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General Ninja Guide [Updated on July 02th. Kage/Oboro guide soon]

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#1 CharAznable


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Posted 19 November 2011 - 05:45 PM

I figured that after recent fix that have been applied to Throw Kunai, there are still no better skill than Throw Kunai to use for leveing. So, Base of the guide won't be changing much, instead, I'm adding some new contents(mainly on gear set up) to help you guys set up your gear more efficient. there would be some techniques that would help you guys managing your distance between mob and you so you could control the crowd more effectively. Furthermore, I think now that Throw Kunai is back to pre-renewal status, it would be unnecessary for me to keep guide for Classic Server. I will still try my best to update hunting spot tho. Instead, I will work on that reserved spot for Kage/Oboro guide.

heres a very little know fact regarding throw shuriken, throw kunai, throw huuma, haze/shadow slash. and KS... weapons that inflict status effects like sleep stun poison bleeding ect. will transfer using these skills... if you use a main gauche [4] carded with 4 marina cards for instance you have a 20% chance to freeze enemies with those skills... i tested this on mushrooms...

1. Ninja Builds

Lots of you guys are wondering, "WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH MY STAT POINTSSSS?" Ninja build is not that complicated. Its rather simple. First, there are two major build. Which is Magic Build, and Kunai Build. After renewal, Magic build has been died out, but there are still people who are pursuing "MY WAY" of lvling them.

A. Kunai Build

Since after renewal, Kunai build became the most used build for Ninja. this build is extremely simple, and easy to follow. Since Throwing Kunai skill does not require any Dex because it always hit.

STR 99

There are alternative build that you could explore. which is KS build.

99 STR
99 VIT


80 STR
99 VIT
Rest of stat points to INT(more sp)
Or rest of stat points to dex(more dmg output with faster skill casting)


Some Dex is now required due to recent change in Throw Kunai that you might need some melee action to kill off remaining HP. This could be done easily with Throwikng Shuriken but that gives you some weight problem.

B. Magic build

Personally, I do not recommend Magic ninja build. but that doesn't mean its bad build. If someone is enjoying with this build, i'd be happy just because they're having fun time. best build is not something everyone use. its how you use it to enjoy Ragnarok.

99 INT
80~99 DEX
if there are left over point, put them to VIT

C. Melee Build ★

This could be fun to explore also since lots of people read Naruto and Melee seems to be extremely fun. Downside is, its not as powerful as kunai build. but you can still use kunai with this build. Especially with recent change in Throw Kunai, I recommend this build with little mix with int to use skill more efficiently. 

STR 70
AGI 80

VIT 40

INT 40
DEX 50

this would be reasonable stat to get enough HP and also get good amount of flee, and aspd. Also good amount of melee dmg.

2. Skills

This is general description of Skills.
iRo Wiki Ninja Skill Database

I'll try to explain some of major skills.

Dagger_Throwing_Practice.png Dagger Throwing Practice

This skill increases your Throw Shuriken skill's dmg out put. But, it does not increase your Throw Kunai's skill dmg. So, do not max this skill.

Throw_Shuriken.png Throw Shuriken ★★★★

Lots of people would say, why even bothered by this skill? then i will say /facepalm. This skill can be critical when your lower lvl. like you still put 5 skill points on them in order to get Kunai skill. and thats +20 atk. which means, Basically, you would deal good amount of dmg to kill stuff with economic usage of SP. I'd recommend you to use this skill till you could attain reasonable dmg or SP to use Throw Kunai skill.

Throw_Kunai.png Throwing Kunai ★★★★★

Throwing Kunai is usually the most common skill that lots of people would talk about. Skill's damage output is from total ATK points, and elemental kunai. Meaning, higher ATK you have, more dmg you will deal with kunai. with proper elemental attribute. Also, attribute from your choice of weapon does not apply to your kunai's attribute. so keep this in mind when your choosing your weapon.

Throw_Huuma_Shuriken.png Throw Huuma Shuriken Nu!

I will say one word for this skill. "Useless!" Although, this skill is required to learn one of the best AoE skill on Kage/Oboro

Haze_Slasher.png Haze Slasher ★★★★

This skill can be extremely useful if you use it wisely. it could save your butt, or it could make you nice mobber with proper p dodge, and hit point. It auto hides you after you hit target using skill. it does reasonable dmg with proper gear too. not bad skill at all as melee build. downside is you have to deal dmg with it in order to hide.

Shadow_Leap.png Shadow Leap ★★★★

I don't personally use it often, but this skill can be extremely useful when it comes to emergency. if you have smokie card with you. you can use it like semi Snap.

Shadow_Slash.png Shadow Slasher ★★★★★

Shadow Slasher is good skill combined with Shadow leap effect, and reasonable dmg you could be happy with. 500% dmg of your melee attack + you can spam this with Smokie card(hide) I recommend this skill if your trying to pursue your own way of melee ninja. It also have chance of crit. so if u have 50 ish crit rate on yout character, it always goes critical hit. Must have skill if your calling yourself as melee ninja!

Cicada_Skin_Shed.png Cicada Skin Shed ★★★★★★★★★★★

Extremely important skill! This skill will save your butt more than hundreds time! This still buffs you with Three semi p dodge(because it only applies to Physical Attack) and when you get hit(if you dodge attack with p dodge(actual one), effect still remain as it was before), it auto spell back step. 

Mirror_Image.png Mirror Image ★★★★★

This skill does similar job with Cicada Skin Shed skill except it has no back step effect. It gives you 5 chance of evading any kind of Physical Attack. Downside is that this when you have both Cicada and this skill activate, instead of activating differently, both chance of cicada and mirror image will be used with one hit. so instead of 8 chance of evade, its still 5.

Flaming_Petals.png & Freezing_Spear.png & Wind_Blade.png Flaming Patal & Freezing Spear & Wind Blade ★★★★★

Both of skill is very similar. You could look up the detail of how dmg works and stuff, but it work as default magic skill. it does reasonable dmg and has fast casting time.

Blaze_Shield.png Blazing Shield ★★★★★

Really good skill to have. It works similar as Fire Wall But has limited hits(9 hits). It gives reasonable time to cast big AoE skills.

Exploding_Dragon.png Exploding Dragon ★★★★★

Best MATK AoE skill for Ninja. 900% matk with reasonable casting time. This skill was Godly at Hode turn in way back in Pre-Renewal but it is still best AoE skill up to date for Magic Ninja. This is why Magic ninja is usually hunting at place where lots of Earth attributed monsters spawns.

Other Magic skill- I never tested those on renewal so if anyone have any idea for those skils, let me know.

Ninja_Aura.png Ninja Aurora ★★★★★

Free +5 Int and Str. Must have skill for any Ninja Build.

Ninja_Mastery.png Ninja Mastery ★★★★

Really useful. But don't bothered to max it. Your Sp pool isn't that huge.

Killing_Stroke.png Killing Stroke ★★★★★

Best PvP skill after Renewal. It empty your HP pool to 0 and deal huge amount of dmg. it is also effected by KVM dagger's bonus. Higher ATK also adds its dmg output. you either use pots right after it, or hide and leap. It is spammable after you attain reasonable amount of HP. Theres better description Here.


Watery_Evasion.png Watery Evasion ★★★★★


This skill is extremely useful when you're in Party. This skill can slow down mobs on its area. Which would help your teammate to manage safe pulling towards to your party. It is also helpful later on when you're using Exploding Kunai.

A. Skill Tree

Well, That took me more than what i expected. Anyway, now i will give you idea for your skill tree. This is just suggestion so if you need more detailed explanation towards any of skill tree, post your question.

a. Default Skill Tree if you'd like to leveling without stat points.

This can sound extremely dumb, but you can certainly do it with ninja. Thats how awesome ninja is.

b. Kunai Ninja Skill Tree

c. Magic Ninja Skill Tree

This can be a little bit tricky. Because, to use ninja's magic attack fully, you would need lots of skill points. You can either choose your hunting spot, or consist with 1vs1 hunting style. But, This is Default skill that all of you ninja need as magic ninja.


Then you have to choose your style of hunting. If you'd like to 1vs1 hunting, this would be good way to start with.

1 on 1 Magic Ninja

Reason why i included Throw Kunai skill is that even if you have no STR contributed on your build, it still does reasonable dmg. you can use it right after you done casting your magic skill and finish your mob which has low hp left. it also uses small amount of sp too.

If your AoE style, you have to choose your skill consistent of 2 attribute. I recommend this.

Fire/Ice Magic Ninja

c. Melee Ninja Skill Tree

3. Gears

Now, Its time to talk about your Gear. Ninja's gear in general is Really simple. Well, you could go beyond simple but ninja really doesn't need that much of gear to start with.

A. Weapon

Here is link to iRo Database with all the weapon that ninja could use.

I will pick out some useful weapons so you can save your time look through all these different weapons. And put my Recommendation Rating.

A Rates ★★★★★

1231.png Bazerald: Magic Ninja (Spell 6~10 enchant is recommanded)
13051.png Eden Dagger II: All Round
13042.png Glorious Gladius: KS & Bio
13303.png Huuma Blazing Shuriken: Kunai Ninja & Melee Ninja
1237.png Grimtooth: Kunai Ninja & Melee Ninja (Expert Archer 6~10 is recommended)

B Rates ★★★★

1230.png Ice Pick: Melee Ninja (Agi 8~10 or Aspd enchant is recommanded)
13015.png Hakujin[1]: Kunai & Melee Ninja
13006.png Khukri: Kunai Ninja
13067.png Kris [1]: Magic Ninja
13036.png Brave Assassin's Damascus: KS
1226.png Elemental Damascus: Melee Ninja

C Rates ★★★

Stuff you can purchase from NPC

D Rates ★


B. Headgear

Here are some Headgear you can use as ninja.

There are sooooooooooooo many Headgears that you could choose from.

Im not going to go too deep about headgear since its HARD to put all the stuff that could be useful or what not. But, i can give you general idea of what you should looking for.

For Kunai Ninja. its Really Simple. Either stuff that increases dmg to certain attribute, or anything that increase your ATK can be nice default.

For Magic Ninja. anything that gives you high matk, or faster casting speed.

For Melee Ninja. Faster Aspd.


C. Armor

Here are some Armor you can use as ninja

There are not many selection for Armor. Really. its either increases your ATK, or HP. Its rather not important if your majority is hunting.

D. Shield


i never used Shield unless i needed some more HP from Thief Egg Card when i use KS...

E. Garment


F. Footgear


G. Accessories


I could say. Glorious Ring and Medal of Honor, and Bloodied Shackle Ball is what you'd looking forward to get. maybe something carded with phen card. RT can be extremely useful for melee build. 

H. Over All

I don't want to talk deeply about gear since everyone have different economic situation. But, Most important gear is Weapon. So, as long as you have decent killing abilities, you will be okay till you hit the 99. Eden Gear is decent for any type of Ninja Build so if your not funded. just try to get Eden Gear. you will be surprised how Ninja could survive and surpass 2nd class and transcendent classes with only Eden gears.

4. Leveling

Sorry for late updates, but i finally got back on and writing this lvling guide. Lvling ninja shouldn't be hard.

According to Ragnarok Wiki, and within my experience, monsters who are 10 level higher than your level give you highest exp than Equal leveled monster. Here is actual information on how is exp system works in iRO.

EXP System

I'm referencing/modifying/updating my old leveling guide for thief class. Because, most of melee class would fit into my guide, and also that i followed that guide while I was leveling my second ninja.

And When I'm referencing any mob, it will follow this rule.
Monster's name (monster level)

Also, i will put URL for that monster's location. If you have any confusion to figure out where it located, consult this page.

iRO Database World Map

Also, you could get Eden Quest to get an extra EXP awards and Equipment awards.

EXP Awards

Equipment Awards

Level 1-16

Complete some quest from NPC while ur in training ground. Do some Eden Quest as well.
You should have no problem having job and base level to 10. then you should change your class to noble NINJA!

Ninja Job Change Walk-through

Level 16-24

Poison Spore (26)
They're aggressive and place is easy to get mobbed.

If you don't want to get mobbed or deal with those aggressiveness, try
Peco Peco (25)

Whenever you hit level 19, go hunt
Big Foot (29)

Level 24-35

Elder Willow (34)

When you're 30, go hunt
Thara Frog (40)
its location is east dungeon of Comodo Island

Level 35-41

Go to the Orc Village and Kill Orcs. Good thing about Orc Village is that all the Orc you will be encountering is Earth attribute. so prepare your fire attribute Kunai, or Fire Attribute magic skill, or Fire enchanted Weapon(if your melee).

Also, Gravity added this new place called "overlook dungeon" where you can get access to the place by either paying reset stone, or being VIP. This dungeon will have same spawn as Izlude Dungeon, but will give out way more exp than regular mobs.
You can stay there till 75 and theres quests board every floor that gives reasonable amount of exp. Prepare yourself with wind Kunai, and you will one-shot most of stuff there.

Level 41-51 or 56

Go to Orc Dungeon from orc village. be careful. There are two warp that I know. And one is connected to 2nd floor to the Orc Dungeon, and one is connected to 1st floor. Go to the one in the direction of 11 O'clock. They also have Eden quest that you have to get stuff from Orc Dungeon, so it will be helpful to be there for a while, and clear the quest (i believe its the 2nd training quest) you get mobbed easily so get some pots, and hiding clip if your funded enough.

You can explore down to 2nd floor if you hit the 45 ish(above 44). and hunt there till 51, or 53,55.

You can also kill
Greatest General (55)

If you get so bored with Orc Dungeon, you can explore the Pyramid Dungeon in Morroc at lvl 48. go to the center then go to the b1 floor.
Minorous (58)
Huuma is highly effective on Large Monster.

Level 51-58

Hode (63)
There are lots of Eden Quests in this particular map. Try to take them then go to this place.

Level 55-75

There are two different route you could take on this part of the guide.

First one is that you could use Maneater Blossom, or Sticky Webfoots for Eden Quest to get easy exp and get from 56 to 71. This would need a bit of zeny so you have to be somewhat funded. Using HE Battle Manual, or Battle Manual you get from signing on Eden Group will help you get more exp from each awards.
Second one is just keep on hunting.

Make level 58 killing Hode. Before changing the hunting spot.

Stalactic Golem (68)
Its located in North Comodo Dungeon.

you could easily get to 65 from that golem.

Once you get to 65, go hunt
Grand Peco (75)
You would need Ice attribute.

Level 71-75

Sleeper (81)
all you need is Fire Attribute. Good this about Sleeper is that its easy to kill. and loot is good. Great Nature will bring you lots of money. I've gathered at least 50+ great nature per hour.

Lever 75-95

There are two ways of doing this.

First One,
Try to do "turn-in" quest in Eden Group. you will get to 95 in no time.

Second One follows these steps.

Level 75-85

Porcellio (85)

Level 85-95

Roween (95)


Stapo (95)

Once Your 89, proceed to Ice Dungeon,
Siroma (98)
You could ask warp to get there, or you can get there from Rachel, go to East then north until you see the dungeon.
Stay there till you get to level 95.

Magmaring (110)
You will need Ice Attribute.

and you will get to 99.

5. Tips

It might be useful to give out some heads up on future ninja updates on ninja expansion so I'll be using this section to give out some info on new ninja class. Also, if you guys have more question about ninja in general, feel free to add replies. Since this will be more of question & answer based section, i will just put three different style of new ninja, and wait for question according to those criteria.

First of all, future ninja will be consistent of three style, Magic, Physical Ranged, and Hybrid.

Magic Ninja will have casting time advantage, and Female Ninja will be suggested for magic type.
Because, female ninja have skill that boosts your matk which male ninja doesn't get.

Physical Ranged type will have advantage on leveling at lower level. With Explosive Kunai, and with this new skill using Humma.

obviously, Hybrid will use magic, and physical skills together.

Since Ninja can use two dagger just like assassin, it is suggested to have two good weap for your ninja. Bazerald will be best choice for magic ninja.

In a few days from April 25th, I will be starting to collects information thats useful to lots of you who are waiting on Kagerou/Oboro.

It will be consist of skills with high efficiency, and how to use it effectively. and in depth information about gear choice.

KVM Gladius vs Quad Kingbird MG

Lots of people are wondering which would make KS dmg higher. I've already added bunch of formula and brief calculation about which weap is most ideal.

But.... I'm confused about sorting out formulas and stuff so it will be a while till i actually give you guys correct answer. best way of doing it is just find people with different weap and just test it out, but since I don't have that ability, it will take me some time to finalize all these information.

But, since I'm getting number of people asking about this, I will try my best to clear this thing.

Here are some generic information that might gives you an idea of how things works.

Most of card bonus, such as race, size, elemental modifier only applies on weapon ATK, which means, if you have Quadruple Bloody MG, 80% of human race modifier applies to your weapon atk.

Most of people just think "KVM IS JUST OP BECAUSE OF SLAUGHTER BONUS" but there is actually a formula behind it.

KVM Gladius for example, Its base atk is 120. and has level 1 Slaughter bonus. Formula for Slaugher bonus is (Weapon upgrade level+Slaughter level-5)^2 and how this work is simple. +10 KVM Gladius for example. If you put all the number in, you get (10+1-5)^2=36%. and how this works is it applies to "Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 75%." meaning, it applies to demi-human race modifier. So that 36% applies on 75% modifier. If you put numbers together, you will end up getting 136.25%. And it applies on Weapon atk only as well.

In the other hand, Ranged modifier (such as Archer Skeleton card) will applies to final dmg out put, So, if I set up the formula, it looks like this. ((ATK*40)+(80% HP))+[{(ATK*40)+(80% HP)*Number of Mirror Image}])*(Ranged Modifier)=Your final dmg output after applying Ranged Modifier. So in theory, if you could make (80% HP) factor more than (ATK*40) factor, you can possibly deal more than KVM weapon. Which is kind of hard at this moment because KVM Gladius is level 4 weap(reason is simple. you get +5 atk bonus from level 3 weap, and +7 from level 4 weap), which means if you could manage to make it +9, it will boost your ATK factor way greater than HP factor

So in Theory, when +9 KVM gladious boost your weap atk to 423.33, you would only get 61 from +9 MG

Lets say if you put four Archer Skeleton card on MG, and your HP is 10k.

Your KS dmg from +9 Quad Kingbird MG is((61*40)+(8k)+[{(61*40)+(8k)}*Number of Mirror Image])*1.4=87696
Your KS dmg from +9 KVM Gladius is((423*40)+(8k)+[{423*40)+(8k)}*Number of Mirror Image])=149520

Number looks a bit crazy because theres no reduc or def to be consider. but lets say your HP is 30k.

+9 Quad Kingbird MG gets 222096
+9 KVM Gladius gets 221520

See what I mean? but theres 25% demi human def bypass so in the end, KVM Gladius will deal much more. Still, if you can get over upgraded damascus, or Gladius, you can deal much more dmg.

These are only calculations from data I've collected from various sources so this can be wrong. But idea is if you have equal, or similar weapon ATK, Ranged modifier will increase your dmg in great number. KVM huuma shuriken is out of discussion because of its small base atk. and it still meets 100% modifier as it hits 14 anyway.

If you could spot something wrong, please reply on this post and i will be happy to change/edit my post so that everyone gets accurate information.



Edited by CharAznable, 03 July 2013 - 08:28 AM.

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#2 CharAznable


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Posted 19 November 2011 - 05:49 PM


Edited by CharAznable, 14 December 2015 - 11:30 PM.

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#3 Anko


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Posted 12 December 2011 - 09:25 AM

Early on for kunai build i actually use the morpheus set for sp.
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#4 HumIsKing


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Posted 13 December 2011 - 09:08 PM

Dam dude you did a good job on this.
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#5 Digimonic


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Posted 20 December 2011 - 04:42 AM

I have a question. Does Dagger Throwing practice improve the dmg of humma and kunais in any way? cause it doesnt say in the in game description. I also noticed its the only skill missing in the list, next to the 2 ice and 2 wind skils. Just wanted to know if Throwing Dagger practice had an effect on the other 2 weapons (huuma and kunai)
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#6 wotmint


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Posted 28 January 2012 - 11:17 PM

Good read, waiting on leveling guide part. Just a suggestion, but could you include the future 2nd class for ninja too. I know info are a bit scarce atm, would appreciate if you could add it.
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#7 CharAznable


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 10:34 PM

I have a question. Does Dagger Throwing practice improve the dmg of humma and kunais in any way? cause it doesnt say in the in game description. I also noticed its the only skill missing in the list, next to the 2 ice and 2 wind skils. Just wanted to know if Throwing Dagger practice had an effect on the other 2 weapons (huuma and kunai)

eh... its bit of late answer but Throwing Practice only apply for Shuriken. Not on Huuma or Kunai. and hmm i thought i included everything but maybe its because i thought those weren't necessarily
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#8 CharAznable


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 10:37 PM

Good read, waiting on leveling guide part. Just a suggestion, but could you include the future 2nd class for ninja too. I know info are a bit scarce atm, would appreciate if you could add it.

I stopped playing iRo for a while and was playing kRo to test 2nd ninja out a bit. but 2nd ninja is bit clumsy and not balanced properly yet. so i wouldn't post any further info on 2nd ninja till they settle the balancing part.

i will try to post lvling guide.
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#9 CharAznable


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 10:41 PM

somehow symbols are keep getting glitched so i removed. and i'm also thinking of putting some screen shots for ideal gears and stuff for Tips. might need some preparation.

Edited by CharAznable, 03 March 2012 - 12:20 AM.

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#10 CharAznable


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Posted 21 March 2012 - 06:22 PM

started tip section as Q&A based category. feel free to reply on it with question regarding on subject.
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#11 pandapants


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Posted 23 March 2012 - 06:49 PM

You should add overlook dungeon as a potential leveling spot. Great place to level as kunai, plus you can get a card!

With wind kunai and decent gear you can 1 shot most monsters there and they give great exp! Working on my second ninja as aleecher for other characters and I'm hitting between 11~15k per mob
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#12 CharAznable


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Posted 23 March 2012 - 11:39 PM

You should add overlook dungeon as a potential leveling spot. Great place to level as kunai, plus you can get a card!

With wind kunai and decent gear you can 1 shot most monsters there and they give great exp! Working on my second ninja as aleecher for other characters and I'm hitting between 11~15k per mob

Thanks for the suggestion. i should've added about overlook dungeon since it also have quest in it that gives lots of exp. thing about that place is that if you could afford that much of money, at around 55, chances are you either go get maneater and do eden quest till 71, or just keep on hunting there. still, i was totally forgetting about that place and thank you for the input. i will add that place in the guide. and that's decent amount of dmg your out putting. I'm currently trying to hit 30k on my kunai and its getting harder as I'm running out of idea with increasing my atk on gears.

Edited by CharAznable, 23 March 2012 - 11:42 PM.

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#13 pandapants


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Posted 24 March 2012 - 09:51 AM

What are your gears? At overlook lv 70 I was only hitting 20-22k with weapon perfection and Eden buffs
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#14 CharAznable


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Posted 24 March 2012 - 01:38 PM

What are your gears? At overlook lv 70 I was only hitting 20-22k with weapon perfection and Eden buffs

oh, 30k is not in overlook dungeon. thats just my attempt to reach maximum dmg without god gears.

Gearwise, i have +9 backpack with giant whisper card. +9 huuma blaze shuriken, bsb, wild cat carded ninja suit, MoH, +9 evil marching hat, dark pinquicula carded elven ear, and pirates dagger. +8 grimtooth is my optional weap.
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#15 pandapants


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Posted 25 March 2012 - 11:43 AM

Very nice gear! If you're looking for a bit more atk you could switch that ninjas suit to a 3str glittering jacket
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#16 IsisThump


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Posted 25 March 2012 - 03:47 PM

does dagger throwing practice also increase the attack of throw kunai?
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#17 pandapants


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Posted 25 March 2012 - 06:48 PM

does dagger throwing practice also increase the attack of throw kunai?

No, it does not
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#18 IsisThump


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Posted 25 March 2012 - 06:54 PM

No, it does not

damn well that was a waste of skill points xD
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#19 CharAznable


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Posted 25 March 2012 - 10:08 PM

does dagger throwing practice also increase the attack of throw kunai?

No, it does not increase your Throw Kunai's dmg output. i forgot to include that into guide so i just updated it.
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#20 ChaosRequiem


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Posted 06 April 2012 - 04:11 PM

Why does throwing type invest alot on vit?doesn't a throwing type ninja needs agi??? Sorry but I'm just a newbie ninja and I'm really confused on skill and stat builds for throwing type Shinobis.... Please enlighten me on this :thx:
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#21 Tetsamaru


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Posted 06 April 2012 - 04:14 PM

Why does throwing type invest alot on vit?doesn't a throwing type ninja needs agi??? Sorry but I'm just a newbie ninja and I'm really confused on skill and stat builds for throwing type Shinobis.... Please enlighten me on this :thx:

Because even if we assume you have 99 agi, you can only throw your Kunai's so fast. The reason everyone goes Vit is because that way, you can be a thrower ninja as well as a Killing Strike ninja. You wont need Agi for flee reasons because Cicinda skin shed says Hi.

Edited by Tetsamaru, 06 April 2012 - 04:15 PM.

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#22 ChaosRequiem


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Posted 06 April 2012 - 04:20 PM

Because even if we assume you have 99 agi, you can only throw your Kunai's so fast. The reason everyone goes Vit is because that way, you can be a thrower ninja as well as a Killing Strike ninja. You wont need Agi for flee reasons because Cicinda skin shed says Hi.

Oh I about DEX? sorry to be asking a lot of questions..I really want to do this Shinobi thing right.. :p_laugh:
Also, regarding the skill tree, After I followed the one above should I put the excess on killing stroke?

:thx: a lot for replying Tetsamaru!
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#23 Tetsamaru


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Posted 07 April 2012 - 03:49 PM

Kunai always hits. You honestly could do it with 1 dex if you wanted.

I leveled one of my ninja's to level 75 in Overlook dungeon with only 10 dex(10 dex so i could actually hit the damn porings).
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#24 olbaid


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Posted 09 April 2012 - 04:40 PM

Oh I about DEX? sorry to be asking a lot of questions..I really want to do this Shinobi thing right.. :p_laugh:
Also, regarding the skill tree, After I followed the one above should I put the excess on killing stroke?

:thx: a lot for replying Tetsamaru!

I use this build for Kunai/KS
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#25 CharAznable


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 01:51 PM

Oh I about DEX? sorry to be asking a lot of questions..I really want to do this Shinobi thing right.. :p_laugh:
Also, regarding the skill tree, After I followed the one above should I put the excess on killing stroke?

:thx: a lot for replying Tetsamaru!

If you only use Killing Stroke, or Throwing Kunai, You don't need Dex at all. Both of skill does not require any hit point. and your question about Vit vs Agi, Only reason why i said Vit is because most of people who wants to go with Kunai build, They will have enough skill point to get level 10 Killing stroke. Higher the Hp, you get more dmg output when ur using KS. and Agi only shortens after delay of non casting skills. and after delay of Throwing kunai is not that bad.
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