Edit: Shortened a bit
how are we gonna farm if they reduce ME 
Like any other class. 
General Concept of AoEs
LotS Warrior - Bash: 25% damage, hits 1 target, 1sec cooldown, generates auras
LotS Warrior - Magnum Break: 27% damage, hits 3 targets, but also has 3sec cooldown, no auras
LotS Warrior - Brandish Storm: 32% damage, hits 10 targets, but has an animation time of 2~3sec, no auras
Magnum Break and Brandish Storm still had a lower DPS than Bash, due to the cooldown / animation time.
Priests & Rangers were special because their 'basic' attack skill (Holy Light / Charge Arrow) had a casting time.
Pre-Aov Priest - Holy Light: 39% damage, 1sec casting time
Pre-Aov Priest - Magnus Exorcism: 32% damage, animation time
Holy Light could only be activated every other second but dealt twice as much damage as typical alternatives of other classes (Bash, Double Attack, etc.).
That's why Magnus Exorcism had a lower damage multiplier, but it was still similar to Brandish Storm (32%).
With AoV, the level cap of several AoE skills was increased.
Aov Warrior - Brandish Storm @ lvl 3: 317% (is equal to the LotS 32%)
Aov Warrior - Brandish Storm @ lvl 6: 443% (+40% bonus for 3 extra skill points)
Even at level 6, a Brandish Storm still has a lower DPS value than Bash, due to the animation time.
However, the Priest got a free damage boost for Magnus Exorcism (no additional skill points required).
LotS Priest - Magnum Exorcism: 32% (is equal to ~320% in AoV)
Aov Priest - Magnum Exorcism Boost: 536% (+67% bonus)
The argument that the bonus for Magnus Exorcism is too high - especially since it doesn't require extra skill points - is reasonable.
-Aspersio, with its current cooldowns (with enough vigor of course), allows for the Judex chain stun, but also allows High Heal's HoT to be constantly refreshed. Aspersio as a whole is a skill that is just 2gud4disworld and needs a nerf.
To me, Aspersio isn't overpowered. Before AoV, I even suggested to reduce the cooldown.
First Reason:
Before AoV, Aqua Benedicta had a casting time of 60sec and produced 3 Holy Water. Aspersio had a cooldown of 20sec and consumed one Holy Water. By the time you had consumed the third / last Holy Water, Aqua Benedicta was usable again. That made any additional Holy Waters generated by Lex Divina useless.
Second Reason:
The Holy Water stacks are similar to those of other classes (Warrior - rage points, Knight auras, etc.). All other classes except for the Priest can spend these stacks freely (no cooldown, no extra skill to use) to empower certain skills. Therefore, whether or not a skill is broken isn't defined how often you can consume those stacks, but whether the skill that uses them is broken or not.
F.e. a beastmaster can spend 30 beast points for Cruel Bite to heal 30% of his maximum HPs... and he can activate this skill 3 times in quick succession. Although this really powerful, a fix wouldn't restrict how easily he can spend those beast points, but would 'balance' that skill that uses them.
In regard of Aspersio and the Judex-stun-lock:
Aspersio isn't broken at all. Use it with any other skill and it's just fine. Only Judex is broken and that's why this skill ought to be adjusted, not Aspersio.
renovatio is okay as it is. highness heal+reno already heals for total 10k+ non crit. don't make it too more op. HoTs aren't meant to full heal with just 1 tick.
Renovatio is by far too overpowered!!! ... and this seems to be a 'mistake' of the pre-AoV developers.
Most DoTs have a DPS value that's 1/5 (20%) of the general DPS value of that class.
Warrior Bash: 25% damage, 1sec cooldown => 25% damage per second
Warrior Head Crush: 10% DoT (triggers every 2sec) = +5% damage per second
The additional 5% can be added to the 25% of Bash, which results in 20% more damage per second.
However, this calculation is wrong for other two classes: Priests and Rangers.
Ranger - Charge Arrow: 45% damage, 1sec cooldown + 1sec casting time => 22.5% damage per second
Ranger - Poison Arrow: adds a 21% DoT (triggers every 2sec) => +10.5% damage per second
A Poison Arrow raises the DPS of a Ranger by 47%.
Ranger - Heal: 43% damage, 1sec cooldown + 1sec casting time => 21.5% damage per second
Ranger - Renovatio: adds a 22% DoT (triggers every 2sec) => +11% damage per second
The Renovatio is more than half as effective as a Heal... that means it increases the HPS (heal per second) by 51%.
However, in both cases, the DoT/HoT multiplier is about half as high as the normal multiplier (10% is about 1/2 of 25% || 22% is about 1/2 of 43%).
So my guess is that the original developers simply forgot about the casting time.
Edited by Greven79, 24 July 2014 - 07:11 AM.