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Feelings about Renewal

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#201 Kadelia


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Posted 18 October 2010 - 03:33 AM

part of the issue is by the time you're 150 you have enough stat points to 120 in like 3 stats and most classes don't need more than 3 stats, so having them be expensive kind of makes sense.

Its not that stat points are useless l;ate on its just that new changes to stats like LUK make that a really desireable stat to hybrid into at the low point costs (2-4 buy points) since every 3-5 LUK provides bonuses in ATK, MATK, flee, etc.

Edited by Jaye, 18 October 2010 - 03:56 AM.

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#202 Puppet


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Posted 18 October 2010 - 08:06 PM

I dont like the new stat system, its stupid it would been better if they just removed stat allocation all together and just left skills to be be picked, this way no one has to worry about have -_-ty stat build.

Str, is there even point to this stat now seeing the weapon damage has way more effect

Int/Matk, nerfed to hell for the 1s/2nd trans classes

Heal Nerf really? let try healing that person with 20k+ hp with a sub 2k heal

New attack damage forumla, makes no sense, IP seem to do more damage then most weapons including BG weapons on some demi humans weather they have def or not.

New ASPD formual seems broke and all over the place

They only redeeming quality i can come up with that is renewal is it a whole new game, and if I want to learn and play a new game I would of went and found one, I take offense to the stupid dev's that though ripping out the core of game and replacing it was a good idea with out rebuilding the whole game to work right with it.

I started play ragnarok cause I like the look and how it played, watch it grow then slow die cause bad decision bugs that never got fix performance issues never address, common sense fixs not be done (Hallucination is number one on that list) to the entire uprooting of the core of the games system and not in a good way. Ragnarok is no longer Ragnarok Unless there pre-renewal server in the works the game is dead to me and sure there other that think the same way.

Edited by Puppet, 18 October 2010 - 08:08 PM.

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#203 ZeroTigress


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Posted 19 October 2010 - 01:13 AM

Even with Renewal, the game is still unbalanced in terms of character builds. Since the beginning, players have had the flexibility to build any sort of character they want (ie. katar assassin vs. dagger assassin, spear knight vs. a sword knight, etc.), however that flexibility is only stat-wise. First job class skill trees are sadly sparse and doesn't give much in terms of experiencing different styles of gameplay. If they're going to change the way stats work in the game, then they need to change skills along with them.

Heck, they would've been much better off just rebuilding the game from scratch instead of adding on to a broken foundation.
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#204 Puppet


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Posted 19 October 2010 - 07:45 AM

hence I said renewal would been great idea for NEW GAME not for 8+ year old game to keep intrest in it, renewal is double edged sword it will either bring in new players in and iRo has absolutely no type if advertisement other then word of mouth so the whole new players argument is kinda null and void.. Or run off the core players that still played cause they dont wanna Learn a NEW GAME, which was reason some people didn't leave before and people that left pre renewal that come back to test renewal may just leave agian cause the game is just as unblanced as it was before it just most the unblanced stuff revolve around the 3rd classes now seeing they nerf most the stuff from earlier classes. The heal nerf wouldn't be so bad if the reduced the damage from every thing in the game including mvps and reduce characters HP to match the new nerfed heal.

Its a case of Dev trying to make RO play like ever other MMORPG, which dont ork wiith out over hauling every system in the game STATS,SKILLS,CHARACTER,MONSTER,DROP,UPGRADE SYSTEM, which they did not do

Edited by Puppet, 19 October 2010 - 07:53 AM.

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#205 LanieStyle


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Posted 20 October 2010 - 12:46 PM

honestly, i don't think that we can know everything after only 1 week of playing.

here's my general thoughts though.

1. i hate how low heal is. i like the fact that it seems like we got more hp after renewal, but the heal seems too low. at lv 99, the average heal seems to be less than 2k, and i have about 12k hp.
2. the cast time for certain skills. ie is renovatio really going to take that long to cast? it doesn't even seem to last that long, which makes me not want to use it at all... if i were to try to buff everyone with it in a big party then by the time i finish casting, i would have to start again... also, i have a complaint against coluso heal, am i the only one that feels like this skills is not very helpful because of the cast time? with the delay on this skill, it's not like you can spam it, so i'm not sure why there's such a long cast time compared to high heal. which makes me think that certain skills should have better cast times.
3. partying with big groups sucks. i was thinking that maybe after renewal, i'd want to party with big groups because they increased the exp gain. WRONG. they may have increased it, but if i really want to level effectively, it has to be me and one other person. i was always under the assumption that ro wanted to encourage us to have big parties and to have fun to do things together, and i thought maybe this time with renewal, it was going to be this way, but clearly nothing has changed. and why party when you can solo and gain so much more exp? the partying experience is still a hugeeee let down.
4. i am upset about wanderers needing a bow for severe rainstorm. i thought what's unique about the class was that you can use whips. if i could use arrow vulcan to shoot arrows, why can't i use a whip to shoot arrows here? do i really need to a have a storage full of useless whips (now that av is pointless) and buy bows for all the places i will level. i might as well just make a sniper/ranger...

and this is not really suggestion but... i really hate what has happened to assumptio :P can't we change it back? it seems pretty useless....
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#206 kalayaan12345


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Posted 26 October 2010 - 04:04 AM

To make it short, Renewal is the most awful thing that has ever happened to Ragnarok (along with that Morroc thing), and I'm amazed it hasn't caused a mass exodus from the game yet. Particularly that thing with the 1st job change quests, with the ridiculously strengthened Familiars practically blocking off the Thieves Guild for everyone under level 30+. The game makers obviously never heared of the phrase: "If it isn't broken, don't fix it."
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#207 Kadelia


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Posted 26 October 2010 - 05:15 AM

familiars are hard? wat

Anyway, there is no reason at all you can't out-run and navigate around a familiar.
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#208 neberus


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Posted 26 October 2010 - 05:17 AM

all radical changes bring bugs, errors, ect, in th enext patches this will be fixed

in general i like the new systems
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#209 ValeriusM


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Posted 29 October 2010 - 03:06 PM

I also have very positive feelings towards renewal so far (except for some bugs and disconnects). After the demise of euRO and the loss of our 99 transcendent chars there, me and a friend started new characters on iRO (archer + aco). We were playing renewal from the ground up, and so far things look good to us:

- The new exp tables are nice. Before, it took us 2 years to get one char to 99 trans on euRO, and if it would have taken the same amount of time again on iRO just to experience the new renewal content, I would not have started all over.

- Right now we are 96 trans and so far, our style of play hasn't perceivably changed from pre-renewal - Sniper still kills mostly by control+click interspersed by casual skill usage. Even though some skills of sniper work different now, it changed only which skills we use in which situations, but it's not like it made anything impossible that wasn't impossible for the two of us before. Focused Arrow Strike isn't all that useful anymore because of long cast time, so we dropped it. Arrow Shower is no direct substitute but has its uses, and Falcon Assault still works ok, even with longer cast. It's interruptability sucks, but we can adapt. And playing support High Priest in our setup still feels exactly like before. We have a non-specialized way of playing and therefore adapt easily; other peoples mileage may vary.

- I appreciate the game mechanics from a mathematical point of view. I wished the principle of diminishing returns (seen in def formula) were used all over the place :)

- I like how cards and elements and upgrades still make things better and easier but at the same time are not the conditio sine qua non to level up or appreciate the game. Pre-Renewal, it made little sense to try to level up in places you didn't have optimized weapons for - the difference in damage could be factor 2~3 and you would just be wasting your time in a ridiculous way if you hadn't proper gear. With renewal, we're loosing out on 20~30% damage when using a crappy NPC-bouth Gakkung without cards versus a carded one. Not nice, but good enough, until something better comes along. It's less elistist. Which, I gather, is bad for the elite, but good for poor old me :D
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#210 Aymanibousi


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Posted 29 October 2010 - 09:48 PM

as a fan of agi spamming dazzler, now that everyone can get 100 vit, its kinda stinks for me as i have no use in WoE except slow grace
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#211 Axiluvia


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Posted 10 June 2011 - 06:06 PM

What also doesn't help is that with even a 120 AGI, most people say "Don't bother with flee, even on a rogue/assassin type, since all you want to do after 3rd job is mob stuff"

Which means that one entire build sucks after 3rd class.

FS priests got the short end of the stick too, especially with the KVM stuff

AB battle priest with 41 INT heals for (with KVM gear, probably cost like $300 to get stuff plussed and everything) around 2200 HP

AB full support priest with non-KVM gear, but the best zeny can buy? And as high INT as possible? Around 2200 HP

Not to mention that pretty much all FS priests got was AoE buffs, and some different types of curative spells. Where's an upgraded Imposito Manus?

Also, because of the changes to Hard DEF, and the fact that 25 armor in the old style = 600 armor in the new style (what you needed for a 25% damage reduction) VIT knights (before trancesending) are pretty much screwed, because they can't take the mobs anymore.

I don't mind the new stat changes, but they made things unbalanced, and now all it seems that's a 'decent' build is Aspd builds...
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