Alright so I have looked at a majority of the posts and seen a lot of the complaints. Here are my thoughts on AB.
HealThis skill definitely needs a buff of some sort. Either make it how it was or make the matk for the heal formula actually work.
This is with pretty decent gears. So yes a 3k heal is possible but very unlikely for anyone who hasn't been playing the game for too long.

Impositio ManusAlso needs a buff I agree with whoever it was that posted that this skill should be buffed. +25 attack is

now compared to what other classes who aren't even Support can do. (Yes RK's that's for you.)
SanctuaryFor those of you saying that sanctuary is a 'good' leveling skill or should be used in leveling are either just A.) Dumb or B.) You don't play AB.
AssumptioThis skill is really only useful for people with high defense. I vote for it being changed back to how it was. Or at least something similar.
Kyrie EleisonAlright whoever it was that said KE is better for leveling than Assumptio obviously does not play an AB either. KE is useful for starting a mob off but when you actually have to do the tanking (Which I think AB's should be able to at least tank normal mobs, not necessarily MVP's) it is completely useless. Btw you should also read the skill description. Yes an RK or RG with really high health (Say 50k) can
EITHER tank 15k damage with the skill (Depending on how hard the mob hits) or 10 hits. Which do you think is going to come first? My bet is on the 10 hits. Which in reality is nothing when you're mobbing.
Slow PoisonEveryone has known this skill to be completely useless in RO. But why can't it actually do what its supposed to do? How about it actually affects GX poisons? That would be nice for a change.
Magnus ExorcismusThis skill obviously needs a buff, or several.
A.)Decrease the cast time
B.)Increase the damage (To be on par with mob killing skills)
C.)Why is this the only AoE skill that takes a reagent and also when mobs get hit by it the cells for it dissapear?
Decrease the cast time!JudexAnother obvious skill that needs to be buffed. Just raise the damage. I don't care how its done just do it.
AdoramusFinally a decent skill but really...really? It's single target, it does

damage until the new gears are put into game and even when they are put in you have to sacrifice something like resistance or healing.
Coluseo HealFor those of you saying this is a nice way to heal people, please please stop commenting unless you actually play the class. One thing is for sure this skill is SP intensive and really only useful for big parties which we all know suck in Renewal. I suggest what one of the previous people said and make it have Heal's delay so at least you can spam it.
RenovatioAnother obvious skill that needs a buff.
A.)Lower cast time
B.)Lengthen the duration
High HealOnce again we see a skill that needs another buff. If anything at least lower the cool down on higher levels of it.
AncillaI agree with the person who thinks that we should be able to make more. If that is not possible at least let them restore the 30% sp they took away.
EpiclesisThe only use I have seen for this skill thus far is to regen sp. It does not last long enough to be able to maintain it properly in any situation. And once again for those people saying to use this when leveling really wtf? I'm beginning to wonder if any of you actually play AB. It takes an ancilla which is 30% of your sp gone if you have to get another one. Keep in mind that SP regen IS actually horrible on AB's. Yes you can have 3 ancilla before you go leveling but how long will that last you? About 10 minutes most likely if that. If you are trying to use this in WoE don't bother it does not last long enough.
A.)Buff the duration of it
B.)Either take away the ancilla it requires or allow for more ancilla to be made at once.
PraefatioThis skill could possibly be buffed by lowering the cooldown.
SacramentThe only problem I have with this skill is the pre-reqs. Why do you have to get Duple Light (A Battle Priest skill), Oratio (Another Battle Priest skill or ME Priest) and Expiatio (Yep, you guessed it a Battle Priest skill) in order to get this skill? The skill tree of an AB does not make sense at all. All the other skill trees for classes actually make sense. For instance Warlocks need skills from all of the elements in order to get Tetra Vortex, this actually makes sense. Where in the AB skill tree you have everything just kind of jumbled together as if no one really cared when they made the skill tree.
Lauda AgnusWell one thing is for sure, I have no idea wth Dark Curse is or what it does but most of the status' that Agnus relieves are useless now.
A.)Reduce the cast time of this skill and the cool down so at least the +8 vit or luk is useful.
B.)Up the success rate.
Lauda RamusOnce again wth is Stun Curse? I have never come across this in RO.
A.)Make this cure deep sleep? Maybe then it would actually be useful.
B.)Up the success rate.
C.)Reduce the cast time and cool down blah blah blah.
ClearanceOkay a few problems with this skill. Why can't I use it on myself? Why is the cool down sooooo long? And why does it have a chance of failure? Also why can't I use this on anyone and not just party members?
A.)Allow it to be used on everyone including yourself
B.)Lower the cooldown
Alright so that is my opinion on the AB skill tree and the skills we have to live with for now.
Edited by Aeolus, 03 February 2011 - 05:38 PM.