Skill Effect Requests - 14.1 and Skill Balance update feedback - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Skill Effect Requests

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#1 Oda



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Posted 16 December 2011 - 03:57 PM

Putting up sticky threads to better organize the bug reports/feedback we're getting. For these, let's keep this simple.

Please use this format

Skill name
Pre-patch skill
Post-patch skill

Why you would like to see this changed/changed back

This is for things that don't fall under the damage or cast time/cooldown categories. If you can give screenshots or detailed information we will use this feedback to make a determination and in the changes we are requesting from headquarters.

Please please avoid "yeah me too" posts or "this sucks" posts, as these just clutter up things.
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#2 gl101


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Posted 16 December 2011 - 04:46 PM

[Shadow Chaser]


Pre-patch effect:
When copyed skill is use twice the sp consume

Post-patch effect:
When you copy skill the original sp is consume

Why would you like this changed/changed back:

I dont know if this topic goes here but I would like this to go back to the original effect as It is too much sp consuming. Also some skill consume 100 sp (crimson rock) and when u copy it with reproduce u will use up twice the original sp.
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#3 Dinosexy


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Posted 16 December 2011 - 05:19 PM

[Shadow Chaser]

Shadow formation

Pre-patch effect:
Only removal methods are: target move out of range, insufficient SP upkeep, exceed the hit count and/or duration ends.

Post-patch effect:
Can be removed with dectection skills such as Sight or Ruwatch.

Why you would like to see this changed/changed back:
While I agree that it should be removable by enemy players, Sight accessories are not hard to get a hold of, and recasting detection constantly is something most players did even before the patch. Half a chance to remove a max level form every 2 seconds are odds far too much in the favour of the target. So the skill now has little oppurtunity to be used. It is my suggestion that it should require Dispell or Clearance to remove SF status from a Chaser.

Edited by Dinosexy, 16 December 2011 - 05:30 PM.

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#4 asayuu


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Posted 16 December 2011 - 06:25 PM

Something pretty simple:

Skill name: All;
Pre-patch skill:
All support skills overlap each other.

Post-patch skill:

< Group A >

Swing Dance
Loverâ??s Symphony
Moonlight Serenade
Windmill Rush
Echo Song

<Skills in Group A will not stack; These skills will overwrite each other.>

< Group B > - These skills can only be removed by special skills.

Sirenâ??s Voice

Deep Sleep Lullaby
Circling Nature
Gloomy Shyness
Song of Mana
Dance with Wargs
Saturday Night Fever
Lerard's Dew
Sinking Melody
Warcry from Beyond
Unlimited Humming Voice

< Skills in B group can stack with A group. B group skills can only be removed through special skills such as Clearance, Howling of Lion, Sound of Destruction etc. >

Why you would like to see this changed/changed back

No overlaps should exist, unless the skills affect the same thing [Pre-patch Sinking and Pre-patch Warcry, other example being the "affinity" Kyrie Eleison and Assumptio have, or endows]

Why? Because the overlaps filter "the best skill", that is mainly Windmill Rush or Swing Dance. Think about an Archbishop, if he/she had to choose to keep ONLY ONE BUFF OF between Blessing, Increase Agi, Kyrie Eleison, Angelus, Impostio Manus, Magnificat, Suffragium, Sacrament or Gloria, for instance.

The skills can be removed by Lion's Howling, Clearance and Song of Destruction anyways, it would make both the buffs than the counters more useful.

Skill name: Circle of Nature, Circling Nature or Circle of Nature's Melody
"Pre-renewal" skill:
Drained (skill level+1) SP and healed (40 * skill level) + (80 * (skill level - 3))
Pre-patch skill:
Drained 4 SP and healed 40 HP every second for 60 seconds.
Post-patch skill:
Drained (4*skill level) SP and healed (40*skill level) every second for 60 seconds.

Why you would like to see this changed/changed back:

Circle of Nature is a useless skill since it was implemented on a main server for the first time [the first version comes from the Renewal test server] because the heal amount was too low, the sp drain too high. AND THE SKILL IS RESTRICTED TO PVP.

So priority 1 - remove PVP restriction.

Then I had an idea. Every [10 - skill level] seconds, it autocasts Heal, in the same level as the Voice Lessons level of the caster, in all members affected by the skill.

Like: A Wanderer with Circle 5 and Voice Lessons 10 would affect all allies with a buff which every 5 seconds, it autocasts Heal level 10.

I'm too lazy/busy to write about Lerad too, it needs a urgent fix ^^
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#5 Pril


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Posted 16 December 2011 - 06:36 PM

[Royal Guard]


Pre-patch effect:
If there is another Royal Guard in the party with Banding activated, their ATK and DEF increase, and all Royal Guards with Banding will share HP with one another. This effect is increased as more Royal Guards are banded together.
Any enemy that approaches a Royal Guard who has Banding activated, then the enemy may be inflicted with the Overawe status and have its movement speed decreased. The duration of and the chance to trigger this effect is increased with higher levels of the skill and a higher Base Level.
SP will be continuously drained while this spell is active, and it may be cancelled by casting it a second time.

Post-patch effect:
No change

Why you would like to see this changed/changed back
I'd like to see the aoe size increased to at least 9x9, or apply some of the bonus stats when alone, or some change to encourage getting it at all. Currently no one uses this skill namely due to 1. unable to find others who have banding, and 2. aoe size is so small, that it requires party members to stand right next to each other every time they want banding's benefits again. It is a skill designed for party use with others with the same skill, but it is pointless if there are no others with the skill.
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#6 Hoeee


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Posted 16 December 2011 - 08:40 PM

Skill name: Deep Sleep Lullaby

Pre-renewal" skill:

AoE: Level 1: 11x11

Level 2: 13x13

Level 3: 15x15

Level 4: 17x17

Level 5: 19x19

Duration: (10 + 2 * Skill Level) - {(Target�??s Base Level / 20) + (Target�??s Base INT / 20)}] seconds.

Minimum of 5 second duration.

Success Chance:[(Skill Level x 4)+(Caster's Base Int/3)+(Caster�??s Base Level / 5)+(Caster�??s Job Level / 5)]%

Pre-patch skill:
Level Base Success Rate Range Duration
1 90% 13 x 13 12s
2 92% 15 x 15 14s
3 94% 17 x 17 16s
4 96% 19 x 19 18s
5 98% 21 x 21 20s

Post-patch skill:

AoE: Level 1: 11x11

Level 2: 13x13

Level 3: 15x15

Level 4: 17x17

Level 5: 19x19

Duration: (10 + 2 * Skill Level) - {(Target�??s Base Level / 20) + (Target�??s Base INT / 20)}] seconds.

Minimum of 5 second duration.
Success chance:[(Skill Level x 4)+(Voice Lessons Skill Level x 2)+(Caster�??s Base Level / 15)+(Caster�??s Job Level / 5)]%

Why you would like to see this changed/changed back:

I have no problem with the duration. The problem is the success chance of dsl. The success chance of the Post-patch skill formula are low and dsl are very important skill for maestro/wanderer in pvp/woe for lock the target. Although we have unbarring octave and song of despair, but how about if they have marc/evil druid card and they can still cast skill and run with snap, front slide, back slide, etc. Since maestro have many skill to invest in, we do not have enough skill point to invest Voice Lesson to 10 for dsl effect chance.

Skill name: Siren Voice/ Voice of Siren

Pre-renewal" skill:

AoE: Level 1: 5x5

Level 2: 7x7

Level 3: 9x9

Level 4: 11x11

Level 5: 13x13

Duration: {(12 + 3 * Skill Level) + (Caster's Voice lesson*2)} - {(Targetâ??s Base Level / 10) + (Targetâ??s Job Level / 5)} seconds

Success chance: (Skill Level x 6) + (Voice Lesson Skill Level x 2) + (Casterâ??s Job Level / 2) %

Sirenâ??s Voice will end immediately when targets receive damage or at the end of skill duration

Pre-patch skill:
Level Area Success Rate Duration (sec)
1 5 x 5 30% 15
2 7 x 7 40% 18
3 9 x 9 50% 21
4 11 x 11 60% 24
5 13 x 13 70% 27

Post-patch skill:

AoE: Level 1: 5x5

Level 2: 7x7

Level 3: 9x9

Level 4: 11x11

Level 5: 13x13

Duration: (12 + 3 * Skill Level) - {(Targetâ??s Base Level / 10) + (Targetâ??s Job Level / 5)} seconds

Success chance: (Skill Level x 6) + (Voice Lesson Skill Level x 2) + (Casterâ??s Job Level / 2) %

Sirenâ??s Voice will end immediately when targets receive damage or at the end of skill duration

Why you would like to see this changed/changed back:

With the post-patch skill formula:

Duration: (12 + 3 * Skill Level) - {(Target's Base Level / 10) + (Target's Job Level / 5)} seconds

Duration: (12 + 3 * 5) - {(150 / 10) + (50 / 5)} seconds

Duration: (12 + 15) - {(15) + (10)} seconds

Duration: (27) - {25} seconds

2 seconds on a 150/50 character???!!! :glomp:

For the balance formula, I would like to Caster's voice lesson should take into account into duration formula.

Edited by Hoeee, 16 December 2011 - 08:58 PM.

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#7 GuardianTK


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Posted 16 December 2011 - 10:57 PM

[Royal Guard]

Pinpoint Attack

Pre-patch: Flat 50% chance to break an enemy's Helm(With Lv2 PPA), Shield(With Lv3 PPA), Armor(With Lv4 PPA), or Weapon(With PPA Lv5)

Post-patch: Formula for break chance is supposed to be;
30 + [(Maximum learned level of Pinpoint attack x 5) + (Caster's AGI + Caster's Base Level) / 10]%

What should be changed: Although Sakray testing shows that break chances are still using the old formula of 50% instead of the supposed balance patch formula, I would still like for break chances to be lowered on all levels of the skill. 50% break chance is far too high and is going to be much higher if balance patch formula is put in, especially when skill cooldown is 5secs. Between 20-25% chance per level would probably be acceptable.

Edited by GuardianTK, 16 December 2011 - 10:58 PM.

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#8 Dawei


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 12:33 AM


Cluster bomb

Pre-patch: cannot be placed under targets

Post-patch: can not be placed under targets

Why: could this be changed to have be placed under targets if I'm not mistaken kRO already has this effect which. This would possible save those rangers who have invested so much into a trapping build. Along with the fact that fire and ice traps even IF the formulas got fixed to increase damage are still nothing to a wind property monster or even worse a water property monster.
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#9 ShionTheBlack


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 01:34 AM


Skill: Frost Misty

Pre-Patch: 80% Freezing chance at level 5 27x27 Radius

Post-Patch: 50% Freezing at level 5 19x19

Change: I would like to see this changed back to 80% Freezing rate at level 5 because Jack Frost's damage is almost completely reliant on this spell. As it is currently, it is very hard to even justify the points spent to make this viable for leveling.


Skill: Radius

Pre-patch: (Skill Level) Cells

Post-Patch: (Skill level) Cells

Change: I would really like to see this add additional range to the Warlock AoE spells, Frost Misty, Jack Frost and Comet. I feel that the AoE range reduction of these 3 spells was rather uneccessary given their either low damage (Frost Misty, Jack Frost) or their cost to cast (Comets 2 red gemstones, 800sp and 1 min after cast delay). While this change wouldn't return them to their old radius of 27x27 it would give Warlocks more reason to invest in Radius.
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#10 kalayaan12345


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 02:29 AM

Arrow Repel
Pre-patch skill: Archer never even lifts his bow, you never even see an arrow. The Archer basically just stands there while the target gets pushed back.
Post-patch skill: unchanged

This isn't anything new that came with the patch, but while you're already fixing animations, you could fix this as well. The idea behind Arrow Repel is, in fact, that the Archer shoots a single arrow directly at the target, thereby pushing the target a couple of cells back. That should really have an animation of the Archer actually shooting, then. The current animation is more likely to make you think he summons a force field or something.
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#11 asayuu


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 07:19 AM

Skill Names:
Fire Elemental Change
Water Elemental Change
Wind Elemental Change
Earth Elemental Change

Magenta Trap
Cobalt Trap
Maze Trap
Verdure Trap

Pre and Post patch effects: Change a monster's element to "X" property

Suggestions to change: Both skills "permanently" change the element of a monster to the "element" level 1, as elemental armors do too. Devs should modify this skill to a buff with five minutes duration, and affect both players and monsters. And while a Sage would element change someone defensively [Fire element to cross Dragon Breath precasts, Water element to cross Storm Gust precasts], a Ranger could use it to debuff. [Earth element trap to Dragon Breath precasts, fire element trap to Storm Gust precasts], giving both classes a new support function in PVM [Think about the sage endowing fire everyone in Thor] and siege, AND MAKING THOSE SKILLS USEFUL.

Edited by asayuu, 17 December 2011 - 07:21 AM.

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#12 rommel671


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 08:20 AM

Please make it 100% chance again. Pretty useless i rather
Get froze dive 65% vrs 40% for arullo :glomp:
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#13 TheSquishy


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 01:55 PM

I posted this in the mechanic testing section, already
but I feel to need to repost it.


[Flamethrower/Ice Launcher]

Why I would like it changed...

Did some testing with ice launcher and flamethrower today.So both seem to have some sort of issue with how damage is applied to players wearing elemental armors.I tested it against sorc level 2 defensive summons also.

There is no issue when using endows.
Example: Flame thrower does more damage to a player wearing ifrit armor.Ice launcher does more damage to a player wearing earth .

Leads me to believe that the default element of this skills has been switched.

These two skills seems to not have the proper default elemental property.
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#14 TheSquishy


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 03:44 PM



Pre-balance100% at level 5

Success chance: [(15 + 5 * Skill Level) + ( Caster's INT / 5 ) + ( Caster's Job Level / 5 ) - ( Target's INT / 6 ) - ( Target's LUK / 10 )] %
Duration: [(6 + 2 * Skill Level) - {( Target's Base Level / 20 ) + ( Target's Base INT / 40 )}]

Why I would like it changed...
The point of the change was suppose to make sure it's fair, not make the skill useless
or improbable. The skill is already restricted to PvP/WoE maps but 100% chance for a status that could not be
100% resisted by any means was too much. Also deep sleep is different from regular sleep is only suppose to be resisted by int, not int and luck.

Success chance [[(45+5*Skill Level)+(Caster Int/5)+(Caster Job Lvl/5)]-(Target int)]%

*This puts base success rate before target's resistance back at 100% at level 5 with 100int/job 50 sorc and makes Deep Sleep resistible by 1% for each point of int.

Duration [(5 + 2 * Skill Level) - ( Target's Base INT / 10 )]

*Having a longer duration based on being low level is unnecessary and anti-competitive in woe/pvp. Duration
should be purely stat based seeing as higher level people naturally have more stat points.

Edited by TheSquishy, 17 December 2011 - 03:46 PM.

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#15 meoryou2


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 04:07 PM


Aimed Bolt.

Pre: does 1-3 hits to immobilized targets, non immobilized get hit once
Post: does 1-(4-5?) hits to immobilized targets, non immobilized get hit once

Change: Due to the setup time required ( immobilizing targets ) and the long cast time, either reduce the SP cost or have the skill adjusted to do the base multi hits for target size with a much reduced chance for the extra hits when the target is NOT trapped / warg bite / ETC
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#16 cybernetic


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 05:31 PM

Enchant Deadly Poison [Assassin Cross]
Pre-patch skill
EDP does not cancel on weapon switch.

Post-patch skill
EDP does cancel on weapon switch.

As it is currently the new version of EDP only promotes people to keep their katars on. This doesn't harm anyone who already defaults katar (the majority), but it hinders players who have come to have the ability of being able to switch gear at will.

Changing it back so it does not cancel on weapon switch will promote skill play, and promote better players.

Edited by cybernetic, 17 December 2011 - 06:54 PM.

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#17 Xyst


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 05:48 PM

Changing it back so it does not cancel on weapon switch will promote skill play, and promote better players.

I think if that were the case a better player will use a second EDP after change Weapon, it's not that in not agree with you but your argument isn't solid enough.
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#18 Akin


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 06:20 PM

Skill name: All;
Pre-patch skill:
All support skills overlap each other.
Post-patch skill:
< Group A >
Swing Dance
Lover's Symphony
Moonlight Serenade
Windmill Rush
Echo Song
<Skills in Group A will not stack; These skills will overwrite each other.>

< Group B > - These skills can only be removed by special skills.
Siren's Voice
Deep Sleep Lullaby
Circling Nature
Gloomy Shyness
Song of Mana
Dance with Wargs
Saturday Night Fever
Lerard's Dew
Sinking Melody
Warcry from Beyond
Unlimited Humming Voice
< Skills in B group can stack with A group. B group skills can only be removed through special skills such as Clearance, Howling of Lion, Sound of Destruction etc. >

Why you would like to see this changed/changed back

No overlaps should exist, unless the skills affect the same thing [Pre-patch Sinking and Pre-patch Warcry, other example being the "affinity" Kyrie Eleison and Assumptio have, or endows]

Why? Because the overlaps filter "the best skill", that is mainly Windmill Rush or Swing Dance. Think about an Archbishop, if he/she had to choose to keep ONLY ONE BUFF OF between Blessing, Increase Agi, Kyrie Eleison, Angelus, Impostio Manus, Magnificat, Suffragium, Sacrament or Gloria, for instance.

The skills can be removed by Lion's Howling, Clearance and Song of Destruction anyways, it would make both the buffs than the counters more useful.

I agree with this concept 100%. Not to mention the fact that Sinking and Warcry no longer affect allies anyway. The only problem being that there would be no way to remove the affects of DSL, Gloomy, Sinking, Warcry, Harmonize, and Siren's Voice from allies unless you were a Sura or AB. I would suggest either leaving the chorus skills alone, or allowing Song of Destruction to work on allies, apart from the damage received. Definitely let the group A skills overlap.

Skill name: Circle of Nature, Circling Nature or Circle of Nature's Melody
"Pre-renewal" skill:
Drained (skill level+1) SP and healed (40 * skill level) + (80 * (skill level - 3))
Pre-patch skill:
Drained 4 SP and healed 40 HP every second for 60 seconds.
Post-patch skill:
Drained (4*skill level) SP and healed (40*skill level) every second for 60 seconds.

Why you would like to see this changed/changed back:

Circle of Nature is a useless skill since it was implemented on a main server for the first time [the first version comes from the Renewal test server] because the heal amount was too low, the sp drain too high. AND THE SKILL IS RESTRICTED TO PVP.

So priority 1 - remove PVP restriction.

Then I had an idea. Every [10 - skill level] seconds, it autocasts Heal, in the same level as the Voice Lessons level of the caster, in all members affected by the skill.

Like: A Wanderer with Circle 5 and Voice Lessons 10 would affect all allies with a buff which every 5 seconds, it autocasts Heal level 10.

I'm confused, this skill didn't exist before Renewal. Or do you mean how it was when it was first released on kRO? Either way, the formula never changed with the balance patch. The real problem with this song is that it doesn't work outside of PvP. Your ideas on new effects are nice though. Here's another one: For each monster or enemy player on screen, reduce the SP cost by 4, and take it from them instead (up to 10 enemies for a 0 SP cost). It shouldn't heal enemies any way you change it though.

My turn!
Class: [Maestro/Wanderer]

Skill name: Deep Sleep Lullaby

Skill name: Reverberation

Or, if you won't do that:
Skill name: Dominion Impulse

Skill name: Severe Rainstorm

Skill name: Improvised Song

Skill name: Lerard's Dew

Skill name: Unlimited Humming Voice

Skill name: All Chorus Skills

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#19 Clogon


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 07:57 PM

Royal Guard:


Pre-Patch: @ Base 150 don't require 1% exp to cast

Post-Patch: You need to gain millions of exp just to cast even you're 150/50 and one of RG's goal to rush max base levels is to get rid of the pain -1% exp, now that they got nerfed buffs also suffers too much exp just to use it for 1min duration and 5mins cooldown :)

Change: @ Base 150 casting Inspiration dont require 1% exp
I disagree with this somewhat, I think it should still requite exp to cast but maybe lower it to 0.5% or something.

Vanguard Force

Pre-Patch: Icon says Max HP & Def boost, HP bonus works but no def boost

Post-Patch: Icon says Max HP & Def boost, HP bonus works but no def boost

Change: Fix the Def boost of this skill :)

VF does give Def but 10% boost is quite negligible and just like all % def boosts like Assumpsio you don't see the increase in your status menu. You can easily teast this get 100 equipment def (nothing more cause the more def you have the less noticible your damage will bee), get someone with high STR to punch (Do not use weapon) you with and without FoV. You will see that the damage is reduced by like 1 or 2 damages.


Gentle Touch Skills Tree:

Pre-Patch: No cooldown

Post-Patch: 3mins+ cooldown and as support skill, how can you cast it to all your 11 other party mates if its like forever to re-use it :Emo_15: Make all support Suras default to go only one build w/c is Gates of Hell

Change: The way it was before without forever-like cooldown

These skills made Sura's better buffers than AB's. The point of this nerf was to severely change that and limit it to only 1 of each buff per sura.

Lightning Ride:

Pre-Patch: No cast time

Post-Patch: Fix 2 secs cast time; now you die before finishing casting it in a middle of mobs :blaugh:

Change: The way it was before without fix cast time or make it variable w/dex...

This is false Lightning Ride is Full Variable (5s at lvl 5) You can still instant cast it if you have enough casting time reduction. You can easily test this with strings.

replies are in bold

Edited by Clogon, 17 December 2011 - 07:58 PM.

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#20 Ramen


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 10:13 PM


Throw Huuma Shuriken

Current Effect:

Damage is the same for all targets in range of the skill. Skill is ground targeted.

Level 1 - 9 cell range 3x3 300% damage 20sp
Level 2 - 9 cell range 3x3 450% damage 25sp
Level 3 - 9 cell range 3x3 600% damage 30sp
Level 4 - 9 cell range 3x3 750% damage 35sp
Level 5 - 9 cell range 3x3 900% damage 40sp

Desired Change:

Cast range and AoE size scaled with skill level. Targets monsters, rather than ground. Not sure if it could be done, but SP cost = 2*number of monsters receiving damage within the AoE of the skill. If not, then SP Cost = 30,35,40,35,50

Level 1 - 5 cell range 3x3 300% damage
Level 2 - 6 cell range 3x3 450% damage
Level 3 - 7 cell range 5x5 600% damage
Level 4 - 8 cell range 5x5 750% damage
Level 5 - 9 cell range 7x7 900% damage

Flip Tatami

Current Effect:

Flip tatami to damage enemies directly vertical and horizontal of the caster, and cause the caster's tile to ignore long range physical damage for 3 seconds. Any enemies damaged by the skill will be pushed back 3 cells, and each cast is followed by a 3 second cast delay.

Level 1 - 1 cell range | 110% damage
Level 2 - 2 cell range | 120% damage
Level 3 - 2 cell range | 130% damage
Level 4 - 3 cell range | 140% damage
Level 5 - 3 cell range | 150% damage

Desired Change:

Level 1 - 1 cell range | 150% damage
Level 2 - 2 cell range | 200% damage
Level 3 - 2 cell range | 250% damage
Level 4 - 3 cell range | 300% damage
Level 5 - 3 cell range | 400% damage The 3x3 cells around the caster ignore long range physical damage as well. Certain percent chance to inflict Stun, Blind, and Chaos.

Shadow Leap & Shadow Slash

Current Effect:

Disabled in WoE due to being able to leap over barricades.

Desired Change:

Re-enable in WoE. Emp can't be broken anymore unless all of the barricades are destroyed anyway, right? Triple the cast time for Urgent Recall on Ninja class characters.

Mirror Image

Current Effect:

This ninja skill is extremely similar to Cicada Skin Shed because it will dodge all attacks and skills whos damage can be modified by cards. Unlike Cicada Skin Shed though, this skill will not move the caster back 7 cells. This skill requires the Ninja to be in the Ninja Aura status to use (with this status removed immediately after casting Mirror Image). If Cicada Skin Shed and Mirror Image are active at the same time both skills are triggered. Blacks up to a total of five hits.

Desired Change:

This skill seems extremely redundant, and fairly useless for the 35 skill points required to max it. I would honestly like to see the entire skill reworked. I've noticed that ninjas do have the capacity to be melee focused, and even have some skills specifically for melee combat. I would like to see Mirror Image changed to do something along these lines.

Using his/her skills of deception, the ninja creates multiple illusions of himself/herself in order to confuse the enemy and gain the upper hand. Keep old durations, double old SP costs.

Level 1 - Flee+3 | Perfect Dodge+2 | Aspd+1%
Level 2 - Flee+6 | Perfect Dodge+4 | Aspd+2%
Level 3 - Flee+9 | Perfect Dodge+6 | Aspd+3%
Level 4 - Flee+12 | Perfect Dodge+8 | Aspd+4%
Level 5 - Flee+15 | Perfect Dodge+10 | Aspd+5%
Level 6 - Flee+18 | Perfect Dodge+12 | Aspd+6%
Level 7 - Flee+21 | Perfect Dodge+14 | Aspd+7%
Level 8 - Flee+24 | Perfect Dodge+16 | Aspd+8%
Level 9 - Flee+27 | Perfect Dodge+18 | Aspd+9%
Level 10 - Flee+30 | Perfect Dodge+20| Aspd+10%

Ninja Mastery

Desired Change:

Double the amount of SP recovered from this skill please. Ninja's SP pool is pathetic and all of their skills require rather massive amounts of SP.

I know that Kagero and Oboro are coming, but that doesn't mean that these ninja skills can't get reworked. I don't really believe that any of these changes could be considered OP, but if I'm mistaken about something, feel free to shoot me a PM about a suggested revision.

Edited by Ramen, 17 December 2011 - 10:26 PM.

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#21 TheSquishy


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 10:47 PM


All ninja skills are being revised by KRO to make them compatible with renewal.
Until we know for sure what KRO is fixing or not fixing, we can't request any changes.
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#22 LeonFlare


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 12:24 AM

[Rune Knight]

Skill name

Enchant Blade

Pre-patch skill

Enchants your or others weapon with magic, allowing you to deal additional magic damage with your physical attacks. Only regular melee attacks are increased. The user's INT increases the bonus of damage, and each level increases the magic damage. The buff lasts for 5 minutes.

Post-patch skill

Enchants your weapon with magic, allowing you to deal additional magic damage with your physical attacks. Only regular melee attacks are increased. The user's INT increases the bonus of damage, and each level increases the magic damage. The buff lasts for 5 minutes.

Why you would like to see this changed/changed back

Can you make EB to work with physical skills to? this can help to improve all kind of rk's who get nerfed whith the skillpatch and not make it only useful for agi ctrl click rk's, kinda like:

Enchants your weapon with magic, allowing you to deal additional magic damage with your physical attacks. The user's INT increases the bonus of damage, and each level increases the magic damage. The buff lasts for 5 minutes.

Edited by LeonFlare, 18 December 2011 - 12:26 AM.

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#23 Piyapol


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 06:46 AM

Royal Guard:


Pre-Patch: @ Base 150 don't require 1% exp to cast

Post-Patch: You need to gain millions of exp just to cast even you're 150/50 and one of RG's goal to rush max base levels is to get rid of the pain -1% exp, now that they got nerfed buffs also suffers too much exp just to use it for 1min duration and 5mins cooldown

Change: @ Base 150 casting Inspiration dont require 1% exp

I totally agreed with this. Inspiration already has it limitation and it's not something godly. Simply manhole and many more skill and stop that RG. 1m exp accquire our time and afford too much. I also want to chill, mvp, endless without my concern that I might loss exp from my dead even i'm already at max level 150

Edited by Piyapol, 18 December 2011 - 06:47 AM.

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#24 Cossack


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 06:58 AM

[Guillotine cross]
Skill name Create deadly poison
Pre-patch skill

i was able to create 75-80 EDP out of 100

Post-patch skill

now its 45-55

Skill name Spritual Prepare Potion 2
Pre-patch skill

was able to make 120-130/200 slim potion with soul linker

Post-patch skill

now the range is 105-115/200

i know it can be bad luck BUT every time luck is not bad. i am a merchant who sell potions and EDP's,& currently I am on loss :)

Edited by Cossack, 18 December 2011 - 07:06 AM.

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#25 Roman


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 08:16 AM

Shadow Chaser
Shadow Spell
Pre-patch skill
Auto cast up to level 5 of a first/second class magic attack (non trans)while melee attacking

Post-patch skill
Don't think it actually changed

Why you would like to see this changed/changed back
I would like to see this skill changed to do at least one (preferably both) of the following:

1. Change it to also work with a bow. The skill icon even has a bow on it, I do not understand why this is restricted to melee only. Chasers bow damage is pitiful, the best atk bow they can use is an Earth Bow [1] with a whopping 105 atk, or an Orc Archer Bow which has no slot. Magic Attack formula is already boned, so its not like the auto casted spells will even do much damage to other players, its more of a PvM thing.

2. Change the auto cast spell level up to 10. Again, Magic Attack formula is already boned, so its not like the auto casted spells will even do much damage to other players, its more of a PvM thing.


pre-balance: normal sp cost
post-balance: double sp cost of copied skill

The sp cost for skills can be ridiculous. As it is a Chaser will never do the same damage as the class who gets the skill naturally. Matk for chasers is out the window. Atk chasers dont have a two handed wpn to use (excluding bow). And most of those classes have self buffs to amp their own damage. We get to increase our STR by 16 for 30 seconds after hiding for 10 seconds (without link)...yay?

Blood Lust

pre-balance: 3x3 area causes provoke status on anything that enters
post-balance: 3x3 area causes Frenzy status on anything that enters

Why you would like to see this changed/changed back
Let me make this clear, I like the change from provoke to Frenzy. However, is there a way to remove the SP draining portion of the Frenzy status? I feel that this could easily be abused in woe to drain an entire guilds SP as they walk in. The Frenzy status already does not allow skill or item usage, along with not being able to be healed.
Please do NOT change this back to provoke.


Edited by Roman, 18 December 2011 - 08:25 AM.

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