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Bonus Maintenance 2/19 9:30pm

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#326 monimonih


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 12:57 AM

We will be restoring levels to anyone who was above level 25 today, so they won't have to re-level what they did today.


Edit: Right now it's level 25-50, no master levels. We're going to see if we can restore any characters at lower level.

What does it mean? Rollback? o_o
I made almost 50k MP without any scrolls yesterday T_T

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#327 8424140209105905860


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:00 AM

"24 hour Master Battle Manual

some infiniums
and 6 day 20% EXP event (until next scheduled MA)" 


What about my  VIP card and my 1Day 50% exp bonus? And least not forget I do hope I get my kafra points back. I lost 12h for something that abusers took advatage of.

Lets not forget my 20h online grinding levels, just to make sure I got ML 20 after patch. Now you're saying that I will have to be online during these 6 days when I'm going for vacation thinking I made it to ML 20 which now I know is going to be wasted.


I hope that the 24h Master Battle Manual is 50% exp boost which I can activate when I want & not to start when the server is back online. Infiniums won't matter to me now since my osiris bow that I just farmed mats for and crafted (no honing) will be gone, same for all the mats I spent gathering during these hours to get osiris gear. I feel sad to see such a small amount given back to me since I wont be here for the next 10 days. 


As for the exp & Materials I've now lost cause of this, I can grind together again no problem, as long as I don't feel cheated on.


I've only played the game for 6 days, my steam hours is at 164 hours. I made rank 1 Hunter and already spent lots of money on kafra points for reset scrolls to try different builds.


Even though these things can happend to a game community, I'm feeling left out. Many others might feel the same way.


I wish for my 3Day VIP, 50% exp battle manual & kafra points to be reset and put in my inventory when I return that way I won't feel cheated on with an 20% exp bonus event I wont even attend for. 


Thank you

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#328 LeviRD


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:07 AM

Rollback? :o You guys owe me my full osiris warrior set T-T but good job WP for Removing Honing. /goodjob


Im gonna miss my 1500 agi, 965 Int Warrior D: Dat crits OMERGRED

Edited by LeviRD, 20 February 2014 - 01:09 AM.

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#329 donchan


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:13 AM

Please think of the people who won Phantom Pyramid, fused 3s accessories/costumes (which is nearly impossible these days), bought/sold hot deals on auction and trade chat, people who refined +20... the list goes on. This is a bug that only portion of the players in this game abused for at most a half of a day. This can't have anywhere as negative of an effect as any previous exploits we've had in the game; embus, maya looping, colo wep exchange... this list goes on as well. Why should majority of the players be punished for something only a percentage of the population is responsible for? Also, this was obviously something that should've been noticed right away, why such a late response from you guys? I feel like anybody who purchased honing items from kafra shop should be refunded by cash, not KP. A lot of us bought KP today for the soul purpose of honing, it's not like we all ust have KP sitting in our bank waiting to be used when ever convienient. I feel like a lot of us got milked for our money with the slow response from you guys on an issue, again was not the players fault and only few abused. This issue would simply be rectified by just removing the honing system and stats altogether. I can't see any reason why you guys would even consider a rollback? Why all the work and time wasted that you guys could be spending on fixing this game... I can't believe why so many of us are still sticking around to play this game, but this game actually has a decent player base imo for how poor of a state it's in. We're your customers, without us, you guys wouldn't have your game. Please take care of us. Instead of adding new broken content (or contents breaking other items in game) just finish balancing this game. You've already lost so many players because of AoV. We've been waiting for two months now, and there aren't too many of us left. Please wake up and stop acting like the money you guys are getting is just coming out of nowhere. Nobody cares about fancy UI, shaking screen effects, WoE, of any other new things you have added to the game so far. I can understand adding new Kafra shop items, the game doesn't pay for itself, but please give us back a playable and enjoyable game already.

Edited by 1308130513203919253, 20 February 2014 - 01:27 AM.

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#330 4458130508113924833


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:15 AM

"All the community wanted a rollback right guys? Guys? G-guys...?"

And the game isn't even up yet. LOL.

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#331 KayleePepper


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:19 AM

Also, not that it is anywhere near important and can wait until next maint, but is there a reason we have a Christmas UI?


That same UI was implemented at SEA server 2 months ago. Better late than never I guess?  :p_conf:

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#332 IamLt


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:22 AM

It actually can. Think about one hitting any boss you want. The drops that you could have sold,etc etc~ Some players running around in woe one hitting the guardians gaining massive BP. Again if you dont see the damage that was done during the 12 hour time frame you are just refusing to wanting to see it, and thats okay. Embus was simple, we had LOCKOUTS so you only had one chance of getting gear every 3-4 days. Today with no reset you could have run aod 100+ times if you actually wanted to.

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#333 3844131223063530350


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:23 AM

spend few hours to create the honing system...then.....spend few hours to remove the system....

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#334 Rebelli


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:25 AM

I like this game but I think I'm leaving soon.

Thank you for having us.

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#335 Harkoa


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:27 AM

I'm just going to refer people to see these:




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#336 Blondheart


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:28 AM

I guess I am one of the few people who isn't having a really strong reaction to this one way or the other.  I have a rule...never ever try any new system implemented into a game on the first day.  I prefer to wait a bit and see what the outcome, feedback and stats are from other players.  I am a tad disappointed over the loss of some KP items gained today but hopefully I will be able to get them again.  It might be a good idea to up the odds a tiny bit on costumes/phantom pyramid/fusion etc for a couple days so that the people who were not abusing the system have a chance to recoup what was lost in that respect.  I also hope that KP is returned expediently so that we may try again.


As for lost ML points gained from grinding...yes it sucks if you lose the hours spent grinding but you still played the game, you were going to grind in the future most likely and you got to play...even if it was for naught.  That could have happened anyway through death in game or something else.  It is sad to waste time, but then again playing a game...any game is basically wasting time's not the end of the world.


The one thing I heartily agree with is deeming if these things are truly needed or another route would be better, and if so testing these new features a bit more before releasing them into the wild.  I didn't sign up to be a beta tester so kindly don't treat me as a guinea pig. 


Overall I am feeling a small amount of disappointment but it's not the end of the world and we will all get through it.  I have yet to play any game that runs smoothly all the time, nor have I ever been to a forum where people weren't raging over something.  So I take a lot of these things in stride.  Did I want a rollback?  No.  But more importantly do I want the results of what came from people abusing the flawed system?  Definitely no.

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#337 Keiven


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:30 AM


"24 hour Master Battle Manual

some infiniums
and 6 day 20% EXP event (until next scheduled MA)" 


What about my  VIP card and my 1Day 50% exp bonus? And least not forget I do hope I get my kafra points back. I lost 12h for something that abusers took advatage of.

Lets not forget my 20h online grinding levels, just to make sure I got ML 20 after patch. Now you're saying that I will have to be online during these 6 days when I'm going for vacation thinking I made it to ML 20 which now I know is going to be wasted.


I hope that the 24h Master Battle Manual is 50% exp boost which I can activate when I want & not to start when the server is back online. Infiniums won't matter to me now since my osiris bow that I just farmed mats for and crafted (no honing) will be gone, same for all the mats I spent gathering during these hours to get osiris gear. I feel sad to see such a small amount given back to me since I wont be here for the next 10 days. 


As for the exp & Materials I've now lost cause of this, I can grind together again no problem, as long as I don't feel cheated on.


I've only played the game for 6 days, my steam hours is at 164 hours. I made rank 1 Hunter and already spent lots of money on kafra points for reset scrolls to try different builds.


Even though these things can happend to a game community, I'm feeling left out. Many others might feel the same way.


I wish for my 3Day VIP, 50% exp battle manual & kafra points to be reset and put in my inventory when I return that way I won't feel cheated on with an 20% exp bonus event I wont even attend for. 


Thank you



Answers your question about your 20 hour grind to 20

We will be restoring levels to anyone who was above level 25 today, so they won't have to re-level what they did today.


Edit: Right now it's level 25-50, no master levels. We're going to see if we can restore any characters at lower level.


Edited by Keiven, 20 February 2014 - 01:31 AM.

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#338 donchan


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:36 AM

It actually can. Think about one hitting any boss you want. The drops that you could have sold,etc etc~ Some players running around in woe one hitting the guardians gaining massive BP. Again if you dont see the damage that was done during the 12 hour time frame you are just refusing to wanting to see it, and thats okay. Embus was simple, we had LOCKOUTS so you only had one chance of getting gear every 3-4 days. Today with no reset you could have run aod 100+ times if you actually wanted to.

I understand what you're saying, but with Embus, pretty much everybody at end game was abusing it. Some raids were able to down some of the bosses within a minute or two. Not to mention and lock out in this game is a joke. You can still farm mats/cards just not gears (which yields you no money). With this exploit it was a very small percentage of the population (I would assume), but it's not like everybody plays this game everyday. I doubt majority of the active players left in this game even knows about this bug yet let alone had a chance to take part in it. lol, and who cares about bp? If you're even half decent at colo everybody already has millions of left over bp they have accumulated after getting full set of T2 colo gear anyways.

Edited by 1308130513203919253, 20 February 2014 - 01:41 AM.

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#339 Strobe


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:39 AM

"All the community wanted a rollback right guys? Guys? G-guys...?"

And the game isn't even up yet. LOL.


There's no point in arguing anymore. ROLLBACK is already pushing through, compensations will be given and some low level players will keep their exp earned. At this point I don't really care if I lose that 20k ML points I got after the patch. All I want now is to get my money back and make the game playable again for everyone.

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#340 IamLt


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:41 AM

if anything the lesson to be learned here is that the CM/GMs need to be more active in slamming the ban hammer on the bug abuser. The many suffer from the actions of a few and yet the many do little to nothing to these few.


I do understand that it sucks to lose 12 in game hours where you did many things. But again if you cant see the positive in what happened today I cant change your mind about it and that is fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.


And I am no longer referring to the rollback, I am referring to the fact that WP actually listened to community feedback for once since this game launched.

Edited by IamLt, 20 February 2014 - 01:46 AM.

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#341 IamLt


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:43 AM

"Well any leveling done between the the levels from 10 ~ 50 should be kept, we have good logs for that and usually your level only goes up, but sadly MP isn't so possible to do since it deliberately goes up and down for MP our apologies, the Master Battle Manuals and exp event are going to have to be sufficient." - Heimdallr



On the thread that says "Pls Close"

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#342 SumPsychoChic


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:44 AM

if anything the lesson to be learned here is that the CM/GMs need to be more active in slamming the ban hammer on the bug abuser. The many suffer from the actions of a few and yet the many do little to nothing to these few.


I do understand that it sucks to lose 12 in game hours where you did many things. But again if you cant see the positive in what happened today I cant change your mind about it and that is fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.


And I am no longer referring to the rollback, I am referring to the fact that WP actually listened to community feedback for once since this game launched.


WP has listened to the community before. It just takes a riot.

Anyone remember Founder title was supposed to be nerfed and there was a riot and it stayed the high stats? I am pretty sure that was because they listened to the community...


Also, recruit and wedding dress/tux kept their stats. That was the same time as Founder, so maybe that's not a seperate occasion though.

Edited by SumPsychoChic, 20 February 2014 - 01:47 AM.

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#343 IamLt


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:45 AM

alright. WP listens to community tally - 2 times

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#344 Blondheart


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:46 AM

if anything the lesson to be learned here is that the CM/GMs need to be more active in slamming the ban hammer on the bug abuser. The many suffer from the actions of a few and yet the many do little to nothing to these few.


I do understand that it sucks to lose 12 in game hours where you did many things. But again if you cant see the positive in what happened today I cant change your mind about it and that is fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.


And I am no longer referring to the rollback, I am referring to the fact that WP actually listened to community feedback for once since this game launched.

I do agree with you, but I also think that people need to be a little more mature and not abuse stuff either.  These things happen as a result of the staff AND community.  The game cannot exist without both, but neither do these things occur without actions on the part of both.

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#345 Mintier


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:47 AM

if anything the lesson to be learned here is that the CM/GMs need to be more active in slamming the ban hammer on the bug abuser. The many suffer from the actions of a few and yet the many do little to nothing to these few.


I do understand that it sucks to lose 12 in game hours where you did many things. But again if you cant see the positive in what happened today I cant change your mind about it and that is fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.


And I am no longer referring to the rollback, I am referring to the fact that WP actually listened to community feedback for once since this game launched.


The playerbase had declined so much because of all the constant failures of this game, WP/Gravity really doesn't have any choice but to listen to the demands of the community. If there's even one more event that causes people to ragequit, the game will be officially dead.

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#346 4458130508113924833


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:50 AM

The playerbase had declined so much because of all the constant failures of this game, WP/Gravity really doesn't have any choice but to listen to the demands of the community. If there's even one more event that causes people to ragequit, the game will be officially dead.

This, sadly, I think there wasn't a way for them to win this one, it was a major screw up (on the developers side, not the CMs) so people will quit regardless.

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#347 IamLt


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:54 AM

If there's even one more event that causes people to ragequit, the game will be officially dead.


Here is the problem I see with that. This was suppose to be the major patch that was promised after AoV broke almost everything. Its been 2 months and the best we got was "also we should be getting back into seeking class/skill balance phase again."-quote from CM Heimdallr from today "Bonus" Maintenance. you know what that tells me? Hey for the past 2 months we did nothing.



EDIT: Here is a rocket and a horse mask.

Edited by IamLt, 20 February 2014 - 01:56 AM.

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#348 Mintier


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:57 AM

WP has listened to the community before. It just takes a riot.

Anyone remember Founder title was supposed to be nerfed and there was a riot and it stayed the high stats? I am pretty sure that was because they listened to the community...


Also, recruit and wedding dress/tux kept their stats. That was the same time as Founder, so maybe that's not a seperate occasion though.


You got it mixed up. The community raged on how OP the Founder title was and wanted it nerfed. At the time there was only 2 titles in the game that gave better stats, and people were pissed that an OP title that was completely unavailable to a large portion of the playerbase were making lower level characters unfair. WP ended up making a lv40 minimum to wear the title and called it a day, though there was still like 2-3 day that you could have slapped the title on a lv1 character before the level minimum went into effect. 

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#349 HardRockAndy


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 02:00 AM

can anyone help me i get ater patching an crash well i need t login with my aria account but when it pens so login site in ragnarok 2 then it crashed and says update exe error please help me 

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#350 IamLt


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 02:01 AM

login servers are down at the moment


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