Correct. For any OP "cash" items to exist, money needs to be spent. We call those people whales and we should be thankful to them for supporting the server, so you and I and many other players can play the game for free. Next week we're getting 3 more new MDs. I'm not sure what else to ask for. I get it that rates are brutal but WP doesnt force anyone to swipe. I dont get this logic. If other people are willing to swipe thousands dollars for pixels cus they can, whats the problem here? WP will not do anything as long as there are whales who are either swiping or abusing the game somehow.
You can farm any of Cash items in game but you can definitely farm in game to get zeny to buy. I'm sure Felix has not spent a single dollar and he's some top geared set up. He's also farmed and dropped the Polluted spider queen and sold for 400b. Dude .... that kind of money will last for years for average people. It really depends on how much you value your time.
You ask me how do newbies compete with vets because most valuable items come from MvPs? 1. Modernize MvP summoner 2. Reintroduce Convex Mirrors. Either way, WP will make some money, so they can bring updates. Maybe if they have more income sources, they wont be too greedy with Kachues lol
WP doesn't force anyone to swipe? They actually do everything in their power to make people swipe. Sure some people will be f2p and treat this game like a second 40h/week job
to be able to afford items, but is that really what a game should be? They use every predatory tactic in the book for people to either swipe or get left behind.
Pulling the "look some people get extremely lucky with a 400b card" is not a very compelling argument. And don't get me started on the fact that it's a red name person and you
very well know what that means.
And we should be thankful for the people swiping immense amounts of money? Why? For them to sell at impossible prices? And need I remind you that most of those so called
"whales" make a living RMTing what they get out of it? This is nothing to be thankful for. This just generates even higher levels of greed as they have no incentive to treat this
game market as a game market and are just out to fleece people as much as possible. This is exactly why people can't even afford homes anymore IRL and you're telling me that is good?
The market is abysmal and out of reach for any new player. The amount of players that turn to swiping shows that this game is not f2p at all. As I said, everything is stacked against
them to play normally. Every way the game is built incentivizes spending money to acquire items. A few player exceptions does not make this false. EVEN WORSE than the game
being built to incentivize spending money, it is also built to make that money COMPLETELY DISAPPEAR with all the "fail and lose everything" systems it has. Oh you passed layers
This is all nothing but an unregulated, predatory online casino and the best part is that you do not win anything. Except people RMTing what profit they make back to other
players. It demands money constantly and if you do not oblige or struggle to non fun normal gaming levels you get spit out.
You want to know how could newbies compete? If spending an acceptable amount of time farming anything the game has to offer could actually get you any item that exists in the
game. Items should exist outside the p2w system. Midgard shoes should drop from some instance somewhere in the game. There should be systems to accumulate some sort of
currency that you can then trade for cash items or whatever else. NOT A SINGLE ITEM should be exclusive to gambling.
If you want to pay to skip ahead a bit, sure that's fine, but everything should have an ingame source. And none of the paying for stuff should be locked behind gambling. You should
be able to pick what you want. I mean hell, you are PAYING why the hell should there be gambling involved? Make it a points system or something. Pay 100usd, get 60 points and then
spend them at an NPC that gives cash items and costs a certain amount of points based on rarity. Heck it could be the same system that f2p players get items through, just easier to
acquire if you spend money instead but not impossible for those that don't.
Why are so many people treating this garbage system like it is fine and that there is nothing wrong with it? It is nothing but a cesspool of RMTing whales and insane levels of corporate
greed. I do not understand how people can defend any of this other than because of some capitalist Stockholm syndrome or because they make a fortune selling zeny. Stop taking gaming
away from us. We want games, not a fourth job.
Edited by Ilindith, 26 January 2024 - 11:56 AM.