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Kachua, is this really what you expect of us now WarpPortal? Insanity?

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#51 tlc9711LOgo


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Posted 25 January 2024 - 06:25 PM

I usually pay for premium and some costume egg. Sometime farm card for zeny then buy stuff from market. Or just ask a friend to lend for a while then return it as promise. Tho, the cash item make me left out due to one shot, bot and stuff, BUT i usually party with f2p as they are the most fun to play with xD.


I have buy some kachua item and collect through months. 100 keys open then most of it I got is ygg xD. Those rare item seems like 0.00000001 chances (i even dont get the advanced cert hah). Typical KRO manipulating for sure (just wait the commence commissioner will fine gravity for manipulating chances.) Just dont gamble in game, it mostly try to rip your wallet and make warportal want to do more.


Hope that warportal take note here cause getting end game too fast, rip player wallet, manipulating chances(nexon fined) will cause player to leave faster. Focus on bringing newbie to the game (just like my boss and boss and more boss tell me, business is survive by customer, no customer no business). Take down the steam as many ppl complaint it not working lol. MMO is quite different than your typical current popular game and dont mix it lol xD

Edited by tlc9711LOgo, 26 January 2024 - 12:57 AM.

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#52 Sewasan


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Posted 25 January 2024 - 07:20 PM

Define P2W bro. You can get everything free in this game without spending money. P2W = Play to Win? If this is the case, I agree. Many people who have many alts to farm instances, they're surely making lots of zeny without spending and they can use zeny to buy any MvP cards in game too. Though you're having fun. At least you're on the right path. You play game to have fun. If you dont have fun, you should quit or take a break. I cant remember how many times I've taken a break because I dont enjoy the game lol


Sure, Pay to Win doesnt mean you cant farm stuff, Pay to win means that in a free to play game (most of the times) a person who pays certain ammount of money obtain an advantage over someone who doesnt, that advantage could be in terms of time spend on the game to obtain certain reward, could be having more damage, could be a lot of stuff, so Ragnarok is a P2W game, in this case you pay, and you obtain a clear advantage that will allow you to progress faster in the game, you can have 20 alts and farm all day, but that will be time consuming, or you can have one character and take months to get ahead of people that have one character too but pay money, is not that complicated, Ragnarok is a P2W in most definitions of what P2W means, because yes you can obtain the stuff playing the game but you can also pay for OCP gear. P2W doesnt mean that the game is entirely money gated wich i think you are implying, almost every p2w game let you play, but not as efcient as if you pay, creating bassically 2 different game experiences, the full f2p wich is going to be slower and ideally tedious, and the full paid wich is going to be faster and more efficient with your time.

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#53 Ilindith


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Posted 25 January 2024 - 11:37 PM



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#54 Remiechan


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Posted 25 January 2024 - 11:48 PM

With all the botters, p2w, people defending this predatory lootbox gambling, and delulus who think that grinding the game without these p2w gears will ever be fun.

Maybe the only way to win is just to be on hell with it, join the offenders, bot all those dungeons for free zeny, inflate the economy sky high where no newbies will ever hope to be able to join the server because the game is hyper inflated. Maybe the gms will finally move when they see that nobody but the most depraved whale ever swipes anymore because everyone just bot, get free zeny, and the more legit players just leave the bug and bot infested server out to dry
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#55 Ilindith


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Posted 25 January 2024 - 11:49 PM

Define P2W bro. You can get everything free in this game without spending money. P2W = Play to Win? If this is the case, I agree. Many people who have many alts to farm instances, they're surely making lots of zeny without spending and they can use zeny to buy any MvP cards in game too. Though you're having fun. At least you're on the right path. You play game to have fun. If you dont have fun, you should quit or take a break. I cant remember how many times I've taken a break because I dont enjoy the game lol


You seem to forget that for any of these items to even exist in the game, money needs to be spent.


This is not a game where you can acquire cash shop currency via playing either so P2W is always at

the origin of virtually all of the usable gear in this game.


You CANNOT farm any of these items in the game. Which bring us back to my original post. Thousands

of dollars now need to be spent in some cases for one item to be brought into existence on iRO.


That is P2W AF and absolutely the intended way WP wants us to experience the game.

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#56 ChakriGuard



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Posted 26 January 2024 - 03:51 AM

You seem to forget that for any of these items to even exist in the game, money needs to be spent.


This is not a game where you can acquire cash shop currency via playing either so P2W is always at

the origin of virtually all of the usable gear in this game.


You CANNOT farm any of these items in the game. Which bring us back to my original post. Thousands

of dollars now need to be spent in some cases for one item to be brought into existence on iRO.


That is P2W AF and absolutely the intended way WP wants us to experience the game.


Correct. For any OP "cash" items to exist, money needs to be spent. We call those people whales and we should be thankful to them for supporting the server, so you and I and many other players can play the game for free. Next week we're getting 3 more new MDs. I'm not sure what else to ask for. I get it that rates are brutal but WP doesnt force anyone to swipe. I dont get this logic. If other people are willing to swipe thousands dollars for pixels cus they can, whats the problem here? WP will not do anything as long as there are whales who are either swiping or abusing the game somehow.


You can farm any of Cash items in game but you can definitely farm in game to get zeny to buy. I'm sure Felix has not spent a single dollar and he's some top geared set up. He's also farmed and dropped the Polluted spider queen and sold for 400b. Dude .... that kind of money will last for years for average people. It really depends on how much you value your time.


You ask me how do newbies compete with vets because most valuable items come from MvPs? 1. Modernize MvP summoner 2. Reintroduce Convex Mirrors. Either way, WP will make some money, so they can bring updates. Maybe if they have more income sources, they wont be too greedy with Kachues lol

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#57 Boyeteers


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Posted 26 January 2024 - 05:47 AM

*eats popcorn
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#58 VModIceCreamCake


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Posted 26 January 2024 - 07:19 AM

*eats popcorn


No popcorn needed here if everyone would please just keep the overt trolling to a minimum and the discussion at least partially related on cash shop items. Thanks all!

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#59 Ilindith


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Posted 26 January 2024 - 11:54 AM

Correct. For any OP "cash" items to exist, money needs to be spent. We call those people whales and we should be thankful to them for supporting the server, so you and I and many other players can play the game for free. Next week we're getting 3 more new MDs. I'm not sure what else to ask for. I get it that rates are brutal but WP doesnt force anyone to swipe. I dont get this logic. If other people are willing to swipe thousands dollars for pixels cus they can, whats the problem here? WP will not do anything as long as there are whales who are either swiping or abusing the game somehow.


You can farm any of Cash items in game but you can definitely farm in game to get zeny to buy. I'm sure Felix has not spent a single dollar and he's some top geared set up. He's also farmed and dropped the Polluted spider queen and sold for 400b. Dude .... that kind of money will last for years for average people. It really depends on how much you value your time.


You ask me how do newbies compete with vets because most valuable items come from MvPs? 1. Modernize MvP summoner 2. Reintroduce Convex Mirrors. Either way, WP will make some money, so they can bring updates. Maybe if they have more income sources, they wont be too greedy with Kachues lol


WP doesn't force anyone to swipe? They actually do everything in their power to make people swipe. Sure some people will be f2p and treat this game like a second 40h/week job

to be able to afford items, but is that really what a game should be? They use every predatory tactic in the book for people to either swipe or get left behind.


Pulling the "look some people get extremely lucky with a 400b card" is not a very compelling argument. And don't get me started on the fact that it's a red name person and you

very well know what that means.


And we should be thankful for the people swiping immense amounts of money? Why? For them to sell at impossible prices? And need I remind you that most of those so called

"whales" make a living RMTing what they get out of it? This is nothing to be thankful for. This just generates even higher levels of greed as they have no incentive to treat this

game market as a game market and are just out to fleece people as much as possible. This is exactly why people can't even afford homes anymore IRL and you're telling me that is good?


The market is abysmal and out of reach for any new player. The amount of players that turn to swiping shows that this game is not f2p at all. As I said, everything is stacked against

them to play normally. Every way the game is built incentivizes spending money to acquire items. A few player exceptions does not make this false. EVEN WORSE than the game

being built to incentivize spending money, it is also built to make that money COMPLETELY DISAPPEAR with all the "fail and lose everything" systems it has. Oh you passed layers



This is all nothing but an unregulated, predatory online casino and the best part is that you do not win anything. Except people RMTing what profit they make back to other

players. It demands money constantly and if you do not oblige or struggle to non fun normal gaming levels you get spit out.


You want to know how could newbies compete? If spending an acceptable amount of time farming anything the game has to offer could actually get you any item that exists in the

game. Items should exist outside the p2w system. Midgard shoes should drop from some instance somewhere in the game. There should be systems to accumulate some sort of

currency that you can then trade for cash items or whatever else. NOT A SINGLE ITEM should be exclusive to gambling.


If you want to pay to skip ahead a bit, sure that's fine, but everything should have an ingame source. And none of the paying for stuff should be locked behind gambling. You should

be able to pick what you want. I mean hell, you are PAYING why the hell should there be gambling involved? Make it a points system or something. Pay 100usd, get 60 points and then

spend them at an NPC that gives cash items and costs a certain amount of points based on rarity. Heck it could be the same system that f2p players get items through, just easier to

acquire if you spend money instead but not impossible for those that don't.


Why are so many people treating this garbage system like it is fine and that there is nothing wrong with it? It is nothing but a cesspool of RMTing whales and insane levels of corporate

greed. I do not understand how people can defend any of this other than because of some capitalist Stockholm syndrome or because they make a fortune selling zeny. Stop taking gaming

away from us. We want games, not a fourth job.

Edited by Ilindith, 26 January 2024 - 11:56 AM.

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#60 Boyeteers


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Posted 26 January 2024 - 12:53 PM

AFAIK there's slot machine npc in sum RO that gives sumthin like 1 kachue key = 1 pt and when ppls reach 100 pts will get class SSS same with iRO OCP token so y`all need to calm ppls teets hopin staffs implement it soon kek

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#61 ChakriGuard



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Posted 26 January 2024 - 01:43 PM

WP doesn't force anyone to swipe? They actually do everything in their power to make people swipe. Sure some people will be f2p and treat this game like a second 40h/week job

to be able to afford items, but is that really what a game should be? They use every predatory tactic in the book for people to either swipe or get left behind.


Pulling the "look some people get extremely lucky with a 400b card" is not a very compelling argument. And don't get me started on the fact that it's a red name person and you

very well know what that means.


And we should be thankful for the people swiping immense amounts of money? Why? For them to sell at impossible prices? And need I remind you that most of those so called

"whales" make a living RMTing what they get out of it? This is nothing to be thankful for. This just generates even higher levels of greed as they have no incentive to treat this

game market as a game market and are just out to fleece people as much as possible. This is exactly why people can't even afford homes anymore IRL and you're telling me that is good?


The market is abysmal and out of reach for any new player. The amount of players that turn to swiping shows that this game is not f2p at all. As I said, everything is stacked against

them to play normally. Every way the game is built incentivizes spending money to acquire items. A few player exceptions does not make this false. EVEN WORSE than the game

being built to incentivize spending money, it is also built to make that money COMPLETELY DISAPPEAR with all the "fail and lose everything" systems it has. Oh you passed layers



This is all nothing but an unregulated, predatory online casino and the best part is that you do not win anything. Except people RMTing what profit they make back to other

players. It demands money constantly and if you do not oblige or struggle to non fun normal gaming levels you get spit out.


You want to know how could newbies compete? If spending an acceptable amount of time farming anything the game has to offer could actually get you any item that exists in the

game. Items should exist outside the p2w system. Midgard shoes should drop from some instance somewhere in the game. There should be systems to accumulate some sort of

currency that you can then trade for cash items or whatever else. NOT A SINGLE ITEM should be exclusive to gambling.


If you want to pay to skip ahead a bit, sure that's fine, but everything should have an ingame source. And none of the paying for stuff should be locked behind gambling. You should

be able to pick what you want. I mean hell, you are PAYING why the hell should there be gambling involved? Make it a points system or something. Pay 100usd, get 60 points and then

spend them at an NPC that gives cash items and costs a certain amount of points based on rarity. Heck it could be the same system that f2p players get items through, just easier to

acquire if you spend money instead but not impossible for those that don't.


Why are so many people treating this garbage system like it is fine and that there is nothing wrong with it? It is nothing but a cesspool of RMTing whales and insane levels of corporate

greed. I do not understand how people can defend any of this other than because of some capitalist Stockholm syndrome or because they make a fortune selling zeny. Stop taking gaming

away from us. We want games, not a fourth job.



For real, I feel like the problem here comes from players who cant control their feeling of "getting left behind". I mean, you know well that Sunbear is a F2P and he enjoys every bit of this game. He also teaches people how to farm and gear. For sure you aint gonna get all +15 items, getting +12 is already very hard but do you really need +15 items to clear this game? Why do you need all BIS items? Swiping is a fast track. You buy convenience to clear game faster here. Do you really need to swipe for real though? I'd say that this game requires game mechanism knowledge to play smoothly. Other than this, I think the barriers aint so high. We are talking about PvM, not WoE and MvP right? PvM barriers are absolutely almost none to existence. WoE and field MvP though have high barriers. 


Hahaha I have to agree with you though. Many so-called "whales" make a living through RMTs. Only few real whales who actually swipe just to support the game without selling game items through RMT. You aint wrong. Many so-called whales RMTers do swipe a lot but at the same time, they farm MvPs and hard instances, so they can RMT to make money back. iRO is their career. I would say iRO isnt so different from real world. Crocodiles everywhere. Your job is to live and survive. Lets look at players for a second. Even players are greedy as heck but that is totally normal and nothing is wrong. I see almost everyone buys low, sell high. Heck, most vets dont even help newbies either. I only know a few old vets who might not be rich to hand out freebies but they are kind enough to teach new players. You shouldnt be too harsh on WP. It is a business. They have costs to pay. At least, they're bringing fast updates. We all can agree on this. 


Anyway, ... about this insane Kachue system and RMT issues, are you suggesting that all items in game should be ... account bound? I dont mind this to be honest. This will 99% solve RMT problems but game will probably close in a year as so-called whales RMTers, who make a living out of this game, stop swiping. I agree with you that all game items should be able to farm in game but we know that aint gonna happen. Or else who would swipe right? I honestly want them to increase VIP prices and give better benefits which ..... *below*


Hence, as I suggested (and I wish WP would listen to me lmfao), they would modernize MvP summoner and put all MvPs in there. So any newbies who use F2P items can fight any MvPs that they want, having some goals to achieve without being harassed by vets and cheaters. Perhaps, they can put BIS items from Kachues and OCPs in game instances as well while we're at it. On top of this, I also hope they would re-introduce convex mirrors as well, so any new vets or new players who finally have obtained strong items can just compete filed MvPs fairly. Anyway, since I dont like how WP is heading, I have been swiping less lol. Like I say, I can only control what I can control. If other people will continue swiping, I wont stop them. Their money, their choice. If they are ok with current Kachues rates and current game states, more powers for them dude. 

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#62 Chorvaqueen


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Posted 28 January 2024 - 05:51 PM

Directly selling gears would probably put a good chunk of RMTers on suicide watch but let's be real that would not be as profitable as letting people gamble for a 0.19% item.

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#63 belld1711


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Posted 30 January 2024 - 10:53 AM

Then your limit is +9 and its good enough to clear the game contents. You want +12? Time to swipe or farm harder, if you have so much time. Would be nice if I could get +15 without swiping. Well I'm sure some F2P people have done it.


My limit may be +9 on the Banquet of Heros equips, but some of the requirements on equipment that are needed to activate certain stats or skills is +11 or +12. I've even seen +14! How do you suppose a free player achieves that without swiping or grinding endlessly for that kind of zeny?


And I promise you, if Convex mirrors are brought back, or if MVP cards are put into the cashshop, that'll be the last you'll see of me.

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Posted 30 January 2024 - 11:11 AM

I do not disagree with paid items, I am NOT a kid, and I am more than willing to pay for items, I am on the heavy spender side of the balance, what I disagree with, is the random nature of the gambling boxes, and that there is absolutely no other way to get those items.


Can I pay 2000 KP for a paracelsus coat for my girlfriend merchie? Or can I pay 3000 KP for a YSF ring for my Dragon Slaver? PLEASE.


No, I am not willing to open the boxes and gamble it disgusts me, and I am also disgusted with paying for kachua's packs to sell them to get money to try to get them from players when is absolutely easy to scam someone with items worth more than 1B.


Keep the boxes, but offer another way to get the items. Make items obtained this way character bound. I am more than willing to pay for it.

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#65 ChakriGuard



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Posted 30 January 2024 - 01:30 PM

My limit may be +9 on the Banquet of Heros equips, but some of the requirements on equipment that are needed to activate certain stats or skills is +11 or +12. I've even seen +14! How do you suppose a free player achieves that without swiping or grinding endlessly for that kind of zeny?


And I promise you, if Convex mirrors are brought back, or if MVP cards are put into the cashshop, that'll be the last you'll see of me.


Then you know those +14 effects are reserved for paying players. Like I said, if players can get anything free, why would anyone pay to support the game? Are most of us that kind to spend money just out of love and support? Some do, but they're a very small %. But my question to you like always, do you need those +14 effects to clear current PvM contents? Should I quit iRO because I dont have Purified shield and Midgard Grade A?


And I'm indifferent with convex mirrors. Its just one of choices WP can do to increase their revenues, while directly supporting new players who want to explore field MvPing. Whatever WP does, there will be people who quit. I know for sure some people kind of semi quiting as there isnt much to do in game. Cant even compete in field MvPs. Cant make some zeny from doing instances as some old players spam 69+ alts to saturate PvM loots. Trust me, everyone is selfish. Not just WP, but so are players lol

Edited by ChakriGuard, 30 January 2024 - 01:31 PM.

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#66 Thinkpad2021


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Posted 30 January 2024 - 03:02 PM

This game had lots of ways to become rich. Memorial dungeons, bloody branches, etc. F2P just need more luck than P2W but bottomline, it's doable. As I reiterate, we have good RO streamers out there like Sunbear who provide good contents especially for F2P making RO gaming a pleasant experience.

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#67 belld1711


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Posted 30 January 2024 - 03:43 PM

Then you know those +14 effects are reserved for paying players. Like I said, if players can get anything free, why would anyone pay to support the game? Are most of us that kind to spend money just out of love and support? Some do, but they're a very small %. But my question to you like always, do you need those +14 effects to clear current PvM contents? Should I quit iRO because I dont have Purified shield and Midgard Grade A?


And I'm indifferent with convex mirrors. Its just one of choices WP can do to increase their revenues, while directly supporting new players who want to explore field MvPing. Whatever WP does, there will be people who quit. I know for sure some people kind of semi quiting as there isnt much to do in game. Cant even compete in field MvPs. Cant make some zeny from doing instances as some old players spam 69+ alts to saturate PvM loots. Trust me, everyone is selfish. Not just WP, but so are players lol

See, that's what confuses me about you. First, you complain that WoE is getting stagnant, and then you support things like convex mirrors and increasing the gap from whales and F2P players. Then you complain that it's too hard to compete for MVPs, so you want to widen the gap and have a cash shop item so you can have a free one-on-one chance to get things like MVP cards while I still have to compete with well-geared characters/bots. It makes no sense.


I get it, you appreciate WP for hosting iRO, and whales for spending the money to support the server. I appreciate it as well. And I get it that you don't mind seeing things in the cash shop that could be a great income potential for WP. But to complain that WoE is dead, then to suggest they bring in an item that could be game breaking, in a "box" with 30 other items at a 0.31% chance when a player like myself can't afford to buy boxes in this economy? I just don't understand your reasoning.

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#68 ChakriGuard



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Posted 30 January 2024 - 05:02 PM

See, that's what confuses me about you. First, you complain that WoE is getting stagnant, and then you support things like convex mirrors and increasing the gap from whales and F2P players. Then you complain that it's too hard to compete for MVPs, so you want to widen the gap and have a cash shop item so you can have a free one-on-one chance to get things like MVP cards while I still have to compete with well-geared characters/bots. It makes no sense.

I get it, you appreciate WP for hosting iRO, and whales for spending the money to support the server. I appreciate it as well. And I get it that you don't mind seeing things in the cash shop that could be a great income potential for WP. But to complain that WoE is dead, then to suggest they bring in an item that could be game breaking, in a "box" with 30 other items at a 0.31% chance when a player like myself can't afford to buy boxes in this economy? I just don't understand your reasoning.

I dont think ive complained about WoE for months now. Havent done WoE 2 for 4 months either. Only came back to try WoE TE after years of MIA. You dont need BIS in WoE btw. I tell you what. You only need cheats and Sarah and/or Tao and mostly MvP cards. They are PvM items. My RG that killed and tanked many people used more PvM items than Cash items, just saying.

I dont complain its too hard to MvPing. Ive killed new MvPs few times to test my builds and damages. But ive also learned that its very time consuming and it actually has a very high barrier to enter. You dont need BIS to kill field MvPs. You just need to find them first, which is a hard part. Ok, some people wont like it. Thats why I also suggest MvP summoner revitalization as an alternative. So everyone, F2P or whales, can have their private 1-1 with any MvPs. You wouldnt have to compete with whales or bots but you apparently dont think paying is worth either.

All these suggestions just to give WP some ideas to renerate some alternative incomes. Thus they wont have to be too harsh on Kachues rates but apparently whatever WP does, people will rage. I mean sure WP apparently maybe can improve the rates, remove all junks that we dont need, but as long as some people are okay with rates and prices, its a gg

We are getting three new MDs, i was told they are quite challenging. Time to gather your friends to do it lol
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#69 belld1711


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Posted 30 January 2024 - 06:50 PM

but you apparently dont think paying is worth either.

Wrong, I think FOOD is worth paying for. I think electricity is worth paying for. I think internet is worth paying for. If I don't have food, my family goes hungry. If I don't have internet or electricity, I can't even log in. Buying cash shop items is NOT an option at this point. That's one reason I don't understand why they took the surveys out.

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#70 gaurus


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Posted 30 January 2024 - 11:38 PM

If you have gambling addiction please seek help.
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#71 pao0


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Posted 31 January 2024 - 04:52 AM

they'll do something about it. basically introduce a "better" gacha

but then later on, introduce another more sh---y gacha than kachua


(see how they killed remix & ygg ascension, it does not seem as profitable as the s--t currently implemented)

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#72 Sewasan


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Posted 01 February 2024 - 06:41 PM

well not point in arguing because gravity/WP already made up their mind, that people discuss on forums will not change anything, also we already saw that there are people that clearly like this and will continue pumping money into this system, wich will make WP goes "this is fine, people love it". Also i will said it again, the lvls of coping on this forums are, over 9000.

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#73 Hakobune


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Posted 03 February 2024 - 06:48 AM

I come back after two years to try out 4th jobs and see what appears to be the majority of folks finally coming around to what I was saying 3-4 years ago; That the loot boxes have irreparably damaged this game's approachability, economy and player experience, it's a nice surprise to come back to. Meanwhile, unsurprisingly Chakri is still spouting false equivalencies to justify the predatory practices of Warpportal because gosh darnit that boot leather is just so god danged tasty he just can't help himself.

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#74 ChakriGuard



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Posted 03 February 2024 - 11:18 AM

Welcome back Haku. Seems like you havent changed too. Still wanting everything free eh lol
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#75 Hakobune


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  • Playing:Ragnarok Online
  • Server:The mismanaged cashgrab

Posted 03 February 2024 - 09:47 PM

Welcome back Haku. Seems like you havent changed too. Still wanting everything free eh lol






I see your reading comprehension hasn't changed because that is not even remotely what I argued about back in the day. My beef with the loot box items isn't the fact I have to pay for them, I have said this to you innumerable times but instead you pull inane arguments from god knows where arguing against things NOBODY is saying but I'll reiterate



I and most people here know that warpportal is a company that needs to make money, they didn't just throw RO onto the net to make people happy out of the goodness of their hearts


I understand they can't just give us things for free all the time and I have ZERO expectation for them to do so (I have no idea where you pulled this argument from but I guess I still really need to spell it out for you)

I AM NOT advocating for a return to pay to play (No idea if you're still accusing people who bad mouth the loot boxes of this but figure I'll cover that here in case you try that old "trick" again)


My ACTUAL problems with the items is what I just said, they have irreparably damaged this game's approachability, economy and player experience and as other have expressed in this thread, that the rates for some items are absolutely predatory. Back in pre renewal days the cash shop items, aside from not being in a god awful gatcha system, weren't overwhelmingly better than loot one could obtain normally. For example the Ramen hat was a better Apple of Archer (for anyone who didn't play pre renewal, Apple of Archer was one of the go to headgears for a number of classes in those days) but all it did was give an extra point of Dex which while really nice didn't shut the door on people still using Apple of archer for their headgear as it was still decent enough. Where as now if were to compare say Automatic Booster to Perverse Demon Mask, you have an accessory that give +5% damage and can be enchanted for at the minimum 10% more damage of a certain school of damage Where the demon mask gives defense bypass in 15% increments, Magic defense piercing in 15% increments perfect dodge, variable cast time reduction in 3% increments, cast delay reduction in 3% increments, and HP in 1% increments. One of these isn't like the other. If The PDM just did something like give 7% more damage for a school of damage with the ability to be enchanted for an extra 12% minimum that would be fine it justifies it's real world money value by being stronger than the obtainable in game option but doesn't invalidate the in game option either (No I'm not saying the PDM should changed to such an accessory).

Players should want to spend money because they like the game and want to support it while also getting perks for doing so not because if they don't they'll miss out on huge power gains for their character or worried they'll become the weak link in their play group. To point to other people who have made it entirely "free to play" and say "they did it and so could you" is willing ignorance to other peoples circumstances. Sure Sunbear might be able to put the time and effort into this game to not only stay afloat but thrive in a predominantly pay to win game and honestly, good for him but not everyone else has that luxury. Some people only have so much time and energy between jobs and social lives that putting the time and effort the game asks of you to just be afloat just isn't worth it. If by chance to that you say "Well maybe iRo isn't for those people then" you're right but that's not a good thing. A free to play game should seek to be as welcoming to players of all circumstances, sure some might not be able to drop money on the game, but maybe some good word of mouth from them might bring in some folks who can.

On top of the power level of these items is the the absolutely terrible rates some of these items drop at. Yeah maybe this new Twinhead Dragonmail at a 30% drop rate wouldn't make WP a whole lot of money or be good for the game, but anything below 1% is just robbery. 1 in 100 isn't super appealing either but 1 in 300 is obviously just to squeeze as much money from their whales as humanly possible and frankly that's disgusting. That's the kind of stuff that's designed to get people who mentally can not help themselves to spend way more than they should on a "free" video game.


Lastly and genuinely I hope you think on this, Warpportal is not your friend, frankly it would be a miracle if they thought about you in any capacity friendly or otherwise. You can defend their devious business practices and shout their praise from the highest mountain tops all you want but if Warpportal ever found they could make a dollar or save a dollar by dropping you, me or anyone else they would do it in less than a blink of the eye. I'm pretty sure both of us have seen them do something like that once before.

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