[Confirmed] Latency & Disconnections In Game Arena Areas - Page 2 - Bug Reporting - WarpPortal Community Forums

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[Confirmed] Latency & Disconnections In Game Arena Areas

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#26 Dragonlark


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Posted 07 October 2016 - 09:29 AM

The ROSE Team is still investigating this issue. From the feedback gathered here, several fixes have been looked into but unfortunately it looks like they were not able to resolve this problem. 


In order to try to narrow down the issue, can anyone experiencing this issue let us know if this problem is happening only when you are near a large group of players, when attacking or being attacked, or when casting or being affected by spells?

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#27 iRaphael


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Posted 07 October 2016 - 11:06 AM

The ROSE Team is still investigating this issue. From the feedback gathered here, several fixes have been looked into but unfortunately it looks like they were not able to resolve this problem. 


In order to try to narrow down the issue, can anyone experiencing this issue let us know if this problem is happening only when you are near a large group of players, when attacking or being attacked, or when casting or being affected by spells?

It mostly happens when a bunch of clerics play together in AA, when we're next to a bunch of flames  and when people start to mass aoe it gets worse.


It's okay when it's just 1 cleric on each side, anymore it starts to lag i think. Probably has something to do with the flames ?

Edited by iRaphael, 07 October 2016 - 11:07 AM.

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#28 QueenElizabeth


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Posted 07 October 2016 - 04:14 PM

There is not lag for everyone... just saying.

Some few players can play like before.... so can I.

So that I think, that maybe AOE animation, flame animation and many players at the same place are just the cherry on top.

The real reason must be another one. Maybe some ports are not that open as they should be´.... no idea about this technical things... so I won't guess here.

But the technical things are the reason for the lag and dc... the animation of AoEs and flames just make it worse.

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#29 raranz25


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Posted 08 October 2016 - 03:22 AM

Help here. I've already sent a ticket with ss on the force dc on just AA toons but I haven't receive any reply for more than 32 hours yesterday. 

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#30 Cortiz


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Posted 08 October 2016 - 05:00 AM

I did some AA yesterday and to my suprise it was totaly lag/delay free for the first AA of the day, as more AA was being played the more it started to lag en give a huge skill delay.

Maybe this might help narrow down the problem.


Or maybe it was just one of those good games.


I should probely mention that each team had atleast 1 or two cleric, and a few AOE's that day

Edited by Cortiz, 08 October 2016 - 05:16 AM.

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#31 iRaphael


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Posted 08 October 2016 - 06:06 AM

I did some AA yesterday and to my suprise it was totaly lag/delay free for the first AA of the day, as more AA was being played the more it started to lag en give a huge skill delay.

Maybe this might help narrow down the problem.


Or maybe it was just one of those good games.


I should probely mention that each team had atleast 1 or two cleric, and a few AOE's that day

Exactly, this happens to me too.


Sometimes it works fine and sometimes it doesn't. I've tried to spot the difference but i can't come up with any besides lesser flames.

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#32 iRaphael


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Posted 09 October 2016 - 07:21 AM

The ROSE Team is still investigating this issue. From the feedback gathered here, several fixes have been looked into but unfortunately it looks like they were not able to resolve this problem. 


In order to try to narrow down the issue, can anyone experiencing this issue let us know if this problem is happening only when you are near a large group of players, when attacking or being attacked, or when casting or being affected by spells?


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#33 iRaphael


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Posted 10 October 2016 - 03:53 PM

It's been two days since we've found the cause of the bug for you guys and yet no updates or replies from the GM team.If nothing we'd like to be know if some action is ever going to be taken to fix it.



Could anyone please explain to me why someone who worked 4-5 hour's to find the cause of the lag got his topic closed :S. Instead of appreciating the fact he probably found the cause of the bug ya'll ran and closed the topic. * Ty for reopening*

Edited by iRaphael, 10 October 2016 - 11:09 PM.

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#34 Genesis


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Posted 12 October 2016 - 11:51 AM

Unfortunately this is proving to be a tricky issue to reproduce in our development environment despite all the helpful feedback given so far to narrow down the cause, but we are definitely still looking to address the issue as quickly as possible.

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#35 iRaphael


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Posted 12 October 2016 - 12:04 PM

Unfortunately this is proving to be a tricky issue to reproduce in our development environment despite all the helpful feedback given so far to narrow down the cause, but we are definitely still looking to address the issue as quickly as possible.

So i guess we shouldn't expect it with this maintenance ? :<

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#36 carlosrose


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Posted 16 October 2016 - 11:06 AM

Regarding the DC/Lag issue:
-DP experienced no lag whatsoever
-CD same as in DP no major lag or Dc experienced by any of the players involved in the games I was at (except for a single raider whose client crashed dunno the reason)
-AA I only experienced 1 DC when there was an insane amount of clerics in the game spamming flames non stop under xtal (game had a total of 10 FS); but I did experience quite a lot of lag, in all the situations there was a huge amount of clerics spamming flames in a single spot combined with a lot of aoe dmg across the field, in those situations i found REALLY useful to just run out of the screen and come back to remove all the lag effect, would be fine for a couple of minutes then I would lag again. Games with a decent/normal
amount of clerics (therefore small amount of flame spamming) I experienced no lag.
-Dungeons: the only dg i got some lag was in HOO, random lag spikes eventually that affected the entire group not just my client.
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#37 marwanownz


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Posted 19 October 2016 - 05:49 AM

Any update if possible?

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#38 Genesis


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Posted 19 October 2016 - 11:28 AM

Nothing to report yet I'm afraid.  I'll be sure to keep you updated once there's a breakthrough in tracking down the cause of the issue.

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#39 Feuer


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Posted 19 October 2016 - 11:33 AM

MAybe you should try debugging on the live server instead of the sandbox? Wouldn't hurt to join your community once in a while to see what's happening first hand, instead of just trying to replicate it? Just a theory mate. 

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#40 iRaphael


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Posted 21 October 2016 - 10:46 PM

Still waiting for updates, it's been forever.

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#41 iRaphael


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Posted 31 October 2016 - 08:49 PM

It's nov .. it hasn't been fixed. No updates.

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#42 Cortiz


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Posted 01 November 2016 - 04:20 AM

I like to add something, previously I was doing AA with a team of 4 clerics, when all clerics put down flames to heal we started lagging realy bad, as soon as I stopped putting down my flames and all the other clerics still were spamming there flames my lag instantly got less and I was able to move around a heal with way less lags or delays.


Could help narrow down the issue.

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#43 QueenElizabeth


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Posted 02 November 2016 - 08:44 AM

I am playing cleric in aa... and I am one of the lucky ones without lag or dc.

But nevertheless I want to raise my voice as well.

Please fix aa.

because it is not fun at all, when half of the group disconnects. Players come and go... other players come and go... the team changes every minute... it is not teamwork anymore.

I can't play with some friends, I used to play with before, They dc all the time and gave up. I miss playing with them.

aa is not as enjoyable as before.


so... this issue does not only affect the players who have lag or dc... but all of us. It affects the whole game.


Perhaps you could give us an update or some news, when it will be fixed.

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#44 Dragonlark


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Posted 02 November 2016 - 09:59 AM

Hey guys, just wanted to check in and let you know that the ROSE team is focusing on this issue and working to get it resolved as quickly as possible. We do understand how frustrating this matter has been to players in AA, and want to see this problem fixed. Unfortunately there is no estimate on when it will be resolved as of yet, but this is still being looked into and we will update further as soon as there is more information on this matter. 

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Posted 02 November 2016 - 02:51 PM

will me in the last couple of days aa dc


server dc


don't know why and i hate cuz it take alot of time in aa fun yeah but


after all that hard work in the end dc i need that honor point very bad so it's bad for me to git a dc


pluse the lag thing some times it's more than 2 3 sec


and some times not just in AA dungeon to in HOO


in the final boos fight all the time

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#46 Cortiz


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Posted 07 November 2016 - 04:18 AM

After carefully revieuwing PvP matches as well as valor games,



I think the problem lies with the damage mitigation between X amount of targets, AA starts to lag realy realy bad with "seconds" delay as soon as people start AOE'ing close to the crystal.

When u start the first AA of the day the lag is next to none, as soon as more people notice there is a PVP match active, it is common to see more clerics and AOE classes join.


I think Feuer said this already but it could be some optimization problems, I don't remember AA being so laggy and everyone DCing after the damage mitigation patch.   (Patch 611?)


My gut tells me all the damage mitigation from Spear Champs / Mages / Knight's and so forth are to much for the server to handle and creates a bottleneck somewhere in the code

This is the reason u never instantly see a large delay for AA and explains why the lag is gone/way less at the respawn area after a few seconds.

I should probely also note that If there is a large delay in a match and the match ends the delay seems to dissapear.




The longer you stay near the Crystal with people spamming AOE the longer the Delay is going to get, for the first 5-10 minutes it starts with 1-2 seconds delay.

After about 10-20 minutes (Close to the end of the game match)  the delay as gone up exponentionaly from 1 second to 5+ seconds delay, this is also where the majority of people start to disconnect.




Now If Im right about this,

there are a few things we can do to prevent this lag from happening.

  1. Try and optimize the code for the damage mitigation as see how that works.
  2. Increase the global cooldown for AOE  where u can only AOE once every X seconds ( This should give more time for the damage mitigation to be calculated by the server and cause less lagg, glitches bug and so forth )
  3. Re-think the idea for the Mana/Salamander flames, the animation seem to cause to much FPS drops for some people when multiple flames are put in the same place, I can't say flames are causing lags like the AOE but this could be the case too. (And frankly I wouldn't be to supprised if it did)
  4. As last resort someone suggested in a other topic, reduce the amount of players needed for the AA Game Arena.  https://forums.warpp...ons-for-aa-fix/


If u have any feedback on this, please comment so we can narrow down the problem faster.

Edited by Cortiz, 07 November 2016 - 08:33 AM.

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#47 iRaphael


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Posted 07 November 2016 - 06:19 AM

After carefully revieuwing PvP matches as well as valor games,



I think the problem lies with the damage mitigation between X amount of targets, AA starts to lag realy realy bad with "seconds" delay as soon as people start AOE'ing close to the crystal.

When u start the first AA of the day the lag is next to none, as soon as more people notice there is a PVP match active, it is common to see more clerics and AOE classes join.


I think Feuer said this already but it could be some optimization problems, I don't remember AA being so laggy and everyone DCing after the damage mitigation patch.   (Patch 611?)


My gut tells me all the damage mitigation from Spear Champs / Mages / Knight's and so forth are to much for the server to handle and creates a bottleneck somewhere in the code

This is the reason u never instantly see a large delay for AA and explains why the lag is gone/way less at the respawn area after a few seconds.

I should probely also note that If there is a large delay in a match and the match ends the delay seems to dissapear.




The longer you stay near the Crystal with people spamming AOE the longer the Delay is going to get, for the first 5-10 minutes it starts with 1-2 seconds delay.

After about 10-20 minutes (Close to the end of the game match)  the delay as gone up exponentionaly from 1 second to 5+ seconds delay, this is also where the majority of people start to disconnect.




Now If Im right about this,

there are a few things we can do to prevent this lag from happening.

  1. Try and optimize the code for the damage mitigation as see how that works.
  2. Increase the global cooldown for AOE  where u can only AOE once every X seconds ( This should give more time for the damage mitigation to be calculated by the server and cause less lagg )
  3. Re-think the idea for the Mana/Salamander flames, the animation seem to cause to much FPS drops for some people when multiple flames are put in the same place, I can't say flames are causing lags like the AOE but this could be the case too. (And frankly I wouldn't be to supprised if it did)
  4. As someone suggested in a other topic, reduce the amount of players needed for the AA Game Arena.  https://forums.warpp...ons-for-aa-fix/



If u have any feedback on this, please comment so we can narrow down the problem faster.

If u increased AOE cd it would effect the pvm side. It's already weak with the current aoe nerfs!

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#48 Cortiz


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Posted 07 November 2016 - 07:09 AM

Thats not what I mean,


What Im talking about is putting all AoE's on one single cooldown of 3 seconds before you are able to cast either one of your 4-6 aoes again.

And then just keep each skill cooldown as it is


Same thing goes for clerics, I can cast Recovery(Party) and then instantly cast Restore(Party) afterwards, these (Party restore effects) should be put on a much longer global cooldown.

Just to give a example.


This will prevent the possibly of spamming skills and AoE and im 100% sure this will give a much smoother gameplay

And prevent lags and skill bugs too, like where you get stuck in the animations when trying to spam the skills


Because right now you can spam all aoes one after the other having to wait only 2-3 seconds before you can repeat your spear champ spam rotation.

And I think this is whats contributing to the lags and delays in the first place,  because the cooldowns for the skills are mostly independent as you can press one after the other




In addition to this Global cooldown AoE should get buffed up as I agree with Raphael its kinda week now for most classes, seeing champs/mages hit me for 300-600 makes me cry




I realy hope a system like this would be put in place to prevent using every skill in one row.

Edited by Cortiz, 07 November 2016 - 08:30 AM.

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#49 mukarusak


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 04:32 AM



and  1 mnte  later





 this make me  frustrate

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#50 carl247


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Posted 28 November 2016 - 05:12 AM

I want to add up the latency and disconnections in Dungeons... I always experience these when luring and aoeing so many mobs. 

Hope that you to fix this too including the crashing (still delaying) when aoe clash in AA, CD and JC and even in LVLing which I think has something to do with the Group. C'mon ROSE TEAM, its been months.. Most of my friends stopped playing because of these....

Edited by carl247, 28 November 2016 - 05:23 AM.

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