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Improving Ragnarok Online

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#51 DarkOrinus


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 12:51 AM

may i know why?

i do not bet on them my confidence by making more technical issues that will eventually need fixing
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#52 BamBamNewbie


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 12:54 AM

would be so happy to see the class upgrade for Soul Linker  :wub: 

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#53 lorenz1375


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 01:02 AM

Stay in touch with us some more
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#54 Vladdin


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 01:02 AM


  • Keep ascension (ya gotta make the money too right?)
  • Update game content at least 1 per 1/4 a year (try to catch up from missing updates)
  • Bring back the EU and some abandoned country (if possible)
  • Refrain from copying/producing items that are a mix of kRO and jRO (because this is iRO) ~ just choose 1
  • Remove BOT (yeah make people find the shop), and put some cheat guard whatever ~ makes the game legit
  • Make Eden more newbie friendly (only some newbies know this)
  • Remove the useless cash shop items (rental section?) ~ I think putting a thread that talks about cash shop suggestions would be great
  • CASH SHOP monthly review (ya gotta think what you'll sell to us dudes) most are useless
  • a better PVP / woe reward or pay out (most of us like to battle, i think :P)
  • Weekly events? or at least every month (except if it's the game content release month so you got time to focus on it)
  • In-game account bound item review (ya don't want us to spend 3-20b zennies for one, and then get some jRO item that gives more benefit)
  • Well, I think catching up with the main problem (getting old updates in the game) resolves most of the reason why people quit. I actually read one of the player's roar about MISSING updates from the past, and yes it makes people rethink of options.

2 cents

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#55 AjisaiMoon


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 01:17 AM

I have played since beta days. This is just a fresh start account. I've seen the game go through so many ups and downs over the years.. but it is still the game I come back to every time. RO is a great game. It's a fun game. But the beast it has evolved into.. well it has its pros and cons. Those aside, here are some of my suggestions. As far as I've seen since I returned a few weeks ago, none of these are options but there's a lot of content I am still outdated and catching up on. I apologize if anything is redundant or not applicable. 





Small Group Non-Woe PvP Contests/Events 


Not everyone enjoys large scale WoE style events. Back in the day it was possible to hold people off and enjoy even larger guilds with a small and well coordinated team. Now days.. well not everyone is into it. 


My suggestion is having some sort of tournament style small (1:1, 3:3) groups or individual player oriented with seasonal championships from the brackets and small rewards for the low tier/weekly brackets. 


Example Rewards: 



  • Weekly: HP/MP/Buff items for the top 10
  • Monthly: Costume head gear or a rental item that is useful for pvp
  • Seasonal: Hall of Fame Interview perhaps & Appropriate reward for the effort




Crafted weapons: are completely overshadowed by content and OCP items. I would like to see some changes to this. Crafting used to be one of my favorite things about the game. That you could have classes dedicated to it. It'd be nice to update the things that blacksmiths can make so that they are relevant for high level content. Why not make armor available or better late game weaponry of some sort?


Card System: Let us exchange low tier cards for a raffle for higher tier/more useful items. It shouldn't be a flat out grantee to get the higher level card, but I think something where you can play a card game or gamble your cards or something like from the mobile version--where cards are collected into an album and add stats to your account.. something like that would give more purpose and increase the sale/desire to get these items. 


Alchemy & Cooking: I don't know if there's a lot I'd change here other than the UI. It's  clunky to craft potions. What about adding more things for regular players to do that won't impact ranked alchemists? Regular potions that aren't buffed would be nicer and easier to make if it was revamped with the ability to make a batch of them. As far as I know, this isn't possible.


Exp Penalty: The one thing I liked about RE:Start, at first, was the ability to level efficiently on whatever map I really wanted to go to. I enjoy grinding all the different monsters the game has. Sometimes I don't have the gear/ability to go to the "best" maps. Maybe I'm making a weird build that isn't very effective at my level. I'd like to have the ability to enjoy my time beating cute things to a pulp in a wider variety of places. 


Honestly I have a lot of ideas, but I figured there's no point in smashing them all out at once. I could go on and on about this. 


Population Improvement


One of the things that people often complain about is how stale things feel. This is an old game. It's a relic of a time when the gaming community was very different and players interests and needs (demands) have changed a lot since RO was launched. In many ways, it has progressed well. The fact it's still going is great.. however... there's just a trickle compared to the "golden" years. The idea of RE:Start initially drew a LOT of players back. It was fun... at first.


Players are very sensitive to P2W mechanics. No one really agrees on what aspects are the worst culprit of making the game into who has the biggest wallet game.. and I have no issues dumping several hundred dollars into a game in a month if I so desire. I like to support a game.


That preamble aside..


We need more players. The question is how


Advertisement: Let users generate content to be put up on social media. Hold art contests and them display the artwork proudly. Saves money from outsourcing it to other people and gives artists in the community a chance for free publicity as well. Of course there should be some rewards for the artists' hard work as well.


Log In Rewards: Lots of games have these. The mobile game has this system as well. Even if it's just a time based reward. Something to draw people in is always a good idea. Toss off a few boxes. Reward consistency with better log in rewards. 


Events: Someone suggested having some of the events, like blacksmiths, regularly added in each month. I'm not sure how I feel about having the hammer family visit regularly but it does help drive up revenue and players when these things are around. I don't mind repetition of fun or useful things.  However, some possibilities are:


  • Monster Hunting: Give things like enriched/hd elu & ori as rewards for weekly or monthly bounties. They don't need to be exp based hunts, but they should have a good reward or be for multiple level brackets. 
  • PvP: Earn enough wins, get a reward. Loose enough times, get a reward. Just cuz you suck at it doesn't mean you can't earn something for at least trying.
  • MVP: Hand in enough mvp items get a loot box. Since you can buy these off the market, it shouldn't be rewarded with anything too crazy but something useful or fun is always nice. 
  • Trivia Quiz: NPC with questions, get a small reward if you answer right. The more you know, the better the reward. 
  • Mentor Program: Help match new players with experienced players that enjoy helping the community grow. It could even be done on the forums.

I am not an expert, but these are some things I have seen in other games that seemed to help keep players engaged. It might be difficult but at this point, difficulty of implementation of ideas isn't as crucial as the attempt to improve. I appreciate that we're being asked for ideas. That shows that the problem is being acknowledged. 


Edit: Minor points I forgot: 

  • Can we clear out chats/stores near eden NPCS somehow? I get tired of having to ctrl/shift+f11 every time I go in.
  • Is there any possible way we can get an alternate/different aura than that yellow one? It's atrocious. 
  • VIP could use an overhaul but other people have made some great suggestions, I'm just lending my support to the idea of revisiting what it is/does.
  • Is it possible to get more interaction WITH the GM team in game? Just like.. more fun stuff? I know y'all have to be busy but I miss the days of where we had Hall of Honor interviews or even just player interviews in general.. 
  • Rewards for completing content that is outdated.



Edited by AjisaiMoon, 14 May 2019 - 01:50 AM.
Mod Edit: Thanosed red font.

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#56 Ahmed0Khamali


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 01:32 AM

I always dreamed about this:            The Rise of The Low

Something similar to the WoE, but with a twist:

The participants are all novices with max lvl of 50(I wanted to say 20, but I don't know)!

 Their equipment is strictly derived all from Eden group to 100% assure the balance.

Now, I know that my can be altered to fit the liking of the masses, but I strongly insist on limiting the equips to Eden equipment and having a limit on the lvl being low to make winning a tougher feet to achieve. 
Q: Is it fun to have a novice only class competing? If Gunslingers enter the game, they will be OP XD

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#57 yamasakai90


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 01:41 AM

Just thinking out loud...


Is it possible for the GM to stream WoE or WoE TE and then with live commentary? 


Might be worthwhile for people to watch WoE without actually be in it, and in the process either make people more interested into joining it. (I mean we all know stream games exposure)

Since streaming is more on a delay, I doubt people will be alternate tabbing to check where's who to 'cheat', plus if they went there to get attack/defend, they probably know where people are stationed/ camping already anyway.

Those who 'cheats' or have suspicious activity during WoE could be caught in real time during stream. (Actions can be dealt later).

GM could engage the live audience and provide camera angle like which castle to go and watch. (Most intense battles normally revolves around 1-2 castle.



Whoever wanna be on stream can try their luck going to WoE Maps  :heh: .


Definitely could use more suggestion, but it would be nice. I mean we used to be able to watch RWC on the big screen when it was ongoing, and there are so many WoE videos (post-WoE) on youtube anyway.





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#58 lorenz1375


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 01:46 AM

Hi cinnamod Bye Cinnamod :heh:
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#59 VModCinnamon



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Posted 14 May 2019 - 01:47 AM

Sigh, server drama removed.

Unless things changed which I highly doubt, there are no plans to merge Thor and Chaos. The plan is to keep the servers separate to cater for different WoE timings, among other things of course.

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#60 lorenz1375


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 01:52 AM

Ye let us set aside all the hate and just focus on the thread for once :heh:

More community events!
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#61 Diskence


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 02:07 AM

Just thinking out loud...


Is it possible for the GM to stream WoE or WoE TE and then with live commentary? 


People used to stream WoE, but obviously there is no point streaming WoE right now when it is just literally two guilds fighting over and over again. 

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#62 lorenz1375


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 02:10 AM

GM's are most likely asleep in Thor WoE as well so not much here
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#63 VModCinnamon



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Posted 14 May 2019 - 02:12 AM

I am out of caffeine for the night :/

That's being said, further drama, derail, call out, etc will not be tolerated. Posting accounts found involved in such will be suspended without a notice.

Please let's keep this discussion productive, for once.

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#64 lorenz1375


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 02:14 AM

I am out of caffeine for the night :/
That's being said, further drama, derail, call out, etc will not be tolerated. Posting accounts found involved in such will be suspended without a notice.
Please let's keep this discussion productive, for once.

Cinnamod you kinda well deleted my post pertaining to streaming woe...
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#65 Diskence


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 02:16 AM

I think it is very nice to have these kind of threads but in the end for those of us who have been here for a while, we all know what happens. i.e. multiple WoE revitalization threads and every single thread is different but at these there was something unanimously agreed upon by every guild/guild leader/member and that is the changing of WoE rewards. And obviously for like 6 years now? The WoE rewards continues to remain the same, outdated and worthless at this point.



So rather than asking us what we would like to see improved, maybe you guys can tell us what you guys can even do, or what you guys are willing to do. Not much point having all these people type paragraphs after paragraphs only to have them completely ignored/readzoned and demoralize the community even further than we already are. 

Edited by Diskence, 14 May 2019 - 02:16 AM.

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#66 VModCinnamon



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Posted 14 May 2019 - 02:16 AM

Cinnamod you kinda well deleted my post pertaining to streaming woe...


It is back up.

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#67 IgnotusCarl


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 02:21 AM

Please spare iRO the Philippine Elections stuff. This is iRO not the Philippines. Resolve your issues away from your keyboard.

@Cinnamon Some users use the Filipino language in their posts. Try asking some forum users to translate them for you.

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#68 lorenz1375


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 02:21 AM

Love ye cinnamod, sorry goodnight sleep tight


I agree woe rewards have always been dull, 3 carrat diamond a bunch of seeds and OPB and even some dead branch

Well TE kinda pays off since we are talking about kafras of starsands per woe although the number of agits available are undeniably on the lower side

But still not enough

All roads lead to woe you can spend a month mvp'ing and the amount of supps youve used wont nearly be enough to cover half the woe time of a single siege

For what? For fun of course

But for GM's? Yes it is fun and the glory is good n all but what the hell do they feed their guildmates with? Fresh fish?
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#69 yamasakai90


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 02:24 AM

People used to stream WoE, but obviously there is no point streaming WoE right now when it is just literally two guilds fighting over and over again. 


Yeah I know but GM's perspective where they are invisible to the rest of us.


Player based stream is either them one-shotting people or getting sent back to town.... At least GM wise they can just stay there without being killed (Like Emperium room, Pre Emperium room or the entrance to the castle where the fights are)


One thing that puts me off streaming is the costant loading screen appearance for some people  :heh: .



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#70 Ashuckel


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 02:26 AM

Yeah I know but GM's perspective where they are invisible to the rest of us.

Player based stream is either them one-shotting people or getting sent back to town.... At least GM wise they can just stay there without being killed (Like Emperium room, Pre Emperium room or the entrance to the castle where the fights are)

One thing that puts me off streaming is the costant loading screen appearance for some people :heh: .


There's plenty of ways to kill a GM character btw lol
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#71 andxres


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 02:27 AM

Chaos player be like we need more content.
Thor player be like we need to merge.
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#72 DarkOrinus


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 02:28 AM

i pushed for woe rewards before, but i think it isnt timely required. pvm on the other hand needs help (cant really hook people into woe permanently unless they progress through the necessary steps)

priority-wise i think you should start stuff like eve natalia, merry badger and if you can grant some other good suggestions that are pvm-based

woe just needed the supplying not to be a drag, you can start by fixing battleground material exchanges
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#73 Netha


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 02:33 AM

Honestly this Idea is in my mind for like 10 years now so I want to put more emphasis onto this.


Increase mob amount on all (or almost all) maps by 75-150% (yes Im serious). Maps that already have high amount of maps (very few) or very good drops (very few thx to OCP) 75%, maps that seem to be neglected since they got designed 150%.


Although it was not mentioned implicitly (I think), in RO theres really this sick idea that having fun in this game needs to be achieved by going through a miserable swamp. (ELSE YOU DONT FEEL LIKE YOU EARNED IT HURDUR!!! GAME DOESNT FEEL REWARDING IF ITS TOO EASY!!! GAME IS ALREADY EASY ENOUGH!!!) The community themselves enforced this type of thinking and it has pissed of ten- maybe hundred thousands of possible players in the past 20 years around all servers.

I get it, I play this game since mid 2004, Ive gone through it too. Hundreds, thousands of hours of braindead mobs, on the same maps, over and over again, selling scraps to NPCs that barely pays off your supplys and hoping for the cards that will make the suffering to come just a biiiit less tedious. Its a korean thing I guess, we've dealt with it, and we dont want others to skip this part when we were forced to do it.


But that will ultimately kill off your game, people dont have as much time as they had 15 years ago, they have a -_-ton of better and smoother alternatives and the server hasnt been in a state to demand this dedication since over a decade ago (if they ever had it). At least back then you could really look forward to MvPing, WoEing, Guilddungeoning, PvPing in the late game once youve got your equips farming bathorys for months and years, but nowadays? lol.


So do EVERYTHING you can to make people play the game, -_- it if they earn in a month what you earned in a year when you were a noob. The server needs ressources, they even made a pact with the botters (at least the bots get us our strawberrys, they aint that bad h3h3 ^____^) ... -_- hell.

Increasing the amount of mobs will lead to people feeling rewarded for grinding non instance content, maybe even adjust the drops and their droprate. Most cards nowadays are useless and they drop at 0,02% rate, aside from MvP cards and very selected other ones nothing really gets you further ahead, at least not on its own. But being told to farm 10 0,02% drops to get a good part of equipment is ridicilous, esp with how obnoxious so many maps are. (cuz of being unable to mob correctly). Renewal forced this mob -> press AoE skill -> collect loot -> repeat cycle down our throat, but they never adjusted 90% of their game to renewal.


P.S.: Just in case my first post in this topic was skipped or it fell under the bus. REMOVE THE FREAKING MOB PROTECTION, ITS UNFUN AND USELESS AND HAS OUTLIVED ITS ONLY LEGITIMATION (people getting trainwrecked by knights luring their mobs over them) SINCE OVER A DECADE.


Thanks for your attention.

Edited by Netha, 14 May 2019 - 03:11 AM.

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#74 Tribe


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 03:27 AM

The number one (only) thing that would get my wife and I to come back and play would be a new server (flavor doesn't matter).


Also let us talk about WOE again and have jabs at each other in the forums. The game is about competition, yes I know kids sometimes take their insults too far (and that's what you got mods for) but woe drama is something I lived for. Even if I was not a part of the drama, it was enjoyable to read about people fighting with each other.

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#75 lorenz1375


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 03:55 AM

Where were you when Re:Start became a thing
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