try your best to revert the region bans, I have no idea if its possible at all, as next to none info was given about them at the time. But one of the biggest problems iRO has is the drop of players, looking at the drop in population in the past 5 years on all servers combined is scary.
Adds wont help you while the server is in this state, new players that never played this game will not even play a week in most of the cases, at the latest once they try to shop in pront and realize their 50k zeny they farmed in payon dungeon nets you nothing.
Do something about bug abuses, bots, dupes. I dont know how the situation is in kRO, the only info I got is that kRO started to heavily punish botters in 2008 which seemed to have solved the issue for them. Its beyond me how you can chill back for 1 1/2 decades now and just be like "guess our game is infested, what can ya do". Thats not something the community can do for you, its something you need to work on with kRO.
Remove so much crap from the game thats just there to piss people off and replace it with stuff that gives people an incentive to log in daily/weekly.
Mob protection that was added in 2005 or smth, making mobs use emotes to break aggro, making mobbing them a pain in the ass. I remember that hugh parties were on all kind of maps back in the day, and it happened that other parties got trainwrecked by enourmous mobs, resulting in them crying and making gravity add this. Back in the days it mightve been a smart thing, but let me assure you, it dropd my and hugh parts of the community because mobbing and party play was different from there. Shifted more to 2-3 man parties that were mobile instead of 5-12 man parties that were stationary.
Add something like daily or weekly quests (I think weekly would be better) and give it GOOD rewards. Either gear (more experienced people than me would have to do the suggestions, idk) or decent amounts of misc/heal/craft items so it actually feels like worth doing. Theres an arena in itzlude if I remember correctly, update it, make it worthwhile, make it give out rewards. Update comodo gamling. Basically update anything possible fun in RO that hasnt been lookd at since its implementation.
Look how you can improve the maps. I remember how gravity forced this bull-_- exp system on us with renewal, forcing you to grind on mobs that are around your level to "promote visiting more areas", resulting in the complete opposite. Now not only every individual class has to level in the same areas from 70-99, no, now ALL classes grind the same way from lvl 70-175. People dont go to other maps because they suck, because they dont offer anything, no exp, no loot, they were just neglected and never looked at again for 10 years++.
Theres more, I might post again.
Edited by Netha, 13 May 2019 - 05:37 PM.