Your point of view is biased, stop telling lies. Nobody thought changing guild name would give WOE knowledge, nobody is pretending "if others wouldn't abuse bug we would've won", and the guild/group of players who were holding Morroc and attacking PF did a lot more than any other active guild out there for the past year at least.
Please explain how I am lying? Anyone playing game longer than a few months would have enough proof what I said above is not a lie. I have decent amount of complaints before how the guild "actually" claimed they only "lose because of bugs" or "they always have to outnumber us" .
Lets begin ;
There is a good amount of players from side A , that passionately hates side B , but changed like 5 guilds already and couldnt manage anything yet still trying and thinking complaining about it will do them any good. Irony is, they keep the same council and somehow their members gets the blame eventually and they end up joining group B. ( Can count more than 20 names. )
It is very clear that Side B doesnt care about doing alot of stuff unless they keep the specific map. We all know what happened when that guild left prontera to attack morroc completely. Related post about that can be seen in their recruitment page. Also in the very same week, the very same guild ended up capturing all 7 structures in the woe map and closed 2015 with a decent victory. You are talking about fair play not existing during woe's , but hell, a guild can capture 2 maps on its own versus several guilds. Woe wasnt dead back then eh ?
Ask yourself, howcome for past 3 years, you are completely failing to do anything useful that your only brag is "grats on some fort" while another guild celebrates having 2 castles and 3 forts at the same time and keep making records ? I guess its because you are not as good as they are, but you always have an excuse.
Lets get to " guild/group of players who were holding Morroc and attacking PF did a lot more than any other active guild out there for the past year at least" part. Please simply tell me whatever you have done during that time . Althought my memory is very good on the guild history of RO2,I dont remember anything special about it. Last thing I remember is Side A has nothing left to lose so they attack to prontera blindly. What have you done truly except for feeding prontera map owner ? Did you give them any good fights? Or just continuously headbutted the maingate and failed to open it week after week ? I was a member of side A for a very long time and I exactly know how it went.
Lets get to the morale part. None of guilds playing woe has to worry about making it competitive. Side B focuses to play win, minimizing the risk by playing defensive and Side A are actually complaining about it simply because Side B overpowers Side A in all aspects.
Necessarily, side B has no problems with smaller / newmade / improving guilds , hence thats why they do not always attack to the morroc map and ruin the game mode for everyone. Homewer tho, side a is actually afraid of humiliations so they have to attack smaller guilds to at least secure a fort , I'd say reconsider your fair playness. ( Also please do not bring trashtalk issue here. You have wonderful option of blocking a player and move on. Besides, trashtalking is a right earned by the victor for going out there and win it. Support also handles the "out of line" trashtalk so this is another biased argument about their fairplayness.)
Besides, it is war, wars doesnt necessarily have to be fair play, you can really expect to a guild with more numbers and experience win easily, which is what happening for past 3 years. If all of you remaining groups merge and cant defeat them, I'd say truly think about what are you doing wrong. The equalism is about the opportunities, not the outcome. They use same items as you do, they have same classes as you do. The guilds shares similar buffs and skills .
So, check your facts twice and look for an alternative way to reality, this is not the way you are going to defeat side B.