Whaddya think of this build for farming? - Thief - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Whaddya think of this build for farming?

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#1 2534130520102140553


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Posted 15 September 2013 - 08:21 AM

Going off of what this guy said:


Here are my experiences with assassin (I've spent a lot of time on him, full colo and all that)


1) It's a waste of points going to hiding exceed -- hiding doesn't help your own damage output and the utility you get from it isn't worth it. The most utility you get out of it is farming dungeons where you need to just sneak to bosses in the fastest manner possible. 2/3 hiding will make you faster than a non-hidden walking character, and you can go 3/3 if farming is your thing, but hiding exceed shouldn't be touched, you're taking too many valuable points from damage skills.


2) If you need to shave points from somewhere, this is the least damage-hindering place to remove them from. A 5 combo-point level 1 DB is still 52% damage compared to a max of 60%. Assassin has another combo ender in shadow explosion which means DB is going to see less usage as your vigor levels rise. Rogues often choose to max it because it's their only combo ender and they have the rather amazing combo mastery to really abuse it.


3) There's no point for DI on assassin. Shadow Assault is a ranged knockdown teleport which deals the same damage as level 5 DI at base, and it can be used when not hidden either.


4) Yes, shadow claw is a significant self-buff. The most geared assassin I've seen has reached 61% crit (this is with shadow claw on) and I highly doubt an assassin can hit 70% crit rate without it. If gear/P2W material really does become that powerful, I guess you can skill reset but that's a long, long way off. Also, don't put more than 1 point in shadow assault unless you are going for a full-out PvP build, it's not a DPS skill, it's there for utility.


5) I don't know. Shadow Armor is one of the saving graces of assassin and one of the few things we have over Rogue. Our mobility and shadow armor let us handle AoEs much better than almost any other class. It's amazing for both PvE and PvP, and you WILL want it maxxed for raiding. It saves your butt through things you wouldn't have thought possible.


And ignoring what he said about not putting points into Hiding or Hiding Exceed since the main reason I'm making a sin really is to farm bosses anyways, what do you guys with experience think is right/wrong with this build:






Personally I'm not seeing any problems with it if I'm interpreting the skills right, seems like I should be getting the DPS needed without sacrificing fast dungeon running, but generally interpreting skills without any experience is a no-no.

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#2 SparklingLimeade


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Posted 15 September 2013 - 11:28 AM

Farming bosses? If running speed is important I guess you mean solo too because otherwise you'll just end up waiting around anyway. I haven't played the other classes much but I always thought we were pretty mediocre at soloing bosses... Anyway, I see two glaring issues. First and most importantly is that you didn't max Poisoning Weapon. If you're the only thief class character hitting your target then that will be vital. That's +5% damage every 2 seconds it's active. Far more important than MoG. Second, I really don't think leveling Shadow Fang to 3 will be worth it unless you have a very specific use case in mind. Not many bosses have enough adds to make it worth using at all.

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#3 2534130520102140553


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Posted 15 September 2013 - 02:12 PM

Aight, how about just forgetting about Shadow Fang and going 4/5 on Poisoning Weapon?  Seems that would solve the issues you're saying.


EDIT: And yes, I plan on soloing bosses.  If you must know my top-secret plans, it involves thief potions, Eremes Guile, and Imverse of Ruin. :P

Edited by 2534130520102140553, 15 September 2013 - 03:40 PM.

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#4 SparklingLimeade


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Posted 15 September 2013 - 09:38 PM

But the 5th point of PW is worth double what levels 2-4 are  :sob:  . That skill is a must-have for solo DPS. Velouce did some math recently and actually determined it's better than the 1%/level crit from Shadow Claw, much less the .4% crit from Mark of Genocide. It will be strongly sub-optimal to not max Poisoning Weapon. Additionally, MoG just plain sucks. I'd put points in Shadow Strike (the animation was recently shortened, giving it a respectable buff in DPS rotations) before improving MoG at all, but that difference will be less significant than the difference from PW.

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#5 2534130520102140553


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Posted 15 September 2013 - 09:59 PM

Everyone wants party buffs though, do they not?  If I can be accepted without a buff then that's fine, the 2% increase in crit rate seems rather low anyways, what's another crit every 50 hits gonna do and all that.  I guess without MoG this might be what I'd think next then, following your advice with Shadow Strike?




I'm at level 32 btw, having trouble with Colo, can't seem to get past round 2.  I regular round 4-5 on my monk, though I guess that's a different strategy even if it is also melee.  I'm assuming when I get Shadow Explosion maxxed I'll have a finishing move to get kills with?

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#6 SparklingLimeade


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Posted 15 September 2013 - 10:42 PM

Depends on who you party/raid with. My guild never brings it up and most of us don't have MoG. It's worthwhile for large groups but that's the only time and the lack isn't gamebreaking even in those groups. Anyway, if I was going to make a Hiding Exceed dungeon running boss soloing build that's what I'd go with.


As for colo... hmmm. I'm not sure how monks function there. The tips I think I've followed to get better at colo go something like


  • If you see a point mob, kill it. Easy and low risk points (round 4 is the battle pagan killing contest). Since pets are a thing now I've started dropping a damage pet in the novelty porings from hiding too, mostly in round 5. All reward no risk.
  • Avoid the start-of-round charlie foxtrot. Find someone with only 1-2 people on them to KS more reliably and survive. The best is when two people duel in a side room and you can kill them both :heh:
  • Feel free to walk up to isolated ranged squishies and duel them even from full HP. They can't do much and if they jump away you will have Shadow Assault ready.
  • Priests are DoT-slinging douches in robes :ani_bzz: . Avoid getting in targeting range if you can help it, don't engage unless they're focused on someone else. Don't go for the execute unless you have reason to believe Coluceo is down.
  • Tanks are to be ignored. Steal their mob kills and walk away :e4: . You can execute them if they're already low but mostly they're annoying with their pots and tankiness and knockdowns
  • Rogues are like you but slow and lacking grimtooth. Kite them, make sure you get your DoT on them. Go in when you have a HP advantage. Expect to be knocked down for 5 seconds. Gangster's Paradise just means DPS faster. In a stand-up fight Shadow Armor + pots is more effective than GP.
  • Make people regret hitting you. If a single ranged class starts picking on you while you're at full hp and surveying the room then single them out and injure them before you go down. Even if you don't get the kill making sure they go down too can be worth it. If I find them quickly I can very often pick up the kill and survive though, making them really regret picking a fight.

And yeah, I'm sure rounding out your core skills will help a lot. Shadow Strike is my preferred opening from hiding (not half as good till it's leveled though) and Shadow Explosion is indeed your strongest tool for securing kills by far. Shadow Armor is also a great way to convince people to back off or survive even if they keep going. I reflexively hit the button when I get frozen and it foils sorcs very well. After those I'd actually say Poisoning Weapon is one of my more important skills. I usually get several mob kills from it and occasionally a player kill. I seem to play pretty differently from a lot of sins I see but it's served me well.

Edited by SparklingLimeade, 15 September 2013 - 10:44 PM.

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#7 2534130520102140553


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Posted 15 September 2013 - 10:51 PM

Ah... I think what I do is act like a tank when I should be acting like a squishy DPS.  I'm used to not caring because, for the most part, as a monk, no-one in their right mind goes for you and a little protection-ki and potions will keep you alive.  Speaking of Protection Ki (basically shadow armor for Monks), I guess the main thing, then, is that shadow armor doesn't have any points in it yet, it's next on my list after Shadow Explosion.  From what I'd heard Shadow Strike is more just a utility skill used to get 3 combo points though?  I suppose it'd be used often enough to make it worthwhile though.

Edited by 2534130520102140553, 15 September 2013 - 10:53 PM.

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#8 SparklingLimeade


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Posted 15 September 2013 - 11:04 PM

Yup, we're not the squishiest but staying isolated and not getting too many people aggroed on you is important. Sometimes just running off is a perfectly acceptable option (tanks and less-persistent ranged classes). Shadow Armor is our primary response to a lot of threats as well. If you can kill it, kill it. If you can't kill it, run. If you can't run or if it's trying to kill you while you kill it, then SA. Without SA dueling other DPS is a lot more dangerous and traps/frost diver are even more dangerous. Also, if you do get involved in one of those big brawls, popping SA and running out will usually make everyone ignore you. Unlike Gangster's Paradise, SA is completely wasted if people don't bother hitting you during the duration and sometimes we're okay with smart people realizing that and ignoring us for a bit. We can't re-hide but we have plenty of incentives to make people not want to hit us for various reasons. I feel like the class lives up to the name and philosophy well enough.


And Shadow Strike can be good utility but when maxed it's also the strongest skill we can use from hide and our strongest non-combo finisher. Now that it all hits at once it's extra helpful for Colo. I'm a fan.

Edited by SparklingLimeade, 15 September 2013 - 11:05 PM.

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#9 Velouce


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Posted 16 September 2013 - 12:01 AM

If you drop Shadow Claw, you really should have enough points for Hiding Exceed, as well as w/o Hide Exceed you should be able to get all skills you need for PvE and PvP easily, Assassins don't have nearly as hard decisions to make as other classes do, when it comes to spending skill points. Anyways, iI don't really recommend Hiding Exceed, even for farming. A lvl3 Hiding in Shadow Form is already really really fast. And the only place you benefit from this by saving time, would be soloing dungeons. Now considering this, comparing it to my Rogue, the highest possible Dungeon I am able to solo completely is HODP Normal. After this, you can only work with expensive goodies to succeed  (Graham Pot and co.).I can't recommend this because - for once, the preparations for soloing it are costing more than the rewards net you. The other thing is, Goblin Leader and Wanderer are easier to solo than most bosses from Ghost Ship normal and on. However Goblin Leader drops you way better stuff, you can make a lot of money farming Ori there, and all it takes is changing channels. I however can't say if a full colo geared sin is able to solo either of those Zone Bosses, even my Rogue only gets them down combining GP and at least some Master Reds. One thing left would be farming DNA pieces from certain mobs/bosses, but you will need some luck and a lo of endurance for this.


About Colosseum: You should have a free skill reset in your lvl35 box thing. Maybe go for a PvP built until you got Colo Gear.

My sin was around 30 too when I was able to get to round 5 first. But now it's a lot harder because of the event, a lot of people are way too serious about Colo, spending a lot of money to win. In fact, my sin got by now 10 useless parry/dodge accessoirs (from 10 colos) and not a single gear for her. I decided to stop bothering with Colo until at least the event is over. It's only frustrating for little / no compansation.

Anyways, you should possess some wind elixirs from questing, combine them wih your shadow form's moving speed and run around like crazy, never stop, unless a skill forces you to. Run in circles when attakcing a mob/player. You will be attacked a lot less this way because people aren't able to click you (some still suceed by tabbing though).

Edited by Velouce, 16 September 2013 - 12:03 AM.

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#10 2534130520102140553


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Posted 16 September 2013 - 05:26 AM

It's precisely because of the level 35 skill reset scroll that I can try this build out, and, if I ultimately don't like it, reskill for free to something with less speed and more DPS.  Aside from this, I've lost MoG, DI, and DB, which I've heard, as per posts in this topic and the quoted post at the beginning, are rather useless for a variety of reasons anyways; If the things I've heard so far are true, then I've lost a minimal amount of DPS, except perhaps for the 4/5 Shadow Strike not being 5/5, and perhaps the lack of an AoE.  As for Shadow Claw, I'd like to go for a full AGI build in the end, aside from the measly MoG for now.  But assuming I did drop points from it, what would've been your recommendation for me to add onto, as far as the build from my latest post including a build is concerned?


Regarding soloing Eremes, I know a Rogue in Colo gear who's soloed him. (11 hours with thief potions and he claims he's gotten the pet.  Well I KNOW he got the pet, just taking his word that it took 11 hours.  Considering 1 Eremes DNA was 4k zeny in AH, that's an absolute minimum 16k zeny in 11 hours, try doing that with Goblin Leader)  He stated that it was quite a bit slower than a sin though (running through the entire dungeon), and I was thinking Thief Potions and time could be saves by rushing it faster.  Sure, I gotta get colo gear, bah, was kinda hoping I could get some in this event actually, though I truthfully haven't gotten anything on my sorcerer either, who's been to round 5 countless times.  I was actually thinking about just investing in crafting tier 1 crafted gear, or maybe even tier 2 (which I don't know much about, where does it lie, between Raid H and CoA N?) since there are so many Union Point Random Boxes that I'm getting.


As for Mysterious Crystals and Oridecon Pieces, my Sorcerer is already better for soloing world bosses like Goblin Leader with self-healing and crazy DPS.


I think I've got things set straight, I'll leave this open for comments though.  I'm sure I'm probably completely wrong somewhere and will be lamenting it in the future, but here's hoping Shadow Armor + Master Red Potions will be good enough to solo Eremes.

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#11 Velouce


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Posted 16 September 2013 - 08:12 AM

Eremes is different than other bosses, because he attacks randomly, but I haven't tried it so far. Anyways, as soon as you're consuming a lot of Master Reds, things become questionable. It's easy to reach a point where you've spend already over 1k zeny and hours of efford to gtet something, and it just didn't drop. You shouldn't ever rely on the luck/ assertions of just a single person because it doesn't mean it will be the same for you as well.


Crafted Gear imho is a total waste of money. Actually, it's even a waste to do RHDs and then Arena/Bapho N and H, when youre able to go for Colo straight anyways.

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#12 Leinzan


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Posted 16 September 2013 - 09:31 AM


I would go with this build http://www.ro2base.c...1.1.1/

it's only dropping one level from «Shadow Exceed» and giving it to «Shadow Strike»... a simple 10% moving speed doesnt really feel like a great loss, I had it at that level for a while and it's plenty fast.


I've also soloed Eremes a couple of times, as a Rogue... using mainly Red Vs and Explorer (from the hourly reward) on emergencies... also a speed pot, the tornado is a pain...

Personaly, Rogues are better for this task of solo dungeon boss hunting, but Im yet to reach the full colo gear on my Sin to test it out properly. (Not expecting much tho).

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#13 SparklingLimeade


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Posted 16 September 2013 - 12:34 PM

Personaly, Rogues are better for this task of solo dungeon boss hunting, but Im yet to reach the full colo gear on my Sin to test it out properly. (Not expecting much tho).


Strongly agreed. I've done my share of soloing but for bosses above 40 it very quickly goes from simple to impossible as they outpace potion heals. I spent a little while duoing Eremes with a priest but never considered soling him.

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#14 2534130520102140553


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Posted 16 September 2013 - 01:32 PM

I see I see... OOC, how exactly did you duo Eremes with a priest?  Clearing all the enemies of the dungeon?  Running the priest through all the enemies of the dungeon?  No real point in making this build in the first place if that's the case.  I can see that many think it can't be done, or at least can't be done efficiently, but the ability to get to Eremes without clearing a dungeon and solo him frankly has too much payoff for me not to try atm.


As far as crafted gear goes, I've got tons of mysterious crystals lying around from Oridecon farming for my Monk's Colo weapon, and I've seriously got about 300 or so Union Point random boxes just from leveling my sin atm.  My sin being an artiisan, I'll already have plenty of Wool Cloth by level 50.  I'm thinking that not a ton of zeny need be spent on crafted gear because of all this, and I don't really feel like saving mats to be sold at a later date when they're rare again, I know I'll have a lot of competition with that and frankly don't have a lot of patience. hehe.


I believe Darkness Valkrie is better than Raid H gear.  It sounds like I'll need all colo gear to pull it off, but what if, say, I got the colo weapon/accessories (the latter being rather easy with the burning colo event) and tier 2 crafted armor, with Tier 2 crafted armor being better than Raid H gear, would I perhaps be able to go to CoA and quicken the process of getting the needed gear for soloing Eremes?  I get the feeling one of the answers to that question would be along the lines of "You're a melee character, you'd need more HP and beyond to get into CoA, and you wouldn't be preferred anyways", but I ask anyways.

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#15 Leinzan


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Posted 16 September 2013 - 07:49 PM

Uhm, Darkness Valk is the craft design you get from Raids, so it'll be stronger than raid gears no doubt... however sadly as it is, the only crafted gears that surpasses Colo T1 AND T2 is the T4 which drops from AoD... I gotta agree the Vigor you get from the crafted gears is by far better than the half-half Haste/Vigor from colo gears... but they are overshadowed by the other stats, STR, AGI and VIT more than any other.


Getting crafted gears is also sad on investment, given that the only one which is required for the higher tiers are the weapons. While the gears can be jumped directly to T2 even if you dont have T1, said this they aren't required for T3 and even less for T4. So getting them while colo gearing is obviously faster (unless as you said already have all the mats you need or can get them pretty fast) is rather pointless...


Boosting to get the accesories while aiming for the weapon is not a bad idea, while the event is running you shouldn't spend any BP unless you have what you need to buy a T2 accesory (if you wish). For now just let the equips come until the event is done... I myself got 2 gears already from it (in the same day at that)... so it already saved me on a bunch of BP.


About bringing a priest to Eremes, its quite possible since they can heal while running, which is not that great but is better than nothing... and if we are speaking of duoing or soloing these bosses, getting the colo gears is the first thing that comes to mind...


About HP requirement... given the guild skills, if you have the HP passive skill and VIP, thats already a 30% HP bonus... if you add to that 5 STC and VIT runes to whatever gear you have, Health Potion, embroderies and Blessing to boot, reaching the minimum HP requirement for CoA doesn't seem imposible even without the full colo gear.


With a base of 5k HP all those bonus should boost you near the 7k hp...




On a side note: in order to run the priest to Eremes you gotta kill all the mobs from the beggining to Jeiwatch, from there running is possible, since those are the only ones that snares you (aside from those after Jeiwatch Fury and before Assassin Elder).

So first kill all the mobs up to Jeiwatch, also kill Jeiwatch, then run to the hall before Jeiwatch Fury, then run again until the stairs past Assassin Elder, then fight Assassin Elder until he teleports at the center of the hall, then reset him and the door will open.

Good luck!

Edited by Leinzan, 16 September 2013 - 07:53 PM.

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#16 SparklingLimeade


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Posted 16 September 2013 - 08:01 PM

Soloed Eremes. It was hard. DV pants, DA shoes, everything else colo (including accessories). 100 sec CD executer undead pet. Food and master pot buffs. Surprisingly only took about 10 master red pots on the successful attempt. The hardest part was managing the tornado and adds. I don't think I could do it reliably due to that tornado and it's freaky range. It might go better if I killed the shadow clones as the were summoned instead of de-aggroing them and limiting where I can safely run.


You will be able to do this but it will take gear. Honestly I think skill points to kill it faster will be better spent than Hiding Exceed anyway. Both increase the speed you can do this at and killing the boss faster makes it safer.


On a side note: in order to run the priest to Eremes you gotta kill all the mobs from the beggining to Jeiwatch, from there running is possible, since those are the only ones that snares you (aside from those after Jeiwatch Fury and before Assassin Elder).

So first kill all the mobs up to Jeiwatch, also kill Jeiwatch, then run to the hall before Jeiwatch Fury, then run again until the stairs past Assassin Elder, then fight Assassin Elder until he teleports at the center of the hall, then reset him and the door will open.

Good luck!

We ran everything. Sometimes she died to snares but there's Recovery to survive the first one.

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#17 2534130520102140553


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Posted 16 September 2013 - 08:58 PM

Hm, I'll consider running with a priest, perhaps before I can effectively solo it, or if in the end it turns out I can't solo it efficiently no matter what.  If I do end up deciding to do so I'll take that skill reset scroll saved from the lvl 35 starter pack and respec to care less about mobility and more about DPS.  More importantly, it's nice to know it's soloable, I somewhat expected near full colo gear to be necessary.  Haven't checked the price of Master Reds in the AH for a while since I usually craft my own, but if it's something like 30z per stack like it used to be that's about 15z per run.  I believe drop rates for DNA were somewhere between 3-7%, that would be about 15-25 runs per fragment (although RNG can be cruel sometimes and not give you anything for much more than that)  That would be 150-250 Master Red Potions (ouch), costing about 275-375z per fragment on average, easily justified by the amount of zeny you can make by selling an Eremes DNA Fragment.  Not to mention that I can get the Eremes Pet for myself for starters and use it to farm Eremes himself more effectively than an Executer Undead.


Granted, this doesn't include the food and master pot buffs, not sure how to add that into calculations atm.  However, it also doesn't include Cow VIP or Thief Potions either, although as Thief Potions aren't tradeable I hesitate to include that as an option, even if it is $3 for 11 thief potions. (11 hours)


Perhaps even better methods for fighting Eremes can be developed as well (particularly with the tornado, perhaps a timing could be developed for that), will be a while until I get to the point where I can even try but I'll be sure to post any such methods I may find in the distant future.


If we're talking safest class to run with that doesn't involve clearing/running the entire dungeon, I'd assume the Ranger would be the best fit, with strafing and whatnot, but I dunno much about that class.  It's actually a very good point you make though; whether or not added DPS skills can kill the boss faster and more safely to counteract the lack of speed in getting to the boss.  Although I have to say, I'd miss being able to run around in hiding like I'm permanently on Wind Elixirs. XD


As far as CoA, I'm just trying to add as many options to better the gear that I can use to solo Eremes; if I can do CoA twice a week (assuming I find a good raid or soemthing, with how difficult CoA is atm lol) that's twice a week having a chance at something to replace the tier 2 crafted gear while waiting on colo gears.  Although I'd prefer AGI runes in the end, I suppose I could just VIT rune the Tier 2 craft equips.

Edited by 2534130520102140553, 17 September 2013 - 04:10 AM.

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#18 Leinzan


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Posted 17 September 2013 - 06:27 AM

Go cheap and only do +5 VIT runes >___>;; (you might not even need them anyway)


Well, those numbers does sound reliable price wise, altho walking there is still a pain in the ass... but remember that you can get daily 5 speed pots that lasts for 10 minutes each, thats plenty of time to reach your target AND kill it (assuming you can always do this on the first attempt). Thats an option if you want to save points for more DPS skills.

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#19 2534130520102140553


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Posted 17 September 2013 - 07:37 AM

Go cheap and only do +5 VIT runes >___>;; (you might not even need them anyway)


Well, those numbers does sound reliable price wise, altho walking there is still a pain in the ass... but remember that you can get daily 5 speed pots that lasts for 10 minutes each, thats plenty of time to reach your target AND kill it (assuming you can always do this on the first attempt). Thats an option if you want to save points for more DPS skills.


Or... I could keep the speed build... and add the speed pots on top of that for super speed, muahaha...


Lol jk, I've gotten a bit addicted to the speed of my current build is all.


5 daily speed pots?  All I get for logging in daily is Heavenly Sausage, is there a way to select which reward you get?  Cuz if so, I've wasted far too many dailly rewards. 0_o  Aside from that, if I want to farm for many hours on end I'd need to save up a few days worth of those speed pots... though I'd probably have about 500 of them by now if I really got 5 a day. XD


And yes, I was planning on going cheap with the VITrunes, lol.  This is my attempt at skipping as far as I can as cheaply as possible into the game as quickly as possible on a character, perfect timing with the union point random boxes dropping, colo event, +120% exp event (which tbh I'm not sure is actually going on, not seeing that effect), etc.  I'm coming to like my sin though, regardless of whether or not it's more efficient to go for speed as opposed to DPS for farming I'll probably respec to DPS skills eventually and have him be one of my mains. :3


EDIT: Come to think of it, regarding the tornado... cheap as it is, people have been doing things like stunning RM at the right moment so he doesn't have a chance to summon his turtles.  Perhaps with practice such timing could also be applied to Eremes' tornado (I don't know, RM's turtle spawning is on a timer while the tornado skill is dependant on HP iirc), and even his clones, depending on your pet's CD ofc... but I don't really want to farm a lot of pets on a second char. T_T

Edited by 2534130520102140553, 17 September 2013 - 08:24 AM.

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#20 Leinzan


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Posted 17 September 2013 - 08:26 AM

5 daily speed pots?  All I get for logging in daily is Heavenly Sausage, is there a way to select which reward you get?  Cuz if so, I've wasted far too many dailly rewards. 0_o  Aside from that, if I want to farm for many hours on end I'd need to save up a few days worth of those speed pots... though I'd probably have about 500 of them by now if I really got 5 a day. XD



Go to prontera, north-west, there is a quest board. Pick the 4th quest, it's daily. Stealth and talk to the NPC at your left from facing the board, you'll enter the WoE map.


Farm 7 herbs in there and bwing outside, since NPCs aren't working right now to warp you out.

Go back to the board place and at the right from facing the board is the NPC you gotta talk to to get the 5 daily speed pots.


60% extra walking speed, 10 minutes duration.


Enjoy! (yea I also loved the stealth speed)

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#21 2534130520102140553


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Posted 17 September 2013 - 08:30 AM



Go to prontera, north-west, there is a quest board. Pick the 4th quest, it's daily. Stealth and talk to the NPC at your left from facing the board, you'll enter the WoE map.


Farm 7 herbs in there and bwing outside, since NPCs aren't working right now to warp you out.

Go back to the board place and at the right from facing the board is the NPC you gotta talk to to get the 5 daily speed pots.


60% extra walking speed, 10 minutes duration.


Enjoy! (yea I also loved the stealth speed)

Dang that's very, VERY useful info, I guess I shouldn't have avoided WoE as much as I have.  5 whole 10 min duration speed pots a DAY, per character?  Why the heck am I buying 1 min speed pots on AH? XD


Tyvm for the tip, definitely will come in handy for farming eremes.

Edited by 2534130520102140553, 17 September 2013 - 08:31 AM.

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#22 Leinzan


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Posted 17 September 2013 - 08:38 AM

Why the heck am I buying 1 min speed pots on AH? XD

Those are still good for colo if you want to spare the 10 minute ones for farming O___o;;!


BTW there is also another quest there that awards you 1 white potion pitcher (1255cc or something), it would come in handy for raids if you farm that too (for an emergency party heal). Just a bit more annoying to do, but with your stealth speed should be easy.

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#23 2534130520102140553


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Posted 17 September 2013 - 08:51 AM

BTW, thought I'd mention that I've witnessed someone freeze the tornado with Imverse of Ruins.

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#24 Leinzan


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Posted 17 September 2013 - 09:25 AM

That sounds like a pokemon battle, down right

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#25 Velouce


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Posted 17 September 2013 - 10:23 PM

Out of curiousness... How is it even possible to loot eremes? I tried it today, but when he was at low HP juliana killed him. After I took her on as well, only her body was available to loot (and I had no eremes corpse to loot at any time, as well as no one ever mentioned you'd need to kill her too on top of him).

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