if u want some critheals i would recommend ss build

Tally's guide to Protector gear and skills
Posted 10 November 2013 - 11:10 AM
Posted 10 November 2013 - 12:20 PM
this was great help from all of you but i have 1 question,should i go for aa or ss or bouth..that is really buging me
You can make use of the skills from the Defender tree and make a SS build, and as said it will help your heals crit with the skill crit rate. You can use the 65 FoC set for this, as that has skill crit %, and SCAD.
Or you can use the 65 seamless, 72 glorious sets for an AA build, with phys crit or CAD respectively.
I would say, considering the very limited MP of a prot, and the MP recovery -_--up, go for AA build.
Since you only need to skill Quick Attack, you will have plenty of skill points left for defensive/tanking skills and heals.
Posted 10 November 2013 - 04:08 PM
ty for quick ansvers i think i will go for aa..that was my plan at 1. but i saw so much scc on diferent sets so got little confused here
i am lvl 68 now so i think i will mix foc with rh for now 3-3..oh and nice to see some1 is still here on forum
have fun
Posted 10 November 2013 - 06:34 PM
SS build with 85 set is much stronger. First of all you end up with a much higher CON than with any other set. Secondly you will end up with i believe 4k defense unbuffed with +30 85 set.
The MP is not THAT big of a problem if you use c-c ring/earings and put points into MP recovery honor.
also if you go SS build you can always UJC to a commie and have fun PVPing.
oh and without crit heals and good crit rate, mystics and defilers will be able to steal agro quite easily.
Posted 11 November 2013 - 12:48 AM
hmm tnx but i think i will not go more than lvl 69 for foc
Posted 11 November 2013 - 07:00 AM
If you want to do PvP... jebus help you.
Posted 11 November 2013 - 08:12 AM
AA prot for 69 foc?
I had an AA commie on nova server for 69 foc, beautiful crit rate (all event pcrits in jewels) full RH +20 capped resist, beautiful steady damage 1.2k on cap, worst thing ever...no speed buff ends up everyone kiting your ass and you end up killing maybe 1 person per dash assuming stun and slow dont miss
AA 69 prot will kill 0 things, will have no decent heal, and with your mix 3-3 foc RH will have -_-ty scad and cad
but hey go for it, waste thy mall and resources on something silly
Posted 30 March 2015 - 04:22 PM
i have an idea and i want to some of you please help me, ok protector is only ( or i want that) for tank even if you are in a party or not, and i have only one active skill, low blow, but i was thinking that could be possible if i can put a lot of critical physical rate in mi whole set and try to hit really hard and with an high chance of critic, so dont know much about that, but can i increase to 70, 80 % physical critical rate with a high defense, hp, block succes and resistance without mall? xd
Posted 30 March 2015 - 09:06 PM
guess you did not bother reading
how about you look up and read the PHYSICAL CRIT RATE ON A PROTECTOR IS STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!
and its possible to have a 100 scc 100 block 40k hp prot without mall =)
Posted 31 March 2015 - 05:26 AM
Block Succes % on Armor and Magic Jewels+HP or Mind Xeons(5k Heal+500 Hp Rec Dots) ;=)
Edited by Avaloon, 31 March 2015 - 05:28 AM.
Posted 31 March 2015 - 08:04 AM
Block Succes % on Armor and Magic Jewels+HP or Mind Xeons(5k Heal+500 Hp Rec Dots) ;=)
uhm no
are you using a wand with 20-20s?
cuz my prot is full hearts in armor with magic jewels, sword with 4x 20-20s and im healing 4.3 with 300 HoT
Posted 01 April 2015 - 06:07 PM
guess you did not bother reading
how about you look up and read the PHYSICAL CRIT RATE ON A PROTECTOR IS STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!
and its possible to have a 100 scc 100 block 40k hp prot without mall =)
ok ok , xd
But if y only have 1 active skill, should I try to get 100 scc? i mean, would be usefull for only 1 skill? xd
Posted 01 April 2015 - 07:53 PM
last time i checked heals were active too
and also no onslaught? lolwut?
Posted 03 April 2015 - 02:35 PM
yeah, youre right , but i dont have the onslaught, but the heals skill are usefull.
Thanks dude xd
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