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Whaddya think of this build for farming?

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#51 2534130520102140553


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Posted 23 September 2013 - 12:28 PM

Aight, so I'm level 50, but it's hard finding armor crafters of any specific class.  If anyone knows where to find Darkness Valkyrie Armor crafting for an Assassin, lemme know.  I have the materials ready easily thanks to union point random boxes so I'm skipping past Bapho and PvE.

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#52 SparklingLimeade


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Posted 23 September 2013 - 01:29 PM

When I was looking for crafters I just went to the AH and started whispering anyone who had crafted sin gear for sale. Nobody responded directly but later that day I found one of them vending their crafting services in a conspicuous location. To be exact, it was LittleChopper. He has a good number of artisan plans and charges nothing when you can find him. You can sometimes find him sitting in front of Winry for the lulz (or something).

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#53 Leinzan


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Posted 23 September 2013 - 02:29 PM

you could also try the marketing section I suppose o____o;;

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#54 2534130520102140553


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Posted 23 September 2013 - 05:15 PM

you could also try the marketing section I suppose o____o;;


I did, waited about half a day, looked back at the topic, saw it had absolutely no views, and deleted the topic.  The marketing section of the forums doesn't seem too popular.  'sides, the possibility of free crafts sounds too good~

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#55 Leinzan


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Posted 23 September 2013 - 05:38 PM

then ask Vau, I think he mentioned somewhere in the forums about someone who crafted his gear... might be only the weapon tho.

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#56 Velouce


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 02:32 PM

After wasting over 40 Master Reds and 10 Wind Elixirs on failing runs I just can strongly suggest everyone from my deepest heart, don't waste time with Eremes. This game is so enormously bugged by now that it pains my soul. Every single time when the tornado starts, one of those things will happen inavoidably:

- Eremes resets without running even close to the spots he is supposed to reset in;

- Eremes will stunlock your position even if he stands 10 miles away, you can only watch the tornado get you (pretty much every single time, the matter is just, when he does. If he does it at the end of the tornados timer, you might survive);

- The Tornado gets you even though you're 10 miles away;

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#57 Leinzan


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 03:00 PM

I'll give it a shot after patch...

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#58 2534130520102140553


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 05:53 PM



Off topic perhaps, but I got my first champ in colo on my new sin!  First champ ever in playing the game for > 3 months, dunno what that means but hey, I champed muahaha... hehe AirSoul was quite generous with his point~


(Yes it's pink, that has to do with my regional settings being set to Japanese, I really should change that, but I play Japanese games, so ssssh. :P)


Course as you can not so clearly see, I hid in a room for the last 30 seconds fully expecting to suddenly drop to rank 2, but hey, whatever works. :P


ofc the weapon box gave me a quiver


and I still haven't gotten a single piece of armor or the weapon this entire event.


On the other hand, a friend of mine who rolled a new ranger got the shirt, pants, gloves, and got both the quiver and bow, from the boxes during the event.  And bought the shoes.  And is only 20k bp away from the helmet.  All in about a week.  Someone shoot me already. ;_;

Edited by 2534130520102140553, 24 September 2013 - 05:54 PM.

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#59 Leinzan


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 06:44 PM

I got hat, shoes and gloves :V!

already had weapon and accesories and planning to buy shirt and pants at the same time... thats about 840k and I already have 566k sooooo this even also helped me! XD


that was the last colo for this event so, CONGRATULATIONS ON GETTING YOUR TARD-HAT!

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#60 Velouce


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 05:31 AM

Managed to get the 2slot oath on my rogue in the last moment as well (my sin got 5, without any pets)









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#61 Leinzan


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 06:18 AM

Heh, nice, congratulations >=D!

Keep up the good play!

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#62 2534130520102140553


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 07:47 AM

Managed to get the 2slot oath on my rogue in the last moment as well (my sin got 5, without any pets)


I see a Mermaid on CD in that Sin picture, but gratz anyways.  Specially on the Rogue.  Frankly after figuring out my Sin I can't imagine champing without faster movement speed and Shadow Assault, even if I've never played Rogue.  I guess you can just re-hide during the last minute if you were able to achieve 1st place though?


On Topic:


After some effort found DV shirt and pants, but having trouble finding DV Hat, Gloves, and Shoes.  Frankly beginning to think I'll prolly get full colo before I do, but that's probably just impatience talking, I haven't even gotten the colo weapon yet... *mumbles some choice words about the colo burning event not dropping anything useful*


Since I've still got so many spare mats from Union Point Random boxes I'll keep looking for the rest of the equips, but I'll just keep coloing and filling up what I don't have in the meantime.


Looks like my dreams of farming Eremes are going to be dashed by a certain DNA Random Box though...  I'll bet by the time I get to that point Gravity will have finally nerfed stun pets... and the AH prices for dna in general...


Oh well, at least I've had fun with my new Sin and will soon have a good char for farming, since it's fast and can skip to w/e I want to farm. ^_^

Edited by 2534130520102140553, 27 September 2013 - 08:55 AM.

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#63 mysticalre


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 03:46 PM

but having trouble finding DV Hat, Gloves, and Shoes. 


from what I know, these don't exist.


- recipes for any helms don't exist

- recipes for DV hat, gloves, shoes don't seem to exist as well


however, "Pitch Darkness" shoes and gloves exist, the helm would have to be bought with either:


- Colo

- Dungeon Token



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#64 Velouce


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 05:10 PM

Yeah with no pets I ment more like Embus, ExUn or Eremes :P

They really should fuse pets for all chars, it's way to hard to maintain 2 chars with pets now.


Pitch Darkness is quite decent. A bit lower stats than Colo but still great. But it's really expensive/rare atm.

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#65 2534130520102140553


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 08:27 PM

from what I know, these don't exist.


- recipes for any helms don't exist

- recipes for DV hat, gloves, shoes don't seem to exist as well


however, "Pitch Darkness" shoes and gloves exist, the helm would have to be bought with either:


- Colo

- Dungeon Token




Ah, that explains it.  I must've sounded stupid/crazy to those I asked if they had shoes/hat/gloves... this will prove troublesome, guess I'll have to do Bapho/PvE N then H while I colo for the helm/gloves/shoes, after the colo weap of course.  Well, guess I was too caught up in thinking that I could skip straight to CoA to realize that there was no DV gloves/shoes/hat.  Pitch would be far too expensive, i was hoping to use materials I had.


Guess I'll get back to you guys in, like, a month when I have enough colo gear to try eremes myself. : P

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#66 Leinzan


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Posted 28 September 2013 - 07:07 AM

As an Assassin, farming BP should be a breeze, seriously those guys stand on the same ground as the rangeds O___o;;;

You only need about 600k BP for those 3 pieces :V! So worry not!

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#67 2534130520102140553


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Posted 29 September 2013 - 01:45 PM

As an Assassin, farming BP should be a breeze, seriously those guys stand on the same ground as the rangeds O___o;;;

You only need about 600k BP for those 3 pieces :V! So worry not!


True, I just champed again actually.  At this rate I'll probably have those and the weapon in a week actually, if I keep getting at least round 5 and attending 2-3 colos a day.  Guess I'm just thinking about the months it took to get my Monk full colo. : P

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#68 Velouce


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Posted 04 October 2013 - 06:26 AM

I just tried Eremes after a long time again, and I could beat him without using any Master Reds. Now that I have most of my AOD gear and Embus/Exe with 24 second cooldown it works pretty well. He still bugs me every single time by freezing my position when the tornado is out (over a 10mile distance). The best thing you can do is summoning an Embus when the tornado is out, this way he will stay frozen and unable to attack you while the tornado blasts you off/ if he tries to stunlock.

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#69 2534130520102140553


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Posted 04 October 2013 - 09:31 AM

Well I'm just about to get my colo weap after next colo, but... well, I've been flying, I'm already 5/11 for AoD. XD  So if it's easy enough to do without master reds with AoD gear, I may be set very soon anyways.  I just wonder if I'll make it before the inevitable nerf the Gravity's gonna do now that they've gotten everyone's money from the DNA random boxes.

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#70 2534130520102140553


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Posted 06 October 2013 - 07:25 AM

I just tried Eremes after a long time again, and I could beat him without using any Master Reds. Now that I have most of my AOD gear and Embus/Exe with 24 second cooldown it works pretty well. He still bugs me every single time by freezing my position when the tornado is out (over a 10mile distance). The best thing you can do is summoning an Embus when the tornado is out, this way he will stay frozen and unable to attack you while the tornado blasts you off/ if he tries to stunlock.


Finally attempted a solo with near AoD H gear, but only had time for one try.  I was whittling him down quite a bit, but that tornado is definitely the biggest issue.  I feel I was sloppy in how I handled it, I never reset it properly; or rather, my attempt to reset it reset Eremes too.  I'll be doing more attempts when I have the time, but in the meantime:


First of all, by no master reds, do you mean you used some other sort of Red Potion?  Do you use Executer Undead when not using Embus?

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#71 Velouce


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Posted 06 October 2013 - 11:25 AM

First off, by now I can assure you it is close to impossible avoiding the tornado. Regardless of where you stay, even if there is no lousy fail connect with it 100 miles away from you, even if you're changing the camera so it doesnt auto-change by 180 degree, making you run into the tornado like an idiot, yes even then, it will get you because Eremes will stunlock your position with his stupid skills, and he can do that no matter where you stand.


Also, resetting the tornado is a waste of time. In 90% of the time it resets Eremes, and sometimes he resets without any reason (like not even getting close to the reset positions).


So if you want to farm him effective, the best requirement indeed is embus. You don't even abuse a bug this way, you just make a bug less likely to kill you. Embus is able to freeze the tornado, as well as being able to freeze eremes. This means, no you don't cast an embus until he uses his tornado. That of cours,e unless you have max cd. Then you can spam embus whenever available. Now with that, Eremes still will stun you and the tornado still k.o.s you most of the time. The big difference here is, if Embus doesn't get the tornado, she freezes Eremes, meaning you can stay perma k.o.ed because eremes can't reach you in this time.


As for the potions: Since you're an assassin, I can't really tell the best strategy. I can easily avoid using potions by using GP / freezing eremes allows me to emergency run and recover if really needed. In this case I use V pots, but they're cheap enough. It might help using Exe Undead because freezing actually doesn't really change the fact you have to stay in Eremes attack range for dealing damage, Embus is only really important for the Tornado. BUt there is the problem, if you're in the middle of your pet cd when he summons the tornado, it might become a problem, so I wouldn't really bother with any other pet than Embus until after the second Tornado is gone.

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#72 2534130520102140553


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Posted 06 October 2013 - 04:04 PM

Ah right, forgot you were a rogue.  I'm almost beginning to wish I'd chosen ranger so I could just embus and range, but I'mma stick with the idea that this is faster.  I know someone said they'd whittled it down to 5 master reds with Colo gear, so I assume I can do this relatively well still.  I also need to get that AoD H weap so I can stop saving my Ori and get that 24-30% extra attack power, which will probably be quite helpful.

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#73 Velouce


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Posted 06 October 2013 - 04:29 PM

Probably even easier as a sorc. Anyways, speaking of the weapon, I've done around 30 runs in hard and saw every weapon so far but assassin and rogue. Same counts for normal, which I've been running around as many times by now. Rogue Weapon might drop more often because you hear it being dropped from every corner, sadly just never when I'm in the party. I don't know why certain weapons have a lower droprate because I don't see any point in this. But you should notice this as well when farming lower level bosses. Like I never saw Jeff Valentine drop anything else than bow and mace. By now I'm pretty much 100% sure that those are the only weapons you can get there. However, for example some Zone Bosses are supposed to drop every weapon, and I never saw Merem drop an Assassin Claw, even after killing it over ~200 times.

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#74 2534130520102140553


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Posted 06 October 2013 - 04:47 PM

Sorcerer even easier, sure.  Course, have fun farming hiding scrolls before you even get to farm Eremes. :3


As far as the Sin weapon not dropping... I sure hope not. D:

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#75 Velouce


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Posted 07 October 2013 - 08:23 AM

Well not for that case in particular, althought you're still able to use the khara flight bug to get to Eremes. Also by the time oyu have AOD gear it shouldn't be hard to run through there without hide anymore.

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