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Boot Camp: A guide for building a Gunslinger

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#1 rinlen02


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Posted 26 April 2013 - 07:56 PM

For those of you looking into making a Gunslinger, you came to the right place. If you have one already, feel free to help anyone out with builds, skills, etc. In this thread, our goal is to make the Gunslinger a more fun class to play, no matter what kind of build you suggest. A few ground rules: Don't put down another player's build suggestion. Second, this is not a place for ranting about this class. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all. Third, for-fun builds are encouraged. Now without further adieu, here is my guide to the Gunslinger:

Gunslingers are famous for their, well, guns. When used right, they can be your best friend and a monster's worst enemy. Unfortunately, Gunslingers can only use guns and their equipment selection is very limited. If you adjust properly, they can be a force to be reckoned with.

My Build:
Top stats: AGI (90-something), DEX (99)

Below this point is a list of builds you can have for your Gunslinger. Note: For the Gunslinger class, the Archer Skeleton Card is highly recommended.

This class emphasizes a high attack speed to deal tons of damage.
Weapon type: Pistols, Gatling
The stats you want in this are DEX and AGI. You might want to max these stats out to get as much out of this as possible.
Skills you need:
Single Action (Increases ASPD per level up to 5% at 10)
Chain Action (basically the Gunslinger version of Double Attack. It only works with pistols, unfortunately.)
Optional skills:
Last Stand (Immobilizes you, but your ATK and ASPD gets a pretty good boost.)
Increase Accuracy (Increases DEX and AGI for a few seconds)
Gatling Fever (only if equipped with a Gatling. It decreases movement speed, but increases ATK and ASPD to have almost the same power as a rifle at the speed of a pistol.)
Greatest General (Gives a low chance to gain coins)
Sidewinder (on a Gatling)
Atroce (has a chance of giving +100% ASPD)

Any cards to add AGI

Instead of shooting from afar, this build allows an up close and personal striking power using the skill Desperado. Very popular for leveling.
Weapons: Pistols
The stats that will help this build would be a high DEX for damage, around 50 or so INT for SP and Desperado spamming, and a pretty sizable (around 60-75) VIT to survive large mobs.
Desperado 10 (obviously)
The rest is up to you, but having a lot of INT and VIT can get you some Shotgun skills as well.
Earth Deleter (Desperado is classified as a melee attack, do as long as you keep killing with Desperado, you won't have to use blue potions as often) (This currently does not work in Renewal)
Hunter Fly (Gives a chance of gaining damage dealt as HP. This card allows you to heal while you fight)
Any Status Ailment card
Any card that increases SP

This class relies heavily on using Shotguns to deal AOE devastation at a range.
Weapons: Shotguns
This class's stats are similar to the stats for the Desperado build, but add or subtract points here and there to your liking so you can spam skills and stay alive.
Spread Shot 10 (the same power as Desperado 6 and AOE as Arrow Storm 6-9)
Full Blast (at level 10, it has the same power as Chain Crush Combo 9)

(The Shotgun and Desperado builds can be combined for an AOE-based build)

This build is mainly focused around rifle skills and inflicting negative stats
Weapons: Rifle
High DEX is a must. All other stats can be balanced out for maximum versatility. However, too much STR is not recommended as it will only give you a higher weight capacity. After maxing out DEX, I suggest evening out the other stats.
Bulls Eye (has a 0.1% chance of casting Coma on a target. Coma leaves the target with 1 HP and 0 SP)
Disarm (Reduces target ATK by 25% by a 15% chance at level 5. If used on players, it has the same effect as Divest Weapon. Neat, huh?)
Wounding Shot (Deals 200% damage at level 5 and has a low chance of causing Bleeding.)
Tracking (The de facto skill for sniping. The cast time is annoying, but the damage is pretty good. Great for leveling on the Metalings south of Einbroch)
Snake Eyes (to increase range and Hit.)
Archer Skeleton
Any Status inflicting cards
Any cards that can boost your stats
Phen or Bloody Butterfly (Phen is better, but if you can't afford one you can settle for a Bloody Butterfly. You'll love this card since rifle skills often take time to cast.)
Drosera (Increases critical rate. Highly recommended with a Lever Action Rifle.)

Named after the anime, this is mainly a for-fun build that mainly uses CRIT to deal damage and dodging as much attacks as possible.
Weapon: Pistols
Max out the DEX and then put as much as possible into LUK, AGI, and INT.
Bulls Eye
Wounding Shot
Gunslinger's Panic (adds 30 FLEE for a few seconds and lessens damage from long-range attacks at the cost of accuracy.)
Snake Eyes
Increase Accuracy
Anything to increase Perfect Dodge or FLEE
Cards that increase critical rate. (e.g. Soldier Skeleton)

Triple Actioner
This build mainly uses Triple Action to deal damage. This build by itself is not that reliable as it requires coins to cast, but can be used in combination with another build for more versatility.
Weapons: Grenade Launcher (Best), Shotgun, Rifle (If Lever Action with Archer Skeleton or Drosera)
Maxing out DEX is good for damage while VIT and INT helps with durability and skill spamming respectively.
Triple Action

Artillery Trapper
This build is one centered around the Grenade Launchers and Gunslinger Mine. Basically this is the Gunslinger version of a Trap Hunter.
Weapons: Grenade Launcher, Shotgun
DEX is a must. Max it for a lot of damage. INT and VIT will be your best friend. Pistols will be a useful sidearm, so spare some AGI or skill points for them.
Gunslinger Mine (Pretty much the only Grenade Launcher skill. Unlike hunter traps, Gunslinger Mine can be used on occupied cells and still deal damage. They can be used to mark players or monsters in Hiding for teammates to pick off, but will not deal damage to them.)
Triple Action
Snake Eyes
According to iRO Wiki, the weapon card you have equipped the moment a mine is triggered affect the type of effect and/or damage of the mine. (e.g. if you planted a fire mine with a Santa Poring-carded Grenade Launcher and switched to a pistol with a Hydra and Snake card, instead of inflicting 20% more damage on the Shadow property, the mine has a chance of poisoning and it deals 20% more damage to any Demihuman that activates it.)
Any to deal status effects
Any to increase damage on certain elements (Mix and match to deal the most damage. Drainiliar+Lightning Sphere mine, for example.)
Any to increase DEX
Any to increase damage on monster races

Using a Lever Action Rifle, this build focuses around Tracking and Bulls Eye
Weapons: Rifle
It's highly recommended you max out your DEX. No AGI is needed at all for this build. VIT and INT will be very useful, so get a lot of it.
Bulls Eye
Increase Accuracy
You'll have around 37 skill points left over, so you can invest these in whatever you choose.
Frilldora or Assassin Cross (Enables Cloaking 1 on the former, Cloaking 3 with the latter)
Archer Skeleton x2
anything to add DEX, VIT, or INT
Phen or Bloody Butterfly

This build is for PVP and WOE. Getting the equipment from Battlegrounds is a must.
Weapons: Rifle and Pistol
For stats, high DEX is recommended while a mid to high INT can help a lot with skill spamming. A sizable chunk of VIT is needed too so you can survive.
Disarm (Like I said, it'll have the same effect as a Rouge's Divest Weapon)
Wounding Shot (Causes bleeding)
Triple Action
Cracker (Good for stunning those pesky melee characters)
Coin Fling (Reduces enemy DEF)
Bull's Eye (Can cause Coma and deals 500% damage to Demihuman and Brute monsters)
Optional skills:
Full Blast
Magical Bullet (Ghost property attack. Kinda helpful against Ghostring carded players but highly inefficient. You might as well stick with silver bullets.)
Desperado (If the pistols used are carded to inflict status effects, this skill can help spread it.)
Any that can increase damage against Demihumans or inflict a status ailment
Phen or Bloody Butterfly

As of yet, Gunslingers are not suited for MVP hunting. Please try a different class until the 2nd class is available.

Gunslinger equipment:
Nothing can go wrong with Eden Group equips, but in PVP, the best would be the Elite Shooter set. Outside of PVP, Gunslingers can equip any equipment labeled "All except Novice" or "All Jobs". You will be using a lot of ammo and recovery items, so make sure you plan your equipment so it's lightweight and slotted. True, a high defense is important, but once a Gunslinger runs out of ammo or recovery items, they're in trouble. Often, having a lot of VIT would limit the need for high defensive equipment. Try to find the right balance between defense and weight for any armor you choose. Eden Group Armor has the best defense at the best weight, but at 0 available slots, unless you plan to go without armor cards, you'll have to settle for something else. Autocast equipment and cards will be beneficial to Gunslingers with a high attack speed. A Heroic Backpack would be good if you have the zeny to shell out for one.

Gunslinger Cards:
Gunslingers in general are about range. Having a pair of Archer Skeleton cards is the best option for you. An ASPD Gunslinger can benefit from a Greatest General-carded accessory more than any other build. When Summon Spirit Sphere is cast by a Gunslinger, they gain a coin used for skills. Desperado Gunslingers benefit from Hunter Fly cards, since spamming Desperado can recover HP in increments based on your damage. If at any time you pick up a Lord of the Dead card, that will be very useful as a Gunslinger in PVP. Constantly giving other players status effects while leaving them unable to attack back will make you pretty annoying for them and useful for your team (requires Disarm, Bloody Shells, Wounding Shot). Increasing SP is highly recommended for Gunslingers, as the constant use of skills is very draining. Any card that offers more SP or SP recovery is good for you. A Phen Card can be useful as well, as getting hit while casting skills will keep you off-balance. Having an Archer card set would be useful, as it increases ranged attack like two Archer Skeleton Cards and increases DEX, AGI, and Perfect Hit. Adding an Archer Skeleton card with this set can really add extra attack power.

A special note on cards: Unfortunately, guns only have 1-2 slots, depending on the gun. When choosing a weapon card, choose wisely!
PVP/WOE Strategies:

Gunslingers are near useless in PVP/WOE, but don't let that stop you. Gunslingers have some advantages that can be exploited, which will be covered in this section. In a PVP setting, Gunslingers are not mainly killers. Instead, their role is along the lines of offensive support, in which they deal damage to inflict status effects or distract opposing players from damaging full support classes.

Bulls Eye: The best skill available for sniper gunslingers. At a 0.1% chance or perhaps more depending on LUK (Haven't tested this sorry), you can inflict Coma, an extremely crippling status that reduces target HP to 1 and SP to 0. This is done without special equipment, only a skill, just like the K/O skill Illusion-Death, but this is available at the 1st job once you get Tracking 10. Note: There are apparently no weapon restrictions for this skill, so go nuts with the damage. Using Bloody Shells with this skill would also add a chance to inflict Bleeding, which could kill a player.

Disarm: A ranged version of Divest Weapon. 'Nuff said. Difference between target and caster DEX affects success rate.

Wounding Shot: Causes Bleeding at 15% chance at level 5. Use with Bloody Shells for a higher chance.

Crowd Control Shot: Pushes the target 5 cells back. It has a range of 3 cells, but Pneuma does not block this attack at all. Can be used to knock players out of Pneuma or Neutral Barrier and into the range of teammates. Considered a melee attack.

Bloody Shells: The most powerful bullet a gunslinger could have. It has a chance to inflict Bleeding.

Gunslinger Mine: Mines can be planted right under a player's feet. It can be used to mark players in Hiding, but will deal no damage. Used this way, a Gunslinger can show teammates the location of hidden players for them to be knocked out of hiding and picked off. As stated in the first post, damage is calculated the moment a mine is activated, meaning you can switch to a gun with a different card(s) and the mine will gain the card effect.

Cracker: Inflict Stun the closer a target is to you. A good combo is Cracker on a melee character targeting a support character (or yourself) to inflict Stun and then using Crowd Control Shot to push them back. While they are stunned you can attempt to divest their weapon with Disarm or inflict Coma with Bulls Eye.

Coin Fling: Decreases target DEF based on the amount of coins used, up to 5.

Grenade Launchers (Inferno and Destroyer only): Has a chance to destroy armor at close range. Combo: Stun with Cracker, attack with grenade launchers via Triple Action, tag shotgun for Full Blast or Crowd Control Shot, tag pistol or rifle with bloody shells, Disarm or Bulls Eye. Must be done in rapid succession to have any significant effect.
Notes on Rebellion:
As of right now, the Rebellion class is undergoing testing in kRO's Sakray server. Using information on their skills from http://forums.warppo...-sakray-in-kro/, I have devised a few new builds for you to try out when this new class is available. Please refer to the linked post to see the description of the new skills and their skill tree. From what I'm assuming, we may be able to get this class several months to a year or more. This is plenty of time to plan ahead for what your Gunslinger will be in the future.
UPDATE: I found a skill simulator on the forums that you can use to plan your skills for both the first and second classes. When planning your skills, remember the total amount of skill points available is 118. Simulator here: http://www.divine-pr.../skilltree/4215
With nothing but a pair of pistols, this more powerful homage to Vash the Stampede is sure to leave a Crimson Mark.
Very similar to Trigun build above. Weapons, Stats, Skills, and Cards are similar, but with max level increased to 150, you can invest more into stats.
Crimson Marker (put a crimson Marker on a target to reduce its flee and even show its location on the minimap)
Quick Draw Shot (When Chain Action activates, this is added as a combo to deal extra damage. If there are monsters/players with Crimson Marker nearby, all will receive damage)
A one-man/woman army, Gatling Gun users unleash storms of bullets against their foes.
Weapon: Gatling Gun
Stats: Important ones would be DEX, AGI, INT, and VIT.
Gatling Fever
Fire Rain (shoots an AOE in front of the user and has a chance of removing grounds skills in its AOE)
Round Trip (uses Gatling to attack an AOE around the user)
Heat Barrel (Consumes all coins to increase ASPD at the cost of accuracy)
Last Stand (can't be used with Heat Barrel for some reason...)
Eternal Chain (Spends coins to enable Chain Action on any weapon)
Hollywood Gunman
This upgraded Desperado build uses stunt-like attacks to deal damage. Combine with Platinum Altar (increases ATK, reduces damage from Undead monsters) for Zombie Movie Survivor build.
Fallen Angel (It's what happens when you combine Snap with Desperado minus the Spirit Sphere cost)
Fire Dance
Quick Draw Shot
Crimson Marker
Elite Infantry
An upgraded version of the Rifle build.
Anti Materiel Blast
Mass Spiral (deals damage plus more based on target defense, causes bleeding at a high chance)
Hammer of God (100% chance stun for a duration determined by skill level, up to 4000% damage. Crimson Marker must be on target or it will attack randomly around it. Has a 5*5 AOE)
Heat Barrel
Eternal Chain
Explosives Expert
Upgraded version of Artillery Trapper build. See Artillery Trapper above for details.
Bind Trap (slows enemy)
Howling Mine (shoot something like a sticky bomb at the target. When exploded by Flicker it deals explosion damage in an AOE)
Flicker (Explodes Bind Trap and Howling Mine)
Crimson Marker
Dragon Tail (it attacks any monsters that have a Crimson Marker. Whether this works on markers set by others is unknown at the moment. Damage is divided by the amount of markers)
Upgraded Shotgun build. See Shotgun above for details.
Disarm (max is needed for Shatter Storm)
Shatter Storm (deals damage and has a chance of destroying up to 5 random equip when maxed)
Banishing Buster (Deals damage in a 5*5 area around target and has a chance of erasing a number of buffs based on skill level)
Slug Shot (get a special heavy bullet to hit a single target and force it to sit but at longer ranges accuracy is reduced)
If more info on this class is available, I will add it.
Thank you for reading this and feel free to tell me your comments and/or submit your own build. Gunslingers for life! Hoo-Rah!

Edited by rinlen02, 13 January 2014 - 05:07 PM.

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#2 BIuewind


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Posted 26 April 2013 - 09:07 PM

Just an additional info about PvP/WoE equips (although PvP'ing with a Slinger right now is a retarded idea for so many reasons lol), the WoE Suit - Manteau - Boots can be used. I'd make it a priority to obtain the Glorious Pistol, the only level 4 pistol in the game, and over-upgrade it.

For PvM equips, I'd also suggest either a +9 Rideword hat or the new Vanargand Helm to free up your Armor slot from the Earth Deleter and get a more useful card in the armor like Peco or Porcellio (not to mention both headgears have their own slot as well).

Haven't read the entirety of the guide but it really seems you've put a lot of effort into it and I'd like to commend you for that. I'll try adding a few more things from my own experiences if a few more people would express interest on our dead class.
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#3 rinlen02


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 09:26 PM

Please see this link for experimenting with skillsets:
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#4 rinlen02


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Posted 27 May 2013 - 01:42 AM

[Moved to OP]

Please comment for any suggestions regarding PVP or PVM builds

Edited by rinlen02, 27 July 2013 - 06:38 PM.

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#5 Berecus


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 09:16 AM

i tried the vit-int shotgun-pistol (full blast despe*) build works wonders since all a gunslinger does is spam skills like trigger happy shot and despe and my ever so loved skill full blast...btw its best to always use silver bullets ALWAYS, except for the holy elements, because it obviously has higher atk and is cost effective...
Status card are "meh" damage increase cards would be better...
and ohhh the trigun build should have the drosera card: effect= 15 crit if long range atk
well thats all i can think of right now...except that i wish we had a new 2nd job>.>

*:works well in in leveling specially that you could one shot passive monsters with full blast and despe the rest
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#6 rinlen02


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Posted 30 May 2013 - 06:07 PM

well thats all i can think of right now...except that i wish we had a new 2nd job>.>

You and me both. When it comes out, I'll do a complete overhaul of this guide to accommodate the new class. I just want to know what kind of skills there are and if they finally fix that thing with the gatlings.
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#7 Berecus


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Posted 01 June 2013 - 05:49 AM

gatlings suck ass right now...i mean 1 slot and low damage not to mention no offensive skills that doesnt req a coin>.>
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#8 rinlen02


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Posted 27 July 2013 - 06:39 PM

Updated. I found info on Rebellion skills on the forums so I decided to incorporate it into this guide.

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#9 Lucentos


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Posted 28 July 2013 - 01:10 AM

I think that you are put builds for Rebellion a bit early - it wasn`t released on mains yet to say effective builds.

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#10 rinlen02


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Posted 28 July 2013 - 08:25 AM

I think that you are put builds for Rebellion a bit early - it wasn`t released on mains yet to say effective builds.

Yeah...I was so excited I kinda jumped the gun there.

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#11 ferioke


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Posted 29 July 2013 - 05:31 PM

Got some questions.


1. Which gunslinger is best for DPS?


2. Is there a skill build?


3.which weapons are best?

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#12 rinlen02


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Posted 29 July 2013 - 10:54 PM

Got some questions.


1. Which gunslinger is best for DPS?


2. Is there a skill build?


3.which weapons are best?

To answer your question, in my personal opinion if you're trying for DPS, then an AGI Pistols build would be suitable. The best weapon for that would be the Wasteland's Outlaw with a pair of Archer Skeleton cards. Skill-wise, Single Action and Chain Action would be highly recommended for DPS since Single Action increases HIT and Attack Speed while Chain Action gives you the chance of firing double shots, much like the Thief's Double Attack. To get the most out of this build, a high ASPD is good. As for the rest of the skills, it's up to your strategy. But maxing out Chain Action and Single Action for a DPS build is recommended. Also, unless you are willing to sacrifice points for more VIT, you'll need a longer range advantage. That's where Increase Accuracy applies. It may be a buff that improves Hit, DEX, and AGI, but it's prerequisite skill Snake Eyes provides a pretty sizable range. If you have the skill points to spare, you can invest in Last Stand to increase your ASPD and ATK at the cost of movement.

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#13 ferioke


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Posted 30 July 2013 - 02:14 AM

To answer your question, in my personal opinion if you're trying for DPS, then an AGI Pistols build would be suitable. The best weapon for that would be the Wasteland's Outlaw with a pair of Archer Skeleton cards. Skill-wise, Single Action and Chain Action would be highly recommended for DPS since Single Action increases HIT and Attack Speed while Chain Action gives you the chance of firing double shots, much like the Thief's Double Attack. To get the most out of this build, a high ASPD is good. As for the rest of the skills, it's up to your strategy. But maxing out Chain Action and Single Action for a DPS build is recommended. Also, unless you are willing to sacrifice points for more VIT, you'll need a longer range advantage. That's where Increase Accuracy applies. It may be a buff that improves Hit, DEX, and AGI, but it's prerequisite skill Snake Eyes provides a pretty sizable range. If you have the skill points to spare, you can invest in Last Stand to increase your ASPD and ATK at the cost of movement.


Thanks very helpful, is there a way to possibly use more than 1 gun? 

Also what are the advantages of all the guns, i have my mind set on using more than just a pistol. I like he Gatling and rifle but im not sure what to do here, kinda suck when it comes to gunslingers T_T

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#14 rinlen02


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Posted 30 July 2013 - 07:59 AM

Thanks very helpful, is there a way to possibly use more than 1 gun? 

Also what are the advantages of all the guns, i have my mind set on using more than just a pistol. I like he Gatling and rifle but im not sure what to do here, kinda suck when it comes to gunslingers T_T

I'll gladly explain. Unfortunately, guns are two-handed so it's impossible to equip more than one. Pistols are kind of like Katars, in the sense that they both come in pairs and you only need to equip one pair. If you are planning to have skills that require separate guns, you can hotkey each one so you can switch easily.


Here are the advantages of each gun:


Pistol: Has best DPS, access to Desperado skill to kill mobs. However, they are the weakest weapons available to the gunslinger.


Rifle: Slower ASPD, but has a higher attack power. Shares much of the same skills as Pistols.


Gatling: Second highest ASPD, can have the same ATK as a rifle with the right skills and buffs. However, they are heavy and require a lot of farming to obtain.


Shotgun: Deals splash damage to a 3*3 area centered on the target but has a much slower attack speed. Has a higher attack than a rifle.


Grenade Launcher: You need to equip certain elemental spheres instead of bullets. These spheres require some farming to make. Also, the grenade launchers themselves require a lot of materials to manufacture. Has the same attack speed as shotguns but deal no splash damage. Highest ATK out of all guns available. Only one skill available to them, but they can be used to deal damage via Bulls Eye or Triple Action.

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#15 ferioke


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Posted 30 July 2013 - 08:16 AM

I'll gladly explain. Unfortunately, guns are two-handed so it's impossible to equip more than one. Pistols are kind of like Katars, in the sense that they both come in pairs and you only need to equip one pair. If you are planning to have skills that require separate guns, you can hotkey each one so you can switch easily.


Here are the advantages of each gun:


Pistol: Has best DPS, access to Desperado skill to kill mobs. However, they are the weakest weapons available to the gunslinger.


Rifle: Slower ASPD, but has a higher attack power. Shares much of the same skills as Pistols.


Gatling: Second highest ASPD, can have the same ATK as a rifle with the right skills and buffs. However, they are heavy and require a lot of farming to obtain.


Shotgun: Deals splash damage to a 3*3 area centered on the target but has a much slower attack speed. Has a higher attack than a rifle.


Grenade Launcher: You need to equip certain elemental spheres instead of bullets. These spheres require some farming to make. Also, the grenade launchers themselves require a lot of materials to manufacture. Has the same attack speed as shotguns but deal no splash damage. Highest ATK out of all guns available. Only one skill available to them, but they can be used to deal damage via Bulls Eye or Triple Action.


Thanks fr that but what I meant by different guns is can I put the skills up for all 4 guns for different uses? For example one day I don't want to use a pistol so I switch to rifle etc... 

Lastly should i pump my points into Snake Eyes, Coin flip, Tracking and Coin Fling?

Edited by ferioke, 30 July 2013 - 05:08 PM.

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#16 rinlen02


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Posted 30 July 2013 - 07:52 PM

Thanks fr that but what I meant by different guns is can I put the skills up for all 4 guns for different uses? For example one day I don't want to use a pistol so I switch to rifle etc... 

Lastly should i pump my points into Snake Eyes, Coin flip, Tracking and Coin Fling?

Well something like that would be difficult to do since to do so means you'll have to forego some good passive and supportive skills. Personally, I wouldn't recommend it. It's way too much weight and for a Gunslinger, weight is important to carry extra ammo and restorative items. However, the skill Triple Action can be used by any gun, so you can use that if you want to switch guns.


For Snake Eyes, Tracking, and Coin Fling, it would be wiser to invest in Snake Eyes if you have a DPS build so you can have a longer range and thus more time to shoot when the target's chasing you down. Tracking is a good skill to have when hunting passive monsters with a rifle. Coin Flip is essential for getting coins for Triple Action. Coin Fling would not be that effective, especially if you have a mob you need to kill, so I wouldn't bother with it.

Edited by rinlen02, 30 July 2013 - 08:00 PM.

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#17 Renko


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 05:04 AM

I was planning in making a shotgun/grenade-launcher gs for the future, so i was thinking something like this:


str: 50~ (for weight related stuff)

agi: 1 (seems useless for these weapons, I think...)*

vit: 70~ (in order to make mobs, I guess?)

int: 52~ (sp ;<)

dex: 90 (obvious reasons)

luk: 1 (don't like crit ;<) *


*: with reset 


thing is, I don't know if is a functional build, so It would be nice... if you could... evaluate the build (before I make a mistake, or if don't really perform well)


also, thoughts about a eternal chain+ alicel doll shotgun?


that would be all, thanks 

Edited by Renko, 06 September 2013 - 05:20 AM.

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#18 rinlen02


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:25 PM

I was planning in making a shotgun/grenade-launcher gs for the future, so i was thinking something like this:


str: 50~ (for weight related stuff)

agi: 1 (seems useless for these weapons, I think...)*

vit: 70~ (in order to make mobs, I guess?)

int: 52~ (sp ;<)

dex: 90 (obvious reasons)

luk: 1 (don't like crit ;<) *


*: with reset 


thing is, I don't know if is a functional build, so It would be nice... if you could... evaluate the build (before I make a mistake, or if don't really perform well)


also, thoughts about a eternal chain+ alicel doll shotgun?


that would be all, thanks 

I'm making another gunslinger to use grenade launcher and shotgun builds for rebellion as well. This way I can test several builds for all my fellow gunslingers so they know which kinds are effective.


I'm not sure about the alicel doll though. I don't remember what it's effect is.


Well for stats, it looks pretty good. Personally, I'd rather get a Heavy Lifter Box to get a higher weight limit, but otherwise a Gunslinger's weight limit is too low to carry enough ammo and healing items for an extended period. I think that strict ammo conservation can help with the weight, but otherwise I'd say forego str and invest in a heavy lifter box or even three gym passes. Either one works. That way, you can invest more skill points into int so you can have more sp or dex for more damage.


A quick tip, hotkey all your guns and ammo. To switch fast between grenade launchers and other guns, equip ammo, guns, then ammo again in that order. Trust me, it works.


Skill-wise, check the simulator I put in the first post so you can figure out which skills you want to use.


I hope this helps!

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#19 spikexp


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 10:07 AM

seems that i'm stuck for which gears i should go for, so i would like some help deciding...

for an agi dps ofc i will get 2x as westland outlaw, but i'm stuck deciding gears other than weapon and headgears. still, i would like an economic build 'cause investing on the weapon is costly enough. idk if eden set is enough to achieve 99 or at least pvm. also, going for rebellion past 99 looks like a lot of challenge considering i'm still getting beaten by einbech mine monsters atm

thanks in advance
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#20 rinlen02


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Posted 19 November 2013 - 09:40 PM

seems that i'm stuck for which gears i should go for, so i would like some help deciding...

for an agi dps ofc i will get 2x as westland outlaw, but i'm stuck deciding gears other than weapon and headgears. still, i would like an economic build 'cause investing on the weapon is costly enough. idk if eden set is enough to achieve 99 or at least pvm. also, going for rebellion past 99 looks like a lot of challenge considering i'm still getting beaten by einbech mine monsters atm

thanks in advance

Well, I somehow managed to get by to 99 using eden gears. I'd say make sure to get the equipment quest from Instructor Ur so you can get something good until you save up enough for the weapon. When I saved up enough, I managed to get a glittering jacket and enchant it so I get +3 DEX. There's also a chance to get an enchant to increase your AGI, but DEX and VIT is good too. It's a bit costly, so I wouldn't recommend it until you saved up. Although, Eden Group equipment (the armor, boots, and manteau you get from Ur, not Boya) can each be enchanted by Blacksmith Thorn. Here's some info on that:


If you gain enough to buy new armor and such, I recommend getting a Glittering Jacket and enchanting it. More info here: Be warned though, you can't upgrade it of compound a card onto it before you enchant or else you lose the card and/or upgrades you had!


For accessories, I think either a Cat Hand Glove, Brooch, or Glove would work. I use a Brooch with a Snowier card so I can heal using Ice Cream that it drops. It all depends on what you need, but a cat Hand Glove would be the best choice.


If you do a lot of Turn In quests, you can trade in merit badges for (10) bravery or valor badges you can exchange for gunslinger equipment from Battlegrounds. Having the entire set won't be that helpful in PVM though. Having the whole thing doubles damage you receive from non-Demi-Human monsters, but I had the Battle Boots for the HP bonus.

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#21 spikexp


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Posted 20 November 2013 - 08:08 AM

i did thorn's for most of the equips possible (ab lv1 atk+3% for the revolver, +3agi +3dex for the armor, +9def +9def for the manteau, boots after maintenance :D )

i plan to get the gloves the hard way (through quest, not buying it)

i saw glittering jackets around 200k in ragial so i consider hunting them from dark priests too, because the money can be used to get the enchanment

what cards should i fill them with?

EDIT: thorn'd the boots, got +2vit +3def

Edited by 7807131102154348820, 20 November 2013 - 12:41 PM.

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#22 Fluffyninja


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Posted 20 November 2013 - 04:58 PM

Porcellio Card is a nice cheap card to have in armor. You can also use elemental armor cards like swordfish, evil druid or pasanas, though they're more expensive.

If you find your flee lacking, you can try using in an alicel card. A Mocking undershirt + Swift Pantie combo gives a nice 45+ flee bonus, though it's also expensive to make. 

Edited by Fluffyninja, 20 November 2013 - 05:07 PM.

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#23 Lucentos


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Posted 21 November 2013 - 02:11 AM

Skillspammers will find Ulle Cap with Incubus + Odin Blessing with Succubus quite nice to have. You can stick there two Sheriff badge and Vali Manteau and Vidar boots. This all grant you nice SP pool boost, skill reduction cost and SP regen boost.

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#24 spikexp


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Posted 21 November 2013 - 08:30 AM

odin set seems costly. porcellio sure gives good atk, but getting more flee might be a better idea. but well, slotted panties and undershirts are simply expensive.

i'll stay with my vit eden boots for now until i find better alternative :D
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#25 Fluffyninja


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Posted 21 November 2013 - 09:34 AM

The unslotted panties and undershirt combo still works fine and are cheap to obtain. 


odin set seems costly. porcellio sure gives good atk, but getting more flee might be a better idea. but well, slotted panties and undershirts are simply expensive.

i'll stay with my vit eden boots for now until i find better alternative :D


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