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[R] Bio4 Party Guide [Updated May 21, 2015]

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#1 neko1231


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Posted 20 February 2015 - 09:07 AM

Update May 21, 2015 : Added wanderer info
Let's make a guide for bio4 parties! 
Maybe we will have fewer inexperienced party members if we have a guide for them!
Im not native English speaker so dont harsh my English  :p_laugh:
And I play AB only, so all are from an AB's perspective.
1. Player:
Preparation:  It's better join bio4 after lv150 or more, having hp at least 30k, and use wind armor.
Low level, low hp and no wind armor will make you die badly.
(ignore the above statement if you have tao or gtb or u dont care dying)
In bio4: Bring enough pots and supplies 
             Ask for FCP if you think its important to you
             Don't step on fire on the ground if your party don't have ME sorcercer
             Prepare to be killed in each gwing  :heh:
2. Party: A typical bio4 party usually have the following - by main task:

1) Main killers : RK 

2) Additional killers especially to kill randel: rangers, gene, gx, mech,wl,sc,sura,rg

3) String: maestro

4) General support: AB

3) FCP support: gene (i joined some parties without fcp, it works, but it's better to have)

4) SP regen: sorc or wanderer (it's so difficult to find sorc usually, a wanderer can be a substitution)

5) Tank : sura for pull, RG for sacr (not necessary,but a good tank helps killing faster)

6) Mob control: WL/SC with jack frost (not necessary)

A good party example will be 2 RK,2rangers, 2AB, 1string, 1sorc,1sura, 1 gene and 2 free slots, assuming all the players are properly build and geared and know how to play their class. (by good party i mean the party can finish celia TI within 30min without much death)
However, the classes can vary quite a lot depending on how well the players are playing. 

  • 1 RK party is acceptable when you have enough dps, say, well played RK,  rangers and gx. 0 RK party is also possible, but I personally prefer to have at least one good RK in the party.
  • If dont have rangers, should have some other killers(gx,rg,gene,etc) to take care of randels. Or have someone to get them change element. (im not sure about this, can pure RK party kill randels efficiently?)
  • Having warlock and jack frost shadow chaser also helps to control the mob. 
  • If dont have string, try to get one. Though we can do without string as long as killers are good enough or dex build, string helps speedup the process.
  • If dont have AB, screw it. One AB is possible, but it requires that the party and AB are both strong enough.
  • If dont have gene, it's fine. But tanks and killers may have to log out and repair sometimes.
  • If dont have sorc or wandy, just bring enough sp recovery items and kill celia asap.

3. General Consumables

  • HP restore items, SP restore items. Bring more than enough if you have weight.
  • Life Insurance for those who don't want to lose exp since you'll probably die many times.
  • Ygg leaf just in case all AB's went down.

::Class Specific Suggestion:: (i only know how to play AB, fill out the rest for me plz, thx guys)
Arch Bishop






Royal Guard

Guillotine Cross 



Shadow Chaser

More information Needed:
Rune Knight

  • I dont know about RKs, they just spam DB. But, RK should use both water and fire DB, especially water DB wont kill Chen Liu.


  • In addition to keep string most of the time, constantly sing friggs and apple to help increase party's hp. (provided by DarkAsuna)


  • Based on my past experience, warlock and shadow chaser use jack frost for mob control. Very nice to have and reduces party deaths. They use other skills too, but i'm not familiar with them.

Don't worry if you don't see your class guide here. I'm not good at most classes in bio4 so help me fill them out if you have any thoughts. :thx:
ps. All class guides are in random order, dont worry too much haha
So enjoy your bio4 journey :heh:

Edited by VModCinnamon, 20 October 2015 - 04:16 PM.
Added server tag to title.

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#2 iZap


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Posted 20 February 2015 - 05:56 PM

This is awesome. By the way, shadow arrows for Randels, immaterial is for Ceila.

Edited by iZap, 20 February 2015 - 06:04 PM.

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#3 DarkAsuna


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Posted 20 February 2015 - 06:09 PM

nice guide!! but i would rather prefer 2 suras than RG, why? because mostly i just gwinger (im a sura) but i can pull and CC or stun the mob and the other sura can do the same, so my parties can kill the mob really fast, have a string its a plus for the Rks... BUUUUUUUT if the rks have a good cast time they dont need it (im talking about 168+ or so ...)...


Sorc... well... sorc...well... hehehe xD n_nUu actually i got like 3 or 4 pts without sorc, everyone just bring their own sp regen thingy, would be great a sorc but in my personal opinion i would rather prefer recruit wanderer than sorc. thats just my opinion o.o so dont be harsh with me D:>

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#4 Exvee


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 04:09 AM

As for Rangers, do you mean white wing suit with Dokebi card? Really, there is a reason why they can't easily use wind armor cos some armor cards are more useful for them... Also if anyone have silversmith bracelet, DO WEAR IT... Spell breaker can save entire party and you can card it as well. I choose Smokie because you can have two skills in one acc by default...

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#5 neko1231


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 11:53 AM

nice guide!! but i would rather prefer 2 suras than RG, why? because mostly i just gwinger (im a sura) but i can pull and CC or stun the mob and the other sura can do the same, so my parties can kill the mob really fast, have a string its a plus for the Rks... BUUUUUUUT if the rks have a good cast time they dont need it (im talking about 168+ or so ...)...


Sorc... well... sorc...well... hehehe xD n_nUu actually i got like 3 or 4 pts without sorc, everyone just bring their own sp regen thingy, would be great a sorc but in my personal opinion i would rather prefer recruit wanderer than sorc. thats just my opinion o.o so dont be harsh with me D:>


I have been in many parties without a sorc. Actually, having a wandy is much better than a sorc in terms of sp from an AB's persepective.

(Especially nowadays so many stupid sorc asking for zeny to join party)

String is still necessary. He's not only helpful for DB but also helpful for AB's healing and rebuff. The party can kill faster and recover faster with string.

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#6 DarkAsuna


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 12:34 PM

Lol i didnt know about any sorc that ask for zeny, thats its kinda...hmmm i dont know the words but actually in bio i got pts with superfail sorcs that have like 4×4 cells ME ....really sucks thats why i prefer a wandy than sorc. Actually they doing their jobs better than sorcs.
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#7 Exuro


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 02:39 PM

This is so sad. Classes that aren't in here don't seem to be sought for. :(

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#8 DarkAsuna


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 02:41 PM

what its your class exuro o.o? 

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#9 fuyukikun


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 04:45 PM

arrow storm: randell killer
element changer traps: essential to change randell and celia element, suggested to change to either fire or earth so RK can DB them
electric shocker: mob control, if the mob is too much, trap them, since it ia aoe ankle snare, they will tele if attacked. makes the party safe.
spell breaker: spell break celia, chen's fist and flamel acid bomb
fire trap could be useful also to sap damage to randell since each burning damage do 12k damage
either you use bow or knife i suggest not using WW set, use unfro wind armor, immune FAW ea10, temporal dex boots (hawkeye or lucky day enchant), glorious rings. why i said so, survivability is better than DPS, you are not main killer there, so dont be a glass cannon or youu will be just a burden to party.
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#10 meli


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 05:20 PM

Got to say ele change trap rangers are really awsome support for rks, speeds up killing randells a lot.

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#11 DarkAsuna


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 05:23 PM

hmm that will be interesting to see, i didnt see any trap rangers till now, i just see AS everywhere lol 

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#12 fuyukikun


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 06:44 PM

memoir (forum user) is AS ranger and he uses both AS and traps. it made bio4 life easier for solo or party. even he can solo it.
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#13 neko1231


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 11:09 AM

pop updated, thanks for suggestions.


btw, i actually looking for something like warlock,gx,sc,or mechan guild haha

I'm seen some of them but not sure what's their role.


most gx i met in bio4 are good players haha

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#14 DarkAsuna


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 11:20 AM

warlock usually in pt just for mob control, same as the shadow chaser if they got storm gust or jack frost. Guillotine cross actually are really good killers for randells, if they got good amount of criticals that works to kill randell fast, so thats a plus and helpull for rangers due the fact that rangers are the randell killers o.o .... Mecha.......i just know that them just gwings lol 

Edited by DarkAsuna, 24 February 2015 - 11:20 AM.

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#15 neko1231


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 12:06 PM

warlock usually in pt just for mob control, same as the shadow chaser if they got storm gust or jack frost. Guillotine cross actually are really good killers for randells, if they got good amount of criticals that works to kill randell fast, so thats a plus and helpull for rangers due the fact that rangers are the randell killers o.o .... Mecha.......i just know that them just gwings lol 


 i have partied with a wl who's a pretty good killer, but im not the skill he used. never played warlock  :heh:

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#16 Bobania


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 12:17 PM

A good Warlock and Sorcerer should be FCP'd in a GWing party. Reason being that either one of them may begin casting (Jack Frost or Magnetic Earth, respectively) first than the tank or killer moves, drawing aggro.


Aside from Spell Breaker, a Sorcerer can use Magic Rod if he/she does draw aggro from casting ME after a GWing and is single targetted by a Celia.

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#17 DarkAsuna


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 12:25 PM

Genetic could use crazy vines, also its a plus for a sura if we got frigg song and apple song usually besides i pull the mob i can kill some of them if the stringer constantly sing friggs and apple, why? my hp increase to 123k so i can help kill mob too due the fact that i am a pure FC/TC sura. Also, thats would be great for RK due the fact that the DB damage its affecting by some vit too (i guess correct me if im wrong)

Edited by DarkAsuna, 24 February 2015 - 12:27 PM.

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#18 Bobania


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 06:35 AM

Genetic could use crazy vines, also its a plus for a sura if we got frigg song and apple song usually besides i pull the mob i can kill some of them if the stringer constantly sing friggs and apple, why? my hp increase to 123k so i can help kill mob too due the fact that i am a pure FC/TC sura. Also, thats would be great for RK due the fact that the DB damage its affecting by some vit too (i guess correct me if im wrong)


The damage is affected by HP. A good Maestro should use the HP increase skills and Magic Strings; however, many of them, from my experience, won't.

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#19 DarkAsuna


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 06:54 AM

The damage is affected by HP. A good Maestro should use the HP increase skills and Magic Strings; however, many of them, from my experience, won't.


i met a fews Maestro that use skills that increase the hp, they are rare to find but we have some in lhz.

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#20 Bobania


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 08:51 AM

Yeah, my wife has a Maestro and switches between the skills for Bio 4. The problem she faces is that to keep all the effects up, she constantly has to switch, and in a GWing party she will pull aggro if she was switching mid GWing (happens a lot). This'll tend to happen also to the AB, which is why when I play Sorcerer I will try to ME as soon as possible, disregarding if the tank has moved first to not only prevent Celia's AoE, but another character to pull aggro by accident first than the tank or killer has reacted to the GWing.

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#21 neko1231


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 01:38 PM

updated again! thanks for contributions!

More information like gears, builds, skills to use and tips and tricks for all classes are welcome!



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#22 DarkAsuna


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 02:38 PM

  1. You can pull in two ways, either mental or just snapping everywhere, take this as a kind of practice, but, if you use your mental strength ….. that does not mean that you will not bring your OWN hp regen item, don’t depend too much of the ab, and when I said too much I try to mean DON’T DO THAT.
  2. If you have a good cast time you can regen your sp yourself if not just ask for sacra if you are using the snap way to pull mob. So you don’t need to bring sp regen item due the facts we have our own way to do it.
  3. Im not a pro sura and I don’t use mental to pull mobs, because that in my personal opinion using mental strength if you don’t have eddga card will make the pt go slow… that’s why I prefer use snap.
  4. Lets think that you don’t like to use the bapho costume I personally use the bapho JUST for healing, but as everyone knows we have carrots, and pumpkins so I don’t think I need to say something about it. But if you have the bapho or Rudolf as the way of healing you could use human and demi human reduction gears, but between Rudolf and bapho I would prefer bapho due the fact it’s a costume, so I can wear my CEB and my hankie in mouth.
  5. Bring yggdrassil seeds why ? lets say you are snapping and your pt its kinda like 20 or 25 cells away from you and your CC are in a cooldown and you couldn’t use windmill in time, but you are dying and your pt are like 10 cells more from you, just use the yggdrassil and snap fast if you can.
  6. About equipment…as I said before demi human damage reduction gears… you could 2 two types of shield… cranial or homdrelim or whatever it types… why? Not ALL the mob in bio4 are demi human but all are middle size.
  7. And last one thing….. please… for god sake DON’T USE GF AGAINST MOB that is just a waste of time for the pt and probably if you gfist a randel and he use reflect damage… you probably gonna lost exp……. I said this because xD I saw it and heard about a sura do it lol.


And….. I think that’s all I know D: sorry if was too looooooooong >.< if im wrong in something just say it ^^  this is about sura btw xD

Edited by DarkAsuna, 25 February 2015 - 04:18 PM.

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#23 Zelnite


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 05:37 PM

Instead of hodre i strongly suggest anti-medium. even over cranial. 25% reduc to all is better than losing the 30 for the 2 demons and better than the 15 that hodre gives you. as you said, all are medium.

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#24 4853121207141913140


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 07:55 PM

This is awesome. By the way, shadow arrows for Randels, immaterial is for Ceila.

i used elven arrows all the way.
with Cursed water to endow shadow
and equip switching to remove endow.

i used 15 or more quivers per run its hard to keep up the cost.

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#25 mic9010


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 10:27 AM

This is awesome. By the way, shadow arrows for Randels, immaterial is for Ceila.

em.. shadow arrows can deal damage to Celia too. Sometimes you don't have time to switch arrows even if you put them in the shortcuts when it is so mobby...

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