topkek at most of you, the entire gm-team and headquarters.
you should literally ask the private server owners for tips on how to fight bots. also what is a bot shield right? harmony? its just funny at this point
Posted 04 December 2017 - 10:43 AM
topkek at most of you, the entire gm-team and headquarters.
you should literally ask the private server owners for tips on how to fight bots. also what is a bot shield right? harmony? its just funny at this point
Posted 04 December 2017 - 04:25 PM
topkek at most of you, the entire gm-team and headquarters.
you should literally ask the private server owners for tips on how to fight bots. also what is a bot shield right? harmony? its just funny at this point
Posted 04 December 2017 - 08:40 PM
Some may say that the game makers would stand to lose more money banning the bots. Some may say they stand to profit more by keeping the bots. Some may also say that the game makers are the bots. I for one love the game and am a returning user from years ago. When I left bots were an large issue and now that I've returned it appears to be worse. Where I come from that equals unemployment. I will continue to play, but if it continues I may retire to another game myself.
1. Set a cap of zeny that would flag an account as suspicious. Once flagged it would then be audited by an IRS agent or in your case a ban specialst.
A. Amount of money going in and out of an account in a week. Ex: Any account with more than 100m going in and out of an account would be flagged/audited. Those taking in zeny are likely the buyers. We want to punish, but not ban them for the first time letting them know we mean business. The user with excessive money going out is likely the seller. We auto ban these making a statement.
B. A set amount of zeny on an account that exceeds what would be within the norm. Ex: Anything over 150m be skimmed for other suspicious activity.
2. Excessive mail being sent by a user. Money being sent by mail often. Flag the account and audit it. Set an amount that would flag the account etc.
3. Set amount of trades that would be above the norm which would lead to it being flagged/audited.
4. Have a person running through prontera/payon/al de baran etc. banning spammers. Break the companies communication and substantially hurt their pocket. Make it more profitable to move to another game and they will pull out. They've made so many dummy accounts it will at first feel like your not making an impact. A few weeks of doing this it will be more noticeable. They would have prepped for this possibility so it will take a bit before it's noticeable.
5. A search engine of some sort that tracks key words being typed that include popular zeny selling websites. Ex: gets typed it instantly flags and sends to one of your auditers for ban.
6. Stricter punishment for buying zeny.
1st time buying= 2 week suspension.
2nd time buying= Permanent ban.
1st time selling or promoting the sales of zeny with real life currency=permanent ban.
7. Create a right click option that allows the community of players to assist you with your research. We should be able to right click and choose an option that allows us to flag the account. This option would not need a written explanation. That should be saved for the website as it's already set up. The community as a whole for the most part doesn't want this and they will quickly identify a large number of bots. I would start here since it costs you nothing. We'd be doing most of the work for you. Once a certain amount of reports goes through on one account it flags it and a specialist looks into it. These should be quick and easy bans for the most part.
These are just a few of the many ideas I have that would easily make an impact. If you want more let me know. Please don't feel like I'm beating you guys up to bad. Also, this provides low confidence in the companies capabilities with the launching and handling of other games under their belt.
Edited by Below34, 04 December 2017 - 08:50 PM.
Posted 06 December 2017 - 03:14 AM
You know there are only 3 decent MvP parties on the server and even mass parties of the big guilds lose to them 90% of the time.
There is bearome for the „knight mvps“, SNL crew (evotec, nelf, Oakley, Synapsse) and us (24/7). Rest can‘t be considered competition (except Maya Jenner on Drake).
Edited by SaintMulla1, 06 December 2017 - 03:19 AM.
Posted 06 December 2017 - 10:08 PM
I would be on that list but hunting mvps bores me after a couple of kills I get really bored well You haven’t gone to rsx yet getting safety wall by p2w priest or eve block by ice wall u should see how they monopolize that and also if your hunting mvp with a big party and still lose I suggest go play something else lol!
Posted 06 December 2017 - 11:19 PM
Learn to read and/or play.
Posted 07 December 2017 - 01:23 PM
1st: Whe need hard instances, some king of bots cant do it, with good recompenses.
Like this Ridework Hat. Change this "kill 1 thounsand" or "drop it". Make whe finish some party instance.
2st thing: Limit the connection from same IP.
This limitless connection is insane, same PC can run literally thousand of bots. So, they will be forced to use Proxy. (will cost more use bot)
3st thing: Dont unban account.
What is this. The team catch the main acc, one source of bots, and offer to unban removing the itens?!
He will keep the levels. Its easy start in 99 than lvl1... so it's worth it even when get caught.
4st thing: EXP Penalty for difference of level
Bots can leveling in maps like porcellio forever. (What's is wrong with this mob, this exp is correct?)
The team is making a excellent work banning so much bot. Keep this clean.
And resolve this gameGuard question. We know this is not a cheap thing, but "better safe than sorry".
Posted 18 December 2017 - 10:06 PM
7. Create a right click option that allows the community of players to assist you with your research. We should be able to right click and choose an option that allows us to flag the account. This option would not need a written explanation. That should be saved for the website as it's already set up. The community as a whole for the most part doesn't want this and they will quickly identify a large number of bots. I would start here since it costs you nothing. We'd be doing most of the work for you. Once a certain amount of reports goes through on one account it flags it and a specialist looks into it. These should be quick and easy bans for the most part.
This is the answer you are looking for. Offload the work onto the community. If we had the ability to right-click and report a player, it would drastically cut down the time it takes to investigate.
Would each report go to a GM? No, this works is like any other community managed environment. When enough reports are made on an individual, then the account is flagged. A lower-level investigator can then check on the character in question, and decide if to escalate to the GMs. If reports are made in quick succession, this could prioritize and hasten the flag.
Posted 28 December 2017 - 09:49 PM
Lol that was embarrassing
Posted 02 January 2018 - 12:55 PM
Some may say that the game makers would stand to lose more money banning the bots. Some may say they stand to profit more by keeping the bots. Some may also say that the game makers are the bots. I for one love the game and am a returning user from years ago. When I left bots were an large issue and now that I've returned it appears to be worse. Where I come from that equals unemployment. I will continue to play, but if it continues I may retire to another game myself.
1. Set a cap of zeny that would flag an account as suspicious. Once flagged it would then be audited by an IRS agent or in your case a ban specialst.
A. Amount of money going in and out of an account in a week. Ex: Any account with more than 100m going in and out of an account would be flagged/audited. Those taking in zeny are likely the buyers. We want to punish, but not ban them for the first time letting them know we mean business. The user with excessive money going out is likely the seller. We auto ban these making a statement.
B. A set amount of zeny on an account that exceeds what would be within the norm. Ex: Anything over 150m be skimmed for other suspicious activity.
2. Excessive mail being sent by a user. Money being sent by mail often. Flag the account and audit it. Set an amount that would flag the account etc.
3. Set amount of trades that would be above the norm which would lead to it being flagged/audited.
4. Have a person running through prontera/payon/al de baran etc. banning spammers. Break the companies communication and substantially hurt their pocket. Make it more profitable to move to another game and they will pull out. They've made so many dummy accounts it will at first feel like your not making an impact. A few weeks of doing this it will be more noticeable. They would have prepped for this possibility so it will take a bit before it's noticeable.
5. A search engine of some sort that tracks key words being typed that include popular zeny selling websites. Ex: gets typed it instantly flags and sends to one of your auditers for ban.
6. Stricter punishment for buying zeny.
1st time buying= 2 week suspension.
2nd time buying= Permanent ban.
1st time selling or promoting the sales of zeny with real life currency=permanent ban.
7. Create a right click option that allows the community of players to assist you with your research. We should be able to right click and choose an option that allows us to flag the account. This option would not need a written explanation. That should be saved for the website as it's already set up. The community as a whole for the most part doesn't want this and they will quickly identify a large number of bots. I would start here since it costs you nothing. We'd be doing most of the work for you. Once a certain amount of reports goes through on one account it flags it and a specialist looks into it. These should be quick and easy bans for the most part.
These are just a few of the many ideas I have that would easily make an impact. If you want more let me know. Please don't feel like I'm beating you guys up to bad. Also, this provides low confidence in the companies capabilities with the launching and handling of other games under their belt.
This was a previous post of mine. It was just a few ideas. At the least a right click report option has to be implemented. To ask a player to screen shot and send in a ticket is ridiculous. Please implement this soon. The player base will be happy. I bet you some people even go out of there way to run through the towns and report suspicious activity before doing there normal daily activities. It will show that you guys are doing something here. I've not really seen any activity banning players or heard about it happening.
Posted 02 January 2018 - 01:04 PM
Edited by lmmortaI, 02 January 2018 - 01:04 PM.
Posted 07 January 2018 - 09:10 PM
About time! All modern MMOs allow purchasing mana/sp consumables from NPCs or it otherwise regenerates quickly, without the need for consumables. Makes leveling so much more enjoyable.
Posted 08 January 2018 - 05:39 PM
Just shut the registration page and move it to Steam
and make the steam the only way to download and lunch this goddamn full of bots server.
Posted 15 January 2018 - 04:44 PM
Posted 16 January 2018 - 05:18 AM
I can't reach 99 lvl from 97 last 2 weeks. Tryed different time and still no hope.
its very easy now, in juperos a tons of ppl right now
leveling 98-99 = 7-8h
Posted 25 January 2018 - 06:35 AM
Allow the use of rodex by level 90~
No... please no... How will those light classes survive when they couldn't abuse of the Rodex to deposit their consumables at early levels ?
Posted 25 January 2018 - 02:45 PM
bots gef dun 00, rogues
Posted 25 January 2018 - 02:55 PM
bots gef dun 00, rogues
If you would like to report a map infested in bots, I recommend checking out the Airstrike thread and submitting a report. Please remember to not post names of the suspected bots. Descriptions of what class/headgears/any strange actions they're doing will help the team member who checks the report identify the problem characters.
Posted 05 February 2018 - 10:26 AM
1. Removing the benefit of botting.
The quickest return on efforts bots can get is consumables and crafting items for other consumables. Since these are always in demand they tend to sell well to the player economy. Unfortunately this has also always historically been the best route for new users to earn a little zeny to get started.Were going to turn many of these items into NPC sold. To start with WSS, Stems, Strawberries, Blue Herbs. With plans to expand later into other items should the tests go will. They will be sold for near market value of these itemsAt the same time were going to be working on providing new users with quests to get good starter consumables so that they can fund their adventuring habits.
is this still a thing?
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