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Klyde's Rogue Guide [The Basics]

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#1 KIyde


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Posted 16 April 2013 - 09:07 AM


Hello everyone! I decided to make this guide in order to help those who may have questions about the Rogue class. This guide will mostly focus on PvE, but I will also cover some aspects of PvP that you may find useful. The best way to start is to go over the basics so let’s begin!

As a Rogue you only have two jobs:
Maximize Attack : Pretty self-explanatory! Your job is to provide the maximum amount of offense.
2.) Survivability : This is the more difficult job. Rogues are frontline offense but lack natural defense and HP which in layman’s terms means that you’re going to get hurt... a lot. In a party, the priest’s main priority is the tank so you will have to fend for yourself. However, rogues benefit greatly from potions and you have several skills in your arsenal for survival making this class ideal for solo players.


There are a plethora of builds for Rogues, but most focus on maximizing STR, or maximizing AGI, or somewhere in-between. While I won’t post any builds, I will help you understand how you can benefit from each stat.

STR: Adds attack and parry rate. This stat is very useful for maximizing Adrenaline Rush which in turn will help you maximize attack.
AGI: Adds Critical and Dodge rate. Critical is vital to this class.
VIT: Adds Health and increases the Healing Rate from Potions. I personally do not think putting stat points toward Vitality is worth it as it raises HP by a very small amount and does not affect your defense. However, the small boost to HP and the boost in Potion effectiveness may be worth it to you so don’t count it out entirely. Also, remember that your HP will mostly come from your equipment so don’t focus too much on Vitality.
INT & WIS: You do not need these Stats.

Other detailed statistics:
Parry: Chance to receive half damage.
Dodge: Chance to dodge attacks.
Vigor: Decreases cooldown on skills.
Haste: Decreases casting time. You don't need this stat.

Most of the rare Rogue equipment (blue, purple) will have vigor/haste so if you want to raise your parry/dodge you can rely on accessories. However, remember that you won’t get any accessories until you reach base level 40.


Like stats, I won’t post particular skill builds but I will list each skill and my experience with them.

Basics: Rogue skills rely on combo points, which are gained from skills such as Double Attack, Dual Stab, and Dark Illusion. Once you rack up 5 Combo Points, you can unleash skills such as Deadly Blowand Moonlight Dance for maximum damage, Crescent Moon to knock down opponents and Gangster’s Paradise to recuperate about 50~60% of your HP.

Offensive Skills

Double Attack: Your bread and butter; you will use this skill all the time. Spam it to build combo points. This skill has no cool down.

Deadly Blow: This is your second core DPS skill; it is usable any time between 0~5 combo points. The more combo points you have the more damage it will do. At 0, it will do about the same amount of damage as Double Attack. There is no cool down on this skill.

Dark Illusion: This skill is incredibly similar to Backstab from the original Ragnarok Online. This skill warps you behind the enemy that unleashes a hit that has 100% critical rate. This skill is a great way to start any battle, as it is only usable when Hiding.

Throw Dagger: This skill is quite useful for luring mobs out of agro fields, and also useful in PvP when players try to run from you.

Meteor Assault: Area of Effect skill that hits 3 enemies around you. I don’t find this skill particularly useful, but it does reveal hidden enemies in PvP if they are hit.

Cross Impact: A skill I find completely useless, doing the exact same thing as Double Attack except it has a 10 second cool down. You do have to waste 1 skill point on it to open the Rogue Branch skills, however.

Dual Stab: Simple attack that gives you 2 Combo Points. It has a ten second cool down so use it when available to build combo points faster.

Rolling Cutter:Another area of effect skill that hits 3 to 10 enemies. Pretty much useless since Rogues are best in 1 on 1 combat but it can be useful for farming crafting materials in lower level areas.

Crescent Moon: A skill that knocks down an opponent for 1 second per Combo Point. Very useful during 1 on 1 combat as it gives you a few seconds to heal and is very useful in advanced parties/raids when you need to immobilize enemies.

Moonlight Dance:This is Ragnarok Online 2’s version of Sonic Blow. It is an awesome skill that requires all 5 combo points to be used and has a 20 second cool down. This is your main DPS skill. The only downside to this is that while you’re using it you can’t move which can break you if you’re being hit by an Area of Effect skill. Edit 8/28 Patch: This skill has been updated to do 150% damage instead of 110%.

Support Skills

Hiding: This skill is very useful in numerous situations! If you use a skill while hiding, it will do twice the damage. Great for skipping through dungeons and for farming materials in agro fields. The higher the level the higher the moving speed!

Genocide Mark: This is a Critical Rate party buff. It raises Critical rate anywhere from 0.4% ~ 2% depending on its skill level. This skill is more useful to your party than for you, since your critical rate will mostly come from your other skills. This skill lasts for 30 minutes.

Poisoning Weapon: This skill is a self-buff that lasts for 30 minutes and gives you the chance to poison the enemy and drain a certain percentage (depending on the skill level) of HP every 2 seconds. Always a nice skill to have!

Smoke Bomb: This skill instantly ends battle mode and makes you go into hiding, resetting your threat meter and making it extremely useful in PvP. It has a 3 minute cool down and for each skill level the cool down I lowered by one minute.

Dirty Plan: Automatically gain 5 combo points and resets cool down for all skills. This skill is useful in situations where you need to heal yourself and are still waiting on gangster’s paradise cool down.

Gangster’s Paradise: This is your core survival skill! This will heal around 50~60% of HP within 10 seconds. Make sure not to use it when you have less than 10% HP because it may not be able to out heal the damage you receive.

Unstoppable Doping: This skill is your core buff! This skill is extremely useful because at its maximum level it has a chance (depending on the level of the skill) to activate a buff that raises either 20% ATK OR 20% CRIT that will last 30 seconds. Additionally, every time you use a healing potion, Adrenaline Rush activates which grants you an ATK buff based on a small percentage of the total amount healed by the potion, capping at 30% of your own base attack damage. This buff lasts 30 minutes.

* Note that Adrenaline Rush itself lasts only 3 minutes, but using any Healing Potion (both Red and Purple) will refresh the timer. Note that refreshing the buff will retain the current bonus, regardless of which Potion you use. Therefore, I suggest using a high level Potions (such as Red Potion V) to activate Adrenaline Rush, then maintain it by using low level Potions (Such as Red Potion I) to keep it.

Mark of Death: This is your core debuff skill against bosses. It raises damage inflicted by 10% (at level 5) to the target, and lasts 30 seconds with a 2 minute cool down. This can make a huge difference in battle. 
Edit 8/28 Patch: This skill has been updated and now it works for the whole party. Your party with do 10% more damage to the target and you will do 20% more.

Passive skills ( I highly recommend you max both of these )

Combo Training: Depending on level, there is 5~15% chance to gain an extra combo point from skills that give them.

Combo Mastery: Depending on its level, it gives a 3~9% chance to activate a skill such as Deadly Blow, and Moonlight Dance, without the use of combo points. You are also able to use Gangster’s Paradise and Crescent Moon.


Basic Attack Sequence:

Hiding > Dark Illusion - To start off, then proceed to:
Dual Stab > Double Attack > Moonlight Dance > Double Attack > Deadly Blow > Repeat.

* Using Moonlight Dance and Deadly Blow only applies when having 5 combo points available.
One thing that I’d like to point out is that since all your equipment mostly revolves around Vigor, your cool down for skills will greatly decrease. So, for example, if you manage to reach a Vigor Rate of 25% your Moonlight Dance will only take 15 seconds to cool down rather than the original 20. Be sure to keep this in mind.


For cards, simply focus on anything that gives you STR, AGI, and VIT. Once you hit level 50 you should hunt for Scratch Thief Cards which give 6 STR, 6 AGI, and 18 VIT (if you’re feeling adventurous, you can also try into making a Scratch Thief Card [Normal+] which gives 8 STR, 8 AGI, and 21 VIT). These cards are great for the extra Health, especially if you have 5 of them. Of course, once you do more advanced raids you might find Boss cards that are even more use to you.

There isn’t much to talk about in terms of equipment. Make sure you’re always updated and if you find blue equipment from dungeons, you can probably use it for about 5 to 10 levels because of the extra Vigor/Haste that these give. If you’re an Artisan, you can also make your own equipment too.
Here's a sample chart of what you should aim in getting as soon as you hit level 50:

The Desperate Apostle Dual Dagger.

I'm including this in the guide is because this Dagger can be relatively easy (but perhaps expensive) to acquire.

First of all, this Dagger can only be crafted by a Blacksmith that has found the Recipe. If you manage to find someone crafting it for the right price, then these are the materials you will need:


Gold Ingot (x 78) : The Blacksmith Proffesion can farm boulders these in fields such as Road of Bless, and Sograt Desert.
Dazzling Trace Crystals (x 24) : Either Alchemists or Artisans can craft these, they require 3x Spirit of Ruin(I) per crystal. Easily farmable in low level areas such as Mt. Mjolnir.
Magical Red Feather Pieces (x12) : You can get these from Hard Dungeon Bosses, Old Blue Boxes, or from the Alberta Union Merchant, which require 14 Union Points per feather.
Cursed Mark of Immortality : You can get this from Old Blue Boxes, and I believe a Hard Dungeon Boss drops it, although not sure which at this moment.
Mysterious Crystals (x95) : Break away level 50 equipment using Fairy Stones, and you'll get a good chunk of these per equipment.
Diamond Anvils (x26) : Buy these from the Blacksmith NPC.

Happy Shopping! ...now on to armors!


If you're unfamiliar with the Raiding system in ROII, the Bosses drop colored Tokens, the Rogue's token is colored Red, which is shared among Warriors, Beastmasters, and Wizards.

* Tip: If you're looking to buy equipment from the Auction House located in Alberta and Prontera, every Rogue piece will have the name "Tunic" in it, despite level or type of equipment, such as on the chart above. Ex: Tunic Helmet of Resignation, Heart of Black Wind Tunic Helmet, and Einherjar Tunic Helmet.


As a Rogue, you can get to 50 solo without a single issue. But when it comes to teamwork, it’s different. Here are some tips that will help you and your parties. These are listed in numerical order but are all equally important.

1. Keep in mind that since you are a close-range DPS, Area of Effect skills will always hit you. If your threat level is high enough, the boss will attack and it is very possible that the priests won’t notice because they’re busy healing the tank which is completely understandable. That being said, always pay attention to your Health and never let it fall beneath 25~50%; you never know when a boss might get a critical hit off on you. If you die, it’s usually because you were careless. Accept this, and grow from it. You have more than enough support skills to survive on your own.

2. Don’t ignore the Boss’s adds. The sooner you get rid of them, the sooner you can return to attacking the boss. Don’t let those classes with Area of Effect skills handle them on their own, because you’ll survive much longer if you help. Just because you don’t use Area of Effect skills doesn’t mean your sole focus should be the boss. But don’t forget that your party/raid leader may feel differently, and if they’re confident in the group’s ability to handle the adds without you then you should listen. Always listen.

3. While running any dungeon, make sure you always have Adrenaline Rush maximized. You want to always be doing the highest damage possible.

4. Know the best time to utilize Moonlight Dance. If you know that the bosses have strong Area of Effect skills that require high mobility, avoid using Moonlight Dance and instead focus on using Deadly Blow. You don’t want to die because you were stuck in the skill’s animation and unable to move away.

5. Mark of Death, Mark of Death, Mark of Death. The extra 20% damage on a boss will help immensely and can make a huge difference in battle. Some Rogues like to combo this with Dirty Plan, so they can use it once again when it wears out.

6. Hidden Combo. If by any chance you did decide to put skill points into Smoke Bomb, then I have great news for you! Prepare to unleash your strongest attack! When Combo Mastery activates Moonlight Dance, you can also use Smoke Bomb to go into Hiding and unleash a Moonlight Dance that will do twice the damage. This also applies to Deadly Blow.

7. Hidden Combo (The Sequel) Another very useful combo is the Throw Dagger + Dark Illusion Combo. While hiding, If standing away from your target at about 15~19m, you can use Throw Dagger, and immediately use Dark Illusion, making you warp behind your target before the Throw Dagger connects, and use Dark Illusion at the same time! However, This doesn't usually work if you are lagging though! Credits to User Shine for this tip.

8. Always be aware of your threat level. Although rarely, you might run into situations where you out damage the main tank, which means that the boss/enemies will target you instead. This is bad news for you, so slow down and allow for the tank to regain back control. Remember that Smoke Bomb resets your theat!

9. Plan carefully when allocating your skill points. Remember that in this game, you can keep all unused skill points even after switching jobs. Meaning that all your unused Thief points can be put toward Rogue skills!

10. Always remember that while it is not specifically stated, Combo Mastery also applies to Gangster’s Paradise and Crescent Moon. I mentioned this earlier, but would just like to reinforce this. When Combo Mastery activates, it usually displays the icon for Moonlight Dance, or Deadly Blow (if Moonlight Dance is still cooling down) but you’re still able to use Gangster’s Paradise and Crescent Moon regardless of what the icon says.


Edit 4/18/13: Added level 50 Equipment Chart, Added Desperate Apostle Dual Dagger guide.
Edit 6/06/13: Added Throw Dagger + Dark Illusion Tip, Corrected crafting jobs for Dazzling Crystal.

Edit 8/28/13: Added patch notes for skill changes [ Moonlight Dance + Mark of Death]

Edited by KIyde, 29 August 2013 - 07:25 AM.

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#2 Zaellyr


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Posted 16 April 2013 - 10:00 AM

Excellent work! We should consolidate our threads into one guide for the sake of user-friendliness. PM me or something if your interested.
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#3 Tsujiko


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Posted 16 April 2013 - 10:03 AM

+1 thank you^^ verry well done!
It's super informativ. Answered some of my questions about rogues.
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#4 KIyde


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Posted 16 April 2013 - 10:34 AM

Excellent work! We should consolidate our threads into one guide for the sake of user-friendliness. PM me or something if your interested.

Thank you! For the time being I think they should be separate. I like your guide since it's a bit easier to understand, since in this one I get into a bit of detail that might turn off some people, haha. Being a Rogue ain't easy.

+1 thank you^^ verry well done!
It's super informativ. Answered some of my questions about rogues.

Glad you like it! Any other questions feel free to ask.

Edited by KIyde, 16 April 2013 - 10:35 AM.

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#5 SinWeasel


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Posted 16 April 2013 - 10:36 AM

Seeing how I'm not really Rouge savvy this really helped since I plan on making a Rouge as my secondary character, more for the PVP/WoE aspect. From my research Rouges are the characters to use for PVP.
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#6 Zaellyr


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Posted 16 April 2013 - 12:10 PM

Thank you! For the time being I think they should be separate. I like your guide since it's a bit easier to understand, since in this one I get into a bit of detail that might turn off some people, haha. Being a Rogue ain't easy.

Thanks, I was going for ease of use, a lot of the highly technical stuff can be too much. Its nice having other motivated Rogues that are active in the community and willing to share their knowledge. Rogue can be an easy class to play but a difficult one to master, hopefully between us we can keep the Rogue populous educated and deter some of the newbishness inherent in the player base of sneaky classes in most games.
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#7 KIyde


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Posted 16 April 2013 - 12:57 PM

Seeing how I'm not really Rouge savvy this really helped since I plan on making a Rouge as my secondary character, more for the PVP/WoE aspect. From my research Rouges are the characters to use for PVP.

Glad it helped. Good luck on that! from experience Rogues are great in 1 on 1 combat, their weakness being long range, because of Ranger's Ankle Snare and Wiz/Sorc's Frost Diver, which immobilizes you for 5~10 seconds. Can't wait to test out different builds once WoE is introduced though!

Thanks, I was going for ease of use, a lot of the highly technical stuff can be too much. Its nice having other motivated Rogues that are active in the community and willing to share their knowledge. Rogue can be an easy class to play but a difficult one to master, hopefully between us we can keep the Rogue populous educated and deter some of the newbishness inherent in the player base of sneaky classes in most games.

No matter what anyone says, I love Rogues. They're so unloved! they have so much potential.

Edit: Grammar.

Edited by KIyde, 16 April 2013 - 12:58 PM.

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#8 Zaellyr


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Posted 16 April 2013 - 03:05 PM

No matter what anyone says, I love Rogues. They're so unloved! they have so much potential.

We're the UCPS (Utility and Clothie Protection System or Ultimate Character Pwning Society), high damage, stuns, low need for healing, buff to crit, and scouting capacity. Rogues are epic.
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#9 TecHunger


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Posted 16 April 2013 - 03:50 PM

Thank you, this is very informative
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#10 Kajing


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Posted 16 April 2013 - 05:11 PM

It's an awesome guide, congratulations.

Anyway, you say Mark of Death makes diference, but what you trade it for? The only skill I would consider leaving behind is Crescent Moon.
The skill build I'm going for is this.
One can aways sacrifice one point in Combo Training and Combo Mastery, but I don't see it as a wise decision. Do you?
Again, congratulations.

Edited by Kajing, 16 April 2013 - 05:11 PM.

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#11 KIyde


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Posted 16 April 2013 - 05:48 PM

It's an awesome guide, congratulations.

Anyway, you say Mark of Death makes diference, but what you trade it for? The only skill I would consider leaving behind is Crescent Moon.
The skill build I'm going for is this.
One can aways sacrifice one point in Combo Training and Combo Mastery, but I don't see it as a wise decision. Do you?
Again, congratulations.

From the look of your build, seems like this would do really well in PvP. But yeah, I sacrifice Crescent Moon for it, seeing as all it does is remove a bit of cooldown... I don't see myself using this too often, other than what I mentioned above, knocking down potential adds in Raids/Dungeons that are dangerous to have around.

And no, I mentioned for Combo Training/Mastery that they should always be mastered.

One more thing, it's risky to leave Genocide Mark at level 1. Your future parties might not appreciate that you're giving them only 0.4% Crit.... just keep that in mind.

and thank you, I worked really hard on it!

Edited by KIyde, 16 April 2013 - 05:48 PM.

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#12 Gelowz


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Posted 16 April 2013 - 09:45 PM

Awesomesauce. :3
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#13 Ahjussi


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Posted 16 April 2013 - 10:02 PM

Klyde from Freyja? :D

I demand you put up your build!
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#14 KIyde


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 04:46 AM

Klyde from Freyja? :D

I demand you put up your build!

Yup! that's me. And if I put up my build, where's the fun in that for the other Rogues? :pif:
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#15 ShadowKashim


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Posted 20 April 2013 - 12:00 AM

I personally like these guide. Best among Rouge Guides I've seen for RO2, tho' just a tip, when your threat keeps shooting up and its on the 2nd place, be sure to make hit and runs so the boss won't change target on you. its also a good tactic when the boss summons its minions, let your offtank get those before hitting on with the boss again. I don't really have enough knowledge regarding Rouges since I play Off tank Warrior in the SEA Server, but that's the thing I always said to my Rouge Party members, Hit and run is a good thing. ;)

Edited by ShadowKashim, 20 April 2013 - 12:00 AM.

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#16 Velouce


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Posted 20 April 2013 - 01:22 PM

Killing minions is part of what party members expect from a rogue. The best way to survive bosses is to watch for their AoEs and stop attacking when they're targeting you.
BTW I think vit only adds like 6HP per point, so unless you're PvP oriented I wouldn't bother with vit. Also is crit rate same as in seaRO? I remember people there prefered a pure str built because agi-crit was nerfed. Would be good to know since I'm planning to level a new rogue after the beta ends.
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#17 synesthetic


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Posted 20 April 2013 - 02:06 PM

Crit is the same as in seaRO2.
And as far as I know, crit was never nerfed there. The stat window used to say AGI gives 5 crit, but that was actually a typo. It gave 4 crit, and an update corrected the description.

Honestly, I think that Rogues are one of the only two or three classes that benefit more from pure AGI builds than from pure STR/INT. Thanks to Unstable Doping, with super gear, you can reach 5k attack at endgame, which is well above the breakpoint for when AGI becomes more effective than STR/INT. Assuming you guys get a 30-40% crit rate at best, without Unstable Doping's alternating buff.

Can't really go wrong with either STR or AGI builds though. The effective difference between both pure builds is very small in the end.
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#18 LordInuyasha


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Posted 20 April 2013 - 05:20 PM


this is basically wat i came up with for my future. rogue. hopefully its good enough. i think it would be an excellent build for pvp and pve but i wont get to test it. cuz of the wipe on monday.. i wont be even near. 25 by then.. much less cap. lvl. idk how ppl are lvling so fast.. but hey more power to ya.
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#19 Velouce


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Posted 20 April 2013 - 06:09 PM

Crit is the same as in seaRO2.
And as far as I know, crit was never nerfed there. The stat window used to say AGI gives 5 crit, but that was actually a typo. It gave 4 crit, and an update corrected the description.

Honestly, I think that Rogues are one of the only two or three classes that benefit more from pure AGI builds than from pure STR/INT. Thanks to Unstable Doping, with super gear, you can reach 5k attack at endgame, which is well above the breakpoint for when AGI becomes more effective than STR/INT. Assuming you guys get a 30-40% crit rate at best, without Unstable Doping's alternating buff.

Can't really go wrong with either STR or AGI builds though. The effective difference between both pure builds is very small in the end.

And in terms of parry/dodge, I bet you'd go for agi rather than str too?


Personally I'd leave Hiding at 1. If you want to move fast, better use wind elixirs (with or without hiding, because theyre really useful against rangers/sorc/wiz).

On a sidenote, since there are a lot of skills that can't be maxed out, I wonder, is it really necessary to max doping? IF I'm not wrong, the 30%atk bonus from Adrenaline Rush stays the same from level1 to 5, raising the level only raises the amount of HPtransformed into attack by percent (2% at level1), which ultimately means, lower level only means you need to use more pots until you reached the maximum attack bonus. The only other effect is that the chance to get the crit/attack bonus raises, but again, the bonus itself stays the same. That means you really spend 4 skill points only to reach the 30% attack bonus faster when doping up, is that really worth it? I mean, okay, when you're at a point dealing around 5k+damage it might take a while to get there, but still it's 4 skill points that could be used elsewhere.
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#20 synesthetic


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Posted 20 April 2013 - 06:31 PM

You shouldn't even worry about Parry/Dodge unless you're a tank class. Only tank classes get equipment that specifically boosts those stats, whereas everyone else only has the option for Hit/Haste/Vigor. At best, you could get some Parry/Dodge accessories, but that still won't amount to much.

Parry and Dodge would only matter if you're soloing, meaning we're talking about fighting regular monsters. Regular monsters shouldn't be any concern at all, especially after you start leveling Gangster Paradise. If you max Gangster, then you won't even need potions outside of dungeons, and maybe red Khara bosses.
In dungeons, your tank should be tanking, so maximizing your Dodge and Parry still shouldn't be a big issue. If you have one or two monsters on you, a decent healer should be able to handle that fine. In the event that you out-threat a tank against a boss, hopefully you have Smoke Bomb available.

I suppose you could leave Doping at 1, if you're really okay with spending that much more money on potions. But the 4% vs. 20% chance to proc the random atk-or-crit buff is pretty noticeable, and you have no chance of reapplying it while the buff is already on; meaning you'll be spending a lot of time without the buff. In which case Assassin may have better, more stable, overall damage.

What are you interested in getting that you'd sacrifice Doping for?
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#21 Velouce


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Posted 20 April 2013 - 08:25 PM

Well there are a lot of zone bosses you can farm and should be able to solo with decent gear, like Goblin Leader. And from my experience, most bosses also attack you if your threat meter isn't higher than the tank's, so I wouldn't say dodge/parry is useless. Now I wouldn't get accessoirs to raise either of the 2 if I can have haste/vigor instead, I just calculate some factors into my decision, weather to raise str or agi, or make 41/41, and parry/dodge is part of that decision.

I'm not sure, I have to "feel" certain skills before I can decide. I fear that most skills that could be maxed out instead don't have a lot more to offer than when kept at lvl1 too, so doping might be still a better option, if just one of the last skills I'd push to 5. Some skills that I'd consider if I had more skill points left were maxed poisoning weapon (even if it's just 5%, within 20seconds it would mean additional 50%damage without doing anything, also it could be nice if it was applied in PvP), maxed crescent moon (althought 20sec cd is still too long for PvP imho, so I doubt I'll max it) or max dirty plan. BTW does smoke bomb work now in PvE?
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#22 KIyde


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Posted 20 April 2013 - 08:42 PM

I personally like these guide. Best among Rouge Guides I've seen for RO2, tho' just a tip, when your threat keeps shooting up and its on the 2nd place, be sure to make hit and runs so the boss won't change target on you. its also a good tactic when the boss summons its minions, let your offtank get those before hitting on with the boss again. I don't really have enough knowledge regarding Rouges since I play Off tank Warrior in the SEA Server, but that's the thing I always said to my Rouge Party members, Hit and run is a good thing. ;)

Thank you for the compliments, although I believe I mentioned that on my Tip section:

7. Always be aware of your threat level. Although rarely, you might run into situations where you out damage the main tank, which means that the boss/enemies will target you instead. This is bad news for you, so slow down and allow for the tank to regain back control.

Killing minions is part of what party members expect from a rogue. The best way to survive bosses is to watch for their AoEs and stop attacking when they're targeting you.
BTW I think vit only adds like 6HP per point, so unless you're PvP oriented I wouldn't bother with vit. Also is crit rate same as in seaRO? I remember people there prefered a pure str built because agi-crit was nerfed. Would be good to know since I'm planning to level a new rogue after the beta ends.

Crit was never nerfed to my knowledge, the only problem with not raising vit is that there's a really bad stigma in the other server, that people do not invite you to raids unless you have a certain amount of HP, which sucks, but nothing can be done unless you start the raid yourself.

Regarding bosses AoEs, sometimes 'watching' out for isnt enough to stay safe though, they might always sneak in a critical that can 1 hit you, thats why I suggested, your HP should never, ever fall below 50%


this is basically wat i came up with for my future. rogue. hopefully its good enough. i think it would be an excellent build for pvp and pve but i wont get to test it. cuz of the wipe on monday.. i wont be even near. 25 by then.. much less cap. lvl. idk how ppl are lvling so fast.. but hey more power to ya.

Hmm, that's a lot of points on Hide. Sadly if you want to be more PvP oriented, I'd recommend focusing a bit more on Dark Illusion and Smoke Bomb, these will get you plenty of kill steals in Colosseum.

You shouldn't even worry about Parry/Dodge unless you're a tank class. Only tank classes get equipment that specifically boosts those stats, whereas everyone else only has the option for Hit/Haste/Vigor. At best, you could get some Parry/Dodge accessories, but that still won't amount to much.

Parry and Dodge would only matter if you're soloing, meaning we're talking about fighting regular monsters. Regular monsters shouldn't be any concern at all, especially after you start leveling Gangster Paradise. If you max Gangster, then you won't even need potions outside of dungeons, and maybe red Khara bosses.
In dungeons, your tank should be tanking, so maximizing your Dodge and Parry still shouldn't be a big issue. If you have one or two monsters on you, a decent healer should be able to handle that fine. In the event that you out-threat a tank against a boss, hopefully you have Smoke Bomb available.

I suppose you could leave Doping at 1, if you're really okay with spending that much more money on potions. But the 4% vs. 20% chance to proc the random atk-or-crit buff is pretty noticeable, and you have no chance of reapplying it while the buff is already on; meaning you'll be spending a lot of time without the buff. In which case Assassin may have better, more stable, overall damage.

What are you interested in getting that you'd sacrifice Doping for?

Everything you say is absoloutly true. However, I wouldn't dismiss the Parry/Dodge accessories, I can say that these have saved my life multiple times, by endgame gear, your regular sets will supply you with enough Vigor/Haste that even with Coloseum Accessories, it won't make much of a difference. But to put it simply, Parry helps a hell lot when Ratmaster is at 60% Atk Buff lol. As you said it doesn't amount to much, but it does help slightly. I had both sets, depending on what situation I found myself in.
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#23 KIyde


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Posted 20 April 2013 - 08:47 PM

Well there are a lot of zone bosses you can farm and should be able to solo with decent gear, like Goblin Leader. And from my experience, most bosses also attack you if your threat meter isn't higher than the tank's, so I wouldn't say dodge/parry is useless. Now I wouldn't get accessoirs to raise either of the 2 if I can have haste/vigor instead, I just calculate some factors into my decision, weather to raise str or agi, or make 41/41, and parry/dodge is part of that decision.

I'm not sure, I have to "feel" certain skills before I can decide. I fear that most skills that could be maxed out instead don't have a lot more to offer than when kept at lvl1 too, so doping might be still a better option, if just one of the last skills I'd push to 5. Some skills that I'd consider if I had more skill points left were maxed poisoning weapon (even if it's just 5%, within 20seconds it would mean additional 50%damage without doing anything, also it could be nice if it was applied in PvP), maxed crescent moon (althought 20sec cd is still too long for PvP imho, so I doubt I'll max it) or max dirty plan. BTW does smoke bomb work now in PvE?

In my build, I leave more than one skills at level 4, since the extra point could go somewhere else, so I agree with you there.. it all comes to preference, when you're between level 25~35 I can suggest you get a feel with all your skills, to see what is it that you use the most and what you don't. Smoke Bomb doesn't really work in PvE as well as it should, if the mob is still targetting you when you use it, it'll just hit you and you'll come off from hide.

Also, PvP kills mostly come from burst damage, so killing someone from Poisoning has a very low chance, but it's not impossible however. Specially on the final rounds.
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#24 ShadowKashim


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Posted 21 April 2013 - 01:56 AM

:p_omg: I didn't read the tips Section since me and my mates have our own way of doing our raids, my bad :p_sick:

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#25 synesthetic


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Posted 21 April 2013 - 02:55 AM

Everything you say is absoloutly true. However, I wouldn't dismiss the Parry/Dodge accessories, I can say that these have saved my life multiple times, by endgame gear, your regular sets will supply you with enough Vigor/Haste that even with Coloseum Accessories, it won't make much of a difference. But to put it simply, Parry helps a hell lot when Ratmaster is at 60% Atk Buff lol. As you said it doesn't amount to much, but it does help slightly. I had both sets, depending on what situation I found myself in.

If you still have access to that character, would you mind posting how much Dodge/Parry each of those accessories give? Or give me item names I can look up? I'm curious to see exactly how much they add then.
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