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Upcoming Skill Changes; Protector/Commander and More!

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#1 ShazamO


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 09:29 AM

Protector.png Commander.png


Alteris mentioned in previous Live-Streams that the Development team wanted to make significant changes to the classes of Requiem Online, mainly in the Skill department. There have been discussions already regarding most of the classes and we want YOUR feedback!


With your feedback, we would really prefer if you added reasoning behind your suggestion. Mainly in the "Math" of it. You would need to detail why this skill needs a 5 second stun or why it would deal x2 Critical Damage and so forth.




Defender_Chain_of_Restraint.gifChain of Restraint :: At Max Level(10), it should decease the Move Speed by -7.0 m/seconds for 4 seconds. This will increase the effectiveness of the de-buff and have players be more aware of it.




Currently, we are going over the Protector and Commander Class. If you need any/more detail on these classes, please click on the links provided.


Your feedback/suggestions WILL help shape the future of these classes Temperions so please provide your feedback today! Please provide feedback for only the Protector and Commander for now. We will be going over other classes in the near future. Keep in mind that you can reference other classes comparatively but the main focus will be on the Protector/Commander. 


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#2 RadiantHelper


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 10:22 AM

Taunting Cry - Move to Protector Skill tree (Makes sure that a protector is the tank not a commander) Double the Hostility it generates, so that prots can easily hold agro.

Rush - Move to Defender skill tree. It would be useful for prots to have this skill as well in order to move around.

Face Strike - Remove DNA, 23 second hush is insanely too long. Increase the base hush to 15 seconds without dna.

Physical Blessing - Move to Protector skill tree and make it a % HP Buff instead of HP Recovery. HP recovery is completely useless.

Low Blow - Increase max targets from 6 to 8. Allows you to use taunting cry in a room full of mobs and still keep agro with all the mobs instead of just 6 that LB also hits.

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#3 Cleffy


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 10:57 AM

Nothing should stun. I mean nothing. Remove all stuns from these classes. The reason being this is a multiplayer game. Relying on making another player not play the game is not a good gameplay mechanic.
I don't think you will fix either of these classes sitting in the realm of modifying database entries, they should be rethought to be completely unique. I think the best approach for this is remembering their namesake. Commander, a person who commands. Protector, a person who protects. When we think about these classes at this level, then I think we can form some good ideas on where these classes should go. Maybe create a backstory to give yourself a good narrative on why they have particular skills.

I think protector should have a number of single target defense buffs, one full health heal with an extremely long cooldown, and a skill that lets them take damage for another player so they are useful in PVP. This should be a level 80 skill where the protector can cast it on an additional player every 2 skill levels. The offensive ability should be limited to what they obtained as a 1st class.

The Commander should ... command. Right now they don't. I think the best way to approach them is to give them a pet to command and a special ability to issue commands through interfaces like the map.

Edited by Cleffy, 09 April 2014 - 11:50 AM.

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#4 SidZSpY


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 11:03 AM

Taunting Cry - Move to Protector Skill tree (Makes sure that a protector is the tank not a commander) Double the Hostility it generates, so that prots can easily hold agro.

Rush - Move to Defender skill tree. It would be useful for prots to have this skill as well in order to move around.

Face Strike - Remove DNA, 23 second hush is insanely too long. Increase the base hush to 15 seconds without dna.

Physical Blessing - Move to Protector skill tree and make it a % HP Buff instead of HP Recovery. HP recovery is completely useless.

Low Blow - Increase max targets from 6 to 8. Allows you to use taunting cry in a room full of mobs and still keep agro with all the mobs instead of just 6 that LB also hits.

This and increase CD of Adamant mind - commanders are like unbeatable class now,they just run in enemy crowd kill 2~3ppl and escapes like its nothing..every class has a weakness,give them 1 too

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#5 Sandyman


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 11:59 AM











[no spam able 30 Sec. CD ]




Commander has no Heals no Stealth but Adamant Mind + Single Stun / Single Silence and some Solo Slow


I love to see this Class like a Joker.

He can interrupt and disrupt the Enemy and then Rush back into the Lines.

this is definitely fun and Admant mind can ensure that he comes back alive.


i see this class as superior regarding 1vs1 - but with all this Cash Shop Power the AoE`S are to Strong they even dot.

lets say: increase the Joker Option then he can get Spam able Adamant Mind to annoy the sh.t out of the enemy 


but remove: all AoE`S except 1 and let it cost a lot DNA

for compensating: give Restraint Rescission oJ9CdIF.jpg to the Commander only - this would define the Class even more.




this Class needs a Big Comeback besides from Tank + Spank.


to be able to Block is nice but boring!


and what about the Low Base HP?!


a Tank should have more HP than all other Classes from the very start! - even without using Tons of Cash Shop Power


give him: Giantizing OVPaalC.jpg or even better a passive HP Increase skill - we hate that soccer kick!


does a Tank needs Party Heals?


i say NO! its the Job of a Healer to Heal the God Dam Party!


1 single HoT for the Party would be much cooler - as a last resort.


So make the Party Heals to Solo Heals! 


Why not give him a deflect like: Counterattack S4vImAB.jpg its a Tank - make him able to!


why not even think about a Damage Absorption Skill! so he can give his life for the Party! (or single Player) isn`t that his Job anyway?!


make it so that the Taunt provoke other Player so that they charge directly INTO him 8WHkfaE.jpg and give that to the Defender Skill Tree too so that Commander can use it too!


its like the opposite from Terror 11oxM6h.jpg make it DNA wise into a AoE! (Protector only)


define the Classes new! this ofc. will affect all other Classes !

its more Work but won`t be only a Cosmetic Change like adding here a point or reducing some CD. 








Edited by Sandyman, 09 April 2014 - 12:15 PM.

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#6 TheNanny


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 12:10 PM

No changes for commanders!

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#7 warjat69


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 12:14 PM

Nothing should stun. I mean nothing. Remove all stuns from these classes. The reason being this is a multiplayer game. Relying on making another player not play the game is not a good gameplay mechanic.
I don't think you will fix either of these classes sitting in the realm of modifying database entries, they should be rethought to be completely unique. I think the best approach for this is remembering their namesake. Commander, a person who commands. Protector, a person who protects. When we think about these classes at this level, then I think we can form some good ideas on where these classes should go. Maybe create a backstory to give yourself a good narrative on why they have particular skills.

I think protector should have a number of single target defense buffs, one full health heal with an extremely long cooldown, and a skill that lets them take damage for another player so they are useful in PVP. This should be a level 80 skill where the protector can cast it on an additional player every 2 skill levels. The offensive ability should be limited to what they obtained as a 1st class.

The Commander should ... command. Right now they don't. I think the best way to approach them is to give them a pet to command and a special ability to issue commands through interfaces like the map.


Edited by warjat69, 09 April 2014 - 12:15 PM.

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#8 Skid


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 12:22 PM

Nothing should stun. I mean nothing. Remove all stuns from these classes. The reason being this is a multiplayer game. Relying on making another player not play the game is not a good gameplay mechanic.....

EVERY freaking MMO I'v played in me entire life over a decade had and still has stuns, CC's and similar,in the other hand they ALSO have stun/crowd control IMMUNITY as well. By your logic no one should be able even to kill each other because .....well dead character can't play right?! Sorry but you make no sense.

OT: Once again players are doing the staffs job, just wait for the apocalypse.
BTW what happened to that BM/Elementalist "remake", I'm kinda having some type of déjà vu?!
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#9 AngelicPretty


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 12:49 PM

Defended tree seems ok. People seem to leval really fast these days. no longer needing a defender to tank any parness stuff.

  • Physical Blessing :  We all have a crap skill like this.  Prots get huge HP end game  so im unsure turning it to HPbuff is great idea.   If it is turned to HP buff then place on Prot tree.


Comanders Tree: I see as a front line dps tank that charges into the the enemy ranks so adamant of its purpose it cant be  detured yet after taking a beating should full.

There attacks are fine they do brutal damage aoe and have dots.

  • Chain of restraint: at lvl 10 its 10secs -4msec. 20sec CD, 20m range. i think thats fine. they are SR melee and every one else has slow. 90 & 69 comi's often kill there target fine in that time.
  • Rush: 10-35m targeted dash. 20.4sec cd with poten dna -17sec.  see some comies rashing in few aoe kill all rush to next   then next. PB doing this is brutal. Think the dna needs to be removed from the skill. with the lvl 80 skill this skill once used once is hardly needed. Tempted to say raise cd to 30 secs would need play my couple of comys to rly test that idea more tho being able to charge in twice a min seems . smart comies who rush in kill then target there own teams trap or totem and rush out are pain and unkillable. Leave Rush on Comander tree. 
  • FaceStrike: Lasts for years. even with out the dna it lasts for ages. either change cooldown- Current CD is 30sec raise it to 60sec. or remove dna.
  • Ad Mind: The one skill the whole class is based around. at lvl10 its 30sec duration +another 10 from dna so 40secs with a 50 sec cd. Keep the dna but lower the skills duration to max 20sec. so with dna it would be 30sec duration. extend cd to at least 60secs. 
  • NewSkill: Heavy Weapon Specialst.  Basically a % or static number based on/off skill that adds more damage if they use 2H weaps + adds a small range boost of a few meters. to stop this being abused with sheildstrike/facestrike it should be auto kicked if shield is equipt and have a high cooldown of 3mins. much like druids inferno skill i guess but dosnt transform you and adds damage+range.

new skill would give the player the choice to go 2H or 1H. with 2H giving a significant boost to dps whilst losing there stun and hush.



I think are good as is.

Heals are fine def and block is great.

HP is nutts.

Upping agro could help.

If anything give them a mana recovery buff. either party or single target and self like xeonas. (will give them something else to do in raids- buffing ppl one by one.)

maybe give back the 10k heal but make it single target. they can use on there self or chose to use on a party member. keep its old CD.



I play 90 and 69 comies. High def, good block and once u cap resist... npnp.

for 69 comander is one of the most cheapest classes to make. no mall a comander can wreak havock getting many kills and few deaths.

90 well it just lol. people melt.

Prot i play 49 and 90. 

Edited by AngelicPretty, 09 April 2014 - 02:16 PM.

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#10 cjxtreme


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 01:36 PM

don't you touch my protector -_-  lol.  

for real though, all good suggestions, except Nanny's.  personally i think prot is fine as is, but a charge would be amazing, as well as this absorb damage thing they were talking about up there.  don't give it a ridiculously long CD and make it PVE only.  having it work in PVP would just be stupid and unfair to other classes.  removing Restraint Rescission and putting it for "Commander Only" wouldn't be smart either.  try fighting a sin and them kiting around you after dropping a 1 minute binding on you.  no.  -_- just don't work, homie.  


Taunting Cry - Move to Protector Skill tree (Makes sure that a protector is the tank not a commander) Double the Hostility it generates, so that prots can easily hold agro.

Rush - Move to Defender skill tree. It would be useful for prots to have this skill as well in order to move around.

Face Strike - Remove DNA, 23 second hush is insanely too long. Increase the base hush to 15 seconds without dna.

Physical Blessing - Move to Protector skill tree and make it a % HP Buff instead of HP Recovery. HP recovery is completely useless.

Low Blow - Increase max targets from 6 to 8. Allows you to use taunting cry in a room full of mobs and still keep agro with all the mobs instead of just 6 that LB also hits.

^-- great suggestions













[no spam able 30 Sec. CD ]



but remove: all AoE`S except 1 and let it cost a lot DNA <------ NO

for compensating: give Restraint Rescission oJ9CdIF.jpg to the Commander only - this would define the Class even more. <----- Hell No





a Tank should have more HP than all other Classes from the very start! - even without using Tons of Cash Shop Power <---- True Story


give him: Giantizing OVPaalC.jpg or even better a passive HP Increase skill - we hate that soccer kick! 


does a Tank needs Party Heals?


i say NO! its the Job of a Healer to Heal the God Dam Party!


1 single HoT for the Party would be much cooler - as a last resort. <---- a single HoT without a crittable "initial heal" would be acceptable, like he said, Radiants should be responsible for party, not the tank.


So make the Party Heals to Solo Heals! 


Why not give him a deflect like: Counterattack S4vImAB.jpg its a Tank - make him able to! <---- So much "YES"


why not even think about a Damage Absorption Skill! so he can give his life for the Party! (or single Player) isn`t that his Job anyway?!


make it so that the Taunt provoke other Player so that they charge directly INTO him 8WHkfaE.jpg and give that to the Defender Skill Tree too so that Commander can use it too!


its like the opposite from Terror 11oxM6h.jpg make it DNA wise into a AoE! (Protector only)


define the Classes new! this ofc. will affect all other Classes !

its more Work but won`t be only a Cosmetic Change like adding here a point or reducing some CD. 




All these are a little too little too late though.  Y'all really should have been minding the forums and listening to your community about these things, long before now.  Just saying.  

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#11 vikings2


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 01:42 PM



Ballance the class to make sense vs another physical dmg classes, because its pathetic that this class was only nerfed in the last years...


Delete the cd from the long range stun/slow spells... its annoying that cause of the lack of the game engine rangers cannot perform any channeled spell vs enemy who uses obscales to hide, but zerkers/commanders/sins can rush you down at the first moment you are "visible" and they just pass all of the obscales...


(or give it some-type of shield which can protect it from rush skillz (especially i mean some type of shield spell which can reflect back the incoming effect to the caster for a short duration).  was a suggestion im absolutely sure this wont happen)


Even if i try the my hardest to count the active rangers on trifri i cannot say there are 5 or so... dont you think its a little sad and could have changed?...


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#12 hasut


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 01:43 PM

when my damn elf skill changed??


P.S : sorry had to OOT :) n my poor Engrish ^^

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#13 kicsijohn


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 01:55 PM

ppls here have so much idea when need -_- up with the chracter what them hate or maybe they have a +0 or a +10 geared trash and cry when a +30 geared character destroy them on battle or in PK and they want nerf them to the hell, well really gz guys lets give them more best idea how to -_- the commy or the tank but i wanna see when your char get nerfed what you build long time ago and like it, then me too will come back there and cry here for nerf it to the hell or just simple delete that class from the game... ty so much for reading....

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#14 wildscar


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 02:05 PM

Protectors job is protecting everybody else and taking all damage. But their AoE def buff is very annoying for other malee class, other players already have around 2k def and with this buff they are harder to kill. maybe make it last for few seconds for other players. they also have party heals which also adds to this trouble. maybe make solo heals with low lvl heal skill for job1 so even commander may get some heal.

Also the defense cap is 2700 which most players of every class reach even without protectors buff and makes it difficult to do much damage. maybe raise the defense cap so this buff is properly utilized and malee class can have equal footing with casters.


Every class has its own special skill, the only good skill commander has is Adamant mind and face strike, without these skills commander is easily target. Commander doesnt have much damage compared to assasins and warlord or berserkers. and they dont have aoe silence or halt. they are more 1 vs 1 class which is a disadvantage when attacking multiple enemies. maybe get AoE stun or increase duration of stun to 5 sec and reduce some duration of face strike. but Admant mind sud remain the same as commanders dont have any counterattack or defense skill to protect them.


Edited by wildscar, 09 April 2014 - 02:30 PM.

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#15 Cleffy


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 02:07 PM

EVERY freaking MMO I'v played in me entire life over a decade had and still has stuns, CC's and similar,in the other hand they ALSO have stun/crowd control IMMUNITY as well. By your logic no one should be able even to kill each other because .....well dead character can't play right?! Sorry but you make no sense.

OT: Once again players are doing the staffs job, just wait for the apocalypse.
BTW what happened to that BM/Elementalist "remake", I'm kinda having some type of déjà vu?!

You make a good point, but would this game be appealing if it was like every other mmo. How many stuns are there in MOAB or competitive shooters? If PVP is a main focus of a game, having a means to stun a player until they die due to the damage mechanics and lack of defenses against stuns probably will not be a good design choice. Especially if they are a class that must be the one who says HEY HERE I AM like a Protector. Stuns primarily from casters is the main reason why the majority of melee with 2 exceptions needs such a high amount of damage to be effective in PVP. They certainly understand that an instant cast stun for several seconds is so overpowered that they do not allow bosses to be affected by them, but do not apply the same logic to players.
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#16 AngelicPretty


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 02:18 PM

i think they should keep the stun and leave it on defender tree.


in 49 it lol  to mount up chase down a player dismount and stun.


And the word commander makes me think of some one who would have a stun - like most other classes.

3sec stun on single target not that bad.

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#17 Spyclop


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 02:43 PM

Really interesting suggestions mentioned above.



I believe protectors should only have non-critable HoT for the party cause they are protectors. They are suppose to be selfless and aid others. And about them heals combined with the block success and rate is just too OP. How about just being OP for a limited time, then being killable afterwards. For example, a new skill just like the newly adjusted adamant mind mentioned above except, manicured for the protector. Let's call it "refractory body" It will increase block rate to 500 and block success to 50%, and you still get to keep shield mastery. The skill will last just like Sandyman's adamant mind with 20 sec without dna, 30 with, and 60 sec CD. The commander the mind, the protector the body. OFC farmers and prot owners will probably dislike this notion though prots and commies have the highest def armor. Also, another shield attack would be awesome so it's not just for blocking. I'm thinking like a long-range shield throw that will stun for bit that the prot can use while vulnerable during the time "refractory body" is on CD.

Like mentioned before, they also need a huge spike in argo for taunts so they can actually tank.

HP buff for prot is needed, can't count the number of times I got declined to raids because they said my HP wasn't enough when I had my prot.



Nerf adamant mind the way the community thinks fair. Enough said.


The two-handed weapon option suggestion by AngelicPretty is definitely one to expand on. Instead of having rush with an OP CD like the warriors, have a couple two-handed skills that rush the opponent without the stun that have some DoT or AoE. Cause to be able stun and have adamant mind is unbalanced. Kind of picture the skill like Cloud from Final Fantasy using his stabby technique except with a more realistic CD. lol


Edited by Spyclop, 09 April 2014 - 03:07 PM.

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#18 rodmilano1


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 03:22 PM

1º- Chain of Restraint for 4sec is almost useless...please increase the duration and keep the actual move speed.


2º -  A game without stuns? then how a melee class AA will kill a caster or another SS melee?


3º - Who here play with a commie as main char? Because i see ppl saying to remove some skills...decrease others...remove dna..pff...


Commander is a defensive class...with a medium atk...what make commie strong are the debuffs...stun...stun immunity...commies only kill, easy, chars with low DEF and HP...about pvp i agree totaly with kicsijohn...you should not compare a +10 char with a +30 char.

ADMs put hearts, a lot of new enchants, that increase SCAD...CAD...HP...and more...and where are the new block defense enchants? where is the balance?


Commanders dont have a Rush with stun like assassins or berserkers...their weapons are the debuffs...if you -_- this then delete the class...is the same....


thx...and think to much about some changes! ;)

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#19 Nikio


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 03:22 PM

And what about Druid and elementalist?  You just changed one skill for druid class... And that's all.  So don't ask people about their ideas, cause   only one skill gonna be chnaged, lol

Edited by Nikio, 09 April 2014 - 03:24 PM.

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#20 EdenEcho


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 03:25 PM

And what about Druid and elementalist?  You just changed one skill for druid class... And that's all.  So don't ask people about their ideas, cause   only one skill gonna be chnaged, lol


they need many feedback to figure out what noone wants, and do that anyway

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#21 Helium


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 03:33 PM

I will be joining Shazam-Woah and the Community in this discussion over the course of the next few days. I will be on this thread often to review your feedback and provide my own.
For reference please note: Expanding the SPOILER (button) below will display a table containing all the Skills for Defender, Commander and Protector.


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#22 Nikio


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 03:41 PM

Do you even think about BM changes, or... :heh:

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#23 AngelicPretty


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 03:42 PM

u know how many time people have asked for that kinda info Helium... to make a skill calculator etc.

Shame those people have more than likely left game now that u are sharing.


DNA might help as well for those that don't have the classes like some of us.

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#24 Nikio


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 03:44 PM

u know how many time people have asked for that kinda info Helium... to make a skill calculator etc.

Shame those people have more than likely left game now that u are sharing.


DNA might help as well for those that don't have the classes like some of us.


Asking  them about skill calculator?  They can't finish their -_-, which they started over year ago, LOL

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#25 Viole


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Posted 09 April 2014 - 04:05 PM



OT: Good suggestions, anyone that doubts a well-played commie can be nearly unkillable is either very biased, or can't play the class that well.

Although, if you're talking about nerfing facestrike, be careful.. you might get the 2s hush treatment too.



On the stun topic: There are plenty of stuns in MOBA's, so stuns are fine, of course they balance this out by having stun-breakers you or your allies can use to save yourself or a teammate, but of course this is something that cannot be implemented due to the limitations of this game. Any CC effect in other games has a way to be countered, here you just wait for it to be over, or PB. Unless you have AM, you can always fight for a bit and get your kill then get out very easily if your timing is right.


Of course, with that being said a majority of these suggestions won't be implemented or changes that ARE made will be implemented rather poorly. (i.e. 2s hush on WLs and Inferno dashes being fixed even though they're not used at the moment and are the LAST thing that needs to be examined and/or changed).


Edited by Viole, 09 April 2014 - 04:06 PM.

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