Think from a beginner's point of view.
Even more than one person can't beat it.
Considering iRo in the future, I think it is necessary to create an environment where beginners can stay.
I'm thinking of newcomers, not me or your environment.
beginners/New comers can spend $$$$ to buy ocp/kachua right from the start or any other cash shop item to trade in for gears or zenny, aslong as they have the money, for players w/o money, they have no choice but to farm and grind first so they can buy gears in the future, for me, it's wrong way to think " I'm new I don't want to spend money, I need to earn billions of zenny fast to buy gears and fastest way to get it is I gotta farm mvp cards" ....u start of as lv1 novice, level up 1st class,then 2nd class,rebirth,and so on, on the process u can farm something on your level range to buy gears(if u don't want to spend money),not to hit off mvp hunting from the start, I notice before green aura, even a lv101 can kill mvp not only gx, tried it on my lv103 AB and I manage to reach up to floor 60th on ET alone, this make ppl think it is faster to get rich by solo-ing everything (reason why party play is dead), green aura gives players who can't kill mvp(mostly newbies) to make a choice of doing party play,reviving the original purpose of MMORPG,the update in inevitable no matter how many ppl cry, but just want to let ppl know green aura is not non-newbie friendly, it encourages players to ask there friends to play and party, it is more of a newbie friendly update....unless u play for profit and want to solo everything and every drop
Edit: another friendly advice for newbies, instead of competing with veteran players on field mvp, just do Central lab,endless tower or pop some bloody branches, then u have no competition, otherwise u will just hurt your feeling trying to compete with veteran players
Oh and newbies don't start off hunting mvp cards, they need to grind, level and meet new friends first and enjoy the main purpose of the game
Edited by T1tanG3l, 15 June 2022 - 05:33 AM.