Chakri stop, you are defending a developer who commits more resources to screwing over their player base than fixing the obvious issues and bugs present in the game. They literally dump all time and effort into Kach and OCP items, every month they got some new set of gear, or item that beats the sweet ever loving crap outta the items that were recently before it. But do they fix the bugs, NO, the Crashes, NO, the rampant botting and macroing/multibox leveling,NOPE. They do stuff like relying on the player base to report and police the Sorc/Wizard Warp casters and then in the same week see those same IGN's still doing what they were before but on a different map. I can almost guarantee with certainty that with the exception of some very strong willed or unbearably bored newbies most don't get into the game because of the predatory loot systems, and the absolutely twisted economy, making ridiculous claims like they can make their own items is honestly either delusional or ignorant, they cannot compete for MVP's ever not when you got any class one shotting zones, and dumpstering MVPs like they aren't even there.
The community on a whole has every reason to be upset...the predation in their loot systems has become insultingly bad. The only way to stop this is to stop taking out your wallets...if they want to maintain this cash grab they will have to smarten up or lose it. Warp staff pay attention when you have a topic in which the general consensus is that you are predatory and ripping off your player base, that we are ignored on a whole. You need to examine your business practice or die with the changing times.
Ok I dont defend anyone. Im on my own side. Im only saying WP doesnt force anyone to swipe.
I havent been whaling for years now actually because I can control myself? WP does w/e they want. You cant control them. You however can control yourself. If swiping is too much or you think it is not worth swiping even if you have tons of spare money, then just dont swipe and abandon this damn game. Hits where it hurts them. But you and I both know that they aint gonna do anything. So many people are still swiping. So now you just think what you wanna do. Leave game? Play casually F2P? Go back to swipe to stay competitive? Abuse bugs and exploit the game to stay competitive without swiping? Your chioce.
I agree with you that they should focus more on banning macro'ing and botting esp in high level maps ie level 200+. I would even suggest disabling wings, so bots and macro users cant abuse it but eh, wanna upset the community even more? Go for it and disable wings. Whatever WP does, people will get pissed af. Want to piss people more? -> MvPing, as I already post before. Modernize MvP summoners. So even F2P players can have a chance to farm MvPs that they want. People whose goal is to collect every single MvP card will be hardcore players as they will log in to farm all MvPs everyday, until they get all MvP cards. However, I am sure there will be some uproar madness. Same thing about reintroducing Convex Mirrors to give people a chance to farm field MvPs too. I'm sure if WP does this, there will be another uproar and people will be as pissed WP introducing Kachues.
You absolutely can make your own decent items. Just dont expect to get BIS or top tiered +15 items. If its easily obtained, no one would swipe or exploit the game (duping items) right? I think you need to become Sunbear's student. He should be able to teach you how to play this game as a F2P and enjoy it nevertheless.
Anyway, I have not been swiping a lot at all cus I too dont like where the game is heading. I dont even have Purified shield and Midgard shoes Grade A. Should I quit then because other people use it and I dont have? What logic is this? So, no its not about Kachues. Its about having nothing to do in game, and this is my personal problem, not WP's. WP has been bringing so many updates and contents lately. I dont know about D/Cing. I dont really experience it at all lol
Edited by ChakriGuard, 25 January 2024 - 03:49 PM.