is it against the rules to use a 3rd party program in order to skill stack?
For instance, the mouse I own comes with the bundled software Razer Synapse, and it's used to set macros, or the options of my mouse.
I'm just curious if I will be banned or not if I start to do the same.
If it's okay, I'm safe to assume I'm allowed to use Auto Hot Keys instead of Razer Synapse, yes?
an example for those who may not understand;
Being able to set an interval of time between each skill, or skill(s) allows the user using (any kind of macro programs, and proper game knowledge) to actually, recast the same skill twice, or chain up to 5 skills off the initial starting animation (F1 for example). I'm bringing this to the attention of the forums because I am prepared to start creating AHK Scripts for my friend(s) and clan mate(s) in game in order to start doing this as others already have. I just want verification before I start passing around AHK macro scripts for classes to start abusing.
Edited by VModCupcake, 22 October 2017 - 08:54 AM.