The dex build is harder to start, but easier to finish imo. Cause you sacrifice vit for dex. and since you need int for the damages, you're kind of stuck going dex/int until like 130ish
uhm, all i did was get my SL to have kaahi, it was literally like 33/16 (understatement but you get the point) so i poked spores and ant eggs.
at 101 you should be trying magma 2.
you should get (at least) diamond dust, and earth grave to level 5. I got varytr spear 5, cause VS has the shortest cooldown,
Juperos is kinda difficult imo. takes a decent amount of comfort to solo there. If thats too hard, I recommend Abyss lake level 1 (red and green ferus) because sorcs have a natural resistance against Dragons and with dragon reductions, you take very little. All in all, it takes a little big of research ('d monsters in the level range, and experimented there) i 150'd my first sorc in al2 though, and that was a decent grind. Sucky on the job levels, but i didn't have TI's back then. I had world map turn ins though. Gravity would have kill counts on certain maps, like rachel sanctuary that they would 3x the spawn and have a TI npc. and that was way better imo than now.
It gave people a reason to go on field maps to level, instead of doing a TI.