Sorcerer's Guide to Sorcerery *Soon to be updated with 120% of the info you need!* - Page 2 - Mage Class - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Sorcerer's Guide to Sorcerery *Soon to be updated with 120% of the info you need!*

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#26 Psin


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Posted 07 November 2013 - 04:14 PM

is someone still working on this? looking forward to it! :D

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#27 michaeleeli


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Posted 12 November 2013 - 03:30 PM

Lol sorry been busy with job applications >.< Will continue this pre-Thanksgiving!

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#28 TwinDragon


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Posted 15 November 2013 - 05:22 AM

Hey Michaeleeli, throughout some topics I've seen you mention upcoming headgears + accessories that will allow the autocast of Spell Fist, allowing Hindsight and SF to synergize. However looking around I can't find out which items these two will be, and when they're supposed to arrive ingame.


Since I'm leveling a SF mage atm (Scholar 92 now), based on forum input, I'm guessing that rushing Psychic Wave + Aqua/Ventus is probably the best idea so that I can TI from 100-135, before continuing using SF/Hindsight in one on one spots. Would that be an accurate conclusion?


Thanks in advance for the input, and good luck with the job applications.

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#29 michaeleeli


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Posted 15 November 2013 - 04:16 PM

Hey TwinDragon,


The Hat+Accessory is an iRO exclusive thing worked by inu and the developmental team. The hats alone are coming in incredibly slow (you can get the Sorcerer hat in the cash shop already - Magician's Night Cap). The hat alone can help you with your SF damage, but you still cannot do the Hindsight+SF method withou the accessory.


There are still 2 more batches of hat to come out, and after that, accessories along with epic-long quests. So you can expect half a year or two before the set is available for use lol.


Thus - if you want to play with SF, you can start as early as ~110 if you have the perfect gears. In TI's, you will be using PW and soul exhale all the way until 150 - it's the only reason others will recruit you for! (Unless you go with friends). 

With the proper defense, knowledge of elements, and have healing methods, you can SF 1v1 in scaraba and such as early as you want.

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 05:30 PM

Good, Hope you can finish it soon.

<<<Someone really need it.  :p_laugh:

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#31 KamiKali


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Posted 28 February 2014 - 05:45 PM

#1: Basic - Use Diamond Dust, Psychic Wave, Earth Grave in the order provided. Repeat if necessary.

How it works: Diamond Dust has a (5 x Skill Level)% chance to Crystalize the Opponent. While in Crystalization state the target cannot move or use Items leaving them completely defenseless. Psychic Wave interrupts enemy cast and deals the major portion of a Sorcerers damage over a period of (0.5 x Number of Hits) seconds. Earth Grave reveals hidden enemies used to bypass hide and deal the final damage in the combination.


I will kick you from guild during WOE if I see you doing this.

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#32 michaeleeli


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Posted 28 February 2014 - 06:17 PM

#1: Basic - Use Diamond Dust, Psychic Wave, Earth Grave in the order provided. Repeat if necessary.

How it works: Diamond Dust has a (5 x Skill Level)% chance to Crystalize the Opponent. While in Crystalization state the target cannot move or use Items leaving them completely defenseless. Psychic Wave interrupts enemy cast and deals the major portion of a Sorcerers damage over a period of (0.5 x Number of Hits) seconds. Earth Grave reveals hidden enemies used to bypass hide and deal the final damage in the combination.


I will kick you from guild during WOE if I see you doing this.


Lol I wrote don't read past 3.0 because I haven't edited those from another thread

Plus only offensive sorc should do that normally; if you're defensive but have offensive gears to switch on, there are only like 2 specific situations where you do that

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#33 kouzuki


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Posted 01 March 2014 - 09:41 PM

Aww man thought this guide will cover sage and scholar too T_T

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#34 rokurama


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Posted 10 June 2014 - 08:14 AM

Is arrullo useful in WoE?

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#35 Lapphy


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Posted 10 June 2014 - 08:40 AM

yes. Aoe deep sleep..


not to mention thats all you can do against GTB people.



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#36 rokurama


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Posted 10 June 2014 - 08:58 AM

Is it really? It doesnt sound too useful


This status ailment causes the following effect:

  • chat is disabled    (lol ok?)
  • 2% of maximum HP/SP is recovered each second (not useful)
  • damage from the next attack is amplified 1.5x (meh, not impressive, specially with that long cooldown)

Is that all deep sleep does? I thought it would put ypu to sleep like normal sleep status does.


Edited by rokurama, 10 June 2014 - 09:00 AM.

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#37 Lapphy


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Posted 10 June 2014 - 09:28 AM

you can't cure yourself from deep sleep, you can only get hit out of it. 

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#38 rokurama


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Posted 10 June 2014 - 12:25 PM

To assist in recovering from this ailment:

  • Base level and INT reduce the duration
  • Lauda Ramus removes this ailment.


Anyways, how's having their chat disabled and having next attack deal 50% dmg any good? If they can still move and cast skills, i don't see how deep sleep can be useful.

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#39 Viri


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Posted 10 June 2014 - 12:51 PM

They can't move or cast skills
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#40 rokurama


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Posted 10 June 2014 - 04:41 PM

Sweet, i knew something was wrong with the iro wiki description of the skill since it didnt mention that. Thanks.

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#41 Rumm


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Posted 22 June 2014 - 04:28 PM

GH boots should be added to this list for DPS Sorcs.  Using simple gear with no enchants they are on par with FBH shoes except they require activiating via firewall/cloud kill or some rapid hit magic to be reliable.  Using a +12 red pom, +12 glorious staff of destruction, 2 telekentic orbs and an agav card gave the following numbers on "Player" in the iro stat calc;



PWave without either FHB or Explosive Magic = 91k

Pwave with FHB shoes = 134k

Pwave with Explosive magic = 238k


This is without considering the potential +100matk from the GH shoes, or int foods or FAW Enchants.'s looking pretty darn amazing.  Has anyone tried it out yet?

Edited by Rumm, 22 June 2014 - 04:34 PM.

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#42 Lapphy


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Posted 22 June 2014 - 05:08 PM

yes, both builds. Prefer int shoes > dex shoes, cause 120 stat is expensive. With int shoes, you can at least do 1 dex build at the cost of survivability if you can stack cast reduction. Int shoes would be most viable, cause the base damage without proc isn't as bad as the dex boots would be (assuming you +12 the int boots for the +100 matk bonus) and they're comparable, but less damage compared to casting with hibrams. Once they proc, you do a little more than double the damage of hibrams.


Dex shoes allow you to freely summon and not rely on ventus, but you're prone to  masq or howl. And to make up for the difference in dmg, (about 3-4k less damage per hit compared to the int shoes) so close to 1/2 the damage compared to hibrams. 120 dex is really expensive.



So pick your poison. Hibrams allows constant reliable damage, while still being able to default woe set, thereby increasing livability and overall damage output, or bank a glass cannon on the 5% chance the shoes have to proc and feel like god for 10 seconds. 



Right now i'm leveling 2 sorcs to get a feel for them, and i have to say, i prefer the int one better than the dex. they're both around 130s right now, so the numbers might change later on. 



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#43 miliardo


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Posted 24 June 2014 - 05:51 AM

I would still go fbh can go gh boots fbh only if got 100% time sac

Guys don't be mistaken unless you have sac/Tao woe whites you won't live nothing in woe anymore

Comet will kill so many soon, cause they all want to be dmg now lol. I should play sorc and see how magic is with everyone on gh boots now lol
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#44 TKOva


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Posted 03 July 2014 - 12:39 AM

Any weapon suggestion for a support/dmg build?


Maybe card slot suggestions for helms, armor, Acc.


1 or 2 handed staffs? What off hand maybe? 


If anyone answers thank you for your time.

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#45 Lapphy


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Posted 05 July 2014 - 06:10 AM

SUpport: Combat knife
Damage: KVM/Bellum/Lacryma stick
Helm card: KK card
Armor: [woe]: aim for 100 mdef & default pasana
Armor: [PVM] aim for 115% variable cast and wear orleans gown
Accessory: [woe] black rosaries

Accessory: [pvm] RWC accessorys max spell enchant


Offhand? Racial shield?


both 1 hand and 2 hand. learn to gear swap.

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#46 TKOva


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Posted 08 July 2014 - 03:57 AM

SUpport: Combat knife
Damage: KVM/Bellum/Lacryma stick
Helm card: KK card
Armor: [woe]: aim for 100 mdef & default pasana
Armor: [PVM] aim for 115% variable cast and wear orleans gown
Accessory: [woe] black rosaries

Accessory: [pvm] RWC accessorys max spell enchant


Offhand? Racial shield?


both 1 hand and 2 hand. learn to gear swap.


Does your build use low dex?


Also why Combat Knife? Reduced dmg from humanoids?

Edited by TKOva, 08 July 2014 - 04:01 AM.

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#47 Lapphy


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Posted 08 July 2014 - 08:41 AM

I have 8 sorcs. 


2 with stats based instant (my preferred because of gear freedom)

1 with 120 int for gh boots
1 with 120 dex for GH boots

3 (1 for each TI level leeching) all of them are 1 dex.
1 baby sorc with low dex


And yes. a CK cause you didn't tell me what you were leveling for. So i gave you both WoE and PVM environments.

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#48 TKOva


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Posted 08 July 2014 - 07:36 PM

For DEX Based instant, do you still use cast time reduction gear?

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#49 Lapphy


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Posted 08 July 2014 - 08:07 PM

So far, yes. Its only lvl 126 atm. (the int boots is more fun) and the int boots sorc is at 135. I haven't had time to level cause holiday but, since 120 dex only cuts about 1/2- of the cast time, and you're at low int (100~) [so not really low, but i was pumping dex and i think i finally got it at 117? and that's basically going 99/99 int dex, and then getting 100 int, then pumping straight dex after reaching 3rd class] 


I went with cast reduction gear leveling, and once i got 120 dex, i was able to free summon and not be restricted by ventus. it still only cuts half a second, and sorcs have a 1 second fixed cast on v.spear and EG iirc, i was able to cut that in half,  i think was able to KC instant? (cant remember) DD was instant (cause no fixed cast)


I used KC for a higher chance of int proc on the dex shoe, cause really tho... going is so much easier cause the damages almost doubles, or is better depending on the + of the boots. Int is easier, cause 1 dex allows you to go max damage faster, have survivability on the sorc cause you can get vit. 


All in all, i'd say leveling these sorcs are way more expensive (imo). I found that with the int proc and the SP drain, i was forced to use a lot of SP items. You really can't indulge fast enough to burn through that SP tick unless you're in strings. I was soloing, so in a party, these boots are great. 



oh also as a side note. The gear i mentioned is at max level. When i level, im using a Thorn staff and Skull cap combo. Skull cap has KK in it. Thorn has spell4/int5

Edited by Lapphy, 08 July 2014 - 08:10 PM.

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#50 TKOva


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Posted 08 July 2014 - 08:19 PM

Ya I have 99 dex 99 int, got some points into luk and vit.

Just became a sorc so I'm only lvl 100.


Nidhoggurs is probably bis so I don't die, with a ray card.


I'd need to get some reduced cast gear because I am missing a lot. And my spell casting with 99 dex is still so slow zzzz.

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