If something seems strange, not quite in the same line of formatting as what has been produced or is just plain wrong, post it here.
Simply post an item ID and state what is off about the item.

Description Reports
Posted 12 January 2018 - 11:58 AM
Posted 13 January 2018 - 12:53 AM
Wing Headphone 5963
no class, lvl, defense, jobs
Rideword Hat 5208
no need for "slot=1"
Flame Dragon Armor 15175
Edited by YongkySH, 13 January 2018 - 01:14 AM.
Posted 13 January 2018 - 11:22 AM
Will fix them later, thanks Yongky.
Please also be aware the project isn't finished, there is still another 5000~6000 items to even touch, but you will know if an item is different from it's original description, the new versions have a certain pattern to their design.
Posted 13 January 2018 - 11:30 AM
All items that influence cast delay repeat the word 'delay.'
Posted 13 January 2018 - 01:21 PM
Fixed the base mod, it appears to only have repeated on ones that are skill specific.
Posted 13 January 2018 - 02:58 PM
Posted 16 January 2018 - 04:22 AM
Enforcer Shoes 22134
Im not sure, is the atk, bypass, and vct reduction needed +7 upgrade to activate? Since the original translated image show the +7 upgrade bonus as only max hp and max sp bonus, and MA damage per level? If so, can the upgrade bonus be shown at the bottom instead? Or add spacing?
Celines brooch 28513
still missing the autocast chance when comboed with evil spirit glove
Thanks Mike
Posted 16 January 2018 - 06:42 AM
Edited by ParkWonJae, 16 January 2018 - 07:22 AM.
Posted 18 January 2018 - 01:40 PM
Enforcer Shoes 22134
Im not sure, is the atk, bypass, and vct reduction needed +7 upgrade to activate? Since the original translated image show the +7 upgrade bonus as only max hp and max sp bonus, and MA damage per level? If so, can the upgrade bonus be shown at the bottom instead? Or add spacing?
Celines brooch 28513
still missing the autocast chance when comboed with evil spirit glove
Thanks Mike
Will fix the enforcer shoes, will add celine brooch to script assistance.
2864 Light Of Cure2865 Seal Of Cathedral2866 Ring Of Archbishop"This item cannot be traded between accounts." line6320 Magical Stone; Contain previous name [Reset Stone]16556 Reset Stone Box; previous name.16555 Playspan Reset Stone Box; same above5949 Bra Hat; missing info [Type, Class, Def, Required Level, Required Jobs,]9101 Portable cage for Scatleton, Food Required: ITEM9113 Skelion Egg, missing effect and food info
The pets are technically all fixed, but waiting for these updates to apply.
I will work on the others sometime soon.
Posted 27 January 2018 - 10:39 PM
valkyrie knife 28717
usable jobs seems.. redundant? there are swordman, knight jobs, crusader, and royal guard. Then wizard jobs and sage jobs, arent they usable by mage also? Never tried one btw
sapha set (cloth 15038, shoes 2477, ring 2886, hood 2577)
theres should be "set bonus", instead of "if worn together.."
nab set (cloth 15039, shoes 2478, ring 2887, hood 2578)
like sapha set and also missing set bonus description on shoes, ring, hood?
Apologies if you already fixed it
Posted 28 January 2018 - 10:10 AM
Valk knife is fine as is, though does need to be updated. Mora items have not been touched on yet.
Edited by Nirvanna21, 28 January 2018 - 10:11 AM.
Posted 12 February 2018 - 12:53 AM
1295 Bloody Tears
Supposedly the same item with 1271 Hemorrhage but different slot, so item name should be changed? Where does this item come from?
Posted 27 March 2018 - 03:31 AM
13092 RWC Memory Knife [1]
Jobs: All except Acolyte Class (Can't Equip on Taekwon Master)
Posted 25 April 2018 - 07:51 PM
28521 giant's protection
+ wrong description in required level 100 (my novice lv 1 can wear this )
+ missing set bonus with gigantic bow and giant lance
set bonus
With giantic bow
every 10 base str additional increase long range attack dmg by 2%
If refined +7 of bow additional increase physical attack dmg against boss monster by 5%
and increase dmg of skill“arrow storm” ”aim bolt” by 5%
If refined +9 of bow additional increase physical attack dmg against boss monster by 10% and increase dmg of skill“arrow storm” “aim bolt” by 10%
With giant lance
additional reduce dmg taken from demihuman monster by 3%
If refined +7 of lance additional increase physical attack dmg against boss monster by 5% and
Increase dmg of skill”clashing spiral””sonic wave” by 5%
If refined +9 of lance additional increase physical attack dmg against boss monster by 10% and
Increase dmg of skill”clashing spiral””sonic wave” by 10%
from original >https://ragnarokonli...an2017june.html
Edited by Bankung, 30 April 2018 - 09:39 AM.
Posted 28 April 2018 - 08:18 AM
Posted 14 May 2018 - 02:44 AM
Sorry, I don't know how to find the Item ID.
Arch Bishop Ring [1]
- Set combo with [Heal3],
- Additional Luk +2
- Additional Perfect Dodge + 5
- Reduces the cast delay delay of [High Heal] by 1 second.
- Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills by 3%.
- Reduces the SP cost of skills by 5%.
There is no effect of the highlighted part. Please check
Edited by VModCinnamon, 14 May 2018 - 03:34 AM.
Mod Edit: Replaced font color to blue, do not use red, it's for mod edits and warnings.
Posted 23 June 2018 - 08:34 PM
All Survivor's Rod variations :
Item ID 1617 : Survivor's Rod Dex
Item ID 1618 : Survivor's Rod Dex [1]
Item ID 1619 : Survivor's Rod INT
Item ID 1620 : Survivor's Rod INT [1]
All of above mentioned items have incomplete required job item descriptions as shown below :
Type: Weapon
Class: One-Handed Staff
Attack: 50
Property: Neutral
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 24
Required Job: Mage Jobs, Soul Linker
The Required Job list should be Mage Jobs, Acolyte and Soul Linker
Putting kRO and jRO item descriptions that consistently states the rods also equippable by Acolyte Class
kRO descriptions
계열 : 지팡이 공격 : 50
무게 : 100 속성 :무
무기레벨 : 3
요구레벨 : 24
장착 : 마법사계열/복사계열/소울링커 전용
jRO descriptions
系列 : 杖
攻撃 : 50
重量 : 100
武器レベル : 3
要求レベル : 24
装備 : マジシャン系 アコライト系 ソウルリンカー
This typo are mentioned by DD and Lady Kami Neko on this post
Edited by Casval17, 23 June 2018 - 08:35 PM.
Posted 26 June 2018 - 08:56 PM
Took a while but fixed the following:
- Reset stone to Magical stone item ID 6320, 16556 and 16555.
- Sapha and Nab item sets description were adjusted accordingly.
- RWC Memory Knife [1] and the related RWC sets (rings, pendant, pin) were adjusted.
- Missing slot issue and item description were adjusted for the reported items here.
- Surv Rods items 1617, 1618, 1619, 1620 description were adjusted to also include the bonus set info.
The changes are not live, it will require approval by the staff.
The other reported issues are either fixed or still pending as a bug report.
Posted 08 July 2018 - 10:09 PM
# 4629 (Arc_Elder_Card)

+9 skinny cloak of survivor, naked and garment
Increases damage of Earth property magic by 3% per refine of compounded garment.
When equipped with a shoes compounded to Time Keeper Card, further increase resistance against Neutral property attack by 5%.

Edited by myeeleong, 10 July 2018 - 03:24 AM.
Posted 18 July 2018 - 05:33 AM
#1617 + #1620
In the iro database, it says
"\Set bonus with Survivor's Rod [1] (Dex) or Survivor's Rod [1] (Int):
- Max HP +300
- Decreases magic damage by 5%.
- Each upgrade made to the weapon increases magic damage by 1%, til an upgrade of +10.
- Each upgrade made to the garment reduces damage received from [Neutral] element attacks by 3%, til an upgrade of +10.
But in game description does not say till an upgrade of +10. So is the increase to magic damage and reduction in damage from neutral capped at +10?
Edited by harlokjai, 18 July 2018 - 05:35 AM.
Posted 18 July 2018 - 06:23 AM
# 4629 (Arc_Elder_Card)
I tested these two card on +14 cloak of survivor, i found arc elder did not work, i also attched below the image i test on egg. pls check thanks
Thank you for the report, this is still under review.
#1617 + #1620
In the iro database, it says
"\Set bonus with Survivor's Rod [1] (Dex) or Survivor's Rod [1] (Int):
- Max HP +300
- Decreases magic damage by 5%.
- Each upgrade made to the weapon increases magic damage by 1%, til an upgrade of +10.
- Each upgrade made to the garment reduces damage received from [Neutral] element attacks by 3%, til an upgrade of +10.
But in game description does not say till an upgrade of +10. So is the increase to magic damage and reduction in damage from neutral capped at +10?
Thank you, it will be verified.
Updates will be posted here or in patch notes if applicable.
Posted 18 July 2018 - 06:30 AM
Should use recognized spell when testing to remove damage variance to be more accurate.
Posted 25 August 2018 - 08:27 AM
Condensed White Potion weight is wrong, instead of 3, it should be 2
You can RODEX a maximum of 2k slims or 4000 weight per mail
Posted 25 August 2018 - 09:00 AM
Item 547 → Condensed White Potion weight corrected to 2. The change will go live once approved by the staff.
Posted 25 August 2018 - 11:10 AM
Pretty sure I posted this before...
5778 - Turkey On Your Head: is currently weighting 0. Should be 10.
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