Hi everyone.
Quick post here to add my two cents.
I have to precise I'm a melee char player.
Could it be taken into consideration that tank currently has a party buff that, if maxed, adds 2200 def, that is to say 2/3rd of the cap defense.
(while there is no resistance equivalent... ahem...)
Rhetoric question now : considering the fact that all the casters have heals and that all said heals were boosted, do you think it is wise to keep in game a buff that makes them invincible regarding to melee players ?
I let you do the maths to know how much bonus an aoe magic DPS (supposedly more vulnerable to melees) can get with : tank buff - rad buff - def totem - druid buff if you have an elf who's not selfish in your team. I understand a tank has to be... Well, a tank, but does it mean it has to make everyone invincible for regular melee players ?
In 1v1 with equal stuff, mystics, tempests, rads, defis, rads with a tank buff cannot be killed anymore by melee (except sins) since we cannot hurt them for more than 1k, they outheal our damage and still have stuns, sleeps, instant heals crowd controls and still hit 2.2k on cap res.
To people who might complain that in 3v3 foc commies and WL still do pretty well I'll tell to watch our scores during regular big battles 30v30 to see how "well" we can do when we can harm no one because of this particular buff.
I'll finish by saying that a lot of people don't read the forum at all, even regular players so I'd suggest to the staff to take the temperature directly on the battlefields, that might help.
So before you mess up another class like you did with WL, Alteris, Helium, any other member of the staff, I send you an invitation, take a +30 melee char (a real melee who has to eat all the aoes of the world in the face, plus some sins, angry zerks and WLs, not a ranger or a SR) and come play with us in FoC or union to see how it is to get beaten by a mystic with tank buff. And by play I mean... For more than a week and when people are actually logged in.
(hint : you'll realize quickly that the contribution table you posted earlier has no meaning at all since our job is to be meat packs to help other +30 casters to get their 65 kills per battle
We'll be glad to help you ingame with any question you might have during battles if we see you. Don't hesitate to log in and chat with us during PvP matches.
Have a good night folks.
Edited by W1lliam, 12 April 2014 - 06:53 PM.