Hello RE:START players,
On July 11, 2019, Ragnarok Online's RE:START server will be merged into iRO1.
It's been a pleasure to be able to offer the RE:START experience to all you dedicated players for the last 2 years, and we hope you continue to play on our other servers while you cherish the memory of this one.
The sale of cash shop items, and conversion of points, and purchase of VIP will be halted on 6/14. VIP time will freeze and VIP bonuses will be removed from the RE:START server during this time as well.
We will merge Odin servers into Thor or Chaos.
Details after server structure adjustment:
1. Information on Migration and Merging Characters
- All characters in Tutorial Map (new_x-y map) will be deleted.
- If character's name is duplicated, the character's name will be changed to name following by _ and abbreviation of servers. Characters with long names - over 22 letters - will have last 4 letters erased to have the server name tag added.
For example, "Name_Od",
(Note: If there is another case of duplicate names; the new name will be "Name_OD1", "Name_OD2", " Name_OD3", " Name_OD4", and so on)
- All affected characters will be given one chance for changing the name.
- Users can choose which server to be merged into by visiting the Silvervine Services NPC in the Eden Group. If no choice is made, characters will default to the Chaos Server for merge.
- Accounts will be created on Ragnarok Online with a suffix applied for each RESTART account. Example "re_accountname"
2. Normal Gameplay
- Storage will be remain same for both Players.
- The item type is limited to 600 types in each server's storage.
3. Guildwar System
- Guildwar Schedule will match Chaos and Thor servers.
4. Information that will NOT be reset.
- Kafra Point
- Pet (Intimacy level will be the same as before merging server)
- Remaining VIP time.
5. Information that will be reset.
- Quest and quest status
- Zeny will be limited based on the character level of the transferred character. (1 Million Zeny per character level)
- Guild Information
- Guild castle and all Guild's Tech
- All quest related to Guild system
- Saving Warp Point
- Skill Information
- Alchemist and Blacksmith Ranking (Because the ranking is reset, so all item's ability related to ranking will disappear)
- All party list information
- All friend lists
- Marrying and Adopted information
- Current Code the Redeemer
- Achievements
6. Item Restrictions
-The following items will be restricted.
- Silvervine (will be reduced to 1/10). Silvervine will be returned via the Code the Redeemer NPC. This is to reflect the price difference between silvervine on the servers.
- Example: 1000 Silvervine will turn into 100 Silvervine after the merge
- God Item Parts
- Characters/accounts with extreme amounts of items will find their transfer limited on an individual basis.
- Certain other items will be added as we review the server state.
Thank you all once again for choosing to play on RESTART server!
The Ragnarok Team
7-11-2019 Notes
Maintenance has gone well so far.
We finished combining the data from the restart users into chaos/thor and are into testing so far. Only Odin character data was edited during the merge and we have not seen any strangeness with items.
For RESTART users unfortunately we had to remove zeny from characters. We will be distributing GM Bonds worth 100,000 zeny to code the redeemer (Up to the announced limit example if your character was limited to 10,000,000 zeny the maximum number of bonds you could receive for that character is 100, and this is only if that character had more than 9,999,999 zeny). These will be exchangeable for zeny with an npc but otherwise be completely character bound. The bond distribution and npc will happen tomorrow after I have had a chance to sleep a little and reset my head.
Remaining VIP item will be added to RESTART users later in the day.
Cash shop will be turned off on Chaos and Thor for a bit as we monitor the server for any reports of merger related issues. We expect to open before noon.
6-14-2019 Notes
First I want to apologize for how late I am posting these. I just had a few minutes to finalize the details and type them out.
There are no plans to limit the gear that can be carried over to the new server or limit the consumable items that can be transferred. In cases of cards users who are transferring a large amount of MVP or Mini Boss cards will be reviewed manually and may have a few items limited if they are found to come from bad sources. Obviously if we find another card that shouldn't exist such as Tao Gunka that will raise red flags and subject the account to review. Items worth large amounts of zeny will be under a similar review.
On 6/19 we will make the following changes to restart.
1. Crimson Weapons will become available from monster drops
2. Glorious/Bravery/Valorous Gear will be purchasable for zeny
3. The limit of +10 on item upgrade limits will be removed.
4. Class Specific Headgears will be made available through the anniversary event. These headgears have effects that are powerful and on par with the destination server meta.
Players are encouraged to take advantage of these events to prepare themselves for the new server.
Post merger there will be further events including free skill/stat resets so that you can update your character builds as needed for a time.
Edited by VModCinnamon, 11 July 2019 - 04:00 PM.