What do you think of the Drop rate Penalty? - Page 9 - Renewal Testing - WarpPortal Community Forums

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What do you think of the Drop rate Penalty?

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Poll: What do you think of the Drop rate Penalty? (59 member(s) have cast votes)

What do you think of the drop-rate penalty?

  1. Best thing to happen to RO. I would be happy if this was in renewal. (3 votes [0.86%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.86%

  2. I think its fair. (27 votes [7.71%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.71%

  3. I dont think its a good idea. (83 votes [23.71%])

    Percentage of vote: 23.71%

  4. Worst thing to happen to RO. do not include in renewal. (237 votes [67.71%])

    Percentage of vote: 67.71%

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#201 Talvis


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Posted 14 October 2010 - 12:15 PM

Hmm.... I agree with Jaye for the most part. I mean, why do you think they've been making all of these changes in the first place? I was hoping that Azzy or Doddler would make this point so please excuses thes way I type because I'm horrible at explaining myself. Gravity doesn't want these items to be so readily available. In the end, we're all just getting spoiled. I think that it might be way too late, but RO is trying to balance itself out again. We have to remember that our most powerful skills have limits and are not meant to be spammed and that rare items are supposed to be rare and bosses are supposed to be hard. It just seems like things have gotten out of hand lately. Guilds now have the ability to outfit their entire roster with the rarest items in the game, and if that's not enough they abuse glitches so they don't even have to deal with anyone. Everyone's overdosing on yggberries, acid bombs, edps. People just just find every possible shortcut to abuse the system and I don't see what they get out of it. I've tried it and I just feel empty. I don't think that's what they really want because you make friends and and they give you things and show you all of these neat tips and tricks and then all of sudden you're on top. Hey look at those idiots, they don't have all of the rare items in the game so let's rape them up the ass and make the quit the game for even thinking that can step foot on our turf. I've got more to say, but it looks like I'm just complaining so feel free to make fun of my rant. I rand out of liquor!

I agree with ya 100% I don't think the devs ever intended for edps, bombs, etc to be used in such high quantities. This may actually make people try using strategy instead of just relying on spamming their most powerful skill. But, from what I've read, Gravity is caving a bit since Heim mentioned that they're working on quests to make it easier to acquire some of these items. What do the other ROs think of this?
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#202 Kadelia


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Posted 14 October 2010 - 12:17 PM

I agree with ya 100% I don't think the devs ever intended for edps, bombs, etc to be used in such high quantities. This may actually make people try using strategy instead of just relying on spamming their most powerful skill. But, from what I've read, Gravity is caving a bit since Heim mentioned that they're working on quests to make it easier to acquire some of these items. What do the other ROs think of this?

People whine and gravity USA caves. Its an endless cycle of people screwing over their own game. Sadly.

Edited by Jaye, 14 October 2010 - 12:17 PM.

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#203 LethalJokeChar


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Posted 14 October 2010 - 12:43 PM

95% (or rather, 93%) is not a made-up statistic. 274 votes were cast. That is actually a FAIRLY DECENTLY sized chunk of players. You don't need to poll every single person in a population, or even a small percentage, to get accurate results for polls. This practice is done ALL THE TIME to sample opinions of the entire US from merely 700-2000 people, and 274 people out of the current amount of active iRO players is a far greater percentage. What valid argument do you have here? Your complete ineptitude towards how polls and sampling statics work show you have no credibility on the subject, because you believe 274 votes is not a sizable amount or that this number is not a big enough percentage of the playerbase.

The poll also is not so "black and white". It's more like an agree, strongly agree, disagree, strongly disagree question. Maybe it could have had a "completely indifferent" option in the middle, but seeing as you are completely blind to the poll results, I'll just spell it out to you that the trend clearly shows players heavily in disagreement with it already.

And then you go further to say that the poll results do not even matter, because you claim they are gut/initial reactions. Of course, you just say this because you cannot deal with reality and only will see what you want to see. Because you believe you are right all the time and everyone is always wrong. Do you realize that many people knew renewal was already coming for months and had heard of its mechanics? Do you not understand that someone's opinions of the game they USED to play still have bearing on a game that is very similar?

I really don't care if you feel it's justified because the monsters were already very easy when you went to hunt items on your 9x dancer. Pre-renewal, elder willows, greatest generals, and stem worms were already very easy. You'd have completed your lv 45 archer quest with your 9x dancer in 15 minutes rather than 30 minutes without the drop rate penalty.

The problem isn't Gravity listening to players the few times it actually does. You want to point at lucky boxes? Well, Gravity still made money off that too, and I'm sure that was a deciding factor in their decision. If you want to blame players for having no self-control, you'd also have to blame gravity for going after the easy money grab.

But the real problem is gravity not fixing its problems that have been there since FOREVER. Warp bug, lag issues, bots, bug exploiting *cough icewall*. It seems like they do not even follow up on any reports. People just get tired of the same :lol: and feeling neglected, and eventually they will just leave. If just the bots or the exploits were actually fixed, I'd bet the only reason anyone would be whining about EDPS and acid bombs is because they keep getting pwned repeatedly by them and never figured out a way to counter them.
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#204 Kadelia


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Posted 14 October 2010 - 02:13 PM

blahblah misleading straw polls with a tiny sample size dictate everyone in the world's opinions and is such a legit tactic and not used by flucktards to make someone who is wrong sound right ever. yeah yeah.

blah blah you're afraid of change and want to change everything back for everyone else out of fear

blah blah my experience is inferior to your uneducated guesses.


uhg replying to all your silly statements in detail is going to take a while; I'll do it later.

Edited by Jaye, 14 October 2010 - 02:20 PM.

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#205 ZeroTigress


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Posted 14 October 2010 - 02:37 PM

Adding to the whole balancing arguments, out of all the MMOs I've played, RO has indeed been the only one I've played where there's no cooldown between skill use. From the first day I've played until now, I've always thought that was a little odd that RO does this as it is pretty unbalancing for gameplay. Even console RPGs have some form of cooldowns on attacks.

Whoever thinks RO is fine and unbroken pre-Renewal needs a reality check. Aside from the lack of uniqueness in monsters, I think Renewal RO is the RO that was supposed to be but never was until now. I look forward to the improvements to come as RO is far from decent.
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#206 Dukeares


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Posted 02 November 2010 - 09:34 AM

We can't "move on" when a good deal of our new skills require low level items to use.

The cost of these items will skyrocket... Much like the way things like Starsand, Blue Herbs, Fabric, Stems, Karvo and so on did in the past. People will still need the items, that won't change, but the number of players who can easily aquire them will drop dramatically.

The EXP penalty is enough. That tells players to more onto another map.... But the item penalty doesn't make sense for iRO. Maybe on the other versions of RO it makes more sense. But here we do not have enough new players to take off the supply burden of crafting/forging items.

We'll either have to continue to make new characters to gather items or repeatedly die to stay at that level. It will require us to use more supplies and potions while on these strictly item hunting characters since they will be at a level near to or equal to the monsters they are hunting... Thus using more of our resources. Another issue is that to botters making new characters means nothing. It only hurts the real players.

This TOpic Seriously need a Good Bump! SInce Heimdallr in his Post in Plan Attack Want our Feed back
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#207 PhenixFire


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Posted 13 April 2011 - 09:58 AM

I wanted to make some +20 str foods so I could get my level on during the event and so I had to hunt savages or savage babe's for the main item. I then realized 2 things, the drop rates for them are .1 and .02 and I don't have a char low enough to hunt them without the penalty. So based on what i'm given to work with I had these options of spending 2 hours to get one, and then hope I make it to have +20 str for 5 minutes, pass on it altogether, or ask wtf?

I ask wtf? +20 foods don't give genetics exclusively any benefit, maybe cash from selling the finished product but outside of that it's for the general population to use so why is it so hard to get just one meat?

If you want to keep the drop rate penalty that's fine, but at least apply it to something that makes sense, or add monsters of all levels that drop it and not exclusive to monsters I'd have to keep remaking a novice to hunt.
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#208 Kadelia


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Posted 13 April 2011 - 12:23 PM

The +20 stat foods are quite good; I think they're meant to be rare so people don't spam them in WoE.
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#209 PhenixFire


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Posted 14 April 2011 - 11:29 AM

Ha yeah, you know what you might be right. I forget details like that because i'm not a serious WoE guy. I always think about the game from just leveling and i'd like to have every advantage I can when i'm doing that.
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#210 Ularis


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Posted 23 May 2011 - 03:24 PM

Drop penalty not such a good idea

1. Guild Seige/WoE supplies need tons of items, may it be for bombs, edps, condensed potions, arrow craft etc.

2. Quest such as Sign Quest; have item requirements from a range of low-high lvl monsters.

3. Considering that this is implemented til who knows when. Only bots get the advantage with their unlimited time hunting for anything.

4. This HURTS real players big time specifically those classes that creates useable items from scratch.

5. Unless you guys are planning to make creating miscs easier like NPC for all craft items for all players (which is darn impossible and will hve bad outcomes in the long run) Arrow Craft, Forging, Potting, Poison bottles, New Poisons, New Foods, Cooking. Catch my drift?

Don't make it a reason for the loyal players to leave.

Don't charge ppl just to get drops that should be available for everyone.

Otherwise another skill would go to the useless pile once ppl level.
I do appreciate the fix on Arrow Repel and Heal. Thank you -_-

Why do something that hurts everyone more than your target (hopefully the bots that don't even care). No point on going further with the discussion since you'll do what you seem "fit".

AV still sucks.

Any tweaks in the overall system must hve immense player input.

Fixed cast time was the problem on most skills so FIX IT. Otherwise, don't even get our hopes up on a useless tweak that doesnt fix the real problem.

In this case its the Drop Penalty, all decisions do hve some consequences but I'm still not rooting for this one. IMO

Don't open a discussion if our inputs=0% of the outcome.

The ball is in your court, we'll all just wait and see if we're playing the same ball game.

Edited by Ularis, 23 May 2011 - 04:54 PM.

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#211 Axiluvia


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Posted 10 June 2011 - 05:52 PM

The only time I've seen high level bots farming low level monsters are for WoE-specific items like Thara frog cards or whatnot. I haven't seen them farming for ori or steel or star crumbs, or anything like that...

Personally, this injures regular players who are say, trying to get jellopies for the orc lord hat. Or much of any headgears, since by the time you can collect them easily, they're too low level for adequate amounts. And not to mention taming items, herbs, or whatnot.

And if they wanted to farm low level items, there's ways to make sure your level stays low enough. Have a group of say, eight or so leeching exp on even share, just sitting on the map. I did this for a group of five (since three of my friends had trancesended at the same time, so I made a throw-away mage to get them up enough for ant eggs), and easily got around 2,000 stems and two mandragora cards from that one character.

So having the drop rate limitations won't stop bots; they'll find a way around, it, or they won't care... they're bots! It only hurts the real players of the game.
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#212 terrany85


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Posted 07 July 2011 - 07:33 AM

get a drop is hard enough, so having a drop penalty is making me want to jump of a building, is crazy.
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#213 Yomihime


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Posted 10 August 2011 - 01:23 AM

Absolutely NO. No explanation required. If u use ur common sense u should know why.
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#214 kil01989


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Posted 21 August 2011 - 04:09 AM

What do you think about eliminate the restrinction to Vip People?
Coz... The boters have a lot of accs and a lot of Rogues...
but all are free accounts...
Do you understand my point?

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#215 DrAzzy


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Posted 26 August 2011 - 12:59 PM

Drop rate penalty was removed months ago, and the GMs have shown no interest in bringing it back. Everyone hated it, nobody liked it, GMs removed it.
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