Kachua, is this really what you expect of us now WarpPortal? Insanity? - Ragnarok Online Community Chat - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Kachua, is this really what you expect of us now WarpPortal? Insanity?

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#1 Ilindith


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 07:24 AM

So let's do a bit of math here real quick and see how insane and predatory Kachua boxes are lately.

Let's assume that we are getting keys by buying kachua ore boxes and that we have no bonus WP to KP conversion.


100$ usd gives us 12,000kp

On kachua ores, 12,000kp gives us 60 keys.

If I want an item from kachua that is 0.19% chance, that is a 1 in 526 chance of getting the item.

So, average expected rate requires 526 keys to acquire by yourself.

If 100usd is 60 keys, that is roughly 875$ to acquire one of those items, on a normal average chance.


That is already a pretty hefty amount of money for a game item. But now consider this.

Bad luck exists. Very bad luck also exists.

Consider that Richard, the card desocket NPC, has once taken near 160m from me for one desocket.

The normal rate for that is 1/20, or 5% chance. That is 8x the average expected chance.


Now let's apply this to our previous case. With very bad luck, that means it could take 7000$ usd to acquire an item.

How excessively ridiculous is that?


But wait, it gets better!

This current Kachua list, we have a box, at 0.19% chance, that contains 12 different helmets.

So, to get a specific helmet, by yourself, on normal rates, would require you to spend about 10,500$ usd.

Now, apply some very bad luck to this, and this could reach 84,000$. For a game, helmet.


Absolute, insanity.

Now you might say, yeah but a ton of people are going to open those and so that's how we get them.

Sure, but in the end, this is still the amount of money that players need to inject into the game to create one of those items regardless.

Again, absolute, insanity.


It doesn't help that kachua box rates are plagued by useless items.

Alchemist box? Get that -_- out of here. Same with Yggdrasil boxes.

Remove the generic class shadows too while you're at it.

Would go a long way to bring the rates back to something a bit more bearable.


There will be no money from me anymore WarpPortal.

Also yeah, I know you can get lucky too. Good for you if you do.

Rant over.

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#2 6773131031232342973


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 08:07 AM

And you wonder why the server is infested with RMT

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#3 KriticalAssassin


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 08:15 AM

Don't forget you need to refine it now too without a safe degrade limit at +10 so you need thousands of BsB too :V

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#4 Boyeteers


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 08:44 AM

Yep bruv, and those shadow gears like almighty set used to be at 0.40% rate and kachue gears were like 1.00% rate now it’s 0.19%. Incredible. Ppls need to stop gambling addiction if ppls feel they not gettin any.
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#5 Kedoxu


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 08:46 AM

At least with OCP you have boxter to recycle some items, but these kachua items come once in a lifetime roll and then lost for ever, if you missed one month thats it, good luck paying 10b for an item.

Edited by Kedoxu, 19 January 2024 - 09:29 AM.

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#6 Cheezkeyk


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 09:24 AM

You really need to revamp the kachua success chance

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#7 Ilindith


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 10:39 AM

Don't forget you need to refine it now too without a safe degrade limit at +10 so you need thousands of BsB too :V

Yeah I complained about that one too.

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#8 KriticalAssassin


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 11:17 AM

Yeah I complained about that one too.

And then the GM's will go and dupe peoples BSB's and gears and everything in their vends and never fix it. And never give proper compensation for server problems for half a year on top of all that while still pumping in more spending events :)

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#9 pao0


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 11:27 AM

im just glad i stopped spending on this crap

full effort with this gacha, but not on the actual game's issue

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#10 Ilindith


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 11:44 AM

At least with OCP you have boxter to recycle some items, but these kachua items come once in a lifetime roll and then lost for ever, if you missed one month thats it, good luck paying 10b for an item.


Indeed, fully exploiting Fear Of Missing Out in a predatory fashion.

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#11 Nagaame


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 12:03 PM

Also wanna throw out a few more grievances:


We're cycling through these incredibly powerful items way too quickly. Rangers have had optimal equips change 3 times in the last 4 months or so with the addition of Records and now the Biolab hat (which invalidates the Records again), and each of these costing in the billions. This is compounded by the fact that...


Current zeny limits aren't set up in a way that particularly supports these items. Sure these items might be powerful enough to cost billions, but each character can only hold 2b and trade 1b at a time so trying to handle any transactions with them is a nightmare.



Additionally, we're talking about thousands or tens of thousands of dollars being way too much, but even hundreds of dollars is still a ridiculous amount (I honestly think tens of dollars is too much, too, but the ranger biolab hat is honestly probably powerful enough to be worth triple digit dollars).



Honestly I think it'd be cooler if we had things like the biolabs hats be exchangeable for temporal spells and have the cash shop do things like sell cooldown reduction on ogh challenge mode (the edda biolabs economy is already too screwed up otherwise i'd suggest that). Not like it really matters though because gacha boxes will continue to be the most profitable and the spenders keep spending

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#12 ChakriGuard



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Posted 19 January 2024 - 12:20 PM

I feel you. Current Kachue systems are brutal but this is what makes it appealing and challenging to open ... if you love thrills.

However, a burtal hosnest is that they dont force anyone to open. People who open keys have extra spare disposable money, or they open keys as an investment to gear their chars to be strong in order to farm faster and RMT to make a living out of this game. For whatever reasons, everyone has freedom and they are responsible for their actions.

I would say with current contents, do we even need new Kachue items at all? Even OGHC monsters melt! You probably can solo and explore 96.69% of this game with free PvM items. On a bright side, we get updates so quickly now. They also fixed damage cap bug happened after this week maintenance swiftly too.

While we are it. Please add an exclusive iRO instance where players can summon any MvPs in this game. Each individual MvP has a cooldown timer. The entry fee is a special golden VIP ticket sold in cash shop or through Kachue key. The ticket is a character bound. So if a player want to farm more MvPs, they have to pay more to support iRO. Respect goes both ways la.
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#13 ChakriGuard



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Posted 19 January 2024 - 12:23 PM

Don't forget you need to refine it now too without a safe degrade limit at +10 so you need thousands of BsB too :V

BSB dupers probably have already bought a second handeed Mercedes at this point. Good for them lol
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#14 9598210620111257163


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 01:04 PM

Old ass game

Edited by 9598210620111257163, 19 January 2024 - 01:11 PM.

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#15 EdwardEG


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 07:19 PM

There's a reason why it's called "Gacha"-ua


And that's what makes gambling bad for your life :ph34r:

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#16 Pepyakalol


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 10:14 PM

These helmets should be an in-game reward for drops or quest, not a shameful money grab.

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#17 Ilindith


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Posted 20 January 2024 - 11:11 AM

Everything should be an ingame drop/reward.
As it was intended before corporate greed took over gaming.

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Posted 21 January 2024 - 05:34 AM

It is Obvious that Kachua and OCP is by far the majority of their sales, but the Store "HOT" section has COMPLETELY unrelated items that you know  nobody is purchasing like Battle manual (Basic One) and Token of Siegfried (that you get for free with VIP) with no mention of any OCP or Kachua.


It is so obvious that section is being manipulated to Hide Kachua and OCP, but if you check everyone mid/end gear is basically OCP/Kachua with minimal exceptions (cards mostly) they are doing their best to hide the fact that everything has been gachafied. Is like trying to hide the sun with your hands.


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#19 Cataskung


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Posted 21 January 2024 - 08:59 AM

I know other servers where gacha is even more abysmal than what we have, but overall, rng/gacha in this game is never player friendly. The rate of kachua is becoming worse and worse.

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Posted 21 January 2024 - 09:22 AM

If warp portal wants to Scam players, then the current system is perfect. If they really want to offer something good then in my opinion all of these (below) should be removed or lowered in %, that will dramatically increase the % of all other items to be obtained, I mean if the objective is to scam players, then no change is needed. I heavily suspect the current system is set in place to scam Players.


There is basically a 60% chance of getting nothing out of Kachua...

  • HE Battle Manual x2 14.25%
  • Bloody Branch x2 14.25%
  • Yggdrasilberry Box 14.25%
  • Alchemist Box 14.25%


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#21 belld1711


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Posted 21 January 2024 - 11:05 AM

...and now you know why I'll never be a top-tiered player. I haven't spent a dime on this game in over a year now (can't afford it anyway). And my luck would be down in the "Very Unlucky" range. So even if I did spend hundreds of US dollars on those boxes, I still wouldn't see anything I really wanted/needed. Ever since greed took over, this is the norm now. And I can't understand why people still pour money into this game. If you have a gambling addiction, go to a casino. At least you have a chance of actually being able to touch and hold what you won. And no one can take it from you, even if an online game shuts down.



While we are it. Please add an exclusive iRO instance where players can summon any MvPs in this game. Each individual MvP has a cooldown timer. The entry fee is a special golden VIP ticket sold in cash shop or through Kachue key. The ticket is a character bound. So if a player want to farm more MvPs, they have to pay more to support iRO. Respect goes both ways la.

We already have it. It's called the MVP Summoner. Cost is VIP and EMBs. You can summon one of 4 MVPs, and there is a cooldown. No Gotcha keys/boxes/BS needed. They used to swap the MVPs out on occasion, until they couldn't be bothered due to the fact that you can get in 100% free now. If there's no money, they don't give a -_-. Just like other aspects of this game they've been neglecting.

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#22 ChakriGuard



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Posted 21 January 2024 - 04:01 PM

We aready have it. It's called the MVP Summoner. Cost is VIP and EMBs. You can summon one of 4 MVPs, and there is a cooldown. No Gotcha keys/boxes/BS needed. They used to swap the MVPs out on occasion, until they couldn't be bothered due to the fact that you can get in 100% free now. If there's no money, they don't give a -_-. Just like other aspects of this game they've been neglecting.

Yes we do but now time to modernize it. Put all MvPs there. I dont even remember when was the last time they updated the MvPs there. Update the MvP summoner to put all MvPs there, and make it a VIP-X access only and sell the VIP-X ticket in cash shop, character bound. This wil generate money to iRO and thus maybe, iRO wont have to be so hungry with Kachue keys. Apparently, many people aint happy with current Kachues system. Many people believe in duped convex mirrors. Many people quit the game because they dont want to MvPing. Updating the MvP summoner will help solve all these 3 issues

But yeah they can ignore it. They dont force anyone to play or spend money. Most people suffer from their own downfalls of fear of missing out. Obviously, I have been spending much less too because I believe there is duping going on lol

PS. No its not a gambling addiction. I can safety say that most spenders dont have gambling addiction. They spend money to invest on their characters, so they can farm and RMT money back. They can also resell overpriced old OCPs/Kachue items to make big profits, just to RMT. Make cash items account bound (and in game items maybe) and see a big drop in spending because RMT will be highly difficult, thus not worth spending money anymore.

Edited by ChakriGuard, 21 January 2024 - 04:11 PM.

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#23 Boyeteers


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Posted 21 January 2024 - 06:20 PM

Yes we do but now time to modernize it. Put all MvPs there. I dont even remember when was the last time they updated the MvPs there. Update the MvP summoner to put all MvPs there, and make it a VIP-X access only and sell the VIP-X ticket in cash shop, character bound. This wil generate money to iRO and thus maybe, iRO wont have to be so hungry with Kachue keys. Apparently, many people aint happy with current Kachues system. Many people believe in duped convex mirrors. Many people quit the game because they dont want to MvPing. Updating the MvP summoner will help solve all these 3 issues

But yeah they can ignore it. They dont force anyone to play or spend money. Most people suffer from their own downfalls of fear of missing out. Obviously, I have been spending much less too because I believe there is duping going on lol

PS. No its not a gambling addiction. I can safety say that most spenders dont have gambling addiction. They spend money to invest on their characters, so they can farm and RMT money back. They can also resell overpriced old OCPs/Kachue items to make big profits, just to RMT. Make cash items account bound (and in game items maybe) and see a big drop in spending because RMT will be highly difficult, thus not worth spending money anymore.


Lol gimme example of spendin $10,000 to get 1 0.19% rate kachue worth 7b z bruv. Invest on they chars and RMT to get em money back lol that makes me wanna laugh. Spend $$$ to invest on chars and farm MVPs at 0.01% card chance with more ppls camping high end mvps then do RMT kek.

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#24 ChakriGuard



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Posted 21 January 2024 - 06:58 PM

Lol gimme example of spendin $10,000 to get 1 0.19% rate kachue worth 7b z bruv. Invest on they chars and RMT to get em money back lol that makes me wanna laugh. Spend $$$ to invest on chars and farm MVPs at 0.01% card chance with more ppls camping high end mvps then do RMT kek.


I can just post a screenshot of 60 keys ($100) and 3 items of 0.19% which worth more than 7b in total dude lol ... You feel me? 

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#25 belld1711


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Posted 23 January 2024 - 02:42 PM

Yes we do but now time to modernize it. Put all MvPs there. I dont even remember when was the last time they updated the MvPs there. Update the MvP summoner to put all MvPs there, and make it a VIP-X access only and sell the VIP-X ticket in cash shop, character bound. This wil generate money to iRO and thus maybe, iRO wont have to be so hungry with Kachue keys. Apparently, many people aint happy with current Kachues system. Many people believe in duped convex mirrors. Many people quit the game because they dont want to MvPing. Updating the MvP summoner will help solve all these 3 issues

But yeah they can ignore it. They dont force anyone to play or spend money. Most people suffer from their own downfalls of fear of missing out. Obviously, I have been spending much less too because I believe there is duping going on lol

PS. No its not a gambling addiction. I can safety say that most spenders dont have gambling addiction. They spend money to invest on their characters, so they can farm and RMT money back. They can also resell overpriced old OCPs/Kachue items to make big profits, just to RMT. Make cash items account bound (and in game items maybe) and see a big drop in spending because RMT will be highly difficult, thus not worth spending money anymore.

Okay, I can get behind modernizing the Summoner. I could even see putting all MVPs in there, especially since the MVPs were last changed back before we got the Central Lab update. I don't like the idea of changing much more than that. I mean, why make something a cash shop-only feature after it was just opened up to free players (with the use of the Spooky Machine)? 


Look, there's a gap between players that are established and newer players, especially if those newer players are playing for free. I understand your trying to come up with ideas to support the servers while trying to add value to your dollar. But just because someone *can't* afford to spend $100 on this game doesn't mean they deserve to sit on the sidelines looking like a Gene fresh out of the academy while people who blow money have all kinds of options on things to do, buy and enjoy. I would totally support WP if iRO wasn't so P2W. And that, frankly, is why I am so strongly opposed to putting MVP cards into the cash shop. As more and more things are added to the cash shop that boosts players skills, stats, etc, the further and further free players are being left behind. Why play if you can't compete?

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