Chaser's Masq Skill. Moderate to high AGI for another Anti-Chaser method (make Flying Kick "miss" to prevent certain debuffs) and anti-strip. Helpful for cast animation too. 95 VIT to get 100 Total VIT and be stun immune. High INT will be mostly used as support and contribution to cast time. High DEX for cast time. Moderate LUK for a good resistance against Gene's Mandra Howl. SUPPORT PvP/WoE/PvM. Your support will be different than Arch Bishops - something that will blow the minds of your enemies! Requires low-moderate investment, moderate play but intensive/needs attention in WoE. STR for Max Weight - you want to carry a lot of items. AGI if you want to have FLEE and resist a small amount of debuffs - stay alive to make your teammates alive! 95 VIT to get 100 Total VIT and be stun immune. High INT is to achieve fast cast time, not damage. High DEX is to achieve fast cast time - Instant cast through stats with this build is highly preferred. LUK for some resistance if wanted.
STR: 1
AGI: 80 ~ 100
VIT: 95
INT: 100 ~ 110
DEX: 80 ~ 100
LUK: 1 ~ 42
STR: 1 ~ 50
AGI: 1 ~ 70
VIT: 95
INT: 110 ~ 120
DEX: 90 ~ 120
LUK: 1 ~ 30
STR: 1 ~ 50
AGI: 1
VIT: 95
INT: 90 ~ 110
DEX: 100 ~ 115
LUK: 1 ~ 42
STR: ~50
AGI: 70 ~ 90
VIT: 95
INT: 90 ~ 100
DEX: 90 ~ 110
LUK: 42 ~ 60
STR: 1 ~ 60
AGI: 1 ~ 70
VIT: 95
INT: 100~110
DEX: 110~120
LUK: 1 ~ 30
This part will be very confusing. When you first become a Sorcerer, feel free to get everything to test around and have fun with all the skills. You will know which skills and play style you prefer. There are a few certain skills that its effects are very specific, so, unless you test it out yourself, you won't understand it!
PSYCHIC WAVE PvM/PvP/WoE | All Builds A Sorcerer's bread and butter for damaging. At max level deals 7 hits over an 11x11 cell area. Deals high damage, so you will use it for leveling and support-damage. ------------------ SPELL FIST PvM/PvP | Spell Fist, Offensive Builds Excellent for MVPing! Spell Fist takes the damage of your bolts and condenses it into a number of Physical Attack that will deal increased damage. You must hit fast enough to dish out the 6 Hits asap, but not too fast where you can't pull your character out of auto-attack to recast it! ------------------ EXTREME VACUUM PvP/WoE | Hybrid, Defensive, Support Builds Creates a vacuum at a target cell that pulls in all targets that get into range. Targets affected cannot move until the skill has ended. Duration: [(2 + 2 * Skill Level) - (Target’s Base STR / 20)] seconds ------------------ STRIKING PvM/PvP/WoE | Hybrid, Defensive, Support Builds Increase a target's equip ATK and Crit, but slowly drains their SP. The ATK portion is really high, good in PvM for Ranger's, GX's, and Geneticists. Good for Sura's, GX's, and Rangers in PvP/WoE. CRIT increase: + (1 * Skill Level) % ------------------ DIAMOND DUST PvM/WoE/PvP | All Builds By far one of the most important Sorcerer Skills for PvP/WoE! It deals water damage and gives an unique debuff by chance to the enemies - Crystallization, which stops the target from moving, attacking, using skills, and using items while draining 2% HP and 1% SP per second. Basically, it makes any player near-useless for ~10 seconds if they get Crystallization, a 90% for-sure death! Crystallization chance: (5 + 5 * Skill Level) % ------------------ Varetyr Spear Fire Walk Electric Walk Earth Grave Poison Burst Arrullo Warmer Elemental Call Agni Level 2 Call Agni Level 3 Fire Insignia Call Aqua Level 2 Call Aqua Level 3 Water Insignia Call Ventus Level 2 Call Ventus Level 3 Wind Insignia Call Tera Level 2 Call Tera Level 3 Earth Insignia
Damage formula: MATK [{(Skill Level * 70) + (INT * 3)} * (Base Level / 100)] %
Damage formula: MATK ((100 * Bolt Level) + (50 * Skill Level)) %
[{(Skill Level * 2) + 8} * Target's Weapon Level] + [Endows * 5]
Crystallization duration: [(10 + (Diamond Dust Skill Level * 2)) - (Target’s Base VIT / 10)] seconds
Targets in Crystallization status will take 1.5 times more damage from Mace and Axe type weapons.
Targets in Crystallization status will take 50% less damage from Dagger, Sword and Arrow type weapons.
Targets in Crystallization status will take 1.5 times more damage from Wind element attacks.
MATK [{( Skill Level x INT ) + ( Endow Tsunami Skill Level x 200 )} x Caster’s Base Level / 100 ] %
Not a viable skill unless you are attempting to stop the recall of a player using Golden Thief Bug Card.
Summons a gigantic spear of thunder from the sky, striking a target and all nearby targets with physical and magical Wind element damage at the same time. Those that are struck will have a chance to be stunned.
Stun chance: (5 * Skill Level) %
Stun duration: [(Skill Level * 0.2) + 2] seconds
ATK [{( Striking Level x 50 ) + ( Varetyr Spear Skill Level x 50 )} x Caster’s Base Level / 100 ] %
+ MATK [{( Endow Tornado skill level x 50 ) + ( Caster’s INT x Varetyr Spear Skill level )} x Caster’s Base Level / 100 ] %
An advanced for of Fire Wall that can deal a greater damage output.
Generates fire under the feet of the caster, leaving a trail of Fire element damage zones when you walk.
Number of cells: (6 + 2 * Skill Level)
MATK [(60 x Skill Level) x Caster’s Base Level / 100] % damage.
An advanced for of Fire Wall that can deal a greater damage output with Wind Property.
Generates thunder under the feet of the caster, leaving a trail of Wind element damage zones when you walk.
Number of cells: (6 + 2 * Skill Level)
MATK [(60 x Skill Level) x Caster’s Base Level / 100] % damage
They have the audacity to try and hide for you and expect you to come them well then give them a tatse of Dirt!
Fires spears of solid earth from the ground below, which may cause Bleeding status. This spell hits hidden and cloaked targets.
Bleed chance: (5 * Skill Level) %
Bleed duration: (5 + (Skill Level * 3)) seconds
MATK [{ Skill Level x INT ) + ( Endow Quake Level x 200 )} x Caster’s Base Level / 100] %
Killing Cloud
Don't like your enemy casting or running towards you well then show them what the clouds look like in the color of red.
Summons a 7x7 radius poisonous cloud at a target location, which will continuously deal Poison element damage and cause Poison status. This attack hits about three times per second. Each cast requires 1 Red Gemstone.
Duration: (6 + 2 * Skill Level) seconds
MATK [( Skill Level x 40 ) x Caster’s Base Level / 100 ] %
Poison chance: 100%
Enemy Poisoned? Well them show them what it feels like to remove Poison forcefully!
The skill only works on poisonned target, when the skill is used the poison required will be cancelled and detonate as a Bomb of poison 3x3. Has no effect on Poison attribute monsters.
Put your enemy to sleep with the power of magic!
Causes Deep Sleep status on a single target and all those around the target. Cannot be cast on friendly targets.
Success chance: [(15 + 5 * Skill Level) + ( Caster’s INT / 5 ) + ( Caster’s Job Level / 5 ) - ( Target’s INT / 6 ) - ( Target’s LUK / 10 )] %
Duration: [(6 + 2 * Skill Level) - {( Target’s Base Level / 20 ) + ( Target’s Base INT / 40 )}]
Freezing, Frozen, or Crystalized? Hah! I think not. Not only will this skill heal you over time, but also it will remove Freezing, Frozen, and Crystalization status and provide protection from said statuses to players inside of its 7x7 AoE!
Summoned Elemental’s STATs are affected by the Caster’s Base Level and STATs.
Analyze Element
Spirit Control
Switches your summoned spirit from Standby Mode to Passive Mode, Defensive Mode, Offensive mode, or Waiting Mode (Elementals in Wait Mode will regenerate 2% HP and SP every 3 seconds). Using the skill again returns the spirit to standby mode. While in standby, the spirit will recover HP and SP faster.
Call Agni
Call forth the power of the Inferno to Scorch your enemy until nothing, but ashes are left.
Fire Elemental Agni will receive the following STAT bonus.
ATK + (Summon Agni Skill Level x 20) / HIT + (Summon Agni Skill Level x 10)
Agni (Fire Elemental) Level 1 ~ 3, Caster’s Bonus ATK = (Summon Agni Skill Level x 60) ATK
Call Agni Level 1
Fire element players or monsters will regenerate 1% Max HP every 5 seconds.
Earth element players or monsters will lose 1% Max HP every 5 seconds.
All targets within Fire Insignia skill range will take 1.5 times more damage from Water Element.
Call Aqua
Summon the fierce ocean to wipe your enemy away into the vast expanse of the endless sea.
Water Elemental Aqua will receive the following STAT bonus.
MDEF + (Summon Aqua Skill Level x 10) / MATK + (Summon Aqua Skill Level x 20)
Aqua (Water Elemental) Level 1 ~ 3, Caster’s Bonus MATK = (Summon Aqua Skill Level x 40) MATK
Call Aqua Level 1
Water element players or monsters will regenerate 1% Max HP every 5 seconds.
Fire element players or monsters will lose 1% Max HP every 5 seconds.
All targets within Water Insignia skill range will take 1.5 times more damage from Wind Element.
Call Ventus
Summon a mighty typhoon to blow the enemy away with the destructive force of a hurricane.
Wind Elemental Ventus will receive the following STAT bonus.
FLEE + (Summon Ventus Skill Level x 20) / MATK + (Summon Ventus Skill Level x 10)
Ventus (Wind Elemental) Level 1 ~ 3, Caster’s Bonus Stat: 5 ASPD increase and 1 second Fixed Cast time reduction
Call Ventus Level 1
Wind element players or monsters will regenerate 1% Max HP every 5 seconds.
Water element players or monsters will lose 1% Max HP every 5 seconds.
All targets within Wind Insignia skill range will take 1.5 times more damage from Earth Element.
Call Tera
Summon a shattering earthquake to bury the enemy underneath with the destructive force of a continental shift.
Earth Elemental Tera will receive the following STAT bonus.
DEF + (Summon Tera Skill Level x 25) / ATK + (Summon Tera Skill Level x 5)
Tera (Earth Elemental) Level 1 ~ 3, Caster’s Max HP bonus: (Summon Tera Skill Level x 5)%
Call Tera Level 1
Earth element players or monsters will regenerate 1% Max HP every 5 seconds.
Wind element players or monsters will lose 1% Max HP every 5 seconds.
All targets within Earth Insignia skill range will take 1.5 times more damage from Fire Element.
Spirit Sympathy
Spirit Cure
Consumes 10% HP and SP to recover Elemental’s HP and SP for the same amount.
4.1 PVM
This means that while Spirit Control is active you cannot receive damage from Weapon Attacks of the same property as the Summon (Insignia Level 2 Converts the Targets Weapon Element into the Summon's Element) hence it can be used to tank MVPs as well as be used as a strategic advantage in PvP if used properly. Spirit Control cannot be Dispelled so the only way for removal of this effect would be Magnetic Earth or simply death of the Summon. To use it defensively top priority targets include:
Spell Fist
http://irowiki.org/~...qsrAkDaNeB1cHcY (Submitted by NeoNilox)
Headgear: +7 Skull Cap [1] ,Crown of Deceit [1], Rudolf Hairband
Middle Headgear: Black Devil's Mask, Black Framed Glasses [1], Mini Glasses [1]
Lower Headgear: Ninja Scroll, Well Chewed Pencil, 4 Leaf Clover
-Cards: Kathryne Keyron Card, Dark Illusion Card. Isilla Card, Nightmare Card (MvPing Beezlebub)
Armor: Diabolus Robe [1], Valkyrian Armor [1], Orlean's Gown [1]
-Cards: Cornutus Card, Elemental Card (Pasana Card, Angeling Card, etc.), Marc Card
Weapon: Thorn Staff of Darkness, Evil Bone Wand, Kronos, La'cryma Stick [2]
-Cards: Hunter Fly Card, Magic Racial Cards (Pinguicula Card, Zakudam Card, ect.)
Shield: Valkyrja's Shield [1], Orlean's Server [1], Round Buckler [1]
-Cards: Racial Card (Thara Frog, Teddy Bear, etc.).
Garment: Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1], +9 Heroic Backpack [1], Diabolus Manteau [1], Wool Scarf [1]
-Cards: Raydric Card, Noxious Card, Deviling Card
Shoes: Variant Shoes, Diabolus Boots [1], Valkyrian Shoes [1], Tidal Shoes [1]
-Cards: Green Ferus Card, Firelock Soldier Card, Matyr Card, Verit Card
Accessories: Orlean's Glove [1], Medal of Honor (Mage), Clip [1], Telekinetic Orb
-Cards: Phen Card, Creamy Card
MVP Cards to Consider (Only Consider if already Obtained or Accessible): Dark Lord Card, Mistress Card
#1: Kaahi - Consume a certain amount of SP to restore HP each time an enemy uses a normal attack. Kaahi heals regardless of whether or not the attack hits.
Either create & Marry a Soul Linker on a separate account or create two soul linkers to link each other so you may receive Kaahi.
How it works: Kaahi will drain your SP in order to regain HP for a Sorcerer using Indulge as well will make you immortal in PvM as long as the monsters regular auto-attack damage does not exceed a maximum of 1400 Damage.
#2: Insignia Level 2 - Weapon Element Changed to Summon Element (Submitted by michaeleeli)
When used with Summon Level 2 and Spirit Control Level 2 it creates an interesting combination that is sure to blow away one's perceptions of a Sorcerer.
How it works: Using Insignia Level 2 will convert all respective players & monsters Weapon Element inside of the AoE to the Summons Element.
Call Summon Level 2 Spirit Control Level 2:
Headgear: +9~12 Red Pom Band [1]
Middle Headgear: Black Devil's Mask, Black Framed Glasses [1], Mini Glasses [1]
Lower Headgear: Ninja Scroll, Well Chewed Pencil, 4 Leaf Clover, Handkerchief In Mouth
-Cards: Kathryne Keyron Card, Dark Illusion Card, Isilla Card
Armor: +7~9 Diabolus Robe [1] INT +3/DEX +3, +7~9 Valkyrian Armor [1] INT +3/DEX +3, +9 WoE Robe [1]
-Cards: Pasana Card, Marc Card, Ghostring Card
Weapon: +9~14 Glorious Arc Wand, +9~14 Glorious Destruction Staff, +9~14 Vellum Arc Wand, +4 Combat Knife
Shield: +7~9 Valkyrja's Shield [1], +7~9 Orlean's Server [1], +9~12 Immune Shield [1]
-Cards: Thara Frog Card, Flame Skull Card
Garment: +7~9 Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1], +9 Heroic Backpack [1], +7~9 WoE Muffler
-Cards: Raydric Card, Noxious Card, Deviling Card
Shoes: Variant Shoes, +7~9 Diabolus Boots [1], +7~9 WoE Shoes [1]
-Cards: Green Ferus Card, Firelock Soldier Card
Accessories: Orlean's Glove [1], Medal of Honor (Mage), Black Rosary [1], Glorious Ring
-Cards: Kafra Blossom Card, Smokie Card, Errende Ebecee Card
MVP Cards to Consider (Only Consider if already Obtained or Accessible): Dark Lord Card, Mistress Card, High Wizard Card, Fallen Bishop Card
Note: All except WoE Robe, WoE Muffler, WoE Shoes may be used for PvM against Demi-Human Monsters.
Getting Started:
End Game:
#1: Basic - Use Diamond Dust, Psychic Wave, Earth Grave in the order provided. Repeat if necessary.
How it works: Diamond Dust has a (5 x Skill Level)% chance to Crystalize the Opponent. While in Crystalization state the target cannot move or use Items leaving them completely defenseless. Psychic Wave interrupts enemy cast and deals the major portion of a Sorcerers damage over a period of (0.5 x Number of Hits) seconds. Earth Grave reveals hidden enemies used to bypass hide and deal the final damage in the combination.
#2: Dispel - Removes Buffs and De-Buffs from friend or foe!
How it works: Use Dispel offensively or defensively as you see fit.
To use it offensively top priority classes to Dispel include:
*Rune Knight - Removes ASPD Buffs from Rune Knights obviously using Vellum Katzbalger.
*Royal Guard - Removes Inspiration & Piety!.
*Ranger - Removes Dances With Wargs & Gypsy Kiss from Rangers using Warg Bite.
*Shadow Chaser - Removes Preserve!
*Guild Members / Alliance Members in Crystalize Status - Removes Crystalization Status!

Tomato (Original Thread Owner)
Edited by michaeleeli, 18 October 2013 - 07:53 PM.