Upcoming Skill Changes(Pt. 7); Hunter, Avenger, Ranger - Xenoa Armory - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Upcoming Skill Changes(Pt. 7); Hunter, Avenger, Ranger

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#1 ShazamO


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 12:38 PM




Alteris mentioned in previous and current Live-Streams that the Development team wanted to make significant changes to the classes of Requiem Online, mainly in the Skill department. There have been discussions already regarding most of the classes and we want YOUR feedback! This is the 7th Thread created regarding about the upcoming changes(almost finished). You can find the previous ones here...

Previous Threads ::

Protector/Commander Discussion

Templar: Tempest/Radiant Discussion

Warrior: Berserker/Warlord Discussion

Shaman: Forsaker/Mystic Discussion

Rogue: Shadow Runner/Assassin Discussion

Soul Hunter: Defiler/Dominator Discussion


With your feedback, we would really prefer if you added reasoning behind your suggestion. Mainly in the "Math" of it. You would need to detail why this skill needs a 5 second stun or why it would deal x2 Critical Damage and so forth. The more details, the better our Development team can make it a reality!



Avenger_Bomb_Trap.gif Bomb Trap :: At Max Level, this ability should hit up to 10 enemies but have a flat damage rate at 2000.


Currently, we are going over the Hunter, Avenger, and Ranger Class. If you need any/more detail on these classes, please click on the links provided.


Your feedback/suggestions WILL help shape the future of these classes Temperions so please provide your feedback today! Please provide feedback for only the Hunter, Avenger, and Ranger Class for now. We will be going over other classes in the near future. Keep in mind that you can reference other classes comparatively but the main focus will be on the Hunter, Avenger, and Ranger Class!


Skill Information


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#2 Chr0nic


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 12:49 PM

̿ ' ̿'\̵͇̿̿\   Ranger /̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿'̿    

      Ranger is one of the least played classes in the game. They have very little damage compared to Commanders, Berserkers and Assassins. The main reason is due to the DEX stat.




  • adds very little Physical Critical %
  • evasion/accuracy = completely useless
  • long range dmg

(No CAD)



  • short range dmg
  • CAD


  • Magic dmg
  • SCAD
  • resistance

Why is it that Long range classes get no Critical Damage, while all Caster and Short range Physical classes get it? **PLEASE ADD CAD TO DEX**



Farming Lant/Drops/Experience

  • add lv 90 Ion Explosive Bullets that can hit multiple targets within 10m.
  • Compound Chart:  Icon_ultimate_bullet.jpg +Icon_ultimate_bullet.jpg  = Hunter_Hwahaktan_Launch.gif


  • Rangers are currently useless in raids. They have no buffs to give to other characters or any skill debuffs to use on bosses; give rangers a defense debuff skill that takes away -40% of short and long range defense at level 10 so they can be useful in raids.
  • Similar to Warlord's  Warlord_Ferocious_Shout.gif Shout of Ferocious Tiger
  • Replace Hunter_Gopoktan_Launch.gifBombing with a defense debuff 


  • Hunter_Jungdoktan_Launch.gifPoison Bomb Firing: This buff works against you, giving -1130 defense (this is probably the most fail buff in the game) Get rid of the defense penalty.
  • Hunter_Range_Extension.gifRange Extension:  Another buff that works against you giving +1.0 Attack speed and there is only 1 or 2 tempest in the game that has haste lv 10. Get rid of the attack speed penalty, no point of using a buff when it makes you worse.
  • Ranger_Paralyzing_Launch.gifShock Firing: 1.5 casting time for only a 3 second stun?? Sin's scud is 7 seconds instant cast and druid has instant cast 5 sec stun for multiple targets. Make shock firing instant cast.
  • Ranger_Detection.gifStealth Detection: only has 38m range, sins can easily dash and scud you before you get a chance to shoot them, increase to 50m range at level 10.
  • Ranger_Fixed_Fire.gifFixed Firing:  when a player uses a skill on you it cancels this buff, its bugged
  • Ranger_Head_Shot.gifHead Shot: 3 minute cool down but always misses; make 100% success chance at lv 4



  • Hunter_Escape_the_Crisis.gifEscaping: If you find a stealthed sin, you can't kill him because he just dashes away. Make the cool down for this shorter so that you can follow sins and druids. It's 23 seconds at the moment, change to 10 seconds
  • Hunter_Contained_Fire.gifDiversionary Firing: Make instant cast since Berserker, Commander, and Assassin all have instant cast movement slows.
  • Hunter_Beat_up.gifUppercut: The 40 second cooldown for this stun is too long, decrease cooldown to 15 seconds at level 10, since defender's shield strike stun is 14 second cooldown, berserker's skull crasher is  13 sec cd, and rogue's home thrust cd is 9 seconds.
  • Hunter_Smoke_Bomb.gifSmoke Shell Firing: This skill is bugged, when you shoot a Ranger/Shadow Runner with the skill at level 10 it does nothing, it is suppose to take away -30m range.


New Skill Suggestions

  • Power Ranger Spirit : CAD buff
  • Leech Bullet : similar to Defiler's Vampiric touch, takes the opponents HP and adds to users'
  • Flashbang : takes away 10 buffs from opponents within 10m
  • Shield Pierce: Disables opponents shield for 20 seconds



A Note to Helium/Alteris

  • Almost every person in union is 20k+ HP and has capped defense due to radiant and protector buffs. When they are in groups they get healed 4-7k HP every second. Rangers hit 1.4k max on characters with Capped Defense. Give Physical classes more defense debuffs and CAD buffs, right now we stand no chance against Commanders with 30k HP, 5k defense and 80% block rate.


  • Shadow Runner, Dominator, Ranger, Avenger, Elementalist need to be balanced the most, the rest of the classes are pretty balanced.



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#3 Spud


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 01:08 PM

Traps need to go back to having 100% success/no delay

-Pbf should still have the defense penalty, just a little less, 1k is a bit extreme.
-Range Extension is fine, I enjoy not having a ranger pew pew at me for 2k+ when I can't fight back, you have an attack speed buff for a reason also.
-Agree with Shock Firing
-*shrugs* Stealth Detect is ok...I've literally walked in front of rangers with the buff on and not give two f's, so operator error.
-I never see a Ranger use Head Shot in pvp, cut back on the CD to give it a bit more incentive
-Fine with your idea of Escaping
-15secs would be too short for a skill like Uppercut, the point of it is to use it so you can gtfo back to long range and pew pew again. It isn't meant to be spamable, but I do agree it's too long
-Approve of CAD buff and Soccer Kick-esq, but lol at VT for Rangers thatll never happen

Edited by Spud, 03 July 2014 - 09:03 AM.

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#4 Vulcano


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 01:38 PM

ADD LIGHT RESIT ON TB WEAPONS ! i could live without water/ wind resit **

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#5 BumblefootV7


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 01:45 PM

Traps need to go back to being Physical based instead of Light based. Harder to get light resistance than it is to get defense since TBF weps still don't reinforce light resistance. It's also stupid that a physical based character can go around walking with caster gear...that's not the point. I also have no idea what the CDs are for traps nor if there's any dna, but I feel sometimes some of the traps are too spamable, make the CD longer.



Your basis for changing to physical dmg on traps is the free weapons dont have light resist? ^^ Wtf. Or please tell me your not refering to your 69 twinks battles. I get the feeling im going to be raging through this entire topic at people lol. Ill make a post with skill changes tomorrow i need to be up early for work. Please all take into account though that as it stands im the only high scoring avenger in the game. You talk about traps being spamable? You do know they go off with a broken tick like a totem and sometimes just sit there untill disppeairng with people running over them? How is that fair compared to say a druid or tempest smashing me with bolt after bolt with 100% hit everytime? i have 101% skill crit yet i have traps that sometimes wont even hit anything. Traps need to be made better not worse.


p.s Theres skill balls with light resist. Use one ^^


However ill edit this in


During S1 there was a skill tree for avenger with physical knuckle skills. I recall them being physical AOEs. Id assume that skill tree still exzists somewhere in an old client complete with animations and all. Id accept going physical if it was a total reworking of the class to its original state. We actually had very different skill trees between ranger and avenger when it was released at lvl 67 cap. Avenger shouldnt really be using a launcher at all it had a skill for knuckle mastery. The problem back then was there was no scad or cad on your stats. If you where to insert that bk into game now knuckles would make perfect sense mixed with physical traps. Ive added a link below. Give me this skill tree bk please and make us have to choose once again between launcher or knuckles.



This is incomplete and i have no other source for these skills other than memory. There are other ones for knuckles missing from it.

Revision as of 11:14, 26 September 2008 (Avenger was changes soon after this and knuckle skills removed and rangers skill mixed in)




also a link to a bloodymare client from 10:32 May 14th, 2008 ( its still an active torrent max speed i got was 54kb/s tho)



Edited by BumblefootV7, 02 July 2014 - 02:26 PM.

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#6 Mykey


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 01:55 PM

Ranger used to be my favorite class. Then they made it go slower with increased ranges... WTF?  The better you are the slower you are? 


Chr0nic pretty much hit the nail on the head.  Without CAD damages and increasing the speed of attacks the Ranger (supposed to be a long range Nuker) does minimal damages at a slow rate.  Make the class hit hard and fast again against a single target and I will consider going back to it. Until then...

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#7 sonemere


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 02:19 PM

1.  add phys damage to existing trap damage...about a 1/3 of the light damage added as additional phys damage.

2.  remove 1/3 of bomb traps cool down.

3.  remove the 30 skill points required to capture pets. 1 skill point for each type of capture (auto adjust to ur current lvl) . remove low lvl mid lvl dna for capture pets and add 1/3 more lvls capture high lvl monster. +1 to + 15 lvls

4.  add capture mid lvl monster to dominator at lvl 68(auto adjust to current lvl. add 5 dna to increase captured lvl)

5.  Give avengers back Knuckle mastery that is ur basic mastery just like any other mastery with physical/magic damage. knuckle mastery allows the knuckle user to use launcher skills with a knuckle. no need to change animations just speed them up. (add dna to decrease all cast times for launcher skills.  negative.2-1.3 )

Edited by sonemere, 02 July 2014 - 02:34 PM.

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#8 BumblefootV7


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 02:35 PM

5.  Give avengers back Knuckle mastery that is ur basic mastery just like any other mastery with physical/magic damage. knuckle mastery allows the knuckle user to use launcher skills with a knuckle. no need to change animations just speed them up. (add dna to decrease all cast times for launcher skills.  negative.2-1.3 )


 This idea is also logical bit different from what id suggested but same outcome.

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#9 Kazuul


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 02:50 PM

Since Avenger is one of the most nerfed classes I am going to talk about them as it is one of my favorites 2nd jobs. I’m talking about an Avenger trap user which I think is better than launcher in both PVE and PVP.


Trap delay is the worst thing they have ever made because the skill downtime of all traps (except Paralysis Trap) could be reduced to a total of 4-7 seconds with DNA. Why do they have this skill downtime when sometimes they last more than 10 seconds to explode and sometimes they don’t? This is a waste of MP and a valuable time in PVP/PVE. So, eliminate this trap delay.


Hunter_Increase_Defense.gif Defense Up: It should be improved, because other classes that have passives defense skills own others additional defenses buffs. Avengers don't have this. So the total defense that "Defense Up" gives should be increased giving 1500 both short and long range defense with DNA at level 10.




About Avenger’s skills:





Hunter_Paralasys_Trap.gif Paralysis Trap: Now it has 1.5 seconds casting time and 5 seconds stun in level 10. It should have 7 seconds in level 10 with the same damage and targets. Either this or make it instant cast as it was before.




Launcher Skills:


Nowadays all of them are useless because of the lack of damage, the casting time and the fact that launcher at short distances is worthless. This is the reason that the launchers are for rangers. If you want to give them more importance I suggest these changes:



Hunter_Judo_Bee.gif Inducing Honeybee: It doesn’t do much damage and DoTs can be easily removed.  Furthermore, 1.5 seconds casting time is too long so lots of objectives can dash away before casting ends. Make it something like “Shoots a projectile to the ground and release a swarm of bees through your enemies”. The skill could be similar to the skill Rage of Bugs, dealing damage every 2 seconds with DoT.



Avenger_Frost_Spray.gif Spreading Chill: It is a good debuff for raids. I think this skill is ok as it is right now.



Hunter_Hwahaktan_Launch.gif Chemical Bomb Firing: It reduces evasion. This is not suitable for a Skill Spam class. I suggest it reduce light defense to 25% at level 10 with 10 DNA’s (2.5% at level 1 with 1 DNA) keeping the actual 1 second casting time. So it won’t be OP in FoC 69 and it is going to help the avenger in both PVP and PVE.




Capturing Monsters:



Healing_Monster.png Healing monster: Why avengers can heal their captured monster and they can’t heal themselves? It should heal both avenger and captured monster but it only is usable when there is a monster tamed.



Personally speaking, I think that ET mini bosses (at least the weak ones) should be able to capture again as they can be stunned, lithified, etc... ST elephants, scorpions and disgust hunters are easy to defeat in pvp.

Now they can’t be used in FoC 79 because this bracket doesn’t exist. They only can be used in FoC 90 or Unions. At those high levels people can even farm in ET, so I don’t think that this is a crazy idea.


Edited by Kazuul, 02 July 2014 - 03:13 PM.

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#10 Cleffy


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 03:02 PM

Get rid of stuns.

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#11 Viole


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 03:58 PM

Get rid of trap delay and expiration for Avengers, that's dumb. The reasons they were strong before with these options not "nerfed" was because of the lack of light resist (because not everyone had farmed ET yet) and the prevalence of choke points on SvS, now with higher HP and light resist this isn't really a problem. Even an avenger that can hit you for 2k on cap is laughable because he just won't do enough damage alone to kill anyone at 30k HP, he needs a team to do that. As for adding more defense into your passive, that isn't really needed with the prevalence of defense buffs out there already, you're more than covered.


Rangers had the ability to be extremely powerful at 50m range, either fixed firing gives them a nerf in attack speed or range extension does. Look at SR who has the same capabilities with sniping and better mobility than ranger possibly ever could, that's the main problem with rangers in terms of surviving. SRs can't shoot at 1.0 without a tempest at max range and neither should rangers, but it should be fixed firing that slows down attack speed, not range extension imo. Lastly, In order to attain your maximum possible DPS you lose defense (1.1k worth of it) with an already terrible mobility skill set, also the stuns don't make sense for the long cooldowns on them and LACK OF mobility.


Headshot would also be a very good tool against WLs, Serks, and Commies because it would make them think twice before going in or if they go in with it being casted you could at least have a chance of retaliation on their initiation.


Maybe it would be better if ranger weapons added CAD instead of accuracy as a third stat since every single piece of gear you want to use is Dex based, followed by your CON needed just to survive a jump.

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#12 sonemere


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 04:18 PM

sonemere, on 02 Jul 2014 - 7:19 PM, said

5.  Give avengers back Knuckle mastery that is ur basic mastery just like any other mastery with physical/magic damage. knuckle mastery allows the knuckle user to use launcher skills with a knuckle. no need to change animations just speed them up. (add dna to decrease all cast times for launcher skills.  negative.2-1.3 )


 "bumble said: This idea is also logical bit different from what id suggested but same outcome."


i felt like it was the easiest way to go about giving vengers bak their mele skills without having to make new skills. just tag launcher skills as knuckle, by ac-collate a single passive. its a quik fix but it makes them function.

Edited by sonemere, 02 July 2014 - 04:21 PM.

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#13 WorkYaDangNag


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 04:51 PM

being able to move and shoot would be a good way to fix them. casters can move and attack, why cant the hunters?

Edited by WorkYaDangNag, 02 July 2014 - 04:51 PM.

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#14 Spud


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 06:01 PM

Your basis for changing to physical dmg on traps is the free weapons dont have light resist? ^^ Wtf. Or please tell me your not refering to your 69 twinks battles. I get the feeling im going to be raging through this entire topic at people lol. Ill make a post with skill changes tomorrow i need to be up early for work. Please all take into account though that as it stands im the only high scoring avenger in the game. You talk about traps being spamable? You do know they go off with a broken tick like a totem and sometimes just sit there untill disppeairng with people running over them? How is that fair compared to say a druid or tempest smashing me with bolt after bolt with 100% hit everytime? i have 101% skill crit yet i have traps that sometimes wont even hit anything. Traps need to be made better not worse.

p.s Theres skill balls with light resist. Use one ^^


Alright so very true. Ill say this though, I have minimal issue facing avengers with my domi (i use light ball tyvm) but go into 69 FOC and unless youre stacked on resist, its tough to take out an avenger. I do agree that traps need to go back to 100% success...there needs to be a fine balance for all levels however
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Posted 02 July 2014 - 06:30 PM

Alright so very true. Ill say this though, I have minimal issue facing avengers with my domi (i use light ball tyvm) but go into 69 FOC and unless youre stacked on resist, its tough to take out an avenger. I do agree that traps need to go back to 100% success...there needs to be a fine balance for all levels however


Yes. As Spud says , think well about balance. yes Ranger and Avenger are the less played in game , are ones of the hardest for grinding/leveling.


AS everyone said , they should have appropriate damages regarding the actual damages and def of others distance classes (like casters and shadow runner : tks trinity xbow  :p_laugh:  ) and buff /debuff that turn them legit for raids.


Yes , when a trap you put never explode it's very boring, even if it can seem logical sometime a technic system fail or bug ( ah ah ) but magic should miss more often too then... no problem with the light damages of traps , seem logic too , even if added fire or total fire damage in place of light should be even more logic then :p_laugh:


Head shot is an OP skill because the damage is in % : someone with 40k HP take a 20K hit ? woaw , what a skill , PB are so weak in comparison :heh: we are lucky it's not spammable :p_sick:  but yes cool down is too long to make it very useful

Casting time for launcher skills is a bit too long too as said by others.


this class ( Ranger) sound to be dedicated to hunt sins : but they stand no chance actually , make them able to do the job . (so i agree with the one who was asking to amplifiate stealth detection- there are not many played rangers in game yet , don't start to cry too early , sins :heh: )


Would i choose playing a long range "physic" class i would prefer SR just because of the power difference of the respective weapons...( from there Rangers seems to have no chance against SR , they should have some )


Piercing shield ? doesn't seem very logic for me but eh , i can imagine what will be answered to me ( about being objective :yawn: ) so why not could be fun and more balancing...


And many others proposals i forgot were good too...


The only thing (and i do agree they need more damages) DON'T make CAD raised by DEX !!!! WHY ???? can you imagine a AA sin or AA zerk with CUMULATED CAD coming from STR AND DEX ???????????


Hell : NO. :heh:

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Posted 02 July 2014 - 06:34 PM

being able to move and shoot would be a good way to fix them. casters can move and attack, why cant the hunters?

Naaaaah , because they need time to AIM :p_idea:


But i agree , a running caster ( who don't take time to "concentrate" ) should be a more failing /missing hit ( or even missing cast, but as they have to be not moving for casting main AoEs well, that's fine like this) caster.

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#17 Chr0nic


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 07:10 PM

The only thing (and i do agree they need more damages) DON'T make CAD raised by DEX !!!! WHY ???? can you imagine a AA sin or AA zerk with CUMULATED CAD coming from STR AND DEX ???????????


Well you cant have both STR and DEX in one piece of armor, unless you use enchants but still that is not much of a boost, it benefits Shadow Runners and Rangers, most Sins and Zerkers prefer STR CON

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#18 BumblefootV7


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 09:04 PM

Get rid of stuns.

This is an. mmorpg. All these games have stuns. 

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#19 BioElesis


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 09:30 PM

Rangers are supost to be the strongest Long Range DPS in game but they aren't cuz this is the only class in game that dosn't have CAD.... well only the CAD from low lvl armor RH Evil/Alacrity.
Any crossbow have 1200,1400,1500,1700-1800 base dmg but what about Launcher???  300? 400? 800 as best from Trinity only, men this means that any Sin/SR have more LRD tan any ranger.... so why make a ranger? go Sin/SR for Insane LRD plus Tempest buff  = 1sec speed = Under Age Abuse!
But you know what? we love Rangers, and we want more dmg added to Launcher standard dmg + CAD.
Rangers Skills:

Poison Bomb Firing: Great skill, but please remove DEF Penalty... Rangers DEF sux.
Range Extensión: make it usefull and remove Speed Penalty, the ranger speed should be 1sec at any range.
Shock Firing: Reduce Casting Time to 10sec, and increase success rate.
Head Shot: Most useless skill, please make it 100% and 40sec cool down, let us sabor the Rangers! power!
Escaping: this is the only dash with 23sec cooldown... please make it 8sec. or what? who can scape with a dam dash available every 23sec? Lets be serious please!
There should be a buff for rangers to ignore target LRD for a limited time.


Inducing Honeybee: useless. please make it similar to Rage of Bug but with with higher dmg
Detecting Trap: useless. Who in the world wants to see a trap? make it Passive Trap dmg power up.
Paralysis Trap: Make it 7sec please! Druids have 6sec instant cast!
Chemical Bomb Firing: useless... nobody care about evation, that's why we have DEF/Resistence Cap. Maket Ress Debuff bomb/Mine/Trap.
Monster Revival: please leave it as before or increase revival mob duration to 3,4,5 min. and reduce cooldown to 1min, this is not even a usefull skill anymore.... the mob takes almost 20sec to start moving after skill spam and the last 10sec are wasted while the mob reached the target.

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#20 cosi4zara


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Posted 03 July 2014 - 01:59 AM

Any crossbow have 1200,1400,1500,1700-1800 base dmg but what about Launcher???  300? 400? 800 as best

You do know that by the time a sr shoots once u get to shoot 2-3 times with ranger right?Its not like sr`s have their own portable boh buffer.

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#21 YackY


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Posted 03 July 2014 - 03:48 AM



I was waiting for a long time this topic.


I'm agree with Chr0nic sugestion. They are not so bad. 


- For Shadow Runner and Ranger DEX should add some CAD


Icon_ultimate_bullet.jpg Bullets for ranger and no for Shadow Runner    :p_swt:

Hunter_Jungdoktan_Launch.gif It should give + def not - def

Hunter_Range_Extension.gif +0.5 attacks speed at level 10 

Ranger_Paralyzing_Launch.gif Instant cast and Stun Duration 5 sec

Ranger_Detection.gif 50 m at level 10

Ranger_Head_Shot.gif Casting time 2s and Coldown 1.30-2 min (cause Foc duration 20 min and TB 40) & 100% sucess

Hunter_Escape_the_Crisis.gif 10 sec Coldown

Hunter_Beat_up.gif 15 sec Coldown

- All hunter / ranger Skill attack should be instant Cast with a short coldown. Cause if you play Ranger SS , CD = RIP.





New Skill Suggestions

  • Power Ranger Spirit : CAD buff
  • Leech Bullet : similar to Defiler's Vampiric touch, takes the opponents HP and adds to users'
  • Flashbang : takes away 10 buffs from opponents within 10m
  • Shield Pierce: Disables opponents shield for 20 seconds



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#22 RadiantHelper


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Posted 03 July 2014 - 08:24 AM

Since I play venger I guess I can comment here. First of all, leave them as magic damage. Why mess up every venger that already made gear for magic traps. Light damage is fine, and this should not be based off 69 foc. Remove the delay from bombs. It makes no sense, or give a delay to every skill in the game. Remove the dna from paralysis trap and make it naturally improve that much instead of needing dna. Also let traps remain permanently if they are not recast or exploded. Introduce a new skill perhaps radiation bomb? A trap that explodes and leaves a dot on the targets. Change chilling shot to be a trap as well, have it blow up and that reduces enemies defense instead of having to shoot with gun.
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#23 BumblefootV7


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Posted 03 July 2014 - 08:56 AM

Since I play venger I guess I can comment here. First of all, leave them as magic damage. Why mess up every venger that already made gear for magic traps. Light damage is fine, and this should not be based off 69 foc. Remove the delay from bombs. It makes no sense, or give a delay to every skill in the game. Remove the dna from paralysis trap and make it naturally improve that much instead of needing dna. Also let traps remain permanently if they are not recast or exploded. Introduce a new skill perhaps radiation bomb? A trap that explodes and leaves a dot on the targets. Change chilling shot to be a trap as well, have it blow up and that reduces enemies defense instead of having to shoot with gun.


I like those ideas to and you do know how to play avenger.


p.s check your pms or log nova

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#24 Spud


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Posted 03 July 2014 - 09:05 AM

After sleeping on it ill admit you guys are right, you can keep your light damage because avengers are supposed to be trap specialists with some long range support and they should go back to not having any delays but there needs to be some limit. I like the idea of a 5th DoT trap or modifying Bomb Trap to make it a DoT as well should the devs not bother adding another skill to spend points on
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#25 ThreeTimes6


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Posted 03 July 2014 - 02:37 PM

ermm regarding light resi on tbf weapons - if im right they have light resi but lack water resi (atleast my TB-IX and X weapons have light resi, im sure)


040714014653_TB-X_staff.jpg  040714014733_TB-IX_wand.jpg

Edited by ThreeTimes6, 03 July 2014 - 02:47 PM.

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