[Mini-Guide] How to Spam your DB (Dragon Breath) as fast as you can - Swordsman Class - WarpPortal Community Forums

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[Mini-Guide] How to Spam your DB (Dragon Breath) as fast as you can

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#1 aTID2


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Posted 07 July 2020 - 02:39 AM

Disclaimer : This guide is making for someone who can achieved 200 or lower ping with super speed finger user (or just using program to help you  :no1: ) and this guide isn't about how to walking spam DB like other do.




First, What is Dragon Breath  (link)



Dragon Breath at Lv.10 have

0.2 CD (that can't be reduce by any mean)

2s casting time with 0.5 FCT (that can be reduce by Temp.Dex)

2s cast delay 


in iRO DB have fixed amount how you can use in 1s that is 5 times because of 0.2 CD


So, How to reach the points to spamming 5 times per second. That seem impossible with walking and DB right  :ok:


we can make cast delay equal to cooldown of this skills that mean 90% cast delay that only need  :no1:  (2*0.1 = 0.2 s)


Lets talk about Equipment :


About Stats :


After Class2 balance, two-handed sword buff making DB RK very versatile on stat.

Only thing we need is ASPD 190 with (Dex * 2 + int ) near 530 (don't reach 530) [then you will be capped at 2 DB per second like mostly DB RK on Youtube]


Quick Question why we can't reach instant cast time?

Ans : We need to find the way to remove animation of DB RK so only things (rather than data edit) is to let some cast time appear, making your char doing Casting Animation and loop your DB  :no1:


After we got all of this, Now you are ready to go!


Some Video when fighting Amdarais H 



Bully some Egg



pp7sec video my inspiration



Nice one BB iRO




How to macro and bam bam!



Edited by aTID2, 04 December 2020 - 01:58 AM.

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#2 frankvanmayer


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Posted 08 July 2020 - 08:27 PM

This doesn't work. I've tried with 90%+ cast delay reduction w/ 193 aspd and it doesn't spam like that. You need to do the DB dance for it to spam at such speeds. Yes, even with a macro keyboard/mouse. 

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#3 aTID2


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Posted 08 July 2020 - 11:05 PM

This doesn't work. I've tried with 90%+ cast delay reduction w/ 193 aspd and it doesn't spam like that. You need to do the DB dance for it to spam at such speeds. Yes, even with a macro keyboard/mouse. 


I already said in disclaimer, and show you the clips.


its depend on all of this 

1.ping, if you got like 300+ ping your spam will be slower and harder

2.your delay and cast time


4.how well you can spam (yeah also with how well of your macro too)


PING 300+


PING 200 or less


Edited by aTID2, 08 July 2020 - 11:22 PM.

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#4 youkidding12


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Posted 08 July 2020 - 11:11 PM

I already said in disclaimer, and show you the clips.


its depend on all of this 

1.ping, if you got like 300+ ping your spam will be slower and harder

2.your delay and cast time


4.how well you can spam (yeah also with how well of your macro too)

could you share Macro?

also, how is it to change D.Wing to New wave Sunglasses, for avoiding FacewormDark?

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#5 aTID2


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Posted 09 July 2020 - 02:05 AM

could you share Macro?

also, how is it to change D.Wing to New wave Sunglasses, for avoiding FacewormDark?


now you lacking 10 int and 10 dex, this maybe problem for high vit build (and now you lacking dex on pdm)


it seem not that important if you eat +20 stats food.

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#6 FangSkin


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Posted 09 July 2020 - 05:37 AM

hey bro i play on 210~220 ping. could you please share your macro script for db spamming. thank you

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#7 aTID2


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Posted 09 July 2020 - 11:40 AM

hey bro i play on 210~220 ping. could you please share your macro script for db spamming. thank you


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#8 frankvanmayer


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Posted 09 July 2020 - 04:57 PM


Nothing wrong with keyboard/mouse macros. Everyone is asking a legit question. None of us can spam like this. Some of us have even better ping, aspd, and cast delay. Especially those of us who have played this game for a long time. How are you setting your macro up? It's a harmless question.

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#9 pucapuca


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Posted 20 July 2020 - 03:32 PM

do you know how much aspd for optimal DB? i heard just need  aspd at 185, more than that are useless, true or not?


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#10 aTID2


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Posted 21 July 2020 - 09:46 AM

do you know how much aspd for optimal DB? i heard just need  aspd at 185, more than that are useless, true or not?


not really useless, if talking about perfect situation. It's depend on your ping, you want higher aspd when your ping is lower.


Optimal ASPD is arround 186++ (maybe 187 if you can't really effort 190) , I can't spam well at 185 with 528/530 cast time. 

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#11 Ucatolica


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Posted 20 August 2020 - 07:21 AM

Hello and what about costumes? i can't afford Kiel, what about Tower Keepr card on Diab Wing?? 
i'm in transition changing from Ignition break/ hundred spears to DB RK, im currently wearing phys and malicious set + temp ring/pdm both with kafra blossom
i have tae go, fafnir and temp bots.
I'm still without db wing, i'm wearing mob scarf.

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#12 Ashuckel


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Posted 21 August 2020 - 04:38 AM

tower keeper card gives cast time reduction

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#13 Ucatolica


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Posted 27 August 2020 - 01:26 PM

tower keeper card gives cast time reduction

it would help for inst cast? or not neccesary? what about the new RK Costume?

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#14 jitterscrux


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Posted 27 August 2020 - 02:30 PM


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#15 bearl


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Posted 28 August 2020 - 12:35 AM



-Diablous Wing

+ Rune knight shadow set


7DB per sec , sounds about right

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#16 Ucatolica


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Posted 29 August 2020 - 06:20 AM

I already said in disclaimer, and show you the clips.


its depend on all of this 

1.ping, if you got like 300+ ping your spam will be slower and harder

2.your delay and cast time


4.how well you can spam (yeah also with how well of your macro too)


PING 300+


PING 200 or less


ok, i got all the items and build you posted and i can't spam like that too, the only way is doing dragon dance and my ping it's arround 180

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#17 Asukirin


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Posted 08 September 2020 - 12:13 AM

120 agi for Faceworm breath so u can wear a shield+Valkyrie Hammer, dumb build or  smart build ?

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#18 Ucatolica


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Posted 22 September 2020 - 10:16 AM

120 agi for Faceworm breath so u can wear a shield+Valkyrie Hammer, dumb build or  smart build ?

from my experience now, DB don't need to much agi, also get 193 aspd with 70- 80 agi or less is easy with new Rk costume set (all stat +10 and shield gives aspd) or and Asir Rune, also seems you can't chain anymore due the 0.2 seconds of cooldown, i can't and i ask on eden and some RK players are telling me is not possible now, im not sure about that.

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#19 Asukirin


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Posted 22 September 2020 - 11:40 PM

from my experience now, DB don't need to much agi, also get 193 aspd with 70- 80 agi or less is easy with new Rk costume set (all stat +10 and shield gives aspd) or and Asir Rune, also seems you can't chain anymore due the 0.2 seconds of cooldown, i can't and i ask on eden and some RK players are telling me is not possible now, im not sure about that.

thank sir

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#20 VanishingPoint


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Posted 28 September 2020 - 12:27 AM

I almost went mad trying to spam like that. I have the exaxt same build and stats. I also have the rk shadow set plus VIP buffs. I already accepted my faith with 2 db per secs. Send me macro if you want to help.
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#21 deforte


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Posted 28 September 2020 - 02:58 AM

Latency plays a role in skill chaining. I used to DB chain before then my ISP fixed my router and my latency goes 150ms and I cant chain anymore, same thing happened to the friendly players who help me DB chain and dance DB like a pro to the top of ET because of 100ms latency.


But there is hope. There was an app that emulate network latency that can help you to chain skills, like the pros in other mmo coz its an essential skills, you could also download at limited rate or even seed torrent just for sake of chaining.



Btw here are some data on my DB chain research


Total INT and DEX must be divisible by 10, but the guy above have broken stats so it might not be the case.


Have at least a minimum gap of 10 points to instant cast to chain fully at super fast rate. 530 INT/DEX is instant cast. This might not be the case btw because of above.


ASPD required is 174 at minimum, you might need higher for the attack delay and high variable cast time reduction. You need to tweak your character.


ACD is at least at 90% but it requires a lot of tweaks, make it 101% but chaining is still not guarantee. It is not guarantee because, when the RK do DB and it bows then it must finish the animation and you see a red text that you cannot cast DB when you spam while in that animation. When that happened just reposition yourself and cast DB.


Latency, 180ms and above is good to go. Lower than that is hard but possible xD


Also if you are using macro, the timing of clicking between click is important. As the name suggest “chaining” you can only chain if the previous skill is on and the next skill is in queue and the next skill in queue, once the chain break, you see red text that you cannot cast DB.


enjoy :)

Edited by deforte, 28 September 2020 - 03:02 AM.

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#22 aTID2


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Posted 19 October 2020 - 08:19 AM

I got new information, my dex+int is around 523 with 200 ping (+- 10)


I still can chain until aspd around 185-186 after than spamming isn't stable anymore (not working all the time)




Ping doesn't need to be near 200, I test on 180 ping also work fine.


So I wonder if you can reach faster ping like 100-130, Is instant cast db chaining possible? 




Also my macro is very dumb, It's just spamming db fast and constant enough (so my finger doesn't hurt)




Edited by aTID2, 19 October 2020 - 08:27 AM.

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#23 StunTosMati


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Posted 19 October 2020 - 12:42 PM

Is it legal now? Ppl ez talk this in forum
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#24 deforte


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Posted 20 October 2020 - 12:12 AM



So I wonder if you can reach faster ping like 100-130, Is instant cast db chaining possible? 




its abit hard to chain at 150ms even at instant cast, maybe it needs calibration with macro or with 101% ACD, hopefully, but if I have that 100 ms connection i will be DB dancing rather than chaining lol

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#25 Ashuckel


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Posted 20 October 2020 - 12:20 AM

you won't chain with instant cast, regardless of ping value
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