Future Plans *2/17 edition
Posted 16 February 2011 - 08:36 PM
Posted 16 February 2011 - 09:06 PM
1. are OCAs, MCAs going to have ghostring, and deviling in them now for valk server? and is GTB going to drop its card now? if not, then what about enabling it for those who pay for premium benefits?
2. how are the seal rolls going to be like for valk? is it still going to be a whopping 100 people to push the seals, despite the fact that if you took away all the bots the population would be similar to ymir? or are we going to have 50 people to push the seals now?
3. if 1 and 2 is a no, then that means ymir won't be able to transfer to valk right? cause that'd be real gay if they were
I mean since the premium servers are also going f2p now, it'd make sense to at least give valk identical benefits for the subscribers
and don't give me the "we have to pay to make an account and you don't" excuse
because I'd rather pay to make an account than not because that'd completely stop all bots from infesting the server
Posted 16 February 2011 - 09:39 PM
Posted 16 February 2011 - 09:46 PM
Posted 16 February 2011 - 09:47 PM
I imagine there's some fear from the GMs that they're enabling people who are leeching themselves (as they have mentioned this in the past). This is silly. People are going to leech themselves if they feel it's more beneficial to them no matter what you do. All that this does is discourage people trying to play with their friends. And moreover.. So what if we leech our alts? We have two accounts. We deserve to. Especially those paying for said second account.
It's great that parties are getting a boost. But two player parties are very common! They need love and boosts too. Playing with eleven of your closest friends is cool and all... But sometimes you just want to keep it small. Not all situations and maps are made to support large groups. Let's be realistic here.
Edited by Kitten, 16 February 2011 - 09:49 PM.
Posted 16 February 2011 - 10:00 PM
When Heim first posted about F2P he stated that Valk will still have its Valk only features, which are the GR / DR / GTB card things. I'm sure they won't let you transfer to Valk. That would be a nightmare.few things I'm curious about with the f2p model (valk server)
1. are OCAs, MCAs going to have ghostring, and deviling in them now for valk server? and is GTB going to drop its card now? if not, then what about enabling it for those who pay for premium benefits?
2. how are the seal rolls going to be like for valk? is it still going to be a whopping 100 people to push the seals, despite the fact that if you took away all the bots the population would be similar to ymir? or are we going to have 50 people to push the seals now?
3. if 1 and 2 is a no, then that means ymir won't be able to transfer to valk right? cause that'd be real gay if they were
I mean since the premium servers are also going f2p now, it'd make sense to at least give valk identical benefits for the subscribers
and don't give me the "we have to pay to make an account and you don't" excuse
because I'd rather pay to make an account than not because that'd completely stop all bots from infesting the server
A lot of people probably like the OCA / MCA / GTB card thing, so I suggest transfering if you want those benefits.
Edited by Sapphic, 16 February 2011 - 10:04 PM.
Posted 16 February 2011 - 10:20 PM
leaving a 2 person share party at 50% each fixes nothing. start listening to the player base for f-_-s sake.
Edited by Frappuccino, 16 February 2011 - 10:26 PM.
Posted 16 February 2011 - 10:25 PM
i love how heim's like "we're going to make to make it worth partying"
leaving a 2 person share party at 50% each fixes nothing. start listening to the player base for f-_-s sake.
Considering most parties are duos, I agree. This solves little to nothing. I main a bishop and I, at least 90% of the time, party only one other person at a time. Thanks for nothing GMs.
I haven't logged on outside of war for a couple weeks now (actually war isn't even worth doing now so that might change too). This will not be changing until there's an incentive for people to party bishops.
Edited by Hanyuu, 16 February 2011 - 10:25 PM.
Posted 16 February 2011 - 10:27 PM
Posted 17 February 2011 - 12:02 AM
Speaking of F2P in March, can you please help me look into accounts that cannot be log on due to "out of paying time" for this "free to play" game? It's been a week and I still can't get my account fixed. I'm just getting tossed around between the customer service and billing department. I hope this is not gonna be a problem that will arise in the future. (And yes, I've already sent in 3 tickets already)
Edited by Prime, 17 February 2011 - 12:03 AM.
Posted 17 February 2011 - 02:01 AM
Manhole has legit uses outside of PSP/WoE.
over Chasers because some people abuse it is crap. The skill should only effect players during PVP and WoE, but it should always be usable.
yeah thats what i was getting at. being able to manhole some1 outside of pvp is retarded, same with shadow form
Posted 17 February 2011 - 03:01 AM
Also, not rewarding duo parties doesn't prevent leeching, but encourage leeching... since less parties are made because they are unrewarding, the option left for the non killers is to leech themselves only. Also, sometimes 3, 4 or more people parties start by being duo parties and then more people joining, parties that won't happen if the duo parties doesn't start happening first.
Posted 17 February 2011 - 04:15 AM
Posted 17 February 2011 - 04:25 AM

Posted 17 February 2011 - 04:30 AM
yes there is always better ways to balance something other than removing it completely. The issue with manhole is that it effects friendly players. Shadow form also has this problem. both of these can be fixed by just preventing the move from effecting regular players, only enemy type.
Yes I agree they should do something about manhole being used on players outside of PvP and GvG areas, ideal solution is not having it effect players (with exception of your own) at all outside the PvP and GvG maps as it makes it very hard to drop an MvP into one to give team mates time to regen when things go wrong in a fight against one. It's very hard to target the MvP spot when players and its mobs are all around imho and it would stop the griefing people complain about when competing for MvPs. I have no problems with SF at all tbh as it stands as it is supposed to be used outside PvP aswell in PvM and if it is used to grief someone then report it but I believe that would be a very, very rare occurance that a Chaser would do that as it is so easily proved via screenshots that it would be an easy suspension or ban.
Posted 17 February 2011 - 05:43 AM
What are the plans for the other MVPs?Personally I would love to do a bio labs instance with a quest and that is the only way the MVP there spawns or something.
From the "Ustream Q and A session Wednesday Jan 12" thread:
I don't think Bios MVPs are among the most hunted and desired MVPs. Instances or permanent summoner NPC for the other MVPs would be a great premium benefit in my opinion.MVP related content in the future.
Long term goal is to make MVPs available in special dungeons/instances in addition to their normal spawn
Posted 17 February 2011 - 05:50 AM
What are the plans for the other MVPs?
From the "Ustream Q and A session Wednesday Jan 12" thread:
I don't think Bios MVPs are among the most hunted and desired MVPs. Instances or permanent summoner NPC for the other MVPs would be a great premium benefit in my opinion.
I personally would love an extension of ET, to incorporate more of the MvPS from the game but thats just me. More floors = more time true and some will be slightly put off from that but you will have access to the MvPs without having to camp a map for hours to find the spawn time if your lucky outside of ET as it stands right now.
Edited by dragoonlordz, 17 February 2011 - 05:51 AM.
Posted 17 February 2011 - 06:12 AM
now imagine a party full of straight up "killers" with no support classes, just winging around and killing everything, getting like 100%+ exp when there is no actual party interaction. (so it would pretty much just be join any party and start doing your own thing)
Posted 17 February 2011 - 06:18 AM
I personally would love an extension of ET, to incorporate more of the MvPS from the game but thats just me. More floors = more time true and some will be slightly put off from that but you will have access to the MvPs without having to camp a map for hours to find the spawn time if your lucky outside of ET as it stands right now.
IMO there should just be a harder version of ET and you can run both weekly.
Obviously the second one would be much harder... Though with how bad kRO are at any semblance of game challenge I doubt making it hard without heavily customising monsters would work.
2 = 50%
3 = (100 +25) /3 = 42%
12 = (100 +250) /12 = 27% (better than an old school 4 person party)
One of the parts of that party proposals is for the rate to not be hard coded but changable with maintenance, so we could have party events. Such as up the bonus from default to +50 or higher %. 50% bonus BTW would be 50% normal value for any party size (12 = (100 + 500)/12 = 50%)
I'd say it's pretty good. IMO though, they shouldn't directly change how sharing works, but how the monsters you kill require it to begin with. That or reduce an AB's needed exp by 50% =D. But still it's great stuff for the bigger parties.
Edited by Wazza, 17 February 2011 - 06:23 AM.
Posted 17 February 2011 - 06:23 AM
IMO there should just be a harder version of ET and you can run both weekly.
Obviously the second one would be much harder... Though with how bad kRO are at any semblance of game challenge I doubt making it hard without heavily customising monsters would work.
Agreed having split into two ET's with one for lower level MvPs and the second one having the harder ones would be a great idea and given the split you could implement more of each type within each version. Which might also solve the time issue spent because you wouldn't be forced to run through just one very large one in a single run if wish to keep the party together, you would have choice of which to run easy or hard and do the other another day.
Posted 17 February 2011 - 07:21 AM
Posted 17 February 2011 - 07:34 AM
It was useable in the outer WoE castle map, which meant you could DSL people outside of castles. It was highly abusable, so I reported it. I'm glad to see they are fixing it very quickly.
I see. I hope you reported the a*holes doing it so they could get banned as well.
I still hold that the ultimate fix should be to prevent 3rd class debuffs and disables from working on players outside of maps where you can actually kill people. Song of Despair and Manhole instantly come to mind. kROs fix of Crimson Rock to prevent it from stunning party members is a perfect example of how other skills should be handled.
Posted 17 February 2011 - 07:41 AM
offtopic: Do you really need to feed a homunculus (neutral) 500x to get it to cordial?
Posted 17 February 2011 - 10:48 AM
What about mercernary, even grade 10 spear merc is useless it misses even roween like monster. Fix the merc like before renewal
What about pure forgers what are they getting in new patch any new skill related to forging?
Posted 17 February 2011 - 11:35 AM
Any chance Lif's Mental Charge will ever get fixed? It gives a def boost but does not properly swap attack for mattack.
Or will that continue to get ignored?
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